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Alien: Isolation


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A lot of people of the Alien Isolation forum have actually been leaning towards Easy as the more fun difficulty setting. And I agree. On hard the Alien is tethered to you, always right next to you and after a while the tension dissipates into frustration. On easy however the Alien gives you a wider birth but this also leads to more tension; you don't know where the it.


On easy it will pop out of vents you don 't expect and will take longer walks around the areas. It may be easier when it comes to quantities of items but when it comes to tension, fear and the alien itself? It's not that easy.




Hmm, wonder if it's worth trying then? As for items, I don't think I used that many, except for the flamethrower (hnnnnnnnng). I used the noisemaker once and it was absolute carnage, I shit myself. Don't think I used it many times after that.


Easy sounds interesting now. Could make that my next difficulty when I go through it again.

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Finished it. :yay:


Really enjoyable game, a must for all Alien fans.


Its made me want to watch all the films again.


Read a bit of criticism about the save points before I played it, I had no issue with them and didn't have to replay a whole area again because of the distance between each one.



I kept expecting the Queen to show up but nope, maybe the sequel.


I'm guessing the ship that spotted Ripley at the end was the Weyland Yutani ship Apollo was securing the nest for?


The one thing Colonial Marines got right was the Alien Queen reveal


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Finished it. :yay:


Really enjoyable game, a must for all Alien fans.


Its made me want to watch all the films again.


Read a bit of criticism about the save points before I played it, I had no issue with them and didn't have to replay a whole area again because of the distance between each one.



I kept expecting the Queen to show up but nope, maybe the sequel.


I'm guessing the ship that spotted Ripley at the end was the Weyland Yutani ship Apollo was securing the nest for?


The one thing Colonial Marines got right was the Alien Queen reveal


You can hear the Queen screaming when you're in the nest. In a way I was quite glad she didn't appear. I was already frightened enough. But yeah I reckon she'd be in the sequel.


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Fucking hell, I spent several hours getting a fucking keycard :rolleyes:. Shit be tense! I hope I have to deal with humans and/or androids next section, they´re not nearly as persistent..


In some instances, I found the androids to be worse. Especially if you have to accomplish some sort of task and they're loitering around.


Enjoy the game. :D Extra tip, play the game with headphones...it's horrible and yet beautiful.

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For the first time in absolute years, I'm terrified of playing a game. This game makes me want to shit myself! Play this in the dark with your headphones on! Bloody hell, it's frightening! It's so realistic and the atmosphere is tense! Every move you make makes a noise and the dark is just...dark. I can't see anything. Usually in games, you can see ahead or see some sort of outline but this is so realistic.


I know one thing for sure, I'm NEVER playing this in daylight. I think it'd totally ruin it!

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No matter how you play it you'll probably have some sort of heart attack. :D
Yep, I've had several already since I started playing this. :heh:


The DTS setting in this game is incredible! :o And it makes an already terrifying game about 100 times scarier. :shakehead Being completely surrounded in the various sounds while exploring, and having the floor actually tremble with the sound of the Alien's footsteps is fucking amazing. :awesome:

Man, they really nailed the atmosphere with this game. icon14.gif

And the motion tracker... Wow, so cool. I really love how you can gradually adjust the DOF with the shoulder trigger.


As much as I'm enjoying it though, I've also discovered that I'm bloody awful at it! :laughing: Started playing on Medium difficulty, soon had to drop to easy, and then had to drop it once again to the easiest setting! :blush:

Was getting continually killed by the same groups of human and synthetic NPCs until then, despite my best attempts to be stealthy. ::shrug:

I'm just not cut out for stealth gameplay, never have been, never will be.

Hopefully I'll improve a bit as I go, and will be able to do another playthrough on Medium. :hehe:


Anyway, very glad I finally got the chance to play this game. :)

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Yep, I've had several already since I started playing this. :heh:


The DTS setting in this game is incredible! :o And it makes an already terrifying game about 100 times scarier. :shakehead Being completely surrounded in the various sounds while exploring, and having the floor actually tremble with the sound of the Alien's footsteps is fucking amazing. :awesome:

Man, they really nailed the atmosphere with this game. icon14.gif

And the motion tracker... Wow, so cool. I really love how you can gradually adjust the DOF with the shoulder trigger.


