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Wii U General Discussion


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seriously though... they can't ditch the Wii U, any thoughts otherwise are ridiculous. They can't just bring out another console, they take years and millions of pounds to develop and the one thing Nintendo can't do is ditch the 4 million loyal consumers they have.


A console life span is a minimum of 5 years, Nintendo need to ride the storm this year, but make sure that by next Christmas they have games coming out that make the Wii U a desirable item and pitch it at a price point where it become an impulse buy and for christs sake get MK8 and Smash Bros to market. They can ride the storm financially they still sold more hardware than either Sony or Microsoft last year and let's not forget that Sony are in exactly the same boat with Vita


People are probably bored of hearing me say this on here, but it's a fantastic console, the problem is re-releasing games like Wii Fit, Wii Party etc don't do enough to make the average Wii owner upgrade, when they can just keep playing the same game on the Wii. The Wii was never about graphics so rehashing games with better graphics is not an enticement.


Yeah, it's a weird situation.


As Liger said, you are essentially funding a failing console so why bother. On the other hand you have people who have bought the thing and dumping it would cause more harm than good, from a loyalty point of view. As you said, they have sunk millions in developing the console and ending it would be a waste, unless they use the same tech in a new console. But given that the most costly part of the tech is probably the Gamepad and seeing how that hasn't taken off at all, they may just dump that idea altogether.


In regards to the last paragraph, it's not the graphics that's the issue, it's that that market no longer exists. All those people who made the Wii_ line of games a success have now moved on to other things, like smartphones and tablets. This is why the console is now struggling. It doesn't have the support of the average gamer, nor does it have the support of the expanded market. All that's left are the hardcore Nintendo fans and even that number is dwindling and has been generation after generation.


Shame, like you I have enjoyed my Wii U experience and will continue to do so until they do pull the plug, whenever that may be.

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Yeah, it's a weird situation.


As Liger said, you are essentially funding a failing console so why bother. On the other hand you have people who have bought the thing and dumping it would cause more harm than good, from a loyalty point of view. As you said, they have sunk millions in developing the console and ending it would be a waste, unless they use the same tech in a new console. But given that the most costly part of the tech is probably the Gamepad and seeing how that hasn't taken off at all, they may just dump that idea altogether.


It is a weird situation, but is it weird to think that, in this industry, if a console has good games on it people would want to go out and buy that console?


But I guess the perception of what makes a 'good game' nowadays is kind of changing.


What is definitely needed I think is more partnerships. NINTENDO had proven that they struggle with releasing a steady stream of high quality games over the year even with a handful of partnerships. They need a better network I think, a network which has development studios who work on new IPs like they did with Platinum.

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What is definitely needed I think is more partnerships. NINTENDO had proven that they struggle with releasing a steady stream of high quality games over the year even with a handful of partnerships. They need a better network I think, a network which has development studios who work on new IPs like they did with Platinum.


This is what they should be doing. Create a network if different developers, to make games for your console. Problem is finding those partners, but I'm sure they could begin some wonderful parterships, if they played their cards right.

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It is a weird situation, but is it weird to think that, in this industry, if a console has good games on it people would want to go out and buy that console?


But I guess the perception of what makes a 'good game' nowadays is kind of changing.


What is definitely needed I think is more partnerships. NINTENDO had proven that they struggle with releasing a steady stream of high quality games over the year even with a handful of partnerships. They need a better network I think, a network which has development studios who work on new IPs like they did with Platinum.


Not if the hardware is undesirable. The console is the problem.

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Not if the hardware is undesirable. The console is the problem.


Myeah, I get what you're saying.


These are indeed times where games alone don't really do it for the consumers anymore.

Even I, at age 22, am getting 'old' so to speak :laughing: because I couldn't care less for the hardware and all its features. I just want to play awesome games and have great experiences like Xenoblade, Journey, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Eternal Darkness, or Wonderful 101.


A day and age where hardware matters more than sofware in the gaming industry stings man, it really stings and NINTENDO, as a software company at heart since the dawn of gaming, is feeling it.

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I made a post in the sales thread of a way Nintendo can "save" it. Not become massively successful but will help


Here's how I can see it.




