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Weight Loss and Fitness 2014


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Had a free PT workout yesterday. I can't afford to have them but thought to make use of the free one.


I have realised that I am not pushing myself in the workouts at all. Been a real eye opener.


What's the issue? General fitness or numbers you're lifting?

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What's the issue? General fitness or numbers you're lifting?


Definitely general fitness. He only put me 15 mins through my paces by doing endurance work but I thought I was going to pass out. Absolutely shocking.

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Definitely general fitness. He only put me 15 mins through my paces by doing endurance work but I thought I was going to pass out. Absolutely shocking.


It's always tougher when you've got somebody else pushing you. There's things you can do yourself, HIIT for example, running, a sport. Football and squash have definitely helped me with my fitness.

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Weight loss is going at a slow but steady pace, yay! Now lost about 5kg/11 pounds, so whooo! I still have about 8 weeks to lose some more weight before my holiday. Anyone have tips on how I can shift some extra weight? =)


I currently try to stick to a healthy diet, trying to stay around or below 1200 calories per day. Plus do about 30-60 minutes of exercise per day (maybe one rest day per week). I have been using the videos on fitnessblender.com to exercise at home. Hope to be doing squash again soon too.


Anything else I could do? =)


Missed this post earlier.


Walk more? Simple but effective, it's relatively not that tiring so you may find you can sneak it in without it causing you to want to eat more, which more intense exercise might encourage.


Only problem is it can be time consuming so you may want to kill two birds with one stone, so maybe instead of 'going for walks' and setting aside an entire hour or whatever as specific walking time, try walking to work, walking to the shops, walk to whatever social venue etc.


Another idea is maybe sneaking in low intensity exercise at random times during the day. Whenever you find yourself alone at work bust out 10 squats when nobody looking, and then just carry on. Try and do it several times, maye try set a goal for how many squats you can sneak in a work, and get paid for them lol. You won't break a sweat or feel tired, but if you do enough over an entire day it will all add up.


And at home have dumbbell in the house and anytime you want to go in that room where it is, or walk past it in the hall or the landing, you must do so many goblet squats or snatches, just an easy low number, then just carry on with your day.


You don't even have to have a dumbbell though, maybe just make a rule with yourself that you have to do ten squats before you may enter the kitchen, a 10 lunge entry fee to entire the bathroom. Or just do ten squats on the hour, every hour. Again it won't seem like much effort each time but over the course of an entire day it should all add up.

Edited by pratty
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And at home have dumbbell in the house and anytime you want to go in that room where it is


You only need to use one arm too!





My goal of 70kg by my 25th birthday might be a little step too far. I weighed in at 73.1kg yesterday (down from 77kg 5 weeks ago). I've had a slight problem in the bathroom over the last week in that I've not been as regular as usual which I think is causing issues.


Hopefully get everything cleared up soon and I can hit into the 71s (71.0-71.9) by the end of this week and then into the 70s by the week of my birthday (next week) if not hitting bang on 70.0.


My bodyfat percentage was 15.x when I did it 3-4 weeks ago, I was meant to do it last week but as my weight was all over the shop I decided to save the £1 and wait until later.

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Killed myself playing football on Friday. I had sweat everywhere. Also played squash today for the first time in about 2 weeks (Ine went to Belgium) and am feeling the tiredness now.


I'm pleased with the weights side of things and have been keeping it consistent for a while, despite having disruptions and stuff. Shit is tiring but it's ultimately been worth it.

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Do you guys have one ar bigger than the other?


Also, saw my gran for the first time in a while yesterday, first she said I'd pt on weight but the amended it to muscle. I was like 'fuck yeah, all been worth it for gran to notice'.


Yeah, brah. My middle ar is smaller than my left ar, which is also smaller than my right.


That's a good achievement, especially given the poor eyesight of the elderly. You should consider that a huge boost, brah. Good job.

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He? But you said it first?




Woo, did a muscle up today! Both one in the rings and one in the bar. I was hanging in the rings and telling one looking at me that I couldn't do it but I'd just try once. Boom, and I was up there. So did a few more and went to the bar to see if I could do it there without a rubber band. I could. :)

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I've been away for a while but posted a few months back saying how I'd started at a gym and had been having PT sessions.


I had a lay off for 2 months in December having put about 11 pound on from November up until that point as I had to have some surgery which left me in bed and unable to do any exercise in the recovery time (6 weeks). Anyways, whereas most people would put weight on lying in bed all day, I lost all the muscle I'd gained so when I started back at the gym in Feb it was basically back to square 1.


