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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


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Just because we have two big characters doesn't mean we can't develop them. In the right hands there's so much room for them to build off each other, and reflect back to the people around them. Honestly I would've liked to have seen where they took their Clark Kent next, too. But then that would've been just another Superman film, this has so much potential.


Idea from 4chan about the post-credits scene





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Just because we have two big characters doesn't mean we can't develop them. In the right hands there's so much room for them to build off each other, and reflect back to the people around them. Honestly I would've liked to have seen where they took their Clark Kent next, too. But then that would've been just another Superman film, this has so much potential.


Idea from 4chan about the post-credits scene






Sorry dude, that post credits bit sounds dreadful to me. I'm not a big fan of post credit scenes anyway, I find them cheap.


Anyway, I'll wait and see what the plans are for this. I also don't think it would have just been "another" Superman film. We never regarded The Dark Knight as "just another Batman film" so I don't really see why this would be the case here.

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Personally, I'm a bit disappointed by this reveal. We've just had three earth shatteringly amazing Batman films and Man of Steel was also fantastic. I was looking forward to another few films dedicated to just the Superman universe. I'm not really bothered by all this cross-over stuff...in fact, it takes a little of the excitement away from it, for me.


So, yes. Would rather Batman pisses off for a while because we've seen him enough recently. It's Superman's time and I'd like to see where he could go by himself in Man of Steel 2 or whatever they call it.


Totally agree. The Nolan Trilogy was wonderful and we don't need a new Batman just yet. I liked Man of Steel, it was good, not The Dark Knight good, but good nonetheless. I would have much rather they developed Superman in a similar way to how Nolan developed Batman than going in for the cash cow cross over.


Also, this cross over probably means that a Justice League film is even further off. Which is probably a good thing as DC must have realised that the wider public don't give two shits about any of their characters other than Superman and Batman.


After the flop that was Green Lantern (lame character anyway) and the fact that no one really cares about Wonder Woman or the Flash I think the JL film is best left in development hell!

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Sorry dude, that post credits bit sounds dreadful to me. I'm not a big fan of post credit scenes anyway, I find them cheap.


Anyway, I'll wait and see what the plans are for this. I also don't think it would have just been "another" Superman film. We never regarded The Dark Knight as "just another Batman film" so I don't really see why this would be the case here.


Aw cmon man. You're starting to make me wonder if you really were happy with Man of Steel after all. Is there now a part of you that niggles thinking "it was too much action, not enough character"? It's almost as though the first film was only good as long as you knew a sequel was coming to bring the stuff you really wanted to see.


Ok ok, that aside, have you seen any of the great Superman vs Batman moments? Maybe if you had, you'd be more excited. Read John Byrnes The Man of Steel (the comic that rebooted Superman and made him readable again) Check out the "Worlds Finest" arcs of Superman TAS and read The Dark Knight Returns and see if your level of hype begins to outweigh your desire for some Luthor/Lois connections :D


I know the Flash scene was silly, but at the same time that kinda fanservice always makes me grin like a twit. You telling me you weren't psyched when Nick Fury first appeared at the end of Iron Man?

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Aw cmon man. You're starting to make me wonder if you really were happy with Man of Steel after all. Is there now a part of you that niggles thinking "it was too much action, not enough character"? It's almost as though the first film was only good as long as you knew a sequel was coming to bring the stuff you really wanted to see.


Come on, braaah. Where are you getting all of that from? I loved Man of Steel and I love the fact that right now is Superman's time. Like I mentioned, we had three glorious Batman films and I'd love to see Superman now take some of the spotlight for himself. There was plenty of character in Man of Steel and by far the most memorable parts for me were the flash-backs to his younger days, but I also enjoyed the action parts. (snapping Zod's neck shocked the fuck out of me).


Again, like I said, I just don't feel that right now is the time for Batman. I believe he's had his run and it's a bit too soon to be talking about rebooting that character all over again.


Ok ok, that aside, have you seen any of the great Superman vs Batman moments? Maybe if you had, you'd be more excited. Read John Byrnes The Man of Steel (the comic that rebooted Superman and made him readable again) Check out the "Worlds Finest" arcs of Superman TAS and read The Dark Knight Returns and see if your level of hype begins to outweigh your desire for some Luthor/Lois connections :D


I know the Flash scene was silly, but at the same time that kinda fanservice always makes me grin like a twit. You telling me you weren't psyched when Nick Fury first appeared at the end of Iron Man?


I've seen things, I'm a big fan of both the Batman and Superman Animated Series (I predominantly grew up with Batman, but I've seen parts of the Superman series (not as much) and am watching it in order atm) and I believe a cross-over would be fantastic. However, all I am saying is that I don't believe that right now is the time for it. Man of Steel introduced us to that character and I'd love to see a sequel to it that reinforced it. Superman's/Clark's plight. I just don't feel we need Batman right now.


