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You really don't have a clue. There is already a big breadth of content already provided by everybody else out there. Just because it doesn't come from one developer (or one team of developers, one stable, whatever) doesn't mean it isn't deep or wide. I think @Sheikah already made this point before. You're literally comparing one division/developer with...everything else.


I find it ridiculous that he seems to think one company can provide more diversity than almost every other game dev company combined. Fucking arrogance really.

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I thought Ronnie originally said Nintendo AND indie developers?


In which he argued that Nintendo's diverse lineup was RPGs, platformers, world creators, space shooters, co-op shooters, adventure games.


ALL of which are already released/being released by non-Indies and Non-Nintendo devs on other consoles.

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A lot of the one title a month next year I couldn't care less about. The only definites are Zelda and X. Maybe Starfox and Yoshi's Woolly World but I'll have to see how they turn out. If you don't like that title for the month then you've got nothing to look forward to. Splatoon, don't care. Project Guard, don't care. Mario Maker, don't care. Project Giant Robot, don't care. 2 games in a year is brutal. E3 will hopefully have something good announced. And give over with the 2D platformers already.

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I thought Ronnie originally said Nintendo AND indie developers?


Originally, yes.


But, he then said:


Nintendo have an adventure game, an open world RPG, a cooperative shooter, 2D platformers, a level creator, a space shooter, a diorama style puzzler and more racing DLC all planned for next year. THAT is a diverse line up of games. And who knows add a Metroid game in there maybe.


So, that's Nintendo solely. Not Nintendo + indies.

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Medi Molecule. Quality. HA! Best thing that's been said the past 3 pages :)


That's the best I can offer this thread, which is descending into tired arguments...


I see AAA as hollywood and manufactured pop music. I see Nintendo, smaller studios and indies as the independent film world.


I have as much interest in the big 3rd party AAA games as much as I do hollywood films.

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Are they? What demographic is that?


First and foremost is Nintendo should be aiming for the demographic that plays and buys videogames.


It's a part of the gamer community. I guess a part that's getting smaller and smaller. Which I really find a shame by the way. Of course consumers buy what they want or like and everybody has his/her own unique taste.


I have a Wii U, PS3, PC, 3DS, PSP, iPad and also like oldschool boardgames.

I'm used to finding good things in a lot of different platforms for many years now. Of course it would be nice to have one platform for all those different types of entertainment.


I just think that if Nintendo try to follow the same strategy as Playstation or Microsoft it would become the nail to their coffin. Three is too much in that segment, you see that even already with only two and Microsoft struggling to catch up with Sony this generation, that's not without reason. Imagine if Nintendo also lanched a powerhouse, I think that they would be in a far worse position than they are now.


That's at least how I think about this, not trying to be defensive or offensive at all : peace:

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Medi Molecule. Quality. HA! Best thing that's been said the past 3 pages :)


That's the best I can offer this thread, which is descending into tired arguments...


I see AAA as hollywood and manufactured pop music. I see Nintendo, smaller studios and indies as the independent film world.


I have as much interest in the big 3rd party AAA games as much as I do hollywood films.


Have you played Tearaway? Most innovative platform title released in the last few years.

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Medi Molecule. Quality. HA! Best thing that's been said the past 3 pages :)


That's the best I can offer this thread, which is descending into tired arguments...


I see AAA as hollywood and manufactured pop music. I see Nintendo, smaller studios and indies as the independent film world.


I have as much interest in the big 3rd party AAA games as much as I do hollywood films.


Not a fan of Tearaway? I was tempted to get a Vita for it, but I'll wait for the PS4 game.


The comparisons you are making do not work because others will simultaneously use AAA to describe Nintendo's titles. They are big budget games, so Nintendo can't fall into that Independent film category that you mention. Also, they do not fall into that category anyway because they mass produce certain games series like Mario and Zelda anyway. (some may put Mario Kart, Kirby, Donkey Kong into that category. Or even Pokemon) We've had two Zelda remakes (one for WiiU, one for 3DS), one new one for 3DS, one new one (coming) for WiiU and another remake for 3DS. I don't really agree with using blanket terms such as "Hollywood" or "AAA" and it creates a lot of issues when they're used.



