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Wii Sports Club


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Was only just thinking but why wasn't Golf ready alongside Tennis and Bowling?


It's not like they need to remap the controls for Motion+, they have that done from Resort. I hope the delay is due to making new courses (to add to the 18 we already have from previous 2 games) :D That would make Golf an instant buy for me without needing a free pass, even if the online isn't updated.




Oh yeah forgot they are using the GamePad in Golf to see the ball... guess that is what is delaying that..... hope we do get at least the Wii Sports AND Resort courses.... suddenlt had a horrid feeling since this game is more based on "Wii Sports" and they didn't even use Wuhu Island in anyway we'll only get 9 holes in Golf and later be asked to pay again for the Resort courses :mad:


By the lords of Kobol that better not frakking happen!



Actually there's another thing, Wuhu Island....they should have used that again as the hub/menu, and the buildings/area for the other sports could just have an "under construction" sign on them.

Edited by Mokong
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Haha. I've probably moaned more than most and Ives till bought it. It's a lot of fun still. But as long as people still bitch and moan hopefully Nintendo will listen.


You not buying it then?


Anyone got any advice on this tennis controls. Considering its meant to be more accurate, I just can't lob consistency, not sure slicing does anything differently (how different is it than top spin or normal shot, they all seem to be the same to me).


I'm not sure... no expert myself... but I played an 8* player last night who could not only lob and topspin, but he was slicing and getting crazy swerve! No idea how... but it is obviously capable of it, just needs skill/practice!

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I'm not sure... no expert myself... but I played an 8* player last night who could not only lob and topspin, but he was slicing and getting crazy swerve! No idea how... but it is obviously capable of it, just needs skill/practice!


I can top spin and slice with consistency, weirdly the slice seems to be faster than the topspin and goes very deep, while the top spin boucnes closer to the net.


I'm really enjoying it, and even though Bowling is the better package I find myself playing tennis more. I would love to be able to lob and swerve and stuff at will.

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I dont know if i've played for long enough yet to have a fair impression of this, but so far i'm sad to say it just feels dissapointing :(


I've only had a few games online, but tennis feels about as responsive as swinging a cricket bat would feel. The number of times i've swung and not returned a serve when its right there for hitting?I thought with motion plus it would be fairly accurate to what you're doing, but swinging and twisting your wrist forwards or backwards for shot selection just feels (for lack of a better word) naf. What happened to actually slicing the ball when you want a drop shot? or whipping your arm over the ball for topspin? Surely these movements would have been possible?



Half the time it cant even recognise whether i'm positioned for a forehand or backhand? and considering i'm square infront of the sensor bar thats pretty shocking.

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I dont know if i've played for long enough yet to have a fair impression of this, but so far i'm sad to say it just feels dissapointing :(


I've only had a few games online, but tennis feels about as responsive as swinging a cricket bat would feel. The number of times i've swung and not returned a serve when its right there for hitting?I thought with motion plus it would be fairly accurate to what you're doing, but swinging and twisting your wrist forwards or backwards for shot selection just feels (for lack of a better word) naf. What happened to actually slicing the ball when you want a drop shot? or whipping your arm over the ball for topspin? Surely these movements would have been possible?



Half the time it cant even recognise whether i'm positioned for a forehand or backhand? and considering i'm square infront of the sensor bar thats pretty shocking.


Online has been nothing but flawless for me, and to top spin and slice I do top spin and slice like I do in real life and it works. It's lobs I can't do.


Really want to play friends. Can you rematch online?

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I actually played the original Wii Sports Tennis a couple of nights ago shortly after my experience with Wii Sports Club and although there were some obvious differences in control, I'm not entirely convinced that I could say that I enjoyed the new one more :eek:


Wii Sports seems to get a bad reputation for 'waggle' but I've always felt there's a lot more to it than that. Tennis was always my favourite of the five games and, as such, I became good at it and able to hit the ball exactly where I wanted. As good as it is, I craved a follow up with Motion Plus but don't feel like this new version has executed it anywhere near as well as I envisaged. I expected something more like Wii Sports Resort Table Tennis on a larger scale (Tip: NEVER play that game at normal speed. Hold 2 after you select your Mii until the game loads to play a much faster 11-Point game.. if you didn't know :heh:) but it feels more like Wii Sports Tennis only slightly different.. and maybe not in a good way!


Unfortunately, I'd have to play it more to really get a feel for it but I'm not sure about dropping any money on it after my original thoughts.. especially since I still find the 2006 version so awesome :yay:

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Got both. .. not sure how to get a mach up though... don't we both have to be 'searching' at the same time? (Curse you Nintendo!)


Yeah, but it puts you into the training mode for quite a while so it's not absolutely horrific, we agree a time and keep checking in here in case someone's late and it should be fine.


count me in for some of this tonight?


Awesome, when's good for you?


(still irritated that you can't do two local players online in bowling - IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!!!)


Man, I'm going to see Thor: The Dark World with my brother and sisters boyfriend tonight. Otherwise would've really liked to join you guys! :(


Your brother and sister share a boyfriend?!


We should definitely organise more for this though, it's such a good game.

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So has anyone managed to beat the 'Champions' of this game yet?!


I am currently level star 7 through building wins online and through the single player etc, and I came up against the champions of the game. They are both level star 10 and are absolutely impossible to beat!! I got to 6-6 against them and lost. Had a close 7-5 loss the other day too.


So so difficult to beat. I think I'm getting the hang of how to beat them, but even when I get close and employ my tactics they still get everything back!! So difficult! But great practice!


Anyone else come up against them yet?!

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So has anyone managed to beat the 'Champions' of this game yet?!


I am currently level star 7 through building wins online and through the single player etc, and I came up against the champions of the game. They are both level star 10 and are absolutely impossible to beat!! I got to 6-6 against them and lost. Had a close 7-5 loss the other day too.


So so difficult to beat. I think I'm getting the hang of how to beat them, but even when I get close and employ my tactics they still get everything back!! So difficult! But great practice!


Anyone else come up against them yet?!


have not touched the single player game yet, but i'm liking the sound of these champions.

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