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Kirby: Triple Deluxe


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How is it? Saw some footage last night and it looks great. I would have downloaded it from the eShop but I have too much to play at the moment.


good game dude. New weapons are great and and the soundtrack is awesome!


Its still very easy but loads of fun..

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Mega bump!


If anyone has any sensible questions about this game then ask away and I will try and get back to you over the weekend as I'll be reviewing Kirby :) obviously I'm not allowed to post anything that could be considered a story spoiler but from what I gather I can talk about the mechanics etc.


Still downloading at this point so the only things I can confirm are that the file size is at least 4000 blocks + Kirby is still pink ;) plus I won't get to play it until later after work but I just thought I'd resurrect the thread/provide what non-spoiler information I can in an attempt to create some buzz around this title again. :D


Because let's face it, who doesn't like Kirby? : peace:

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Mega bump!


If anyone has any sensible questions about this game then ask away and I will try and get back to you over the weekend as I'll be reviewing Kirby :) obviously I'm not allowed to post anything that could be considered a story spoiler but from what I gather I can talk about the mechanics etc.


Still downloading at this point so the only things I can confirm are that the file size is at least 4000 blocks + Kirby is still pink ;) plus I won't get to play it until later after work but I just thought I'd resurrect the thread/provide what non-spoiler information I can in an attempt to create some buzz around this title again. :D


Because let's face it, who doesn't like Kirby? : peace:


When is the review set to be published?

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I already know it's gonna be amazing so I don't really have any burning questions, but I was curious to know if it runs at 60FPS or 30FPS.


Not that it really matters that much, but I would be shocked if they managed to pull off 60 given how amazing the game looks!

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I already know it's gonna be amazing so I don't really have any burning questions, but I was curious to know if it runs at 60FPS or 30FPS.


Not that it really matters that much, but I would be shocked if they managed to pull off 60 given how amazing the game looks!


It runs at 30fps from what I can gather but it runs silky smooth. :)


When you finish the game please tell me how long it is compared to Kirby Super Star Ultra, and how it compares to that game overall. Super Star Ultra is my favourite Kirby game :D


Will do, only had a quick go on it so far but will be putting some proper play time into it tomorrow for sure. :D

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Ahh, thought as much. Thanks.


I can tell from the trailers that it's well optimised for it though (unlike DKCR 3D, which feels sluggish in comparison to the Wii version).


Can't wait! I'm itching for a new adventure with The Pink Puff and if it's even half as good as Return to Dreamland then it'll be amazing! :D

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Well I've played up to the second 'Level' so far, for those who want to know more click the spoiler boxes below...


There are different 'Levels' to a structure, these are the equivalent of worlds basically, there are at least five stages for each 'Level' with an extra bonus stage if you collect everything in each stage plus a boss battle.



I've only played one so far but it's a remix of an old classic boss but with a lot more depth to the battle itself, just a really satisfying boss encounter really, hopefully they are all like this... the same but different.



There are lots of returning abilities, what I have noticed though is that the number of moves for each ability seems to be greater than featured in any previous Kirby title, this is probably due to the Battle Mode which is separate from the Story so that it works for both I'm guessing. But for instance Kirby pretty much has every main move that Link would have in the Zelda games including a rather neat Skyward Sword style charge move. :D The new abilities seem pretty cool as well, I don't seem to remember 'Bell Kirby' being an ability before though I could be wrong.



You can collect many different keychains as you play through the game, they are in the stages in both normal/rare varieties but picking them up doesn't always guarantee a new one every time so naturally there are other ways to gain them, including the use of Play Coins which is good.



In addition to using Play Coins to swap for Keychains, you can use streetpass to increase the chances of getting an item given to you partway through certain stages, normally it'll be a low-health recovery item, with a streetpass? who knows... there are also parts of stages which use subtle motion control which works really well.



The 3D works really well throughout, with many of the stages featuring lots of set-pieces which look stunning, additionally it's a decent aid to general gameplay but mostly it's just really well accomplished especially when you are moving from foreground/background rather frequently.



That's all for now but I'll report back again once I've progressed/beaten the story and/or tried out the other modes available. : peace:


Above all though, it's Kirby and it's fun! :yay:

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I finished the main story mode last night, what an ending...



...which I'm not going to talk about, not even in a spoiler box :heh: I wouldn't even if I was allowed to. : peace:


But yes, suffice to say that it's very good indeed, personally I found it to be immensely enjoyable from start to finish, with a great deal of variation even in each stage contained within the games different 'levels' and for those who want to know completion time (roughly) and file % after finishing story...