Be honest now, how would you feel if The Dark Knight hadn't turned out the way it did and Superman turns up at some point and saves Batman from the Joker, for example. Surely you can see that when a new character is introduced, that time is taken away from another. Case in point: Spiderman 3 with it's millions of enemies and 10 minutes of screen-time for Venom...(albeit an extreme example)

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Again, like I said, I just don't feel that right now is the time for Batman. I believe he's had his run and it's a bit too soon to be talking about rebooting that character all over again.


It probably is too soon but DC have been forced into this by the success of Marvel's shared movie universe. If Bale isnt carrying on as Batman, or his version just wouldnt really fit in this universe they want to build then they have to get another version out there and introduced before a Justice League movie comes around.


I think they maybe should have made this a World's Finest movie instead, letting Man Of Steel get its own sequel later but I guess they want both Superman and Batman back again before the JL movie and decided this was the best way instead of making two movies.

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Be honest now, how would you feel if The Dark Knight hadn't turned out the way it did and Superman turns up at some point and saves Batman from the Joker, for example. Surely you can see that when a new character is introduced, that time is taken away from another. Case in point: Spiderman 3 with it's millions of enemies and 10 minutes of screen-time for Venom...(albeit an extreme example)

I hated TDK and loved Spider-Man 3.







Naw shit I'm messing. Ha, could you imagine? I'd have to leave the internet like, now.


But this is Batman vs. Superman. It's not Superman and Batman team up to fight the Joker and Luthor. Or Spider-Man vs 3 people and then one goes on his side and nobody gets any screentime. It's more like one hero, one villain, and their entourage. Pretty much the standard setup, so take any good Superhero movie where the villain gets adequate amount depth and compare to that instead?

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I hated TDK and loved Spider-Man 3.






Naw shit I'm messing. Ha, could you imagine? I'd have to leave the internet like, now.


But this is Batman vs. Superman. It's not Superman and Batman team up to fight the Joker and Luthor. Or Spider-Man vs 3 people and then one goes on his side and nobody gets any screentime. It's more like one hero, one villain, and their entourage. Pretty much the standard setup, so take any good Superhero movie where the villain gets adequate amount depth and compare to that instead?


Hmm, you make a good point.


We'll see how it turns out. I'll still go and see it anyway, because I'm confident it would be good. But, it's not quite the movie I wanted.

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It's just speculation but Snyder basically came on stage and said "this is how I wanted to get across what we're doing" and then had Harry Lennix read the line from TDKR. He could've picked numerous things to do with them teaming up but he picked a line from that awesome fight scene.

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It's going to be a massively neurotic buddy movie, it won't be a versus thing. And that makes complete sense considering Clark's first act as Superman levelled a lot of Metropolis. Batman has every reason to be suspicious of Superman, their first meeting should never be anything close to amicable. I think the set-up has so much potential, Clark needs Batman like the world needs Superman. I'm excited.


I'm also not bothered that Superman isn't getting his own film and they're going full on into a team-up. These films need more crossovers, the world needs to be more fluid. I think it would make a nice point of difference against Marvel's pretty segregated universe (I'd LOVE a Flash and Green Lantern movie after the Justice League). I hope this is the start of more superhero buddy movies.


Superman is always a million times better when he's around other heroes.

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There will be a confrontation of some kind, no doubt about it. But how they handle that confrontation will be interesting. By the midway point of the film they'll be buds.


I still cant believe its happening. I'm so fucking happy about it all.



Just watched this. Sooo good.

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Also, this cross over probably means that a Justice League film is even further off.


I was actually thinking maybe it brings JL closer.... maybe DC are getting desperate to try get JL out after Marvel did the Avengers and instead of trying to do like Marvel and have solo movies that lead to the team up movie maybe they will just contain it all within the new Superman films.


So in 2015 we have Man of Steel 2: A Dark Knight (trying to come up with a good subtitle) to introduce a Superman/Batman dynamic and THEN 2017 comes Man of Steel 3: League of Justice :heh:

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So in 2015 we have Man of Steel 2: A Dark Knight (trying to come up with a good subtitle) to introduce a Superman/Batman dynamic and THEN 2017 comes Man of Steel 3: League of Justice :heh:

Batman is way too big to relegate to a subtitle, let alone the whole justice league :p

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I just want Aquaman to rock everyone's world. He's super awesome and Mera better be there, too.


I'd like Green Lantern (John Stewart played by Idris Elba) to make his appearance in Justice League before he goes off and does his own stuff, like how GL isn't in the current Trinity War arc.


I want the world to tangibly change over the course of the films. I want Atlantis to emerge as the global super power along with Themyscira. I want that to have a real impact on the plot of the movies.


If I was a billionaire, I'd actually bank roll all these films.

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I just want Aquaman to rock everyone's world. He's super awesome and Mera better be there, too.


Aquaman is one of the lamest superheroes ever. In what circumstances is he needed? In case of a school of haddock get a little out of control? He is one of the reasons a Justice League film would be lame (along with Flash and Wonder Woman).

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Aquaman is one of the lamest superheroes ever. In what circumstances is he needed? In case of a school of haddock get a little out of control? He is one of the reasons a Justice League film would be lame (along with Flash and Wonder Woman).


Aquaman is fucking boss.


Get him Daft.

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