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Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy Curtain Call (3DS)


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  • 2 weeks later...
Final Fantasy VII - Opening Bombing Mission

Final Fantasy XIV - Primal Judgement (Ifrit)

Xenogears - Flight

SaGa Frontier - Last Battle -T260G-

Sword of Mana ~Final Fantasy Adventure~ - In Search of the Sacred Sword

Seiken Densetu 3 - Sacrifice Part Three


All out this week! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Supposedly the next batch of DLC is as follows...


Calling - The World Ends With You, 3:25, FMS (Creepy timing @Glen\-i!!)

Twister - The World Ends With You, 1:17, BMS

Wind Scene - Chrono Trigger, 1:59, FMS

World Revolution - Chrono Trigger, 2:03, BMS

Final Confrontation - Romancing Saga 3, 2:17, BMS

Liberi Fatali - Final Fantasy 8, 3:05, BMS


So... Yeah! Awesomeness all round! :D

Edited by Dcubed
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Where do I even begin with this week!?


From the insanely creepy timing of World Ends With You to my favourite Chrono Trigger Song, Wind Scene, with a little bit of awesome sauce from Final Fantasy 8.

It's an absolutely delectable musical sandwich which I'd happily throw money at!


EDIT: BTW, @Dcubed. Small omission there. Final Confrontation is from Romancing Saga 3, not the first game. We already have the final boss music from the first game (Coup De Grace)

Edited by Glen-i
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey @Glen\-i! It's your music this week! ;)


BMS Final Fantasy IX — “Vamo’ alla Flamenco”

BMS Sword of Mana 2 / Seiken Densetsu 3 — “Swivel”

BMS SaGa Frontier 2 — “Miβgestalt”

BMS Chrono Trigger — “Frog’s Theme”

FMS Legend of Mana — “Ruined Sparkling City”

FMS NieR Gestalt/RepliCant — “Kainé/Salvation

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  • 2 weeks later...

For some bizarre reason, we didn't get those 6 songs two weeks ago.

But we're getting them this Thursday, along with 6 more.



Final Fantasy IX - Vamo’ alla Flamenco

Seiken Densetsu 3 - Swivel

SaGa Frontier 2 - Miβgestalt

Chrono Trigger - Frog’s Theme

Live A Live - Megalomania

Romancing SaGa - The Ultimate Confrontation

Romancing SaGa - The Conflict

Final Fantasy XIV - Nemesis

Final Fantasy V - The Dawn Warriors



NieR Gestalt/RepliCant - Kainé/Salvation

NieR Gestalt/RepliCant - Song of the Ancients/Devola

Legend of Mana - Echoes of the Spiral (Also known as "Ruined Sparkling City")

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wii just posted this in the 3DS eShop Thread but I thought it needed to be mentioned here too.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call: “Birds in the Sky, Fish in the River” (FMS), Square Enix – £0.89 (€0.99), Free until 1st April 2015

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call: “Boss Battle 2″ (BMS), Square Enix – £0.89 (€0.99)

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call: “Devil Lord Confrontation II” (BMS), Square Enix – £0.89 (€0.99)

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call: “Meridian Child” (FMS), Square Enix – £0.89 (€0.99)

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call: “Real Emotion” (BMS), Square Enix – £0.89 (€0.99)

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call: “Shadowlord” (BMS), Square Enix – £0.89 (€0.99), Free until 1st April 2015

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call: “Struggle to the Death” (BMS), Square Enix – £0.89 (€0.99)

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Wii just posted this in the 3DS eShop Thread but I thought it needed to be mentioned here too.


Not to trample all over your post. I'm thankful for it.

But I thought it'd be nice to point out what game each song comes from.

Also gonna provide audio samples.




Final Fantasy X-2 - Real Emotion

Broadcast Yourself

(No idea if it's the Japanese or English version, my guess would be the Japanese version though)


Final Fantasy Legend II - Struggle to the Death

Broadcast Yourself


NieR - Shadowlord

Broadcast Yourself


Chrono Trigger - Boss Battle 2

Broadcast Yourself


Romancing SaGa 3 - Devil Lord Confrontation II

Broadcast Yourself




Seiken Densetsu 3 - Meridian Child

Broadcast Yourself


Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time

Broadcast Yourself


Live A Live - Birds in the Sky, Fish in the River

Broadcast Yourself


EDIT: This week is awesome! I want every song apart from FF Legend 2 (It's good, but too short) and the Live a Live one, but OH WAIT! That one is freeeeee!

Time to buy another eShop card!

Edited by Glen-i
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From NieR: Where is Kainé/Escape, Song of the ancients/Popola, Blu-bird, Temple of Drifting Sands etc.?? They are coming, right? NieR has the greatest soundtrack of all eternity.


Broadcast Yourself

Would be great FMS.


Broadcast Yourself

And battle music.

Edited by Miharin
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From NieR: Where is Kainé/Escape, Song of the ancients/Popola, Blu-bird, Temple of Drifting Sands etc.?? They are coming, right? NieR has the greatest soundtrack of all eternity.


I believe Song of the Ancients has already come out.


But as for the others, no clue. No way of finding out until they announce it.

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Song of the ancients/Devola is out and it's an acoustic guitar song. Popola is this and it's a more umm, bubbly sound? I like this one much more.


Broadcast Yourself


By the way the singer is Emi Evans. She also did Drakengard 3 soundtrack vocals for most songs.

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Seems the information on the free songs was slightly wrong.


The Final Fantasy Legends 2 song and the Romancing Saga 3 song are free. Not Nier and Live a Live.


Also, some bad news...


This is the last set of songs in the second performance. That's why 2 of the songs are free.


So this might be it for DLC for this game.

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It's the last batch of second performance dlc... Didn't they also say at the end of first dlc batch that that was all, folks? Why not release a new wave after like two months.


They could well do. Nobody really thought that they'd do a second wave and yet there it was, out of nowhere!


I really hope that they do a 3rd performance. There's still so much in the well that is still untapped! No Mystic Quest DLC? No Chrono Cross? No FF Crystal Chronicles? And so much wonderful Chrono Trigger music still to go...

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  • 1 month later...

Had this a month or so and finally got round to playing this during my hol. Really like it, what a gem! A simple idea but works so well with such an impressive catalogue. The ultimate difficulties are laugh out loud difficult. :heh:

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  • 5 months later...

I had a strange urge to play this last night, so I fired it up and started rocking away to some FF tunes. I had a look and see that I had only put a few hours into the game. Criminal! :(


I decided to have a look at the DLC and seeing as I had just under £2.00 on my account, I bought a couple of songs. It was a tough choice as there were so many I wanted. I'm glad I only had a couple of quid on my account or I may have gone a little nuts with the buying. :D


I ended up buying We Have Come/Arrived from Final Fantasy Type 0 and Horizon of Light and Shadow from Bravely Default. I was tempted with Calling from TWEWY, as well. I may have to get some eShop credit....


I think I played a couple of hours straight on it. I just kept hopping between the quest mode and then playing single songs which I like. I managed to unlock a fair few characters and started to get to grips with the abilities and item usage. Yeah, this could be a game I keep coming back to in future weeks. I have no idea why it's sat forgotten on the shelf for so long. :shakehead

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