It's a part of the gamer community. I guess a part that's getting smaller and smaller. Which I really find a shame by the way. Of course consumers buy what they want or like and everybody has his/her own unique taste.


I have a Wii U, PS3, PC, 3DS, PSP, iPad and also like oldschool boardgames.

I'm used to finding good things in a lot of different platforms for many years now. Of course it would be nice to have one platform for all those different types of entertainment.


I just think that if Nintendo try to follow the same strategy as Playstation or Microsoft it would become the nail to their coffin. Three is too much in that segment, you see that even already with only two and Microsoft struggling to catch up with Sony this generation, that's not without reason. Imagine if Nintendo also lanched a powerhouse, I think that they would be in a far worse position than they are now.


That's at least how I think about this, not trying to be defensive or offensive at all : peace:


What makes you think that the gaming community is getting smaller? I'd say it's getting bigger. I can't remember gaming ever being this popular. Also, for the younger gamers, there's a potential for them to use certain games series' as a platform to then jump into higher quality stuff.


Nintendo would be in a bad way regardless of whether they went for power or not, because their issues go way beyond simply "not having a powerful enough system". Like I already mentioned, they have missed out on big cross-generation games and they are further losing big names. Their issues are deep-rooted and need fully addressing if they want the next issue to be a success, unless they go possess some kind of gimmick that we simply don't know about yet, which also contains its own pitfalls and problems.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Have you played Tearaway? Most innovative platform title released in the last few years.


Do you know, I'm going to show my ignorance, I didn't know they made that :) I detest little big series though. I can't believe it's made by the same company...


I've only played a little of tearaway (the demo), but I bought it a few weeks ago!


Not a fan of Tearaway? I was tempted to get a Vita for it, but I'll wait for the PS4 game.


The comparisons you are making do not work because others will simultaneously use AAA to describe Nintendo's titles. They are big budget games, so Nintendo can't fall into that Independent film category that you mention. Also, they do not fall into that category anyway because they mass produce certain games series like Mario and Zelda anyway. (some may put Mario Kart, Kirby, Donkey Kong into that category. Or even Pokemon) We've had two Zelda remakes (one for WiiU, one for 3DS), one new one for 3DS, one new one (coming) for WiiU and another remake for 3DS. I don't really agree with using blanket terms such as "Hollywood" or "AAA" and it creates a lot of issues when they're used.


And sometime you get incredible hollywood films. That's where nintendo's big titles and some 3rd party titles sit. What issues does it create? How I see it, I see a perfect comparison. The big money, mega popular, often annualised, spectacle of subtlety. In broad terms it works to express exactly how I feel. Yes there are always going to be exceptions etc, it's not a model, just a broad comparison which works for me enough to use it.


It's more of a solidifying of my tastes than an attack on everything else anyway. The past year, weirdly considering Nintendo have never been lower, has made me realise just how much my (seemingly increasingly limited) tastes are 95% geared towards Nintendo and how I'm losing interest by the month in most other stuff.

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True but the Wii U is in a worse position than the Gamecube was.


I don't think releasing a new platform after 4 years would be such a bad thing as long as its the correct console.



And that is why we won't get the console until 2017. The Wii was probably released about the expected time, despite the GC being a bit of a sales disappointment. Home consoles with Nintendo are released at a very steady rate, The Wii was around longer than expected because of it's sales success, but even it fell short of 6 years before the successor was released. Again, Gamecube had the shortest life of all Nintendo home consoles before the Wii was released, only just falling short of 5 years.


The handheld arena is a bit less regular. If the New 3DS model hadn't just been released I would expect the next handheld to be announced E3 2015/2016. In light of the 3DS, to give it a chance of impacting western markets I expect the announcement to be made at E3 2016.

