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Should Nintendo go 3rd party?!


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Most likely scenario is Nintendo will drop support for the Wii U in late 2014 / early 2015 after Zelda is released and concentrate on the 3DS.


Only when they lose the handheld market completely, will they consider going 3rd party.


If they did go 3rd party and its a big IF, they would probably do something similar to what Sega did and split their franchises between Microsoft, Sony and probably by then Apple.


Imagine the bidding war for exclusivity rights to Mario, Pokemon & Zelda.


I don't see Nintendo overtly dropping the Wii U. Looking at the GC, which was doing poorly, They stuck with it to the bitter end. Twilight was GC/Wii cross platform (An argument against Serebii's one platform only argument actually... even if GC and Wii used similar architecture :wink:)

If worse comes to the worst they can consider the Wii U as an R&D experiment and use it to ramp up their HD output a bit, all while they prepare for the g9 console.

I won't argue the Wii U is successful, I bought it precisely because it reminded me of the GC. This afternoon I had an awesome time playing Nintendoland with my nephews and brother, everyone had an amazing time. I've had good times with the Wii, but the GC was AMAZING.

I read somewhere, Nintendo with its back to the wall is Nintendo at it's best.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I'm not hating on standard controllers, I'm just saying if a game like Zelda goes back to a standard contoller then what does Sony or Microsoft have to offer other than slightly better graphics. And what's to stop Nintendo matching them graphically with their next console? I don't see how it benefits a game like that to be on a Sony or Microsoft console. Skyard Sword wouldn't have been the innovative gameplay experience it was on the PS3 or 360 without the Wii hardware.


Skyward sword was so divisive because a lot of people didn't like motion controls, among some other reasons. I know a lot of people on here, myself included, didn't like motion controls.


The bolded part, I just don't agree with. Nintendo shouldn't be looking to control methods as a way of innovating their games. Unless virtual reality becomes a hit.


I think the most important thing Nintendo can do to improve Zelda is to redesign the format - change the game content. Nobody is crying out for a new way to control Link. In some ways to me, having a new method of controlling your character is a bit like someone removing your mouse from your PC and giving you a new peripheral. Interesting, perhaps, but can also be pretty annoying.

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It's odd we are now discussing what allows for more innovation; a novel controller or more power. For me, it will always be more power as that allows for bigger, more immersive worlds which we can explore. Nintendo tried to create big worlds with Wind Waker and TP but in the end, the worlds were largely empty.


Not being constrained by the power of a console is incredibly important for a franchise where exploring the world is so important. Other than Skyward Sword, the controls have never even been an issue for me.

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Seems to me most people just want Nintendo to go third party so it saves them buying multiple consoles.


To be honest, there seems to be little to differentiate xbox and ps4, I think most dual console owners go for one of those two consoles, then add a Nintendo console.

Buying all three tends to be a choice few make, due to the lower numbers of exclusives between the PS4 and XBOX (I am aware there are some exclusives, but afaik there is a greater overlap, so only the more dedicated (and financially fortunate) gamers buy both a playstation and xbox.)


If Nintendo produced games for one console maker it would be a better financial solution for gamers, no doubt. If I could buy a WIi U/X1/PS4 OR a console that played all 3 formats, All 4 consoles at the same price, I know which I would go for/ It's a no brainer, for gamers this competition is screwing us over - to have access to every game in a generation would cost near a grand (if all consoles were bought with all the controllers).


So I can totally understand the wishful thinking element. If PS4 owners with a Wii U hadn't bought the Wii U, that's 5 more games they could have afforded. Simple logic. Of course it would be even better for them if 3rd parties sold on the Wii U, then they could have bought even more games by not purchasing a ps4, so the logic isn't exclusively based on money.

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It isn't just the money factor though. If Wii U games came out on PS4 for instance you'd have next gen graphics, a robust online system and arguably a better controller (I'm not a huge gamepad fan).



yes, as I said:

so the logic isn't exclusively based on money.


I'm not sure the graphics would have been noticeably better so far, It seems from all accounts I have read so far that Nintendo are struggling to adapt to the Wii U's capabilities and getting the most out of that. I imagine the issues would be more noticeable on the PS4 and X1. Potentially worse, as their competitors, having adapted last gen to HD graphics, would possibly be able to make Nintendo games look decidedly 2nd class. Guess we'll never know though.


