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Alien: Isolation


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I can't play this!

Just tried crew expendable first and Christ the atmosphere! The fear! I was physically scared!

First go I thought I was doing well, I did one objective , got all the way to the second, I could see it, I was in a vent, I crept through it gingerly and just as I was exiting something grabbed me from behind

I restarted and tried to go the same way and I hid in a dark corner in the first room I came to, and it charged in the room at me

Then my last go before switching off, I had a right scare! Made it to the first objective, went in a vent to connect to another room, lifted the flame thrower to see, looked clear upto the bend, crept up to the bend, turned, raised the flame flower to see......hi mr alien, let's lower this so I won't see my fate.....crunching noises


Other than that, pc version, ultra setting and WOW it's amazing, Ripley and the crew look amazingly lifelike, the nostromo is the nostromo right down to warning labels, magazines on benches and photos on walls!


I don't know what game the likes of IGN was playing because after 10 min I'm hooked!

With this and Silent Hill, survival horror of old is returning in a big way! Right when the graphics can really really immerse you in the game


Right off to change my underwear!

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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Like what I've played so far, not seen the alien yet though :) Nice atmosphere though.


I will say it's technically sloppier than I expected, the framerate on the cut scenes, and this is something I NEVER noticed, seem incredibly low! Also stutters a fair bit in play, there was also one bit where I was and there was atmospheric sounds, I moved an inch and they just cut out, moved back there they were... Not ruining it in anyway, but just surprised as thought it'd be polished!


Also, I almost feel like CG cutscenes have gone a step back this gen, Infamous was the same for me, we've gone so far into the uncanny valley now it all just comes across as really weird, this is probably the most off putting thing about the game. That and the sweat.


Other than that though, it's looking to be a really good game, and I'm sure when the Alien turns up I'll start loving it!

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What an amazing first play session! :D


I played for around two hours last night and while I didn't see the Alien - perhaps I was just lucky or it's just tension building? - the atmosphere was still dripping with fear. :(


Such a technical achievement for the game to be running as it is with those sumptuous visuals, yes initially the cut-scenes seem to go at an odd frame-rate but I think it's more of a stylistic choice or perhaps it's struggling a bit? ::shrug:


Either way it doesn't hurt the game one bit as the rest of the time everything is consistently excellent, I was just taking in every detail that I could, visiting every room in order to Scavenge whatever I could - especially as I'm playing on Hard - all the while crouching all the way so as not to make a sound. :heh:


Though perhaps I was just doubly paranoid being that I opted to turn on the Playstation Camera features, the first of which allows you to actually 'Peek' your head around corners by using head tracking though this is sometimes negated by the poor lighting conditions caused by the fact that you're obviously going to be playing it in the dark so... :indeed: but it's nice when it works; however the more ingenious feature is the option of using the built-in microphone to detect any noise around you so that if you make a loud enough noise in real life then you might draw the attention of the Alien in the game, needless to say I was really quiet... apart from when a vent would explode suddenly and then I was all 'Oh shi...' *hands over mouth* then thinking to myself, what am I doing? :shakehead


Utterly terrifying is right and I can't wait to come back for more. : peace:

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I haven't seen the alien yet, I'm not scared because I presume it'll get a grand unveiling, so just waiting for that before shitting myself. The moment I got a little tense, weirdly, was when I found the first locker to hide in, thought I must be close... But weird it's the games mechanics telling me this rather than the narrative or tension itself...


Can't wait to play more and get this roller coaster started properly!

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Can someone explain the difference between the Nostromo and Ripley Editions? Picking Alien up today.


One extra piece of dlc in the Ripley Edition, probably not worth it if the price difference is more than £5 because we all know they'll be selling or giving away that GAME exclusive (or whatever) dlc later on down the line. :heh:

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One extra piece of dlc in the Ripley Edition, probably not worth it if the price difference is more than £5 because we all know they'll be selling or giving away that GAME exclusive (or whatever) dlc later on down the line. :heh:



Is it the Nostromo chapter?


Have I ready the GAME site correctly? The £20 season pass reduced the cost of Survival Mode by 25%?!

Edited by david.dakota
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Is it the Nostromo chapter?


