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Shovel Knight


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FYI, I think Playstation controllers are a piece of $h1t€!


Have you tried the Vita/Dual Shock 4? The d-pads on that are MUCH better than on PS1-3 controllers and IMO pressing diagonals on those are more comfortable than modern Nintendo controllers.


Of course I'm still getting this game on a 3DS since I need 3D for a NES style game :D

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Some sales breakdown info of the game, provided by Yacht Club Games






After the Kickstarter project ended, we all discussed our sales goals. The number that most of us settled upon was….when all was said and done, 150,000 copies sold in total. That was our high point! So thank you, everyone, who supported us and made it possible for Shovel Knight to surpass that in just the first month. We are blown away!



It’s been a crazy ride! We’re not done yet though. We’re going to keep working our hardest to keep this game loved, played, and selling like hotcakes. Our new goal is the quest to 1 million sold, to truly solidify Shovel Knight as a modern platinum classic! For all of you who had doubts that a Wii U game or a digital game on a Nintendo platform could sell, we hope these facts show that a good game on any system, marketed the right way, can sell.


Thank you everyone for your support!!!


Glad to see that it has done well so far :D (Crazy to think that the poor guys had to go on without pay for three odd months when the game got delayed :shakehead )


And of course they've still got the EU (which I'll be proudly contributing two sales to!) and JPN releases to come; as well as potential sales later on the line too.


180k after a month is a fantastic start! Here's to the future million! :yay:

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  • 3 weeks later...
We're up to final testing now :)




Looks like it's probably gonna make it in time for end of September/October, just as I predicted :hehe:


Unless they fail cert the first time of course...


Typical. We are gonna get it right when the onslaught of games gets unleashed. Dunno when I'll pick it up if that is the case. Had they released it when the US got it they would have had my money.

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  • 4 weeks later...


EU+AU: Final Testing has drawn to a close! Now to send it it out! If no issues arise then a solid release date will soon be in focus for all


So it's just cert left to go now. Assuming that it doesn't get rejected, it'll probably be coming out on either 2nd of October or the 9th! :D

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Assuming that it doesn't get rejected, it'll probably be coming out on either 2nd of October or the 9th! :D
Either way, it's basically going up against Smash now... ouch. :shakehead


Not much chance of me getting this at launch anymore. Such a shame they couldn't get the game out over here (on Wii U & 3DS) a bit earlier. :sad:

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Either way, it's basically going up against Smash now... ouch. :shakehead


Not much chance of me getting this at launch anymore. Such a shame they couldn't get the game out over here (on Wii U & 3DS) a bit earlier. :sad:




As I've mentioned before, they are releasing this at the worst time. I suppose by the time I am ready to buy they may have it on sale.

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  • 2 weeks later...
@YachtClubGames: @dhxmg My gutsiest of gut checks would lead me to expect a November release at this point!


Looks like it has either failed cert, or NOE are holding it back in (wisely) looking to avoid the blast radius of Smash Bros...

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Looks like it has either failed cert, or NOE are holding it back in (wisely) looking to avoid the blast radius of Smash Bros...


But isn't the Wii U version of Smash supposed to be out in November?

Currently there's no way to avoid Smash's blast radius :D


I think I'll buy this for my Wii U despite me wanting to wait for the PS4/Vita version.


The game is supposed to be awesome and I love 2D retro-style platformers. A double dip is very very probable : peace:

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  • 2 weeks later...



EU/AU Wii U and 3DS Releasing in November


Hey Shovelonians! Believe it or not, we can finally confirm that Shovel Knight will be releasing in Europe and Australia in November for the Wii U and 3DS!! We are working on pinning down the exact day still, but the wait is almost over.


Kickstarter unfortunately doesn’t know if you live in Europe or Australia (or what your system regions are), so we need everyone to go to their Humble download page and fill out a survey so we can distribute Nintendo codes properly once the game is out! If you are expecting a backer copy of Shovel Knight on a European or Australian region Nintendo system then please follow the steps below as soon as you can! Within the week if possible!


  • Visit https://www.humblebundle.com/?s=resender and enter your backer email. This is the email you sent us in the original Kickstarter survey. If you don’t remember filling that out, then try your Kickstarter account email. This will send you an email with the download page links for Shovel Knight. Or as an alternative, go to your Humble (https://www.humblebundle.com/login?goto=/home&qs=) and log into your account.
  • Open the download page for your Shovel Knight key
  • Click the link that says “Click here for your Shovel Knight Nintendo Key Voucher”
  • Click the voucher link that appears.
  • Fill out the form and click submit.
  • You’re done! If you’re in Australia or Europe, you should be receiving a code for your 3DS or Wii U copy of Shovel Knight when it is released in November.


Thank you European and Australian region players for hanging in there with us for so long. We learned some new things and have a wealth of ideas for how we can improve on in the future. We’re truly sorry for the delay.



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€15 though. :shakehead


That's about right actually since the US price doesn't include VAT. The direct conversion from $15 is around €11.86 right now, so add VAT on top of that; then you have to consider that Yacht Club Games will need to convert those Euros they earn into USD, so add processing fees on top of that for them and it is gonna end up being about €15.

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Ah never thought about it that way, I suppose when it's this price it's OK but it's definitely annoying when things are like $60/€60... even with tax and conversions that's still a ripoff.


Oh yeah, no doubt. $60=€60 is complete bullshit (and don't even get me started on the total joke of an RRP £50 is for games in the UK! Thank God that no retailer other than Game would dare charge that kind of ludicrous price :laughing: )


In this case though, I see nothing to complain about. It's perfectly fair.

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