It worked for the PS3, sort of happened and worked with the 3DS.


  • Redo the logo, emphasise the U part of the Wii U, perhaps remove Wii altogether and call it the Nintendo U.
  • New model of console. Cheaper parts so they can sell at a lower cost.
  • 2 SKUs
    • GamePadless with Wiimote Plus and/or Pro Controller: ~$199.99. OS defaults to the screen on TV being what is on the GamePad as default so WaraWara Plaza can't be accessed. Can't switch unless you sync a GamePad.
    • With GamePad & Wiimote Plus: ~$249.99.
    • GamePad on sale on its own $79.99

    [*]As most games offer alternatives in control, you can throw a "Better with the GamePad" style thing on the box. For ones that require it, like games that require Kinect, marked clearly on the box.

    [*]Bundle could include Super Mario 3D World or Mario Kart 8 to further push it


Iwata mentioned today that they're funnelling even more money into advertising and that is another reason why projected profits are lower. Use that for a massive relaunch.


Software is fine, though they need more of it, sure. Third party support is a lost cause, what Nintendo need to do is try and lure them back for the next console, but have to ride the Wii U through until 2016 at least. In the meantime, continue with the deals made with Sega, Platinum, Koei Temco etc. to make exclusives, with Nintendo fronting much of the costs.


This is the only thing I can see Nintendo do to potentially turn it around.

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Yup, pretty much.


That said, they really need to sort out the virtual console as well. A LOT of people would buy the console if the full library was there.


Gamecube numbers are a long shot but if they drop the gamepad they have a chance of getting past 12-15 million.

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Also, I suggested that months ago Serebii and you came back at me with 'but they can't drop the Gamepad! It's the most important thing and the USP'. Glad to see you agree now ;)


Also, surely they need to drop the 'U' from the console name, as the whole meaning of it was related to the Gamepad experience?


Call it Wii 2 and pack Mario and Wii Sports in. Drop it to £199 and people might buy it.

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I like the idea of rebranding it. For me, they need to get as far away from the Wii name as possible and just calling it the Nintendo U would be a good start.


A agree 100%. Name is still stupid. Wii was ok but to then add another letter after? Sounds more like the noise Mario a makes when he jumps. :blank:

Re-brand, re-promote but more importantly, get the core franchises on the system that Wii missed. StarFox etc.


Nintendo could set up an 'ask Iwata' page where you can poll for games to be developed. This would allow the consumer to say what they want and perhaps influence the decisions of what franchises to re-do at Nintendo.

Trouble is they make games to fit mechanics. They need to start leveraging their content. With more sequels in a similar vein to what they did with SMG2.


They also need EA (FIFA) support if they want the west back.

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Also, I suggested that months ago Serebii and you came back at me with 'but they can't drop the Gamepad! It's the most important thing and the USP'. Glad to see you agree now ;)


Desperate times call for desperate measures.


It is the most important thing, that's the thing. Howevergested, it's still better value to get the GamePad.

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They also need to keep the games flowing, especially as it seems like they are on their own now. It's all well and good getting the odd boost here and there but once you get that boost it needs to be maintained.


How much did the Wind Waker HD remake cost to make? Anyone know? I know it was knocked out pretty quickly and if it was cheap to make as well then surely these HD remakes would a good way to flesh out the schedule.


Hell, everyone has been eager for another F-Zero and I imagine most Nintendo gamers would snap up a copy of F-Zero GX HD. Just add an online mode and you are done! Easy money/hype right there!

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They also need to keep the games flowing, especially as it seems like they are on their own now. It's all well and good getting the odd boost here and there but once you get that boost it needs to be maintained.


How much did the Wind Waker HD remake cost to make? Anyone know? I know it was knocked out pretty quickly and if it was cheap to make as well then surely these HD remakes would a good way to flesh out the schedule.


Hell, everyone has been eager for another F-Zero and I imagine most Nintendo gamers would snap up a copy of F-Zero GX HD. Just add an online mode and you are done! Easy money/hype right there!

F-Zero GX was so ahead of its time, both graphically and in level of customisation etc. so I would love it.


