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Interview: Yacht Club Games Talk Drawing in 8-bit and Aspirations for Shovel Knight 64


Game's "success is due to the brilliant designs of the 8-bit generation"


In this short interview Nintendo Life features contributor Alan Lopez caught up with David D'Angelo of Yacht Club Games, who spoke on behalf of the entire Shovel Knight creative team.


Shovel Knight is a download-only 8-bit platformer. Alone, these qualifiers hardly separate it from many games in the indie game stratosphere, good or bad. Yet Yacht Club Games' creation has held up to become one of the most endearing downloadable titles in recent history. We caught up with the team at Yacht Club Games on the eve of their new DLC release "Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows", to discuss how they managed to separate their game from all the competition, what it's like to develop in retrograde, and what they have up their sleeves next.


Recently going back to my file of Shovel Knight, the novelty of playing a retro-styled game really has taken a back seat to a gameplay experience that ultimately feels all its own. How did the team split the difference between homage and parody? Was it conscious at all?


We actually avoided parody at all costs! We wanted the game to be inspired by game designs, stories, art, etc from the NES era, but we wanted the game to live as something that could have been created in that era. To be something that could stand on its own, it meant Shovel Knight had to be devoid of references and parody. We wanted any person who picked up Shovel Knight to be able to enjoy every aspect of it, even if they had never touched an NES game before.


Would you attribute any of Shovel Knight's success to, perhaps, superior elaboration on what made the 8-bit generation so compelling?


I definitely think Shovel Knight's success is due to the brilliant designs of the 8-bit generation. Those games were fun, impacting, emotional, joyous, and much more. A lot of the feelings and enjoyment found in those game designs have been lost in today's age. I think having those elements be present again brought back great memories to a lot of people who experienced those games. And those who didn't play 8-bit games, Shovel Knight introduced that 8-bit gameplay in a way that was more approachable than booting up an NES game.


What comes first – level design or art design?


Whatever idea we can get on paper the fastest! Typically we lead by game design, but some times a brilliant art idea starts it off! Or we'll concept art ideas to try to establish gameplay possibilities.


As a child, I was always bemused at some of the grand artwork featured inside of my NES instruction booklets, only to see the actual characters in the games sometimes appeared so fleeting in comparison. To the team members who draw that beautiful artwork: What's it like seeing your fully realized drawings turned into blocky 8-bit caricatures? Does it ever happen the other way around?


It's a tough process! Typically, we actually do the process both ways. First we create a concept that is then turned into an 8 bit drawing. From the 8-bit sprite, the fully realized, final illustration is created. Squeezing a fully fleshed out illustration into a pixel model is a long, arduous process. We do it knowing some elements and magic will be lost in the process. But in other ways, the 8-bit sprites can bring out or emphasize parts of the illustration that overall make the concept much better.


From a group of developers making an indie game to a downloadable title winning national, end-of-year awards: When did you realize Shovel Knight really had "made it"?


Still haven't realized it! Ha! It's pretty tough to grasp just how many people have played and enjoyed this game. It's truly overwhelming, and we feel lucky every day that people have found so much fun in the game.


When can we expect Plague of Shadows?


We haven't figured out a date yet, but we're working every day to make it as soon as possible!


Yacht team members have written about their experience "breaking" the NES architecture to implement, in some cases, very subtle improvements. Is anyone on the team up on their architecture for, say, the Super Nintendo?


Oh definitely! Wouldn't something like Super Shovel Knight be incredible! We'd love to take the franchise through the ages. It'd be amazing to make Shovel Knight 64!



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Updates from Yacht Club Games website.


Think Less NES, More Famicom! Shovel Knight is headed to Japan!!


We’re very excited to announce that Shovel Knight is preparing for his trek to Japan! There’s lot’s to be done, but we’re moving forward with a plan and a fantastically passionate publishing team! We’ll have more details to share soon! This also means a new Japanese language option is coming to all versions of the game — perfect for adventurers picking up new language skills or those seeking a slightly new adventure!


Plague of Shadows Update!!


Plague of Shadows, the first big free update, continues to bubble and brew– taking more of its final form each passing day! Lately we’ve been tackling alchemy items, upgrades, and overarching systems! We were elated (and breathed a collective sigh of relief) to hear everyone’s feedback on Plague Knight’s core mobility during PAX East; now we’re now moving full steam ahead on all the overarching elements that go into the most plague-ular adventure.


Enter Challenge Mode!


