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Nintendo Direct announced.




Not worth creating a new topic yet until we find out if there's a western one as well.


I was just going to say that but you know who is probably already making one if he's online.


Edit: He's not online.


That's 11a.m. BST. Isn't Sunday unusual for a Direct?

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Someone on Gaf pointed out that there is a Monster Hunter event happening on the same day. Come on MH4 Wii U.


Screw that, I would love it to come to PS4. Imagine it with a proper online infrastructure and the available audience over here/US. Imagine!

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Screw that, I would love it to come to PS4. Imagine it with a proper online infrastructure and the available audience over here/US. Imagine!


The Wii U has a 1,000,000 more consoles sold in Japan than the PS4, Monster Hunters biggest market. So no, I won't imagine anything but you can keep dreaming. :heh:


By the way there's nothing wrong with MH3U online infrastructure on the Wii U.

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The Wii U has a 1,000,000 more consoles sold in Japan than the PS4, Monster Hunters biggest market. So no, I won't imagine anything but you can keep dreaming. :heh:


By the way there's nothing wrong with MH3U online infrastructure on the Wii U.


I'm sure we've had this discussion before...


The Wii U is performing poorly in every territory pretty much, and if you look at the big third party Japanese titles going to home consoles, they're all coming to PS4 in Japan (Final Fantasy [both XV and X], Kingdom Hearts, Persona, Yakuza, Bloodborne...).That tells any developer that PS4 is gonna pick up even more, because people want them games.


Looking at sales of games, PS4 games regularly reach top spot in the charts so there's no real reason to pick Wii U over PS4 on this basis. And look at these sales:


[Wii U] Xenoblade Chronicles X (Nintendo, 04/30/15) – 85,586 (New)


^ A very Japanese RPG with mechs, backed by Nintendo and advertised a great deal


[PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Spike Chunsoft, 05/21/15) – 67,385 (New)


^ Western RPG much less targeted to a Japanese audience, on PS4. The difference is like 18K units. That tells me the PS4 has more selling potential (and that Wii owners aren't buying as many games).



And of course, the big reason to go with PS4 - maybe a million more sales outside of Japan. Far more important!

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Take your dreams to the other boards :)


As for direct, very strange, over the summer months... maybe nintendo has more to show at E3 than we think and they want to get the immediate stuff out early... or maybe they're just utterly mental...

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Take your dreams to the other boards :)


As for direct, very strange, over the summer months... maybe nintendo has more to show at E3 than we think and they want to get the immediate stuff out early... or maybe they're just utterly mental...


I think it's more to do with E3 being a global presentation and Nintendo just wants to highlight some games that will be coming out over in Japan and not the rest of the world. Stuff like DQVIII, for example.

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I like how you guys are dismissing this as a 'dream' despite the series originating on a PlayStation format.


Just saying if it ever went to a home console again that it could happen and would make absolute sense to happen, is all. :)

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I should have also said, Monster Hunter drives sales of consoles. It doesn't matter what platform it's on. The Wii U doesn't have 3rd party support so Nintendo would do well to pay for its exclusivity. Who ever gets MH would be paying for it or cutting Capcom a good deal. Anyway, it's all just speculation.

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Nice little article on kotaku...



Nobody is as good as Nintendo at making cute games


Nintendo’s greatest skill will always be game design. Whatever else you might think about Nintendo games, their design is often exquisite, relying on elegant visual and gameplay cues and your natural curiosity to guide you rather than tutorial prompts and objective markers.


People who’ve grown up with Nintendo are fluent in the language of this design, but it’s still intelligible to those who haven’t - hence Nintendo’s enduring popularity with families.


Another of its great skills, though - and this is something that’s especially evident in the company’s latest spate of Wii U games, which includes Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush, Yoshi’s Woolly World and Captain Toad’s Treasure Tracker - is the art of cute. Nintendo’s studios are masters of the art of cute. I spent the weekend with Yoshi’s Woolly World and it is so cute it makes me emit involuntary noises. It is cuter than a basket of kittens with bows on. It is sweet enough to make your teeth hurt. I can hardly bear it.