With a focus on the handheld in 2016 Nintendo won't want to be releasing a home console in the same year, so it sits nicely at 2017. That also fits in with the length of time they regularly take preparing a new home console - about 5 years after the launch of their last console.

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And sometime you get incredible hollywood films. That's where nintendo's big titles and some 3rd party titles sit.


...But you already said that they were the Independent film studios of the gaming world. It can't be both because you have previously separated them into two categories. :p


What issues does it create?


The issues are that you are blurring the lines and terminology behind each of these and bending them to fit in with your analogy. Nintendo, by definition, can't be of the Independent world because they mass produce games with high production values and rake in the big money whilst doing so (Mario, for instance and everything affiliated with Mario).


How I see it, I see a perfect comparison. The big money, mega popular, often annualised, spectacle of subtlety. In broad terms it works to express exactly how I feel. Yes there are always going to be exceptions etc, it's not a model, just a broad comparison which works for me enough to use it.


The problem is that Nintendo can also fall under some of these categories. New Super Mario, for instance. Pokemon. I just don't think that these comparisons work at all, at least not in the way that you are describing them. That's what happens when one tries to put things into certain categories (what I was alluding to earlier with just labelling everything with a gun as shooter). It's like trying to categorise rock music, blanket terms such as this just don't work and you have to be really spot on with what the terms mean when applying them.

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Nintendo is full of conserved sequel cash ins. Look at Smash, Mario Kart, Pokemon and NSMB - these games practically write themselves. The work was done long ago and concentrated into a formula that they can follow to make another. There's no way you can compare these sorts of games to the exciting new titles of independent studios like No Man's Sky. Nintendo fucking wishes they had that sort of creativity in them these days.

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I like Tearaway, but I do question how the public would have reacted if Nintendo were the ones who implemented the touch technology in such a way.


But they couldn't. The 3DS doesn't have the capability.


And it was more than the touch input. The art style, the humour, the soundtrack, the social elements...

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But they couldn't. The 3DS doesn't have the capability.


And it was more than the touch input. The art style, the humour, the soundtrack, the social elements...

I meant if they have the method for implementation of it. I imagine people would have called it a gimmick. Was thinking the same when I saw so much praise on Twitter during the PS4 Tearaway demo at PSX


But yeah, the artstyle etc. is top notch :)

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I meant if they have the method for implementation of it. I imagine people would have called it a gimmick. Was thinking the same when I saw so much praise on Twitter during the PS4 Tearaway demo at PSX


But yeah, the artstyle etc. is top notch :)


So you think people would hate on Nintendo if it was made by them, just because it's Nintendo?


Why can't you accept people's criticism of Nintendo is their own doing rather than thinking everything anti-Nintendo being some kind of conspiracy/hate campaign?

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I meant if they have the method for implementation of it. I imagine people would have called it a gimmick. Was thinking the same when I saw so much praise on Twitter during the PS4 Tearaway demo at PSX


But yeah, the artstyle etc. is top notch :)


What do you mean by "method of implementation"?

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What do you mean by "method of implementation"?

As in they had the touchpad etc. that made some of the implementations possible.


So you think people would hate on Nintendo if it was made by them, just because it's Nintendo?


Why can't you accept people's criticism of Nintendo is their own doing rather than thinking everything anti-Nintendo being some kind of conspiracy/hate campaign?

Considering the praise I've seen Sony has received from people about having the idea of having a speaker in the controller? Yes, I do.

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What makes you think that the gaming community is getting smaller? I'd say it's getting bigger. I can't remember gaming ever being this popular. Also, for the younger gamers, there's a potential for them to use certain games series' as a platform to then jump into higher quality stuff.

Haha, sorry, I see that I described what I meant a little confusing: I meant gamers who love Nintendo games.

Our generation basicaly had the choice between Nintendo and Sega. So we grew up with loving one or the other (or both even).

