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Nintendo and Online Gaming. What's The Deal?


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In Mario though, lag like that is a total game breaker though due to the precise nature of the game (likewise, nobody complained when Rayman Origins and Legends lacked online play, because lag + twitchy platformer with frame reliant timing = A bad time)


But yeah, the lack of a global voice chat solution is total BS. They should've made it an OS feature from the get go (hell it's not even like their own games haven't implemented voice chat either, so they clearly see the value of it!). Mind you though, considering that the system has (or at least had at launch) 1GB of RAM set aside for OS functions, they could easily add cross game voice chat in if they wanted to...


But yeah, for Wii Sports Club in particular, I reckon that they were originally designing it with some future upcoming Miiverse features (in particular: the boot-to-game-from-post feature that is due in an future Miiverse/system update), but it wasn't ready in time for launch. But either way, the point is that Namco designed the game's online system, not Nintendo; so that game's particular online setup shouldn't really reflect the entire system's online experience (which in other games is absolutely fine - 3rd party games perform just like they do on other consoles), or Nintendo's own stance on online play in their own games.


I wouldn't have thought that's the case. Lag shouldn't really affect 'pure' platforming too much since generally you already have the level on your system (either on the game disc or downloaded) and you're mostly not interacting with others.


In my experience lag can cause other people to teleport around but I've always found that I can still move during such bouts of platforming lag. I get the feeling that when the lag resolves the other player location is updated, but you're not put back where you were before the lag. It's not as bad a game like smash where every move done to you affects what move you can do, etc, with hundreds of combinations happening every minute.

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I hope if the rumours be true and MS do dump their Xbox division that Nintendo buy it or at the least buy the Live infrastructure, because right now its the only way i can see them catching up


What the fuck?! What rumour is this?





Investors want it...

Edited by david.dakota
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Nintendo operate in a bubble where what happens outside that bubble doesnt matter. There needs to be real culture change at the company where what competitors are doing is noticed and where trends are acknowledged and not ignored.


As soon as the Xbox launched and showed everyone what a robust online system should be like Nintendo from that point onwards should of made online networking a priority. However they just ignored online as if it didnt exist and gamers didnt care about it when in reality they greatly did.

Edited by liger05
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What the fuck?! What rumour is this?





Investors want it...


yeah crazy isnt it? there was a couple of threads on neogaf about the xbox division making overall nearlyba 2billion loss and one of the potential ceo's wants to scrap bing and maybe the xbox division too

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For me, the biggest problem is the lack of private lobbies. In Mario Kart (and every online game), I want to create a lobby, set some settings and set it to friends only.


The most insane thing is that this option fits perfect with Nintendo's views online, but they choose to implement it.


Edit: And I don't mean the communities in MK7. That system was an improvement for Nintendo, but still far from being a decent system.

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  • 2 months later...

Thought I would give this a bump seeing as Iwata has proposed changes need to be made.


Do you think the changes he has in mind might see a more accepting Nintendo to the world of online gaming? I think such changes could do wonders for their games, if used correctly.


People go on about capturing the core gamer and western audiences and I think by implementing online modes in something like F-Zero and Starfox this would be a great step in getting them on board, without having to take the run and gun route ( not that they would ).

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I'm still waiting on this (lie) coming true...



Online is the air that we breathe and we want to give gamers as much of that air as possible


Mario Kart 8 & Smash Bros best have voice-chat!!!

Edited by Kav
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Mario Kart 8 & Smash Bros best have voice-chat!!!


I'm pretty sure that a lot of people are banking on these two games to be nothing short of spectacular, but multiplayer is at the heart of both. So delivering the complete multiplayer experience also includes online.


Smooth connections and Lag-less matches are a fundamental requirement but so too is voice chat in this day and age.


It should be available in private lobby's amongst friends at the very least. It will make the entire match-making process a lot easier, especially when it comes to Leagues/tournaments/general gaming nights etc. When it comes to random matches they can take it away, I'm not too fussed.


But surely if they want to bring the best local multiplayer experience to those who can't get people together, then providing them with as many options as possible becomes a necessity.


We're asking for things that were common-place last generation.

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Perhaps @Tphi could ask in the next EG interview?


Is there any point? The decision makers are Japanese, Europe and US probably have no idea why these decisions are made. I wonder if the Japanese developers just don't understand online. Is it a western thing? Is Japanese online gaming just too niche?


If that's the problem then bin off the hardware and services teams in Japan - do a Sony and build it in the US.

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  • 1 year later...

This should probably be stickied @lostmario..?


What gets me most is that Nintendo seem to be a games company that puts fun first and foremost as the main thing in their games.

When it comes to multiplayer, local multiplayer is always best because of the laughs to be had between yourselves as you game. Nintendo seem to know this as their adverts (when they existed - Wii) always showcased this.


However, local isn't always something people can play as regularly as they'd like, if at all in some cases, and so online playes a big part here in catering to multiplayer gaming at practically any time.

The thing is, what makes local gaming so much fun; the social element, is then missing when online if there's no voice-chat. All of a sudden part of the fun is taken out of the game.


Sure, I get that a huge part of the fun is the game itself, but a game is only more fun when you can enjoy it together with your friends, talking, laughing and giving each other grief as you play. Nintendo does actually understand this, as seen in their adverts with local gaming on show, so then why do they exclude this part of the fun from their online experiences? It's beyond me.


Multiplayer centric games like MK8, Smash and Splatoon would be all the better for voice chat. Unfortunately I'm finding both MK8 and Smash a little lacklustre and soulless because I can't share the laughs I have on them. It's disheartening and upsetting.



As a side note, those that want voice-chat, what applications on people's phones/laptops might people have to workaround the issue?

Skype, I imagine, is the go-to app? MUMBLE has been touted as another.

Edited by Kav
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  • 1 month later...

I just can't begin to fathom their mindset. They've lost a sale of Splatoon and I'll be trading in MK8 and Smash soon enough given how lacklustre and soulless they both are.


Nintendo have lost me as a fan of their multiplayer games. As my post above states, they're just not fun enough anymore.

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The 360 came out nearly 10 years ago and let's you chat with any of your online friends in any game.


It's a conscious choice. Has nothing to do with technical aspects. Nintendo is a family company that cares about its brand too much to allow the possibility of kids talking to strange men they don't know. They rather lose a handful of sales to voice chat obsessives like kav than taint their image with potential negative press that tarnishes their brand.

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