This handmade aesthetic begun with Good-Feel’s Kirby’s Epic Yarn in 2010 and evidently proved popular at the company, because both Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush and Yoshi’s Woolly World took the style and ran with it. Worlds and creatures made out of clay or wool have the double advantage of being adorable and original. It has the same heartwarming, creativity-nurturing effect as LittleBigPlanet, which almost certainly inspired it. Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush is cute in the same way, whereas things like Animal Crossing dip a toe into the Spongebob universe of weird-cute, and Mario goes with a shiny, colourful, touchable toy-like aesthetic.


Then there are things like Game Freak’s Pokemon series, which borrows from anime style for its appealing characters and critters, and Captain Toad’s Treasure Tracker, which has the cutest animation I’ve ever seen. Wind Waker’s brand of cute, meanwhile, has just a touch of menace to it, in the Moblins’ crazy eyes and lolling jaws. It feels like Nintendo has gone weapons-grade adorable lately; Yoshi’s Woolly World features not one, not three, but tens of little knitted Yoshis in different cute little patterns. When they’re all walking around together chirruping at each other it’s almost nauseating. Even the recent ADVERTS are lethally cute.


There were a good few years where Nintendo had almost no competition in the realm of cute - the Gamecube era, where almost everyone else making video games was obsessed with the race towards realism (and the veil of “maturity” that grimdark settings and brown-and-grey colour palettes provided), and Sega had sadly thrown in the towel after the Dreamcast sunk. Most of the Japanese games industry slowly followed in its tracks over the next decade or so, taking a lot of cute with it. Those were depressing times. To quote the incomparable UK Resistance from back in 2005, “Games need BLUE SKIES! Games need BRIGHT YELLOW SUNS! Games need RED AND BLUE THINGS in them! We want to play in a HAPPY PRETEND LAND, not a shit version of an American slum full of mixed-race gangsters wearing licensed sportswear!”


Thankfully there’s since been a renaissance in cute, driven partly by the explosion of indie and mobile games with wonderfully varied artistic direction. There seem to be about 12 newly-released platform/adventure style games on the first few pages of the Steam store at any one time, most of them modelled after the blue-sky cuteness of the games of our youth. Shovel Knight and Broken Age are both creatively cute. None of us can stop playing this ridiculously adorable mobile game called Neko Atsume.


On the bigger-budget side, Media Molecule is flying the flag for cuteness in the UK with Tearaway and, previously, the LittleBigPlanet series. There’s this chibi re-interpretation of Monster Hunter on the horizon. Sony’s mega-cute Japanese mascot Toro had his own (Japanese) daily show on Playstation for a good three years, from 2006 to 2009; it is a great tragedy that it didn’t survive the PS3 era.


I still think that there is nobody as good at Nintendo at making cute video games, and certainly nobody is devoting the same resources to making games that make you squee. But it has a lot more competition now than it did for a while. I hope that carries on, and that those grey days of the mid ‘00s never return.



"I hope that carries on, and that those grey days of the mid ‘00s never return."


She must not have a PS4 ;)



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The problem is, that's all Nintendo make. People slate the other consoles for not having variety, but Nintendo are just as bad, they just focus on the other end of the spectrum.


And I'm sure the whole "there's plenty of colour on PS4/360/PC" argument has been done to death, so I won't start it up again (mainly because it's often ignored by the haterz).

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Nintendo PR representatve hosting tomorrow’s Japanese Nintendo Direct




Tomorrow’s Japanese Nintendo Direct won’t be delivered by company president Satoru Iwata. Instead, it’s being hosted by Mr. Morimoto, who is a part of the PR team.


Morimoto was originally introduced during the April 2015 Nintendo Direct. He’s the man standing next to Iwata in the image above.








The new Nintendo Direct will take place at 11a.m. BST tomorrow morning.


Got to figure Iwata's in a bad way and it's probably the real reason why he won't be in attendance at E3 either.

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Dang, Iwata looks thin. Hope his sickness isn't too serious.


The problem is, that's all Nintendo make. People slate the other consoles for not having variety, but Nintendo are just as bad, they just focus on the other end of the spectrum.


...By which you mean, Nintendo doesn't often make grittier games, right? Yeah, Fire Emblem and Xenoblade aside, it's been a bit like that.


