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Wii U General Discussion


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That's just not possible. The entire OS would have to be coded. Patches would have to be coded & pushed out for all games. It really isn't something they can just decide on a whim to remove just because it doesn't have a single title to make people think it's massive selling point


That's a shame.


It is also a bigger shame that Nintendo has not yet taken the opportunity to really utilise the gamepad.


If Nintendo aren't even excited by it then the general public aren't going to be either.

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Sony and MS are not the generation or the bar to meet to make a Nintendo console worthwhile.


Because people are buying more of those consoles?


So what if Wii U is not in direct competition with Ps4/One - how does that take away from its enjoyability factor (when it gets more desirable games) and how does it make its technology 'last generation'?


A lack of new game experiences, any kind of game library or any feature to the be considered a KSP? You can't have fun if there are no games to play.


Seriously, if you don't like it, you really don't have to go this hard and throw near insults at individuals - just ruins the whole environment.


To answer your question - the Wii U brings Nintendo games in HD and with greater potential at creating a better game. Thats all thats needed.


I'm not throwing insults, I'm just surprised that people are still accepting false logic or excuse-mongering. It's a poor show by Nintendo and there is very little evidence to show that this is going to change soon, especially when we have so much evidence to back up how they float their entire console on promises and no substance. Please understand....


You're talking about potential? I'm talking about substance, games I can actually play and a price point that I don't feel ashamed to pay. Until the big hitters actually arrive, Nintendo is just selling you guys magic beans with a console whose features even they don't want to support.

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Any kind of game library?


Are you kidding? Yes the games appear to be dried up at the minute but to say that the Wii U doesn't have a games library is far from the truth.


You and (the majority of people on here) don't like what the Wii U is currently offering at the moment but I certainly do. I'm actually really enjoying it. Not been this into gaming for years!! I have a massive backlog too!

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Any kind of game library?


Are you kidding? Yes the games appear to be dried up at the minute but to say that the Wii U doesn't have a games library is far from the truth.


Yes, the public are indeed flocking to the console for the epic library. Or are they either:

1) Enjoying the wealth of content on other platforms

2) Still playing the classic Nintendo franchises on other platforms


Your view of the games library may be that it's reasonable but I'm enjoying indie games on PC for £15 each or less on a semi regular basis that make Nintendo's offerings look dull and samey.


And I can't believe we are actually arguing about this. You may be happy with the status quo but the sales figures aren't that way by accident.

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Wii U is NOT last generation. Generation has nothing to do with power. Come on, you know this.


Couldn't let that slide, sorry. Off I go again.


There isn't a right and wrong. You can define generation literally as consoles released in the same time period, or you can define it as a console that is as technologically advanced as people expect for the 'next generation' of consoles. When people are saying something is 'like last gen' they're not getting confused about when it was released, rather highlighting parallels between the console and specifications similar to the generation before.

Edited by Sheikah
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I'm not arguing with you. You said that it didn't have a library. I'm pointing the truth out. The truth is that it has albeit small compared to lets say the previous generation.


I don't disagree that the public aren't interested. Sales figures show that. The console is probably not going to recover. Nintendo's ignorance is at fault here. It's their fault that the console may be viewed as a failure in the future.


I get that.


Doesn't stop me from enjoying the Wii U though.


I don't think it is fair for you to come into this thread and say that the library of games are "dull and samey" Yeah I have enjoyed the games that I have on the Wii U. I consider the games on the other consoles to be "dull and samey". A lot of people (probably rightly so) disagree that other console games look dull and samey but I don't go to the Other Consoles board and start slagging them off.


To be honest I am a gamer. If I had a lot of money and time then I would have all the consoles and try out other franchises. But when money is tight I would rather have the next Zelda over anything else. Am I fool? Possibly. Am I missing out on some great games? Probably but unless Nintendo goes third party i'm not moving.

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Yeah tbf I think the games are there on the console, and boosted even more so by Mario Kart. It's purely the price that needs addressing, and the Virtual Console.

Virtual Console is being sorted from the looks. We're no longer looking at 1 title a week if we're lucky :)


What we need, though, is the third parties like Square Enix, Capcom, Namco etc. releasing their titles in the west more. Secret of Mana, for example, came in Japan around a year ago and yet we don't have it.

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This only works if you adopt terminology that in this context lacks meaning, and truth. Many people do not view the Wii U as the next generation and their justifications aren't totally unfounded.


Yeah if you're a fucking idiot and view generations as tech specs fine, or if you view a generation as, you know, something in time like a "generation" is, then you'll see quite clearly that it IS in the same gen as Xbox one and ps4. More specifically to gaming, Wii u will spine the same time as the other consoles too, buy a Wii u now and it'll get games for the next few years, you know - THIS GENERATION!


