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FAST:Racing Neo


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This game is so brutal! I'm still on Subsonic, doing the 4th cup and I was in 2nd place going into the last race. With 1 lap to go, I was in the mix and thought I was finally going to unlock the next speed level, when I miss a boost and crash. Went all the way back to 10th and finished the Cup in 5th :(


At least I know I'll get my moneys worth

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Sounds as irritating as the first game. Slightly worried about the single player, I don't find the brutal AI fun at all.


I'm not finding the AI brutal at all. They're just competitive. I actually find the AI in MK8 more brutal purely from the unfairness... in this sure you can drop down quickly, but the AI isn't unfairly infallible, I've seen them crash plenty of times. And it is really satisfying overtaking opponents, more so than MK8

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Sounds as irritating as the first game. Slightly worried about the single player, I don't find the brutal AI fun at all.


Is the first game that bad..? I'm more inclined to buy it instead of Neo! I played the demo last night with the Wii Wheel and really enjoyed it :hehe:

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I'm not finding the AI brutal at all. They're just competitive. I actually find the AI in MK8 more brutal purely from the unfairness... in this sure you can drop down quickly, but the AI isn't unfairly infallible, I've seen them crash plenty of times. And it is really satisfying overtaking opponents, more so than MK8


Haven't played it yet so that's reassuring. After Man U I'll whack it in


Is the first game that bad..? I'm more inclined to buy it instead of Neo! I played the demo last night with the Wii Wheel and really enjoyed it :hehe:


That would be crazy :) The wii u one is meant to be better, and it has online!

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Yeah, it's not that the AI are infallible, it's that any mistake you make is a real set back. So if you're a fantastic driver and hit every boost then you're rewarded for it. Unfortunately for someone as bad as me it means I have to put a lot more work in to unlock the faster modes, which is by no means a bad thing but it is frustrating.

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ok.. guessing remapping isn't possible then... for me the main issue is the asymmetrical shoulder buttons. I'm used to the layout now though. I get muddled between boost and switch.. which can be quite catastrophic in some situations and annoying in others. Hopefully once I've put a bit more time in that will sort itself out though. Tbh the learning curve is kinda fun in a way.. like driving in real life.. I have vague memories of having to actually think a little in order to drive, now it's almost as natural as walking. I just hope the same thing happens with this game! It is quite nice to look at though, I've played with my nephew and even when you are losing.. the effects just seem to work. There are a couple of little bits that stick out as areas for improvement, but all in all a very nice little game! I hope it does well :)

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I have that problem a lot too Pestneb, pressing boost instead of switching phase or vice versa. I find it difficult to remember which colour I am sometimes as well which ends up slowing me down or making me crash.


I've noticed that the game seems to have issues with knowing where you are in the race, i'll be about to overtake someone and I'll go from 5th to 4th, without actually overtaking the car in front. It makes for some confusion when you think you're further up the rankings than you actually are. Obviously something that could be fixed with a patch, but not seen it mentioned anywhere else.

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I went with my gut and ended up purchasing FAST Racing League on Wii this afternoon :grin:


I only managed to get to play through one cup before work, finished 1st, 1st, 8th and 1st, but I've already seen enough to know that I'm going to enjoy this a lot :hehe: Learning the tracks and perfecting boosting is certainly going to be intense!

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I'm enjoying it a lot. Online net code is appears very smooth and solid thankfully. Though I have yet to encounter a full game online.


It definitely does require inch perfect precision to win many of the cups/time trails. One mistake and is generally impossible for you to place in the top three. Whilst there is rubber banding to a degree that your boost metre fills up quicker the further you're behind it's hardly enough to make that much of a difference. I don't mind that aspect though, it provides a great challenge and really does reward perfection. It feels like a real achievement finishing a course without crashing out or getting hit by a boulder/obstacle and subsequently beating the AI.


As Killthenet mentioned, there definitely is a flaw in the placing detection. I've finished a race right behind the person in first place and for some reason the game awarded me as finishing first. Despite a few glitches like that (there was one online game I was playing with a friend where after the race the game froze for both of us and we had to hardreset our Wii Us) I believe that this game is excellent.


Visually it is simply astounding. The water effects and smoke effects on the fire course never cease to amaze me in terms of the detail captured. FAST Racing: Neo is a game that should be played by all fans of futuristic racers, be it F-Zero or WipeOut.

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I didn't want to continue polluting this thread with my thoughts on Neo's predeccessor but the thread for FAST Racing League was curiously quiet, even when the game was released!


Anyway, I'm working my way through the Proton League at the moment and the difficulty has definitely been ramped up. I've placed 2nd on both of the first two cups and hope to tackle Sunahara tonight or tomorrow. It's great :grin:


One thing I did want to mention, though, was just how much fun it is flying around the courses with the Wii Wheel as the controller. It feels brilliant :yay:

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I didn't want to continue polluting this thread with my thoughts on Neo's predeccessor but the thread for FAST Racing League was curiously quiet, even when the game was released!


Anyway, I'm working my way through the Proton League at the moment and the difficulty has definitely been ramped up. I've placed 2nd on both of the first two cups and hope to tackle Sunahara tonight or tomorrow. It's great :grin:


One thing I did want to mention, though, was just how much fun it is flying around the courses with the Wii Wheel as the controller. It feels brilliant :yay:


I've yet to play the sequel, but I really liked the original. It's good fun, even though The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard.


I did feel that it could've done with more nuance with the controls, like a technique to turn around more sharply around corners (which FRN actually does have if I'm not mistaken :) ), but I really did enjoy it. The challenges were pretty addictive as well; twas great fun trying for the best possible times in each!

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I'm actually a fan of the AI, in that what can happen to you can happen to them. Just played through one of the cups of hard difficulty and managed to win the cup whilst coming a combination of second and third on each course due to the AI players not always consistently finishing in the same positions on each track. Something you see in many other racers, where certain characters in a given playthrough will always perform well and others will always be at the back of the pack.

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I'm actually a fan of the AI, in that what can happen to you can happen to them. Just played through one of the cups of hard difficulty and managed to win the cup whilst coming a combination of second and third on each course due to the AI players not always consistently finishing in the same positions on each track. Something you see in many other racers, where certain characters in a given playthrough will always perform well and others will always be at the back of the pack.


That's something I really appreciate myself. Ignoring my own performance, the results always look quite believable. The AI don't cheat, they are all just quite good. I'm finding super sonic quite intense though, and imagine that I'll need to focus quite a lot on the game to get through hyper sonic, as even though I love racing games, I'm not particularly gifted!

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That's something I really appreciate myself. Ignoring my own performance, the results always look quite believable. The AI don't cheat, they are all just quite good. I'm finding super sonic quite intense though, and imagine that I'll need to focus quite a lot on the game to get through hyper sonic, as even though I love racing games, I'm not particularly gifted!


Hyper sonic is crazy. I'm definitely struggling trying to get through it. Had a couple of attempts trying to get through the first cup and I'm having trouble finishing any higher than 5th place. I'm almost afraid to know what 'Hero Mode' fully entails. I'm sure I'll find out eventually though.

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