Around 15 hours logged but I would say that probably only 12 hours were actually playing the game - I did leave the console on a few times while away - but I would say that it's around a 10 hour story mode minimum if you're just playing/not rushing but probably more like 12+ hours to get 'everything' which I did.


File completion was at 69% for me after finishing story mode though this probably includes keychain collectables within that overall number but whichever way you look at it, story mode is at least 50% of the game.



Does it have re-playability? Yes... I can't go into all the reasons why but you will want to go back to it just to play different stages with different power ups as that's pretty much a feature of all Kirby games so there is definitely plenty of fun to be had and I stress this is just with the story mode as I haven't even touched the other areas of the game yet but I'm about to crack on with it now so... that's all I have to say at the moment, any non-spoiler questions though, feel free to ask. : peace:

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^ I can confirm that the game is indeed as fun as it looks in the above trailer and then some! :D


Interesting that they decided to go with a special pink/white 2DS for a game which uses 3D so well, of course it works fine in 2D as well but the 3D certainly 'adds' to the experience but oh well. ::shrug:


However I am glad to see that this is one title that Nintendo seem keen to promote, because they definitely need it to do well but then... it is Kirby so I'm sure that won't be a problem. :)


Just has a quick blast on Kirby Fighters, it's actually surprisingly well-made, doesn't just feel like a tacked-on extra, clearly a decent amount of thought has been put into the setup, I'll report back later with more details on the mode but I can see that it'll be a blast to play in multi-player but even the single player is surprisingly fun though it is a shame that there's no online for this mode... so far my only gripe with the game but then you knew that one was coming :heh: literally if you can ignore there being no online then it's still a very well made title indeed. : peace:

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Well who would have thought that facing off against the A.I in Kirby Fighters would actually be so challenging, I've spent literally most of the day working my way through the various difficulties and I've still got a few battles left to do, anyway here's more in-depth info from my review notes - nothing to do with the story mode - for those who want to know... :)


Single player, pick your ability from 10 of them, pick your difficulty level (easy, normal, hard, very hard) fight against other Kirby(s) who have the other abilities over multiple rounds, final round will always be a shadow version with the same ability as you, arena changes each round, at least 7, other characters will pop into the ring to either help or hinder you, par clear times for gold etc, various power ups, bombs etc.


Plays like Super Smash Bros lite Kirby Version... in a way.


Interesting item which I'm dubbing the 'Smash Star' because whoever hits it usually benefits, effects range from putting all enemies to sleep, slowing down/speeding up, showering food/bombs everywhere...




Easy - Relatively simple, beat all first try

Normal - A.I is noticably tougher, need to form some sort of strategy to win and block occaisionally

Hard - You'll need to think on your feet, use the stage to your advantage and actually fight for the food items

Very Hard - Like 'the Hunger Games...' but with Kirby, do what you have to survive against the merciless A.I


You get a medal for clearing each ability on the various difficulties, 10 abilities, seven rounds, four difficulties... time soon ticks away.



Taking a break now but I'll report back again soon with more file completion % update once I've finished the last single player bits of Kirby Fighters plus once I've played Dedede's Drum Dash as well, hopefully will get to play Kirby Fighters Multiplayer at some point soon as well, we have at least four 3DS consoles in the household, just got to find a time when I can get everyone together for a quick game, will try my best anyway. : peace:

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Does the multiplayer support single cart download?


It most certainly does. :)


Hopefully I might get to at least play some 2P versus matches later after work as I'm sure at least one of my brothers will be keen to play a few battles. :D


If I can get a 4P game going though at some point then I will. : peace:

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Well I was going to hold off on this but it just sounds so damn good by all accounts SCG! What's the release date on it? I really shouldn't be buying any more retail games atm but there's something about Kirby that I can't resist. Such an underrated series sometimes.

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Well I was going to hold off on this but it just sounds so damn good by all accounts SCG! What's the release date on it? I really shouldn't be buying any more retail games atm but there's something about Kirby that I can't resist. Such an underrated series sometimes.
If only us Mods were helpful enough to put it in the thread titles :p
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If only us Mods were helpful enough to put it in the thread titles :p


I KNEW I'd seen it somewhere! My bad!*


Why is it getting reviewed so early, given it's so far of?


(*my excuse is i was on mobile theme at work...tho it holds no water :p)

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