You get that anyway for buying the Nostromo Edition, the only extra dlc in Ripley Edition is a mission where you get to take out the Alien as Ripley, something that should be in Crew Expendable anyway but GAME being needlessly irritating have to have an exclusive edition with one mission that costs £7 more than the other version it seems! :shakehead


I'll wait thanks as it's the principle, I so miss the days when a full game used to ship on a disc :heh: I'm all for extra dlc but not this planned 'oh this will/won't/maybe be dlc' stuff that's put up specifically to divide the market.


Anyway, in summary; the game is really good you should buy it, GAME are bad and I wouldn't give them any more money at all then is absolutely necessary if any at all. ;)


All major supermarkets will have the game, usually a fiver cheaper too. :)

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I've been playing this game yesterday night and this evening. Fuaaaaaark. Am loving the build-up and things have just started to get interesting. :D


I've just "met" the Alien for the first time after it jumped on the table whilst I was underneath. Excellent scene. Beautiful creature.



I'm really enjoying it so far. My inner-nerd is dying from all of the music, the lighting, the creature and set designs. Hnngggggg.

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Yeah the music is especially good. Lifted straight from the first movie but works so well with the tone of the game. I've gotten to a point where I probably shouldn't have saved as I'm pretty sure I'm dead no matter what I do, but I had to go to uni so it was either save or lose progress. And I'd just managed to get through some pretty difficult bits.


I personally love the unpredictable Xenomorph AI. There was a point I'd died a few times but knew when and where the alien was upon my respawns. I then saved and came back a few hours later to find the Alien was entering the area from a completely different part and much sooner. Was much more terrifying!


Oh, and don't hit the spanner on the wall. It can hear you.


(And my neighbours can hear me scream.)

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Had you been in space this would never had been an issue.


If I could go to space I would. As long as there were no Xenomorphs - a videogame is scary enough! And if this ever gets re-released/patched for Morpheus I know I'll get it, but will literally scream myself to sleep.


I won't sleep. I'll just scream.

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Like what I've played so far, not seen the alien yet though :) Nice atmosphere though.


I will say it's technically sloppier than I expected, the framerate on the cut scenes, and this is something I NEVER noticed, seem incredibly low! Also stutters a fair bit in play, there was also one bit where I was and there was atmospheric sounds, I moved an inch and they just cut out, moved back there they were... Not ruining it in anyway, but just surprised as thought it'd be polished!


Also, I almost feel like CG cutscenes have gone a step back this gen, Infamous was the same for me, we've gone so far into the uncanny valley now it all just comes across as really weird, this is probably the most off putting thing about the game. That and the sweat.


Other than that though, it's looking to be a really good game, and I'm sure when the Alien turns up I'll start loving it!


I'm with you on this. I feel like now graphics are hitting this higher level I'd rather we did away with cut scenes entirely and have everything in game it's more immersive that way anyway especially for a game like this.

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I've barely done anything in this game. But...fuuuuuark.


Fucking killer robots. Everywhere. I've spent most of this game hiding in vents and lockers waiting for the robots to pass.


I swear to god that I was in a locker and heard the alien in a vent above me. I checked my tracker and it was going off like crazy...



Ine is watching me play this and we're both close to having heart-attacks.

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I made a big balls up yesterday.


Basically, I did quite a bit of progress in the game and there was a loading screen after I got to a transit thing that took me to the next section of the map. When getting there, my tracker was going off like crazy and I quickly realised that the Alien was actually above me somewhere.


So, me being the curious person that I am, I decided to hit something with my melee weapon/door opening thing/maintenance jack. There was a fucking horrrrible sound and the Alien jumped out of the vent and annihilated me.


The worst thing of all? I then realised that my progress hadn't saved and I had to redo the last half an hour.


It was pretty vicious. That one little moment made me realise how powerful the Alien was. I'm glad to have this feeling again, especially after the AvP films and the bad game/s.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Should i play the main game first? ive been trying to play crew expendable to play in a chronological order, but i think its meant to be payed after you've learnt to play the game properly, because i can't do it on easy....i'm avoiding weapons like the flamethrower, and i've just learnt you can throw flares...so i think this is more of a flashback

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