Like I said in my post, if the games are great, the gamers will buy into it. Regardless of if they use the controls well or not. Nintendo had great controls and a great game with ExciteTruck, and even Brawl controlled well just the "regular" way. My point is that you can sometimes get away with risks if the software can back you up. Nintendo could have got away with the risk at the start of the Wii U's life if they had more in the pipeline. Showing off New Super Marios Bros U and NintendoLand wasn't fooling anybody.


That's sort of what I've been saying. People are bitching and moaning and taking about price cuts, but if there was a steady stream of huge games no one would say anything. THAT is the problem - no the price, not the gamepad, there isn't enough killer software being released. Solve this and everything else isn't as important!


I just don't get the shooting the load over it all I guess, it's like chairman who sack managers after a few months because it isn't going as work as they hoped. Yeah we wish things were better, but ultimately there is some great software on the Wii u - far superior than other next gen machines, and some great software already promised with, hopefully, some big surprised at e3 and Nintendo finally turning it on. A lot of studios have been quiet, we saw how the handled the 3ds disaster, maybe just have a little patience until e3.


And with regards to the gamepad, at least they have acknowledged it. Saying nothing would be more worrying. But they've said they realise they haven't shown it off. They have software. What more do people want them to do now? Why bitch so fiercely about something they have come out and said they actively solving? I guess I just don't understand the mentality so trying to defend it a little.

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Like I said, there's no right and wrong.


You can use current generation to describe the console. Or you could use last generation to describe it in terms of what the console actually is, internally (aside from the Gamepad). Neither is wrong, really.

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But generation ISNT about tech specs.


Yet another Nintendo thread absolutely destroyed, I cannot believe adults are debating what is a fucking generation.... WII U IS THE SAME GEN AS XBOX ONE AND PS4 - if you don't think it is you are either ignorant, or utterly stupid. It's like people who don't "believe" in evolution or think the earth is less than 10,000 years old (I debate with those morons too)- it's not about perspective, or beliefs, YOU ARE SIMPLY WRONG AND DONT UNDERSTAND!

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But generation ISNT about tech specs.


Generation is whatever you want it to be. It is not a term used only to describe console release dates. Hardware has a release date or period in which it is used heavily too, you know? To describe a piece of hardware as last generation means that it has the specification more aligned with the previous slew of hardware models. Which I guess qualifies the Wii U. But equally, you can say the console itself is current generation as it was released alongside the other two.


By the way, the one who seems to be ruining this topic right now is you with your foul language.

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Yes, the public are indeed flocking to the console for the epic library. Or are they either:

1) Enjoying the wealth of content on other platforms

2) Still playing the classic Nintendo franchises on other platforms


Your view of the games library may be that it's reasonable but I'm enjoying indie games on PC for £15 each or less on a semi regular basis that make Nintendo's offerings look dull and samey.


And I can't believe we are actually arguing about this. You may be happy with the status quo but the sales figures aren't that way by accident.


But this is looking at it from a very simplistic viewpoint that sales = quality. Which is beyond preposterous! What "wealth of content" is on the ps4 and xbone currently? Surely it is unarguable that there are more quality titles on the Wii u than those for now (rightly so it's been out a year longer).... As pro else argue on here, it's the security of the future that people are buying in to - more expensive consoles, paying for online, only a promise the games will come.... It's a much more complex issue than "no ones by the Wii u so it must be shit!" Line of thinking.


Generation is whatever you want it to be. It is not a term used only to describe console release dates. Hardware has a release date or period in which it is used heavily too, you know? To describe a piece of hardware as last generation means that it has the specification more aligned with the previous slew of hardware models. Which I guess qualifies the Wii U. But equally, you can say the console itself is current generation as it was released alongside the other two.


By the way, the one who seems to be ruining this topic right now is you with your foul language.


Anyone who judges a generation on tech specs is wrong. I don't care what you say. I don't care how diplomatic and "everyone is right" you want to be. It is wrong. The Wii u is current gen. New Wii u games will still be released in a few year. It is part of this generation.


There were more powerful computers 5 (probably 10) years ago than ps4 and xbox one - are these old generation too?!


Is the 3ds not current gen?


And the reason I feel these discussions get destroyed, is because we don't debate GENUINE issues, we don't discuss, we don't come up with solutions. It turns into debating utter bull that has no meaning or bearing on anything, and it becomes an unbearable place to come.

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Anyone who judges a generation on tech specs is wrong. I don't care what you say. I don't care how diplomatic and "everyone is right" you want to be. It is wrong. The Wii u is current gen. New Wii u games will still be released in a few year. It is part of this generation.


