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Wii U General Discussion


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It just seemed wrong NOT getting another console, I always do, and the PS3 was the perfect compliment to the wii last gen. I just thought the same would happen.


Though i do think my gaming tastes have changed, well, no, actually I've stopped buying every game imaginable and not playing any of them. And decided to just play the games I really want, and it turns out the games I really want to play are nintendo games.


BUT, the PS4 is still worse than I imagined it was even when I was dubious about it. I still love(d) Fifa, and Batman is out soon, but ultimately a huge disappointment.


And I didn't realise Bloodborne was an exclusive actually. It's really not my type of game (though I have Dark Souls so maybe one day I'll realise actually it is), neither is Drive Club. Infamous was good. Kill Zone I thought was awful. The last of us isn't a ps4 exclusive and I'm intrigued by the order, but the reviews put me off. Ultimately though, other than maybe Bloodborne, are any of these games that will define the ps4 when we look back?


I don't think either the XBO or the PS4 has a 'defining' game as of yet. In my eyes both have very much continued on from where the 360 and PS3 left off. As such, the kind of fresh experiences that one would hope to define a new generation of gaming with are yet to appear. That doesn't mean they won't, they just haven't yet.


I also think that the exclusives on the PS4 have been underwhelming. Killzone, Knack, Driveclub and The Order have all failed to hit the mark. Bloodborne however seems to be very good and is receiving much positive acclaim.


I think the one place the PS4 and XBO have achieved is in the high quality third party support.


I think that's what annoys people about Nintendo. Nintendo's first party games this gen absolutely shit all over Sony's and Microsoft's efforts. But the third party situation is dire.


I feel that for a lot of people, they think that if Nintendo had built a system on parity with the PS4 and XBO there would now be a situation where you had the first class Nintendo exclusives AND the third party games that are pushing out PS4s and XBOs and Nintendo would be in a much stronger position.

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I feel that for a lot of people, they think that if Nintendo had built a system on parity with the PS4 and XBO there would now be a situation where you had the first class Nintendo exclusives AND the third party games that are pushing out PS4s and XBOs and Nintendo would be in a much stronger position.


I think that's what a lot of people are wanting. They want that first party goodness but with the 3rd party offerings the other consoles have as well. It would save having to buy multiple consoles for a lot of people.

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...I think that's what annoys people about Nintendo. Nintendo's first party games this gen absolutely shit all over Sony's and Microsoft's efforts. But the third party situation is dire.


I feel that for a lot of people, they think that if Nintendo had built a system on parity with the PS4 and XBO there would now be a situation where you had the first class Nintendo exclusives AND the third party games that are pushing out PS4s and XBOs and Nintendo would be in a much stronger position.


That's what I ask for Nintendo's next console. Give us parity... online features, Party Chat etc, but also make the console similar in architecture. If they did the ease of porting games would make it so much more viable for 3rd Parties to port their games.

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Funnily enough I don't think the Wii U has any defining games either. Like some big PS4 and XBO games, most Wii U games could have been done on the previous console in SD, imo. I don't see greater scope in Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Pikmin, NSMB or SM3DW than games on the Wii or even 3DS. Of course, Splatoon, Xenoblade and Zelda will likely change that.


Don't get me wrong, the output has been great! Just hardly revolutionary imo.

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Funnily enough I don't think the Wii U has any defining games either. Like some big PS4 and XBO games, most Wii U games could have been done on the previous console in SD, imo. I don't see greater scope in Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Pikmin, NSMB or SM3DW than games on the Wii or even 3DS. Of course, Splatoon, Xenoblade and Zelda will likely change that.


Don't get me wrong, the output has been great! Just hardly revolutionary imo.


For me it's not about being revolutionary though. We're getting beyond that now I feel, tech isn't doing much to change/improve gaming like it used to, Shovel Knight is a defining game, it's not revolutionary, it's almost the opposite. But just incredible games that define a console. I think Mario Karft 8, Smash, Pikmin 3 and even Mario 3D will all be defining games that history will look back strongly on.