Kinda side step here, are there no x1/PS4 copycat controllers for the Wii U classic controller?

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yes, as I said:



I'm not sure the graphics would have been noticeably better so far, It seems from all accounts I have read so far that Nintendo are struggling to adapt to the Wii U's capabilities and getting the most out of that. I imagine the issues would be more noticeable on the PS4 and X1. Potentially worse, as their competitors, having adapted last gen to HD graphics, would possibly be able to make Nintendo games look decidedly 2nd class. Guess we'll never know though.


Kinda side step here, are there no x1/PS4 copycat controllers for the Wii U classic controller?

It's not that Nintendo is struggling to adapt to the Wii U's capabilities and get the most of it, it's that they underestimated the amount of time and manpower they needed.

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Like what? Generating income to fund/prop up other parts of the business? (yes I know they have a huge cash reserves to call on) Logical and factual.


isnt there also a chance that people playing a bare bones low cost mario runner could then be more interested to play a full mario game on 3DS.


Nintendo could have 3DS ads within the app.

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isnt there also a chance that people playing a bare bones low cost mario runner could then be more interested to play a full mario game on 3DS.


Nintendo could have 3DS ads within the app.


I could see lapsed gamers playing it and going on about how they used to play Mario years ago. Maybe something happening after that etc.

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i think the thing to fear with smartphone gaming is something like whats happened to the breath of fire franchise happening to something like pokemon or other RPG's Nitnendo own the Ip's /joint own the ip's for


then if they get more revenue from that on an ios/android platform, then fully fleshed out games are less likely to be produced.


the free to play and/or dumbed down model is something to fear if it generates more revneue for developers (from a gamer stand point) as it likely will mean the end of franchise as we know them, in theory if they do well it could generate enough interest to renew a franchise but thus far i can think of no instance where that has happened, the only example i am eagerly following/playing is Nosgoth, it will mean the death of the legacy of kain franchise, but the developers say if it does well Square may produce a true game in the IP.....its not going to do well though so thats the death of the gaming IP and the continuation of the IP's bastardisation on the free to play model


i think that sort of thing is something people get at when they say mobile is the death knells of develpers....and well Square enix are heading down a souless corperate path to mobile

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i think the thing to fear with smartphone gaming is something like whats happened to the breath of fire franchise happening to something like pokemon or other RPG's Nitnendo own the Ip's /joint own the ip's for


then if they get more revenue from that on an ios/android platform, then fully fleshed out games are less likely to be produced.


the free to play and/or dumbed down model is something to fear if it generates more revneue for developers (from a gamer stand point) as it likely will mean the end of franchise as we know them, in theory if they do well it could generate enough interest to renew a franchise but thus far i can think of no instance where that has happened, the only example i am eagerly following/playing is Nosgoth, it will mean the death of the legacy of kain franchise, but the developers say if it does well Square may produce a true game in the IP.....its not going to do well though so thats the death of the gaming IP and the continuation of the IP's bastardisation on the free to play model


i think that sort of thing is something people get at when they say mobile is the death knells of develpers....and well Square enix are heading down a souless corperate path to mobile


good point..

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I would rather they made a serious attempt to make a console worth owning for more then just Nintendo games before they went third party. Because as much as I consider their games the best in the world its not enough to justify myself buying a full fledged console for £300+ JUST for their titles. I think this is the main reason for the Wii U's sales figures. If it wasn't for the massive price cuts its been getting in the UK, i wouldn't have bought a Wii U at this point in time.


If they can't get third party on board, with day and date releases like the others and all the same features, can't compete with an online service like the others etc then yeah, it would be best that they went and made games for other platforms so they can just concentrate on what they do best.

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The Rayman free runners are great and don't detract from the main games at all.


Yeah I agree. It'd be great to see stuff like that on a phone. Maybe a mini-version of a game like Punch Out or even the Donkey Kong Nintendo Land game.


I don't think Nintendo should ever release a phone, but I'd be interested in a Nintendo '3rd pillar'; a touch screen device the same size as a Galaxy S4 phone with ONLY a screen and no buttons. Put android on it and sell it for £99-149 with the sole purpose for playing quick, bite sized mini games on the go. Imagine waiting for a bus or you're early for lectures...just get it out and play a quick game of Punch Out or a Rayman esque Mario title. Give it internet access so people can access Miiverse or leaderboards off of it and it'd sell pretty well imo, especially as the software could be priced around £3-5.


