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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


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I just love the fact that everyone forgets Affleck has won two oscars. Admittedly not for his acting, but still... He's not an idiot and superhero movies have come a long way from the clooney/kilmer days. The product as a whole has to work and I highly doubt that anyone (in this movie, especially) is being cast for reasons other than for cohesiveness.


Nolan's batman is dead. It's a shame, but it's true. This is a different package -- that Affleck has allegedly signed on for 13 movies (including cameos and shit like that) as batman is more of a talking point (link here). What are the potential movies we're going to see down the line, and is there a danger of over-saturating this whole "ALL THE HEROES AT ONCE" mentality (Avengers/Justice League)?

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Based on rumours, Bryan Cranston is playing Lex Luthor. You may remember him from the hugely popular TV series Malcom in the Middle. Also, that TV series about that dude who sells drugs because he has cancer.


Arent those rumours pretty baseless though? From what I heard it was just people saying they'd like him to play Lex and him saying he would like to as well.

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Honestly it seems like his name is just being thrown about because Walter White is bald. He's great and could probably do the job well, but there's plenty of other options if people could broaden their imagination beyond scalps. The other name being thrown about was Mark Strong. Also bald :indeed:

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Your sarcasm detector broke, Daft? No, he actually wouldn't like Affleck to be Batman.


Personally, I really don't care. We'll see, might be good, might be bad.


If that video had been a parody I wouldn't have been surprised either. Seriously, when did it become culturally acceptable to be so cynical? I'm going to say about the time of Star Wars: Episode One.


It's a pretty shitty world where no one can afford to give the benefit of a doubt. It might be alright if people were willing to be proved wrong but generally, I find, you're going to get exactly what your expecting.

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Yeah, I kinda get what you mean, @Daft.


Anyway, I'm over my initial "bleehhh" and am rooting for this. They're not going to change their mind and although this isn't really the film that I wanted, this is the one we're getting. Superman vs. Batman is better than No Superman At Allllll. (Unless it turns out like Returns, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it)


I want to be leaf.

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I don't think cynicism is a great attitude to have, that's all. Of course, Pancake is totally entitled to her opinion - that's why I was talking about cynicism according to cultural norms. There's so much cynicism nowadays and I genuinely find it tiring.


Seriously, what's the point of being cynical? Wouldn't it be better if we were all just enthusiastic? So what if it turns out rubbish? At least we wouldn't be smothered by a preceding two years of negativity, too.


That's a discussion for another thread, though.

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I don't think cynicism is a great attitude to have, that's all. Of course, Pancake is totally entitled to her opinion - that's why I was talking about cynicism according to cultural norms. There's so much cynicism nowadays and I genuinely find it tiring.


Seriously, what's the point of being cynical? Wouldn't it be better if we were all just enthusiastic? So what if it turns out rubbish? At least we wouldn't be smothered by a preceding two years of negativity, too.


That's a discussion for another thread, though.


You could argue that there's a bit of passion in there, too. Yes, it's "only a film" and we shouldn't get worked up about such things. But, the way I see it, people deep down want these films to succeed and turn out good. Better than they, they want it to be Earth shatteringly good. So, seeing an actor that you don't necessarily agree with appearing in a leading role could perhaps be a hindrance to that. Or, at least, they see it that way. Perhaps it's the wrong way to be these days, I agree that there's too much cynicism in society.


Actors don't just get chosen out of a hat, so there must be some logical reason for Affleck to be cast in this role. The directors and other higher-ups must have seen something that they liked and Affleck must believe that it can work, given how great Man of Steel turned out and his previous views that he would "never wear a costume again". So...in a way, you could say that it makes me even more curious, excited even, to see how it turns out.

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Like I said, just opinions. People get knocked down by life, and that affects their expectations of certain things. Yes, too much cynicism can be deadly and paralyzing, but I wouldn't go for "all enthusiasm" either as it detaches you from reality. Like or hate, people feel different things. Why sugar coat it? If people think Affleck sucks as an actor, then so be it. Haven't seen many of his movies so can't really say. Also, don't care. A new movie is a new movie, and a new chance for all the participants.

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You could argue that there's a bit of passion in there, too. Yes, it's "only a film" and we shouldn't get worked up about such things. But, the way I see it, people deep down want these films to succeed and turn out good. Better than they, they want it to be Earth shatteringly good. So, seeing an actor that you don't necessarily agree with appearing in a leading role could perhaps be a hindrance to that. Or, at least, they see it that way. Perhaps it's the wrong way to be these days, I agree that there's too much cynicism in society.


I don't think this is what Daft is talking about. It's fine being critical about something - a choice of an actor, a director's vision, etc. - because, as you say, it shows people are passionate about it. But the trend we're seeing today is not criticism, which is rational, but cyniscism, which is irrational: People don't give anything the benefit of the doubt, they tear anything and everything to pieces - it's as if they want to be disappointed.


It has become cool to hate on things, it's culturally frowned upon to be enthusiastic about anything; you're expected to have a cold, "I'm too good/refined/cultured/far up my own arse to enjoy this" attitude towards everything. Where is the joy? The excitement? Is everyone too focused on appearing cool to just give themselves over to the enjoyment of anything anymore? In the wise words of Simon Pegg and John Green:


"Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It's basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating."


"Because nerds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff. We don't have to be like, 'Oh yeah that purse is okay' or like, 'Yeah, I like that band's early stuff.' Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can't-control-yourself-love it. Hank, when people call people nerds, mostly what they are saying is, 'You like stuff', which is just not a good insult at all, like 'You are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness'."

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