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Funnily enough I don't think the Wii U has any defining games either. Like some big PS4 and XBO games, most Wii U games could have been done on the previous console in SD, imo. I don't see greater scope in Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Pikmin, NSMB or SM3DW than games on the Wii or even 3DS. Of course, Splatoon, Xenoblade and Zelda will likely change that.


Don't get me wrong, the output has been great! Just hardly revolutionary imo.


Nothing this generation has been revolutionary, including games on PS4/XBO, unless you count more polygons and bigger instances.


Yet still the console flew off the shelves. :D


The strength of the "Playstation" brand.

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I don't think any of the consoles have yet had a generation defining game.


Agree. Good/solid games but nothing really revolutionary.


To me, the last generation (or rather genre) defining game was Demon's Souls.


And then came Minecraft which revolutionized/changed the video game industry as a whole.

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Or the weakness of the "Nintendo" one.


I only bought a PS4 because I was so bored. Best gaming decision I've made.


Why do you bother hanging out on a Nintendo forum if you're so bored and love the IndieStation4 so much? Same question to a few other people. It just makes no sense.


Agree. Good/solid games but nothing really revolutionary.


To me, the last generation (or rather genre) defining game was Demon's Souls.


And then came Minecraft which revolutionized/changed the video game industry as a whole.


How did Minecraft revolutionise the video game industry? What impact did it have? AAA gaming is still the same exact thing we've been getting for years. Gritty shooters and gory third person action games.


Personally I'd say the generation defining game of last gen were things like Mario Galaxy or The Last of Us (apparently).

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Why do you bother hanging out on a Nintendo forum if you're so bored and love the IndieStation4 so much? Same question to a few other people. It just makes no sense.


Whether people like it or not, this forum as a whole is hardly a Nintendo forum any more. Sure it's called N-E but it's very much a multiformat forum and has been for the best part of the last generation.


IndieStation4...really? This is like reading a kids letter in ONM calling the Playstation the PooStation or some other pants like that.

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Why do you bother hanging out on a Nintendo forum if you're so bored and love the IndieStation4 so much? Same question to a few other people. It just makes no sense.


What a horrid question. Are you aware this forum caters to more than just Nintendo? Only 1 out of 6 of the main forum categories on this website are specifically for Nintendo discussion, you know.

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How did Minecraft revolutionise the video game industry? What impact did it have? AAA gaming is still the same exact thing we've been getting for years. Gritty shooters and gory third person action games.


Since Minecraft early-access has been on the rise and has become a business model, procedurally-generated games have exploded/been improved upon and Minecraft basically started the indie-boom which in turn helped with early-access, the importance of independent developers, etc.


Why exactly did you mention AAA gaming now?

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Agreed with @kav82.


Last gen's 'defining' games were probably Wii Sports and Minecraft. For the PS2/GC/Xbox era it'd probably be GTA and Halo.


That's different from the best games though. That'd probably go to Mario Galaxy, Xenoblade (even though I played it on 3DS!) and The Last of Us.


There really hasn't been a massive game that's matched the hype and acclaim of the aforementioned yet. Maybe there just won't be anything that revolutionary?

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Agreed with @kav82.


Last gen's 'defining' games were probably Wii Sports and Minecraft. For the PS2/GC/Xbox era it'd probably be GTA and Halo.


That's different from the best games though. That'd probably go to Mario Galaxy, Xenoblade (even though I played it on 3DS!) and The Last of Us.


There really hasn't been a massive game that's matched the hype and acclaim of the aforementioned yet. Maybe there just won't be anything that revolutionary?


I would also give a shout out to Gears of War. Many said ( I would agree ) that than generation didn't really start until that arrived. Crazy to think that next year is its 10 year anniversary.

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What a horrid question. Are you aware this forum caters to more than just Nintendo? Only 1 out of 6 of the main forum categories on this website are specifically for Nintendo discussion, you know.