As much as I'm enjoying it though, I've also discovered that I'm bloody awful at it! :laughing: Started playing on Medium difficulty, soon had to drop to easy, and then had to drop it once again to the easiest setting! :blush:

Was getting continually killed by the same groups of human and synthetic NPCs until then, despite my best attempts to be stealthy. ::shrug:

I'm just not cut out for stealth gameplay, never have been, never will be.

Hopefully I'll improve a bit as I go, and will be able to do another playthrough on Medium. :hehe:


Anyway, very glad I finally got the chance to play this game. :)


My tip would be to never ever fucking run or even walk unless you are absolutely sure that you can see your exit and that you know you're going to make it without attracting the alien or synthetics.


Crouch. Crouch like your life depended on it and plan what you're going to do before you do it. There will be times where you die repeatedly, but as long as you learn from what you did wrong, you'll make it through.


Sometimes you're best off avoiding confrontation. There are many ways around this as you will learn.


The sound is incredible and it's probably got the best sound design of any game I've ever played. They really nailed this and it adds to the atmosphere in just so many ways. :)



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As I said a few pages back, it's actually more scary and much more like the Alien films if you have the difficulty set on easy. On harder difficulties the Alien always stays close, which can get frustrating and lead to less tension. On easy, although you get more items, you never know for sure where the bloody hell the thing is.

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@RedShell, I've noticed that you've been playing this. How far are you into it? From what I saw on my PSfeed, you got trophies for missions 15 and 16. How are you powering through this so quickly?
Well it's been a week since I started it, and I've been playing for a couple of hours every night so that's around 15 hours total, seems about right for this kind of game. :blank:


Believe you me, I've not been powering through it at all. If only you knew how many times I've died... :heh: Chapter 14 was particularly painful, bloody face huggers! :shakehead

BTW, is it possible to see your death total anywhere?


Anyway, still loving this game (despite still sucking at it :hehe:). Great moment during last night's session...

when Ripley hears the recorded message from her mum.

:sad: It's awesome that they actually got Sigourney Weaver to do the voice work for it. :awesome:

Looking forward to trying out the Nostromo DLC once I finish the main game. :)

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Anyway, still loving this game (despite still sucking at it :hehe:). Great moment during last night's session...

when Ripley hears the recorded message from her mum.

:sad: It's awesome that they actually got Sigourney Weaver to do the voice work for it. :awesome:

Looking forward to trying out the Nostromo DLC once I finish the main game. :)


Ugh that part almost had me in tears. I can totally see why this game won Sigourney over, and it's not just the atmosphere and detail. Having seen the directors cut of Aliens and that scene in which Burke shows her a picture of an aged Amanda (actually Sigourney's mother in real life) and it's revealed Amanda died at 63, a few years before Ripley got home, and then hearing about how angry Sigourney was that, that scene was cut from the film. I can see why they won her over with this game.


"I'm sure I'll see you very soon." :weep:


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I am certainly not powering through it. I can only muster moments per play through. My hair is now falling out in chunks due to stress.


Scary fucking shit and im on mission 4.


You've not got enough hair for it to fall out in chunks :p


I think I'll pick this up at some point, it sounds great... I must get round to finishing some other games first though. Particularly ZombiU as that's another scare-fest I'm yet to finish.

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You've not got enough hair for it to fall out in chunks :p


I think I'll pick this up at some point, it sounds great... I must get round to finishing some other games first though. Particularly ZombiU as that's another scare-fest I'm yet to finish.


was loving ZombiU but then got to the stupid bit in the Church...

where you have to survive against waves of zombies and I ran out of ammo, ran around for 30 minutes pushing them off before quiting as i realised i couldn't progress. Bit of a stupid flaw in the game!

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