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No Man's Sky


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No Man's Sky presents players with a practically infinite galaxy to explore. Needless to say, this raises a few questions. In an attempt to clear up exactly what this ambitious game is and isn't capable of presenting to players, Game Informer's Jeff Cork sat down with Hello Games founder Sean Murray to find the limits of No Man's Sky. If you're hungry for more, you can read our February cover story in the magazine to learn more about gameplay.


Watch the video below to hear a barrage of rapid-fire questions and answers and get a better idea of what is possible within No Man's Sky.



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I'm trying to work out what you actually do in this game.


I wonder if one of the "ways" to play the game is like Pokemon Snap. He mentioned that you don't collect plants but you can discover them. I wonder if you're some kind of researcher, going to each planet to research different creatures or plants, or something to that effect. Could even be a mission or quest (or objective, seeing as he said that there are many objective markers in the game). So, go to A, get mission to go to B to find C, photograph C on B then return to A. Could be one way to play?


Aside from that, I have no idea how this game will work.


EDIT: OMGGGGGG, 65DaysofStatic are doing the soundtrack for this game?! When did this happen?

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I believe it's one of those "walking" kind of games - in the sense that there is no objective. You're given the tools to move and operate within the world and it is up to yourself to explore and decide what you do.


I'm sure I read somewhere that you could choose to just explore places, you could try and become a warlord, you could try and harness materials to build the best spaceship etc. It's kind of up to you.


You live Flink. You liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive.

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I believe it's one of those "walking" kind of games - in the sense that there is no objective. You're given the tools to move and operate within the world and it is up to yourself to explore and decide what you do.


I'm sure I read somewhere that you could choose to just explore places, you could try and become a warlord, you could try and harness materials to build the best spaceship etc. It's kind of up to you.


You live Flink. You liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive.


That all sounds very interesting. It looks wonderful and I admire all of the enthusiasm and love that has gone into it.


I'm almost sold on it purely on the basis that 65Days are doing the soundtrack. Just...so much YES.

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And the scale is just truly impressive. A lot of the planets will be "planet sized". Meaning if you tried walking around one it would take you the same amount of time as walking around a real planet. And if you saw every planet for 1 second you'd be sitting at the TV screen for 5 billion years.

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Surely most of the planets will be the same though? Unless they're continually adding stuff, I can't see how they're going to keep it interesting.




A larger percentage of the planets will be barren, which you can mine for minerals. But they said you'll always find something new on the inhabited worlds.

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How though? I don't understand. There's surely a limit to what you can do with 'algorithms'.


I mean, if you have a tree, there are only so many things you can change before its not really a tree any more. So assuming you have limits to keep it 'tree', it won't change much.


I'm not doubting it, I just don't understand how it works.

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How though? I don't understand. There's surely a limit to what you can do with 'algorithms'.


I mean, if you have a tree, there are only so many things you can change before its not really a tree any more. So assuming you have limits to keep it 'tree', it won't change much.


I'm not doubting it, I just don't understand how it works.


Hop on a train to Guildford and go ask 'em :p

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But how many dinosaurs does it have?


I have heard of E:D. I think part of my interest in NMS is because of my love for hello games. I'm a big fan of the studio and if this had been from some other random studio I might have gone "oh that looks interesting" and that's about it, but it's the studio keeping me interested.

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Out of curiosity, how many of you interested in this have heard of Elite: Dangerous? Because it's a space sim with 10x the depth and scope No Man's Sky.




That game uses randomisation to generate a lot of the content, too.


You also can't land on planets in Elite Dangerous (yet). That's a huge reason to get this game when it comes out instead IMO, assuming Elite Dangerous hasn't received that update yet. Saying that the game has a lot more depth may be actually be off-putting to some, as its level of depth to me suggests this will appeal more to more core gamers with a lot of time to sink in. No Man's Sky instead looks like it will be more simple to play and navigate, with potentially more widespread appeal.