Let's get some Bloodborne or Sunset Overdrive graphics on the forum header then if it's only 1/6th a Nintendo message board. And while we're at it maybe the main site could write about the latest PS4 shooter instead of exclusively Nintendo news. Just seems odd that the loudest voices on a Nintendo message board are PS4 fanboys and guys who fell out of love with them years ago. It was genuinely refreshing to see so many actual Nintendo fans post after the Direct, this place felt completely different.

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I would also give a shout out to Gears of War. Many said ( I would agree ) that than generation didn't really start until that arrived. Crazy to think that next year is its 10 year anniversary.



Do you really think in ten years time people will be talking about Gears of War as a classic in the same way they'll talk about Mario 64, OOT, Mario Galaxy etc? To me it seems like a huge shooter at the time but like a lot of shooters they're just mindless popcorn games soon to be forgotten. Apart from the genre defining ones like Half Life and Doom.


Jeez. Ok, you no longer have the right to ridicule Wii for his nameplay.


A moment of weakness. I apologise for stooping to his level.

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Gears of War did really start off the popularity of the third person cover shooter, which we've seen a lot of since then, so in that aspect it was pretty revolutionary. I never played it myself, and am unsure whether it'll be looked back at as generation defining, but it's a good point, @Hero\-of\-Time.


I guess you could probably add COD to the gen defining list, if we're talking massive popularity and influence.

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Let's get some Bloodborne or Sunset Overdrive graphics on the forum header then if it's only 1/6th a Nintendo message board. And while we're at it maybe the main site could write about the latest PS4 shooter instead of exclusively Nintendo news. Just seems odd that the loudest voices on a Nintendo message board are PS4 fanboys and guys who fell out of love with them years ago. It was genuinely refreshing to see so many actual Nintendo fans post after the Direct, this place felt completely different.


I'd suggest that the loudest voice is actually yours yet all you do is incite arguments, not discussions.


There aren't any "PS4 Fanboys" here. We're all Nintendo fans as well, we're just disappointed with their current output.


And I'm really glad you don't venture into the "Other Consoles" section. Even when there's a game or part thereof that people find disappointing the conversation never seems to lower to inappropriate digs or insults.

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Let's get some Bloodborne or Sunset Overdrive graphics on the forum header then if it's only 1/6th a Nintendo message board. And while we're at it maybe the main site could write about the latest PS4 shooter instead of exclusively Nintendo news. Just seems odd that the loudest voices on a Nintendo message board are PS4 fanboys and guys who fell out of love with them years ago. It was genuinely refreshing to see so many actual Nintendo fans post after the Direct, this place felt completely different.


I don't get this; as soon as you start to fall out of favour with many of Nintendo's practices/games you should leave the forum? What exactly is your point?


There are other communities here and Nintendo is just one of them...whatever the banner or title of the forums may be. And even then, I suspect many people like specific games like Zelda/Xenoblade, even if they have negative criticisms of Nintendo's direction and other games.


What gives you the right to assert who should be around here?

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Nothing this generation has been revolutionary, including games on PS4/XBO, unless you count more polygons and bigger instances.



But remember, the Wii was at the GC and PS2's level, power wise. There was huge jump to the HD consoles, with games like Bioshock, Portal and dozens more. Now Nintendo have jumped to that level, I don't see that type of output *yet*. The jump to HD leads to the development of bigger and richer worlds. I don't think Nintendo have handled that too well just yet; they seem to focusing on better looking versions of what we've seen before as opposed to increasing the scope of their games.


Not the type of thing I expect from the companies that made the N64, Gamecube and of course, the Wii. That said, we'll get X and Zelda soon enough.

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Do you really think in ten years time people will be talking about Gears of War as a classic in the same way they'll talk about Mario 64, OOT, Mario Galaxy etc? To me it seems like a huge shooter at the time but like a lot of shooters they're just mindless popcorn games soon to be forgotten. Apart from the genre defining ones like Half Life and Doom.


Honestly. Yup I think it will still be discussed and remembered.


Let's get some Bloodborne or Sunset Overdrive graphics on the forum header then if it's only 1/6th a Nintendo message board.


I'll have a word with Ashley and see what we can do. :D Would you still stick arfound if the site suddenly became called Playstation Europe?

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