There were more powerful computers 5 (probably 10) years ago than ps4 and xbox one - are these old generation too?!


Is the 3ds not current gen?


Theoretical scenario. Suppose Nintendo wrapped a Nintendo Gamecube in a new layer of plastic, called it something else, released it as the Gamecube 2 and then supported it with games. Would you call it the next generation? Maybe, or maybe not.


It's an over exaggerated scenario but it demonstrates why people might argue that lack of hardware advancement (or advancement to a level roughly achieved before) can disqualify something from being called next generation. For all intents and purposes, some would see it as a continuation of an existing generation as there is little new brought to the table.


Of course, the Wii U brings the gamepad though, which you could argue sets it apart as the next generation. But with the lack of real support for it, some again may see at as not much of a technical feat. We'll have to see how much it's adopted from now on.

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Dazzy, you have completely missed Shiekah's point. The Wii U isn't in the same same generation of tech specs as the other consoles, in the same way that the PS4 and XB1 use old-ish gen tech relative to new PC's. Of course, they are still current gen, just as the Wii U is.


No one defines a generation by the tech inside it, you are right, but it's not incorrect to say that the hardware, engines and code in the Wii U is a generation behind the Ps4 and XB1.


Chill out.

Edited by Goron_3
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Dazzy, you have completely missed Shiekah's point. The Wii U isn't in the same same generation of tech specs as the other consoles, in the same way that the PS4 and XB1 use old-ish gen tech. Of course, they are still current gen, just as the Wii U is.


No one defines a generation by the tech inside it, you are right, but it's not incorrect to say that the hardware, engines and code in the Wii U is a generation behind the Ps4 and XB1.


Chill out.


But that's so incredibly obvious. The Wii u is weaker than the Xbox. Yes it is. Done. (It wasn't me that started and continued debating about generations, I've just stumbled into this travesty. And in fairness to sheikah I don't think it was him who started it and he hasn't said one way or the other)

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So why weren't people saying this when the N64, PSOne and Dreamcast were branched as being in the same generation?


Since when was generation just about power?


Its actually kind of sad the way power and graphics has just dominated the industry and peoples minds as to what makes a quality console.


Last week most of you were fapping to the Smash Direct ... now this... Then MK8 comes...Then this - its just rinse and repeat - the same old disatisfaction, to the point of calling a 2012 console the same gen as a console that came out 6 years prior.


Ten years from now, you'll probably lament on the Wii U as an amazing console (Just like people do with the Dreamcast and GC) all because you couldn't see what was there when it was around.


Damn shame.


I dont remember this. I remember the DC from day 1 producing graphics that blew the PS1 and N64 away. Not to mention it had online gaming which the PS1/N64 did not. The DC was a clear step up from the PS1/N64. The Wii U wasnt a clear step up from the 360/PS3. It really is quite simple.

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But that's so incredibly obvious.


But so is stating 'Wii U is a current generation console', no?


People who are calling Wii U 'last gen' don't mistakenly think it was released in 2006, do they? Well, not people about these parts. They are usually (even if not explicitly so) referring to the internal hardware.

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Theoretical scenario. Suppose Nintendo wrapped a Nintendo Gamecube in a new layer of plastic, called it something else, released it as the Gamecube 2 and then supported it with games. Would you call it the next generation? Maybe, or maybe not.


It's an over exaggerated scenario but it demonstrates why people might argue that lack of hardware advancement (or advancement to a level roughly achieved before) can disqualify something from being called next generation. For all intents and purposes, some would see it as a continuation of an existing generation as there is little new brought to the table.


Of course, the Wii U brings the gamepad though, which you could argue sets it apart as the next generation. But with the lack of real support for it, some again may see at as not much of a technical feat. We'll have to see how much it's adopted from now on.


That's what they did with the Wii and it was a new generation :)


I have been happy with the gamepad personally, love monging out playing virtual console games in my bed (mine works in a different room too, just, have to sit on the other end of the end though), and love Nintendoland etc. I also, naively, have confidence they'll come up with something. But before that investor meeting I was also calling out for a gamepad less Wii u. Because Nintendo weren't supporting it with DK, mario, kart etc just seemed that's what they were setting us up for.


In a weird way. I amont see this is an even bigger next gen - it's the first time we've seen Nintendo in HD, it's a completely new generation of pikmin, mario and Mario kart etc and it's glorious!


