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@Jimbob, why did you stop playing it?


Loved it personally. Possibly the game that absorbed me most into the Zelda world and made me care most about its characters.


Terrible controls and consistent calibrations stopped me playing it. If it wasn't for that, i would have completed it years ago.


I've resumed playing Thief on the PS4 this week. It's not too bad, i'm really enjoying it. I'm quite enjoying the fact you can be a great Thief or a terrible one depending on what you do


I'm on Chapter 4, just done a major heist in the Great Safe in the Tower. Got a middle rating, which means i took a few out but generally tried to use alternative methods to get out of a situation.



I'm hoping to get it done before Destiny hits next Tuesday.


On the WiiU, i've picked back up Wind Waker HD. Much easier to get back into, cleared the Tower of Gods, recovered the Master Sword and rescued Aryll. For some reason, i'm enjoying this more than i did originally on the Gamecube.

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I never got very far in Skyward Sword, but mainly because I wasn't into adventure games at the time and really couldn't be arsed with it. Can't say I found many control issues, maybe calibrated once. Do you have the attachment or remote with Motion Plus built in.


But yes, Wind Waker HD is amazing. Gotta get back into that at some point. I stopped playing when Sonic, Mario 3D World and The Wonderful 101 all came at the same time and I just never went back to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a motion-plus Wiimote. I think it was the "calibrate to aim" thing that kept occuring a few times each session, which that really annoyed me. I've never played a game where having to reset the controls often was a feature.


Anyway, i finally finished another game this week on the Vita in the form of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. I've been playing it on my travels to and from work, and at breaks. It wasn't a bad game, well i can't argue for free can i?. There were a few issues i had with the game, i didn't like some of the hacking parts. And some of the times i died were spontanious (as in i wasn't near something to possibly kill me). Story was ok, the characters and the humour were good. It's not something i'll play again in a hurry, but at least it's done now.


Which moves me back to another Vita game now, Tearaway.

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Overall, I did enjoy this, but as I reviewed it and blitzed it, it felt like a slog especially through the last mine which went on forever. The game played really well with its ideas, but lacked variety, and became repetitive in its last 3 hours.



Never really fully appreciated MegaMan games, but along came the sale on the Wii U eShop, not so long back, and I thought I'd give 1-6 a blast. Well, number 1 is over and even though I started off irritatingly frustrated with the difficulty, after a few levels I thoroughly enjoyed it, awesome!! Can't wait to play 2-6 now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Resident Evil Revelations for the Wii U. Finally getting it delivered today after 2 months and 2 different retailers was far scarier than anything I'll encounter in this game. What an absolute f#cking nightmare!

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Tearaway is in my top 10 games of all time. I tried it at Eurogamer last year and bought a Vita just so I could play it. Barely touched my Vita since.


There is just something about it which makes it such a great game, it was an absolute pleasure to play from beginning to end.

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  • 3 months later...

Meaning to post in here for a while, so I have a few games to post about..


Freedom Wars



When I initially saw this game, I had no interest in it. All I had heard about it, and this is probably due to the fact I was outside of Japan and no one in my social circle here or there owns a Vita, was that it garnered a bit of controversy for the internet multiplayer not being present and it was some Monster Hunter clone with a futuristic setting.


Then October came around and my friend decides to run it for her gaming channel and I give it a look and it looked fucking amazing. Run around looking for a physical copy of the game that Sunday after launch, can't find it, so scramble for a used memory card and got it digitally.


All I can say is, if you own a Vita and don't own this game, what the fuck are you doing? The story is very intriguing (though, without going into spoilers, it feels like there's supposed to be a continuation or I've missed something huge in the post-game), the music fits very well with the setting and dystopian nature of it all and the online gameplay is phenomenal bar the occasional connection error. The one thing I will admit as a huge fault is that the the crafting seeming seems very lacking and, for the later weapon upgrades, the requirements are a bit too ridiculous. An example is a certain type of item I need to upgrade my sword to a level near maximum. It's a rare resource, 5% drop rate, but on top of that it can only be obtained from a rare version of the occasionally distributed retribution missions. Retribution missions, once cleared, disappear from your mission list until the next time you obtain it or find someone online that is playing it so I basically gave up trying to get it to level 10.


GAME in store sell it for £25 physically, so definitely pick it up. It definitely needs a sequel.


Phantasy Star Nova

After a good while waiting and getting slapped with customs charges and Parcelforce's utterly monstrous "holding" charge, this arrived in the post and damn, what a game. One of the biggest changes here is the fact that Nova drops the Diablo-style drop system and you now get resources from your kills, basically, Phantasy Star became a little more like Monster Hunter.


It's set in the PSO2 universe, a ship from the Oracle fleet becomes stranded on a planet after sustaining a direct hit from something fired from the planet it was surveying. After you and some crew survey the local area, you run into some big ass creatures that have been mechanically altered and strapped to the teeth with weapons, and are dubbed as "Gigantes". You then have to build a little society for the awakened crew whilst minimising the threat from the Gigantes and trying to conduct research to get the hell off the planet, with repairs etc. One of the big things I was becoming intrigued about whilst playing it was the conflict amongst one of the characters and the captain in regards to how cold sleep is being utilised, but it just ended up being typical main protagonist angsty bull shit about not being good enough blah blah blah./


But the story is fairly good. There are quite a few twists and the story and history of the planet they crash on is somewhat in depth despite being in a somewhat short game. I would recommend this game should it get a localisation, which it most certainly will not due to Sega being Sega.


Hatsune Miku Project DIVA F 2nd

It's a vocaloid rhythm game, if you love rhythm games, you'll love it. One big issue though is that some of the songs in the normal difficulty category seem to be far more difficult than they should be, and I can only attribute it to some of the notes feeling very out of beat. Also cost me £25 thanks to the GAME sale over Christmas.




If you haven't got a Vita, I can't recommend it enough at this point in time. I got mine last summer for £135 with 10 digital games and a 16gb memory card and, though it's become a little more expensive than that now, it's still worth the asking price despite the still ridiculous memory card prices.

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Glad to hear Freedom Wars is good. I have it but found it a very slow start so when other stuff came along I drifted away. Always did plan to go back at some point though.


I found it very slow at the beginning too, but I think once I started interweaving the online experience whilst I took on the story, things started flowing a lot better. I didn't skip a single mission with the passes I obtained online though, felt like I might have missed something (which turned out to not be true).


The end game content is all in the online functionality, and that's where it really needed a bigger population. The system of having drops exclusive to some missions and having the item be a low percent drop relies completely on enough people frequenting the online portion. But even after that, the affixing system for weapons isn't too deep so it's very easy to get the ideal weapon once you struggle through the resources needed to max out the level.


The big winner though is the story and the direction of it. The characters are all very cool, the surveillance stance is very well conveyed and the restriction of freedoms throughout the thing is very well balanced. One of my favourite things out of it is Proppa, he's such a little shit of a mascot.

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