Are you more into digging than distillation? Already have your Feats book long filled out? Well, then sharpen your skills for Challenge Mode! Prove your mettle by taking on new scenarios and returning foes alike. Use every bit of Shovel Knight knowledge you have to take on speed run challenges, boss rematches, and other rule-benders… and expect some tricky puzzles too! Challenge Mode will debut alongside the Plague of Shadows Update. As new Updates take form…so too will new challenges!







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Now they just need to give us a battle toads/kratos equivalent and we're good to go!


To be fair, that's to make up for the lack of the Digger's Diary/Streetpass Arena anyway.


I'd love to see a Nintendo cameo (or even a Mega Man one!), but I'm not complaining for a lack of one.

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As nice as the exclusive Nintendo platform additions are, I too would still love to see an equivalent added boss battle for these versions and Mega Man would certainly fit the bill given his past and current affinity with Nintendo platforms.


But yeah... I certainly wouldn't demand it, would just be nice is all, plus it would be such a big announcement that they could put it in a Nintendo direct. :)

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why is it that shovel knight gets released in the same week on PS4/Vita, Xbox one in US and europe while EU Wii U/3DS gamers had to wait months for shovel knight.


Is it nintendo that causes these delays as it never seems to be the same on the other consoles.

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why is it that shovel knight gets released in the same week on PS4/Vita, Xbox one in US and europe while EU Wii U/3DS gamers had to wait months for shovel knight.


Is it nintendo that causes these delays as it never seems to be the same on the other consoles.


They had to wait for the translations to be completed when releasing it on Nintendo consoles as they only started the translation process after releasing the game in the US originally. Now that they're already finished and done with, they could implement the already finished translations as they were making these versions for other consoles; meaning that the EU versions would've been done and submitted at the same time as the US versions for the other consoles.

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To be fair, that's to make up for the lack of the Digger's Diary/Streetpass Arena anyway.


I'd love to see a Nintendo cameo (or even a Mega Man one!), but I'm not complaining for a lack of one.


Diggers Diary is awful. I'd prefer Kid Icarus or something!

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A portion of a GamingBoulevard interview with Yacht Club Games's David D'angelo:


GB: If Nintendo would ask you to make some 3DS/Wii U exclusive boss stage, what would it be?


YC: Who knows?! It’d be amazing to work with a Nintendo IP. They have so many great ones to choose from. I usually go for the weirdos, so Tingle would be right up my alley.


GB: A lot of fans want Shovel Knight as a new character in Smash Bros. Would you like to see this happen? Do you have any suggestions for attacks or a Final Smash?


YC: Absolutely, Shovel Knight in smash would be incredible! We play Smash Bros. pretty much every day, and to see our character as part of the roster would be an amazing honor! Lots of our fans have come up with really great descriptions for attacks and final smashes, I’d suggest checking them out!


GB: What are the plans for the future? Will we see more of Shovel Knight or maybe even new games?


YC: A lot more Shovel Knight is coming for sure! Right now we’re working on DLC updates for the game including 3 playable boss campaigns, challenge mode, body swap mode, and a 4 player battle mode featuring all the knights. It’s going to be a big year for the Blue Burrower!



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I reckon I'll download it on 3DS the next time it goes on sale.. or maybe I should get it on Wii U..? ::shrug:


That really depends on whether you want screen clarity or portableness.


If you're gonna use off-tv play to play it. You might as well get the 3DS one then. The 3D effect is very nice and Streetpass is well implemented.

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That really depends on whether you want screen clarity or portableness.


If you're gonna use off-tv play to play it. You might as well get the 3DS one then. The 3D effect is very nice and Streetpass is well implemented.


The portability is probably preferable with this game but my one concern with the 3DS is the AWFUL D-Pad :hmm:


Does it work well enough with Shovel Knight or is the Circle Pad a decent substitute..?

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The portability is probably preferable with this game but my one concern with the 3DS is the AWFUL D-Pad :hmm:


Does it work well enough with Shovel Knight or is the Circle Pad a decent substitute..?


I never have issues with the D-Pad. Then again, I used an XL...


I never actually tried using the Circle Pad, I can imagine it not being great though.

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I never have issues with the D-Pad. Then again, I used an XL...


I never actually tried using the Circle Pad, I can imagine it not being great though.


The D-Pad is one of the reasons I'd love to upgrade to the New 3DS as I assume it will be at least slightly better :heh:

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Retail version announced!!






All platforms. $19.99 (no EU price yet), October 16 in Europe, full size and full colour manual, all upcoming free DLC to be included on disc/cart.


The most amazing thing is that they're actually publishing it by themselves! (Distribution is being handled by U&I Entertainment), Wow! What a success story! :D

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