Also Elite Dangerous is unfinished, and I tend to like to get games once they're finished. Having said that, I'm very much looking forward to getting Elite when it hits consoles.

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I'd be a little surprised to see ED release on consoles, they've got their hands full with the PC build so it could take a long time to happen, if ever.


I like the look of No Man's Sky but the way it takes about 10 seconds to take off from one planet, to hyperspace and land on another is a little off-putting. Makes it feel like the galaxy is the size of the ocean in Wind Waker.

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Well they've pretty much hinted that it's very likely to come to console. So I'd assume it's coming to console unless they deny it.


It being a lot of work doesn't really mean anything, especially when other companies can handle ports. Starbound (Terraria sequel) for instance is still open access, but is confirmed as coming to console. Think it's being handled by another company for the console release.


Makes it feel like the galaxy is the size of the ocean in Wind Waker.


Given the planets have been said to be "planet-sized" then the galaxy isn't really going to feel very small.

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Automerged Doublepost
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I'd be a little surprised to see ED release on consoles, they've got their hands full with the PC build so it could take a long time to happen, if ever.


I like the look of No Man's Sky but the way it takes about 10 seconds to take off from one planet, to hyperspace and land on another is a little off-putting. Makes it feel like the galaxy is the size of the ocean in Wind Waker.


Hyperspace... They're just cutting out the boring travel, which makes it the opposite of Wind Waker.


Behind the scenes history kind of article: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2014/12/19/the-secret-story-behind-no-man-s-sky.aspx?PostPageIndex=1

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Hyperspace... They're just cutting out the boring travel, which makes it the opposite of Wind Waker.


You felt like you were exploring a giant open world with Wind Waker. The fact that you can just from a planet on one system to one in another system in 10 seconds doesn't say much for how large the world is. We'll see I guess, just speculation at this point.

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You felt like you were exploring a giant open world with Wind Waker. The fact that you can just from a planet on one system to one in another system in 10 seconds doesn't say much for how large the world is. We'll see I guess, just speculation at this point.


Well yeah I guess they didn't want a short trailer to be mainly taken up by hyperspace visuals. That and they've said travel will depend on how good your ship is. I also wouldn't want, in my one hundredth hour of playing to be stuck in hyperspace for elongated periods of time.


But the galaxy is huge. You'll never explore every planet. They calculated that if you spent one second on each planet it would take five billion real years to see them all. Our own sun will die before then. Slightly bigger than Wind Waker.



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I didn't, it felt like a very artificial sea used to pad out the length of the game. When no island was in view, which was a lot of the time, it was essentially just a randomly generated sea made to give you the impression of scale.


Nintendo pretty much acknowledged it was boring when they gave you the swift sail in the remaster tbh.

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  • 5 weeks later...

So here's what you do in No Mans Sky (I love the sound of this more and more)...




And then, just as our time together is coming to an end, my head explodes. With a flourish, Sean brings up the game's Galactic Map and starts zooming out of it - slowly at first, and then picking up speed, past planets and stars and solar systems and galaxies. I'm thankful for my voice recorder because although he's explaining the thinking behind it, all I can focus on is just how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.



It should lay to rest your fears of it not being too big @Ronnie.



Although it sounds like meeting up in-game and exploring together will be quite difficult...


"That's the centre of the galaxy we're looking at, and it's quite a way's away," he continues, as dots of light dance and twirl like individual flakes inside a snow globe. "Every one of those [dots] is a star, and every one of those will have it's own solar system. So when you were talking about the possibility of meeting other people..."


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I find the idea of exploring solo much more titillating. See what no one else, even the game developers have ever seen before. and laying claim! Or at least naming lots of stuff!


Apparently Sony put up a release date for NMS as October on the PS store. Then took it down. Could be an error for several reasons but seems plausible.




I guessed it'd be around Sept/Oct anyway... just in time to mess with the start of uni!

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