My nephews who game on iPad's/PS3's would love that.

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Yeah I agree. It'd be great to see stuff like that on a phone. Maybe a mini-version of a game like Punch Out or even the Donkey Kong Nintendo Land game.


I don't think Nintendo should ever release a phone, but I'd be interested in a Nintendo '3rd pillar'; a touch screen device the same size as a Galaxy S4 phone with ONLY a screen and no buttons. Put android on it and sell it for £99-149 with the sole purpose for playing quick, bite sized mini games on the go. Imagine waiting for a bus or you're early for lectures...just get it out and play a quick game of Punch Out or a Rayman esque Mario title. Give it internet access so people can access Miiverse or leaderboards off of it and it'd sell pretty well imo, especially as the software could be priced around £3-5.


My nephews who game on iPad's/PS3's would love that.


Wouldnt it be outdated in a year? Smartphone/tablet technology moves so quick so Nintendo would have to do yearly iterations.


Not forgetting Android is opensource so getting software for free is ever so easy.

Edited by liger05
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Wouldnt it be outdated in a year? Smartphone/tablet technology moves so quick so Nintendo would have to do yearly iterations.


Not forgetting Android is opensource so getting software for free is ever so easy.


I'm talking about size of the screen.


And tbh, screen quality is fantastic already; the next generation of screens are doing ridiculous resolutions that aren't even necessary and will undoubtedly drain the battery life. A 720p/1080p 5-inch device is all they need. Sell it for £99 and get lots of small software on there...



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I'm talking about size of the screen.


And tbh, screen quality is fantastic already; the next generation of screens are doing ridiculous resolutions that aren't even necessary and will undoubtedly drain the battery life. A 720p/1080p 5-inch device is all they need. Sell it for £99 and get lots of small software on there...




I dont know. I'm not sure people are going to want to carry around another phone like device as as I said I'm pretty sure if it ran Android people could rip the APK files which people could then install on any other Android device.

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I dont know. I'm not sure people are going to want to carry around another phone like device as as I said I'm pretty sure if it ran Android people could rip the APK files which people could then install on any other Android device.


True that! It was just a suggestion, as releasing software on iOS/Android devices is something I expect them to do. I do genuinely think if they released their own cheap touch screen device though it would make them a lot of money, because:


1.People like owning shing new devices.

2. Impulse buy, Impulse buy!

3. It won't wreck the battery on your phone.


Of course, this is just me daydreaming ;)

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There's two arguments here and quite often they pull in separate directions. Improving their business and improving the Wii u and future consoles.


Releasing mobile games is a business decision (though you could argue the experimentation could be inspirational), not intended to improve their software, but drive people to it.


As for a runner mario... I don't mind the idea as such. I think it IS dangerous... Tricky one. Like someone said, the Rayman games are almost perfect mobile games, don't replace the full versions, but compliment them brilliantly. Didn't exactly bring people to legends though...


I wouldn't mind seeing cheap, taster games suited to mobile from Nintendo. I'd hate to see any retro release or ports though.

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isnt there also a chance that people playing a bare bones low cost mario runner could then be more interested to play a full mario game on 3DS.


Nintendo could have 3DS ads within the app.


The Rayman free runners are great and don't detract from the main games at all.


You've both proved a point I was going to make. I bought Rayman Origins on the back of the runner game.


Yeah I agree. It'd be great to see stuff like that on a phone. Maybe a mini-version of a game like Punch Out or even the Donkey Kong Nintendo Land game.


I don't think Nintendo should ever release a phone, but I'd be interested in a Nintendo '3rd pillar'; a touch screen device the same size as a Galaxy S4 phone with ONLY a screen and no buttons. Put android on it and sell it for £99-149 with the sole purpose for playing quick, bite sized mini games on the go. Imagine waiting for a bus or you're early for lectures...just get it out and play a quick game of Punch Out or a Rayman esque Mario title. Give it internet access so people can access Miiverse or leaderboards off of it and it'd sell pretty well imo, especially as the software could be priced around £3-5.


My nephews who game on iPad's/PS3's would love that.


Whose gonna carry around two near identical devices one that is a phone and one that isn't?

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