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Wii U General Discussion


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Not as weak as the other formats. It has Bayonetta, which while niche is a gamer's dream. We have Hyrule Warriors which is bound to sell big in Japan. Captain Toad will appeal to many. Wii Sports Club retail package will do well if well marketed. amiibo comes this year, too and that's bound to have a decent pick-up and, as you said, Super Smash Bros. which will certainly have a MK8 level boost, probably larger. It has a steady stream of titles to carry momentum.


Wii U also has the highest amount of exclusive content coming this year. Even PS4's linchpin title for this autumn, LittleBigPlanet 3, is coming out on PS3.


Far weaker. Smash is basically the title with wide appeal, and maybe Bayonetta will do pretty well. On the other formats you have Destiny, AC Unity, Drive Club, Dragon Age, LBP3...then remastered games like TLOU and GTAV.


Wii Sports is pretty much dead, and I don't see Hyrule Warriors particularly storming it. It's essentially a Dynasty Warriors game.


Also the comment about Wii U having more exclusives isn't true; you can consider games like Destiny exclusive purely because they're not coming to Wii U. It doesn't matter that they're coming to both next gen consoles because most people are only likely to buy one. So for many people these games are excellent reasons to pick up a next gen console of choice and continue to buy games for it.


Exclusives on the Wii U have proven not to work. We've quite a few since launch but they didn't really drive the console. You need both exclusives and strong 3rd party support. You could even argue the exclusives don't even matter that much anymore, I mean just look at the 360 or the PS4 for that matter. Both consoles have sold well on 3rd party support rather than exclusives.


Nintendo have to rely on exclusive games simply because they have no other choice.


Let's also not forget 'exclusives' like Rayman Legends. ;)


blaming hardware sales just doesn't work with the EA argument.

1: PS4 and XB1 are at similar sales levels and yet EA have built a new game engine for these.

How are you so far in denial of the truth? Aside from MK8 which had a very high attach rate, PS4 and X1 sales have been dominating the charts and they have been out only a fraction of the time the Wii U has. It doesn't take a genius to realise that the PS4 and X1 formats are many times more lucrative than the Wii U.


Not only that, the Wii U is simply not going to be your average gamer's format of choice for FIFA. People would probably rather buy it on their old 360 or PS3 and have a decent controller and online infrastructure (and their friends) to play it with than play it on Wii U.

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Fifa 13


50% sales PS3

33% sales X360

5% sales Wii

3% sales PC

3% sales Vita

3% sales PSP

1% sales 3DS

1% sales Wii U


Really the kind of gamer who enjoys Fifa games aren't attracted to Nintendo consoles in large enough numbers, I'm surprised they even bothered supporting the Wii tbh

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How are you so far in denial of the truth? Aside from MK8 which had a very high attach rate, PS4 and X1 sales have been dominating the charts and they have been out only a fraction of the time the Wii U has. It doesn't take a genius to realise that the PS4 and X1 formats are many times more lucrative than the Wii U.


Honestly what the fuck are you mumbling on about now... what truth do you speak of?

They have been dominating the charts yes because they only came at christmas, like for like sales there isn't a great deal in it at present, certainly not enough to warrant not releasing a game on one of them.

I understand that if Wii U owners just don't buy FIFA then it's not worth them releasing it perhaps, but that has nothing to do with how many hardware units have been sold, which is your basis for every single fucking time you try and justify absolutely anything. It also shouldn't matter if PS4 and XB1 are "more" lucrative than Wii U, it should only matter if FIFA on Wii U would make a profit at all. And my point earlier, which as usual you ignored was that I bet it would not take a huge amount of units for a legacy edition of Fifa 13 to be profitable on Wii U. Just spouting off about hardware sales again just has no relevance to this discussion.

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I understand that if Wii U owners just don't buy FIFA then it's not worth them releasing it perhaps, but that has nothing to do with how many hardware units have been sold, which is your basis for every single fucking time you try and justify absolutely anything. It also shouldn't matter if PS4 and XB1 are "more" lucrative than Wii U, it should only matter if FIFA on Wii U would make a profit at all. And my point earlier, which as usual you ignored was that I bet it would not take a huge amount of units for a legacy edition of Fifa 13 to be profitable on Wii U. Just spouting off about hardware sales again just has no relevance to this discussion.


You're a terrible combination of rudeness and ignorance.


As I already said, the Wii U is not the console of choice for people looking to buy FIFA. I honestly, like, have no clue how you don't buy that explanation as to why there's no point in them bringing it to Wii U.


Not only that, but you continuously bring up the fact that the Wii U has sold similar numbers of consoles to something like the X1 despite new titles releasing on the newer consoles continuously charting higher than those released on Wii U. It doesn't matter jack if you have loads of consoles sold if people aren't buying the software on it (which aside from MK8, seems to be the case with most games). Just look at how the Wii ended up; huge install base, but their games weren't selling.


And we can do nothing but ignore your last comment, for it does nothing but scream ignorance. If EA were going to make money they'd probably do it. How you can say it's guaranteed profit when Pestneb has already posted that only 1% of FIFA 13 sales were on Wii U is beyond me. But hey, you probably know more than them, right?

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July; Wii Sports Club. If marketed well, it could lure people in with it and Mario Kart

August: Not sure

September: Hyrule Warriors

October: Bayonetta

November: Sonic Boom

November/December: Smash, Captain Toad


These are Nintendo paid for software. Then there's download titles, games like Skylanders and Disney Infinity and so forth.