(Just making the point clear, because the previous posts mentioned colour specifically, and I don't think anybody could fault a company for NOT making games with bland/repetitive palettes :heh:)

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(Just making the point clear, because the previous posts mentioned colour specifically, and I don't think anybody could fault a company for NOT making games with bland/repetitive palettes :heh:)


Yeah that's pretty much what I meant.


Although "bland" palettes do have a place. For example, Fallout or The Last of Us would be awful if it was all neon colours.


Plus if a game is colourful all the time, it loses it's impact when you want to make a standout level/area. The greenery taking over the abandoned cities in The Last of Us was more noticable and striking because it was a contrast to all the grey and brown you'd been used to in the populated cities. Those scenes had far more impact to me.


I think that's why I'm not a fan of Nintendo games (At least the aesthetics). I get that they're colourful, but it almost seems like there's been no thought applied to it. It's like a child using all the colours of their paint set just for the sake of using them. Or if every course of a meal was desert. Desert is awesome, but a full meal would be overkill.


I could be wrong, as I haven't exactly played tonnes of Nintendo games, but that's what it looks like to an "outsider" like me.

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Dang, Iwata looks thin. Hope his sickness isn't too serious.




...By which you mean, Nintendo doesn't often make grittier games, right? Yeah, Fire Emblem and Xenoblade aside, it's been a bit like that.


(Just making the point clear, because the previous posts mentioned colour specifically, and I don't think anybody could fault a company for NOT making games with bland/repetitive palettes :heh:)


Fire Emblem is not a gritty game at all. And I wouldn't say Xenoblade is either, quite cartoony in fact.

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The problem is, that's all Nintendo make. People slate the other consoles for not having variety, but Nintendo are just as bad, they just focus on the other end of the spectrum.


And I'm sure the whole "there's plenty of colour on PS4/360/PC" argument has been done to death, so I won't start it up again (mainly because it's often ignored by the haterz).


Aren't you just as hypocritically guilty?! Not wanting to counter the argument as it's been done to death, but then make the same idiotic comment the other way by saying that's all Nintendo make...


It's not even the same argument. All that is on one platform is not the same as all one company make.


A for your second comment... I won't bother... I'll just say I'm pretty surprised Ferice THANKED them...

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Aren't you just as hypocritically guilty?! Not wanting to counter the argument as it's been done to death, but then make the same idiotic comment the other way by saying that's all Nintendo make...


Actually, I made the "idiotic" comment first, then said I wasn't going to go further with because I would just be retreading old ground and it wasn't worth the effort. But fair enough.


Although I wouldn't say it's an idiotic comment. In fact, I'd say it was pretty true. Either way, It's still my opinion though and I'm perfectly entitled to have it. I have even managed to discuss it with far more maturity than some.


It's not even the same argument. All that is on one platform is not the same as all one company make.


When it's the WiiU, it may as well be. Who other than Nintendo are actually making games for it nowadays? Surely there can't be many left?


Besides, the same comment about only having cartoony games could also be applied to the console as a whole, not just Nintendo themselves.

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Fire Emblem is not a gritty game at all. And I wouldn't say Xenoblade is either, quite cartoony in fact.


In recent times, those are the grittiest. Or the "less cute", if you will. Mainly because Other M (an entry to an usually grittier series than FE or Xenoblade) was quite a few years ago already.


And to be clear, I was merely talking in terms of aesthetics.


I think that's why I'm not a fan of Nintendo games (At least the aesthetics). I get that they're colourful, but it almost seems like there's been no thought applied to it. It's like a child using all the colours of their paint set just for the sake of using them. Or if every course of a meal was desert. Desert is awesome, but a full meal would be overkill.


I could be wrong, as I haven't exactly played tonnes of Nintendo games, but that's what it looks like to an "outsider" like me.


I definitely disagree. Even Mario games go black and dark purple when the "Haunted Mansion" level comes along. Nintendo does use a lot of bright hues as the "default" setting for a game or series, but of course it also knows how to use colour contrast properly in order to convey whatever feeling it wants to convey.


The only Nintendo franchise I can think of that goes willy-nilly with its bright colours is Kirby (and granted, some Mario games are guilty of this as well).

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