But, unlike what people think, Nintendo doesn't release games just for the hell of it, they only want to do it when there's something new they can do.


There does appear to be decent first party developed and paid for titles coming this year, though.



Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Mario Kart 8

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Hyrule Warriors

Bayonetta 2

Yarn Yoshi

Third Sonic title


And there's bound to be loads more revealed for release in the year. Wind Waker and Mario were first properly revealed at E3, and released just months later, for example.


Plus a slim chance of Zelda and SMTxFE.

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F-Zero GX was so ahead of its time, both graphically and in level of customisation etc. so I would love it.


But, unlike what people think, Nintendo doesn't release games just for the hell of it, they only want to do it when there's something new they can do.



They are going to have to change their way of thinking if they are to keep both market share and mind share.


A game doesn't have to be innovating or a fresh experience to be a good game. Yes, you will get arguments for and against this but there is nothing wrong with padding your release schedule out with classics from another generation. Besides, putting a decent online mode in F-Zero ( or any Nintendo game for that matter ) would surely count as doing something new, right? :D


You have to think that there are generations of gamers who weren't around when Nintendo's other consoles were about. It would be a good way to get them accustomed to certain series without actually developing a new game.


There does appear to be decent first party developed and paid for titles coming this year, though.



Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Mario Kart 8

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Hyrule Warriors

Bayonetta 2

Yarn Yoshi

Third Sonic title



I do agree with this though. It's a cracking list ( for me at least ) and my hope is that they don't get delayed and are spaced out well.

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Nintendo could set up an 'ask Iwata' page where you can poll for games to be developed. This would allow the consumer to say what they want and perhaps influence the decisions of what franchises to re-do at Nintendo.




No thanks.


Unless you specifically just mean which series. They sorta did that with the first Tingle game and it ended up skipping America. Glad we got it though, Europeans rulez!

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On January 29th/30th, we are going to get some significant things of note. Iwata's meeting will show a change in business strategy regarding Wii U. He is also expected to take another pay cut.


At this rate the dude is gonna be on pennies!


Yeah, i'm interested in seeing just how he plans to change things. We possibly have the rumoured direct happening next week.

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holy cow i wondered why there was so much activity in this tread! christ! thats absolutely dire


The need to ditch the WiiU (and i love mine) its a money pit although thats unrealistic, what the really really should do is rebrand and relaunch the console....and i like Serebii's options that could work very well


They also need to pull their finger out on the back catalogue...flood us with Virtual console titles! hell a quick fix would be to get wii mode's VC console to work fully with the PAD, then quietly release updates so as to bring it to the WiiU (or hopefully new name)


And as much as people say they shouldn't do this......MONEYHAT MONEYHAT MONEYHAT those third parties! they need to get third party developers onside


IF they do that they might struggle through until they can launch a new console altogether



and Iwata should go, too many failed promises, too many times he's said he's learnt too many failures full stop, screw the pay cut, cut his job!

put someone in willing to change the ethos of the company and get them courting third parties, and out of this arrogant attitude that they can survive on their own

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and Iwata should go, too many failed promises, too many times he's said he's learnt too many failures full stop, screw the pay cut, cut his job!

put someone in willing to change the ethos of the company and get them courting third parties, and out of this arrogant attitude that they can survive on their own


I don't think Iwata should go, more that the company as a whole needs to change their way of thinking. They need to stop living in their own little bubble and claiming that they aren't competing with Microsoft and Sony. Guess what, Nintendo? You are!


Anything that takes people away from your product you are competing against. They need to have a good long look at what the competition are doing, see how westernised the console market has become and then react to that. I'm not saying they should go all DLC and F2P, just get their heads out of their arrogant backsides and take a peek at what is happening around them.

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If Iwata goes, the worst will happen. Japanese company, new CEO, Japan being in love with smartphone money at the moment.


You can see where it's going.


th?id=H.4533592633051699&pid=15.1 time.


Again, Nintendo really would benefit by becoming a third party dev for their home console titles. They can't produce a good console to save their life.

Releasing their games on other consoles would damage their handheld market. Why would people buy dedicated hardware for it when they can just play the franchises on other hardware.

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