Yes, it's a bit more sparse than a console with third party support, but you are negligent to ignore things. Things will improve. I never said they'd suddenly take off and the Wii U would be the best selling console ever. I said improve. Learn to read. I grow weary of having to reiterate my point to you in discussions here because you fail to properly read what I say, and just assume.


Edit: Actually to prevent arguments, I'm re-adding you to the ignore list.


Not being funny but go back 12 months and you were claiming the same turnaround with pikmin 3, Wonderful 101 etc soon to be released.


We all saw how that turned out.


You really think Wii U sports can still do anything? Hasn't the latest bomba convinced you enough as well as other wii_ series titles that the Wii gravy train went past a long time ago and isn't coming back.

Edited by liger05
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Wii U Sports will do sweet F' all...


'Hey Casuals... wanna play this game you already have and bought 8 years ago?... It'll only cost you £250 to do so!'

Isn't that what they're doing with CoD Advanced Warfare on the Xbox One & PS4?


Ba-dum tsh




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Ubisoft CEO: “Nintendo has to perform this year, otherwise they will have less games”


According to Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot the pressure is on Nintendo this financial year with the Wii U, as another failed year for the system could cost the company third party support. In an interview with CVG, he had this to say:


“With Mario Kart, Wii U made one step and we expect with Smash Bros. it will also do more. If Nintendo put the right price on the machine then they will probably have a chance to do further,”


“We are coming with Watch Dogs and Just Dance this year. We also have another game on the shelves that we expect to come at some point when there will be more machines,”


“That game is waiting for more machines to be available,”


“We are also waiting for them to achieve more sales so that we can invest more. Because the problem we have with next-gen now here, is that we are seeing less games that are on next-gen and last-gen consoles.”


“Nintendo has to perform this year, otherwise they will have less games. Justifying investing in the machine needs a larger install base,”



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“We also have another game on the shelves that we expect to come at some point when there will be more machines,” - Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot.


My money is on that game being Tetris Ultimate. Whoopdy f###ing do!

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Exclusives on the Wii U have proven not to work. We've quite a few since launch but they didn't really drive the console. You need both exclusives and strong 3rd party support. You could even argue the exclusives don't even matter that much anymore, I mean just look at the 360 or the PS4 for that matter. Both consoles have sold well on 3rd party support rather than exclusives.


Nintendo have to rely on exclusive games simply because they have no other choice.


Exclusives are a big deal to gamers who are likely to want all hardware and need a differentiator. They will become significant to people who purchase a second console at some point.


However, most people buying a console want to be able to play COD, FIFA/Madden, GTA, AC and Batman. This Christmas Destiny, Battlefield and Far Cry 4 will be a big deal. Those people won't be buying a Wii U. They may look at the XB1 and PS4 exclusives to decide which one of them to go for but that's it.

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However, most people buying a console want to be able to play COD, FIFA/Madden, GTA, AC and Batman. This Christmas Destiny, Battlefield and Far Cry 4 will be a big deal. Those people won't be buying a Wii U. They may look at the XB1 and PS4 exclusives to decide which one of them to go for but that's it.


exactly, FIFA may not sell loads on Wii U, but without it a lot of potential new Wii U owners will opt for a PS4 or XB1 instead, which is why Nintendo should be throwing money at EA to get it on Wii U.

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Whilst it isn't particularly good press for Nintendo to have Ubisoft calling them out - I do think it's important and good that they are. They seem to still have some hope and are fighting for Nintendo's corner, almost wanting to bring games to the system but needing it to be better for them to feasibly do so. I see it and liken it to some of the frustrations felt by a number of Wii U owners here - I just wish that Nintendo might actually take some notice of it and actually do something. Maybe if Iwata does go they could get Yves to step into his shoes? :p


Regarding Iwata, the trend in all the recent votes have been downwards every time.


*picture of graph, showing votes going downward every time, each vote lower than the last*


The way you painted it, it was as if it has been a consistent major drop.


I was going to leave it alone but seriously how you can not see why people think you a troll is beyond me, Serebii. Pull your fucking head out of your arse and look at what you're saying, what you've just said. When you're having the audacity to tell other people to open their eyes whilst you act blind to what's right in fucking front of you. For a man who accuses people of 'putting words in your mouth' and how you use 'hard facts and numbers' - that was such an absolute piece of bullshit from you I can't believe you had the nerve to do it and finish it by telling him not to be an idiot on the end of it as well, no fucking need at all. Feel free to throw a bitchfit and throw your toys out of the pram and say you're leaving again - I'd be glad if you did because behaviour like that* really brings down the forum and any form of decent debate imo. This isn't reference to other things before you claim it is - just seeing those posts between the two of you was unbelievable, on your part.


*And yes, like this post too - but tbh I don't see what credits you to deserve any respect when you have the audacity to behave like that to someone and I'm not happy to glaze over it and let it slide. Outside of anything else - I've found that just frankly unbelievable behaviour.


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My money is on that game being Tetris Ultimate. Whoopdy f###ing do!


Didn't the interview with them the other week basically say the game they're withholding is a Wii U exclusive, hence why it hasn't been unveiled?


Fuck Tetris Ultimate though, it's all about Puyo Puyo Tetris.

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Didn't the interview with them the other week basically say the game they're withholding is a Wii U exclusive, hence why it hasn't been unveiled?


Fuck Tetris Ultimate though, it's all about Puyo Puyo Tetris.


Rayman rabbits.

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