I took a pic of myself in November just before I started my PT sessions / gym time and after being back on it pretty solidly for 2 months I took another to check my progress!


I'm 17 pound heavier and the heaviest I've ever been and I'm really pleased with how it's going! :D







I can't believe how skinny I was. I mean, I'm still very slim but much happier with how I look now.

People have even noticed, family, work colleagues etc and it's really nice to have a compliment off the back of something I'm working hard for!

I enjoy the gym too! It's good to just get in and get a workout done and it's seeing the difference it makes that keeps me motivated on the days I think I can't be bothered.


Wasn't so much of a fan of this happening at work though...






I've gone up a size in clothes too and pretty much have had to buy a new wardrobe!


It's all been about my diet more than anything though. All I do is eat! Sometimes it gets tiresome, all the meals etc but I know how important all the food is so I just get on with it.


Anyway, I'll post another update in a few months, see if I have more change which I'm hoping I will! :peace:

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45 kg strict shoulder press / military press (any difference?) with barbell today. The last month of upper body training has really paid off; before that I could do about 40 kg so big difference.

On the other hand, I miss squatting and deadlifting. My hip flexor is still busted, I've started to take medicine in order to subdue the inflammation there is bound to be. Ten days with ibuprofen. Hate it but resting didn't work and I'm slightly worried by now that two months of specialised training and resting didn't help much.

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45 kg strict shoulder press / military press (any difference?) with barbell today. The last month of upper body training has really paid off; before that I could do about 40 kg so big difference.

On the other hand, I miss squatting and deadlifting. My hip flexor is still busted, I've started to take medicine in order to subdue the inflammation there is bound to be. Ten days with ibuprofen. Hate it but resting didn't work and I'm slightly worried by now that two months of specialised training and resting didn't help much.


A military press is with heels together.


Have read through this, maybe you'll find some ideas to help your hip. :)


I'm still slightly injured myself with a bad left shoulder. I've found massaging my neck a traps really help my shoulder so just going to have to keep at it. Haven't been able to press properly for ages, have just been doing overhead carries instead, with light famers walks, and sometimes high-rep bodyweight lunges when I can be bothered. Will hopefully start training properly again soon, once my shoulder issue is sorted.

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My neck, my back (...so tempted...), my head and my chest hurt so I've stopped going to the gym for a couple of weeks and my God, it's driving me insane! I've been doing safe exercises like walking and squatting and that's it. Funniest thing? I've lost weight! I've not been to the gym and I've lost weight! My measurements are in a couple of weeks' time so hopefully I've not gained inches!

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My neck, my back (...so tempted...), my head and my chest hurt so I've stopped going to the gym for a couple of weeks and my God, it's driving me insane! I've been doing safe exercises like walking and squatting and that's it. Funniest thing? I've lost weight! I've not been to the gym and I've lost weight! My measurements are in a couple of weeks' time so hopefully I've not gained inches!


You're losing weight it's because of your metabolism is fired up and body needs healthy diet for keep muscle together and if body is not getting enough good diet that's why muscle cramp, back strain etc. happens

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Got a date this afternoon, so went for a pre-date pump up session (so vain I know but I like this one!). Not sure why but did better and more than I have for a while and feel good!


Hopefully all that energy used won't make me fall asleep on the date :p

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My neck, my back (...so tempted...), my head and my chest hurt so I've stopped going to the gym for a couple of weeks and my God, it's driving me insane! I've been doing safe exercises like walking and squatting and that's it. Funniest thing? I've lost weight! I've not been to the gym and I've lost weight! My measurements are in a couple of weeks' time so hopefully I've not gained inches!


You've probably lost a wee bit of muscle.


My girlfriend told me a few days ago that my arms feel smaller than they used to be. This means that I'm now officially bulking again! As of next week


I dropped from 77-78kg to around 71kg and I've noticed a huge difference in my body. My muscles are a bit smaller but I hope that they'll quickly grow back to where they were before. I don't think I've lost too much strength in ym cut as I kept up the weights and was doing the same weight as I was before.

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I've got a gym induction booked for tomorrow, kinda nervous about it but at least I've made a first step. Goal is to add a bit of mass and improve my cardio :). Just need to be wary that I want to go on pay as you go and not be on direct debit quite yet.

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