Yeah they're not releasing enough (again, naively think they'll start from Mario kart), yeah it's beyond annoying and devastating the 3rd parties worse than it's ever been (I really thought it'd be different), and they can improve in so a many ways - accounts, online in general, communication, releases, digital services etc but they're still making amazing games, kart, smash, x2 all look amazing, and Nintendo have made promises that they're going to sort this mess out. Let's wait til e3" and if its still bad, let's burn them! :)


But so is stating 'Wii U is a current generation console', no?


People who are calling Wii U 'last gen' don't mistakenly think it was released in 2006, do they? Well, not people about these parts. They are usually (even if not explicitly so) referring to the internal hardware.


Yeah it is, that's why I was so gobsmacked it was being discussed, I didn't think it was up for discussion :)

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I'm well aware the Wii U is in the same generation as the PS4 and XBone, thanks guys. :indeed:


But you have to consider the power side of things too because otherwise it's a flawed concept... Nintendo don't produce consoles powerful enough to last a 'generation', and therefore what?... a new console in 2 years time, another console 4-5 years after that?... They'll be two 'generations' ahead by the time the PS5 and Xbone2 come out!


The WIi wasn't considered powerful enough. They dropped it, but not officially, they waited it out till this gen was ready and released the Wii U. in order to half the lifespan of a generation they would need to double the perceived value of their product to maintain value. I don't see how that could be realistically achieved.

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The WIi wasn't considered powerful enough. They dropped it, but not officially, they waited it out till this gen was ready and released the Wii U. in order to half the lifespan of a generation they would need to double the perceived value of their product to maintain value. I don't see how that could be realistically achieved.
I'm talking about the Wii U, no way is that going to last the duration of the now current gen consoles, we will get a new Nintendo console in 2-3 years time, and then another one 4-5 years down the line... at around the same time the PS4 and Xbone will be being replaced, Nintendo will be out of step with the console generations and thus you can't simply look at it in terms of a duration of time that defines it. Or if you do, you'll have to look at Nintendo as operating outside it.
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I'm not throwing insults, I'm just surprised that people are still accepting false logic or excuse-mongering. It's a poor show by Nintendo and there is very little evidence to show that this is going to change soon, especially when we have so much evidence to back up how they float their entire console on promises and no substance. Please understand....


It's not false logic and excuse mongering.

It's trying to maintain a positive frame of mind towards a gaming machine we own.


All this negativity doesn't improve my console, nor does it further my enjoyment of the console.


There are positive things to draw about the Wii U, and it's fine to discuss the negatives, but it seems it only ever comes in the form of a torrent of hatred towards the poor little thing.


I actually bought the Wii U because it was deemed a flop. I love it, I enjoy the gamepad, my house is kind with the off screen play element, there are lots of games I haven't gotten round to buying yet because there are that many. I am happy with this console. And you know what, I don't actually give a shit if it's not selling well, if the majority of people are enjoying it. Because that's not why I own it. I don't own shares in Nintendo, I'm not a social sheep who needs others to do the same as me to validate my opinions and actions.


You feel disappointed by your purchase.. so that's a shame. But I don't really care anymore than you care that I am pleased with mine.


No excuses, no false logic, plain and simple, I am happy with my Wii U. And I'm sure Nintendo Exec's would be pleased to know that.


I'm talking about the Wii U, no way is that going to last the duration of the now current gen consoles, we will get a new Nintendo console in 2-3 years time, and then another one 4-5 years down the line... at around the same time the PS4 and Xbone will be being replaced, Nintendo will be out of step with the console generations and thus you can't simply look at it in terms of a duration of time that defines it. Or if you do, you'll have to look at Nintendo as operating outside it.


oh, so you see the PS4/X1 lasting a decade, and Nintendo sticking to the 5 year thing?

PS3 lasted 7 years before PS4, Wii lasted 6 years.


I think 2018 will be the release of the next home console, 2017 if they choose to abort early, just depends on how badly the Wii U bombs. But remember, they can't just pluck a console out of a hat, they need to develop it, and they need to develop it well. In the mean time they need to salvage whatever they can from the Wii U.


I don't believe PS4/X1 will last past 2020, or rather, I don't believe PS5/XB4 will be released much after 2020. there may be a longer switch over period between those two generations, but new hardware is more lucrative than aging stuff.

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It's funny when people say there's no games on the Wii U - but the same people are clamouring to get their hands on games like Infamous SS. There's more compelling software on the Wii U than there is on either the XBO or the PS4.


People aren't buying the Wii U, that's for sure - but it clearly isn't due to a lack of top notch games. I'd take Donkey Kong Country, Pikmin 3 and Super Mario 3D World over Infamous (a last gen game), Killzone (a paint by number FPS) and tripe like Knack any day of the week.


If great software sold consoles the Dreamcast wouldn't have died an early death.

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