Nintendo didn't form that same connection with later generations because Sony (and later also Microsoft) connected better with those (especially teenagers). Add to that that a lot of us older gamers also saw many benefits on the other two platforms and some even completely abandoned Nintendo.

Their quirky image with a focus on local multiplayer and fun with the family is getting less and less popular. Especially overhere in the West.

That doesn't mean their next console will aim for the larger group of gamers.

I think that's a decision they made a long time ago: we are good in what we do, let's keep doin that and try to protect that smaller piece of the pie.

Not everybody wants a sportscar, some like to drive in an oldtimer ;)

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As in they had the touchpad etc. that made some of the implementations possible.


I'm still not following. Are you saying you believe people wouldn't like it (or would think less of it) if Nintendo released it simply because it was Nintendo?

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...But you already said that they were the Independent film studios of the gaming world. It can't be both because you have previously separated them into two categories. :p




The issues are that you are blurring the lines and terminology behind each of these and bending them to fit in with your analogy. Nintendo, by definition, can't be of the Independent world because they mass produce games with high production values and rake in the big money whilst doing so (Mario, for instance and everything affiliated with Mario).




The problem is that Nintendo can also fall under some of these categories. New Super Mario, for instance. Pokemon. I just don't think that these comparisons work at all, at least not in the way that you are describing them. That's what happens when one tries to put things into certain categories (what I was alluding to earlier with just labelling everything with a gun as shooter). It's like trying to categorise rock music, blanket terms such as this just don't work and you have to be really spot on with what the terms mean when applying them.


That's why I said nintendo's big titles are like them, not nintendos titles, all studios have an independent arm, it's not one or the other, so a company can be both. And I'm talking more about sensibility, I'd put Pixar in the same bracket, well, Pixar of old, and theyre owned by disney.


Toad for example, utterly glorious game, it's not a huge blockbuster, it's likely not going to sell well, it's a focussed, news, almost niche idea. I see games like the far crys the gtas , the assassins creed, the cods, as Hollywood fodder. Big, loud, expensive, mass appeal.

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You say that but are Nintendo not trying for mass appeal and kind of failing...?


Or, at least, they're still vying for a big audience but its a different size/type. If we're talking film analogies, I say they're Sony Animation (ironically).

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Haha, sorry, I see that I described what I meant a little confusing: I meant gamers who love Nintendo games.

Our generation basicaly had the choice between Nintendo and Sega. So we grew up with loving one or the other (or both even).

Nintendo didn't form that same connection with later generations because Sony (and later also Microsoft) connected better with those (especially teenagers). Add to that that a lot of us older gamers also saw many benefits on the other two platforms and some even completely abandoned Nintendo.

Their quirky image with a focus on local multiplayer and fun with the family is getting less and less popular. Especially overhere in the West.

That doesn't mean their next console will aim for the larger group of gamers.

I think that's a decision they made a long time ago: we are good in what we do, let's keep doin that and try to protect that smaller piece of the pie.

Not everybody wants a sportscar, some like to drive in an oldtimer ;)


Ah, ok. I understand now. :D


Somebody made a thread on here not too long ago...could have been @Goron3. Basically it was about how the younger/next generation of gamers aren't growing up with Nintendo. It's also worth noting that a lot of people who were gaming or growing up during the N64/GC era are probably now going to be parents, so maybe they've passed down their love for Nintendo to their children. Or, like you said, there are many who have stopped caring for Nintendo in that way. It's probably worth noting that there are legions of fans who have grown up with a Sony system and also many who had the Xbox as their system of choice when growing up. So, there's a lot to think about there.

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That doesn't mean their next console will aim for the larger group of gamers.

I think that's a decision they made a long time ago: we are good in what we do, let's keep doin that and try to protect that smaller piece of the pie.

Not everybody wants a sportscar, some like to drive in an oldtimer ;)


The problem is, that piece of the pie is getting smaller and smaller every generation. The sales figures for all of Nintendos consoles go in a downward slope, with Wii being the exception. How long can this strategy work for them?

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