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It's true Rocksteady would be an awesome developer for Metroid! :)

Especially to develop that third person, Dead Space style Metroid game.


Agreed. Batman:AA was incredibly Metroid-ish in many regards, design-wise. Plus, they could definitely make the metroid mood work.


I'd LOVE to see Platinum working on Metroid, next. Bayo 2 is basically done and Platinum's being awfully friendly with Nintendo, lately. Stranger things HAVE happened!


In a perfect world, we could dream of thatgamecompany or Team Ico tackling it and nailing the tone. And since Tangerine Dream have been dabbling into videogame soundtracks lately, I'd get them for the score. God, what a wet dream.

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I'd prefer Treasure to work on Starfox

OMG, how have treasure not been put on Starfox?!!... HOW??


They could design levels that are both top down like in Ikaruga, and from behind like in S&P, and that merge both!... so like in Ikaruga when the levels transition and you get 3D perspectives, you could then play a behind the ship section and then back to top down! :D



Dammit I want this Ikaruga + S&P style Starfox game, I've decided! :p


The series needs freshening up and I think this hybrid would be perfect.

Edited by Retro_Link
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I'd prefer Treasure to work on Starfox, Platinum to work on a Shiek spin-off game, Rock Steady to work on Metroid and Retro to make a new I.P aimed at a western crowd.


I'd also like a Lego Nintendo game to launch with the next Nintendo home console :heh:


LEGO Nintendo. That's fricking Gold right there. How has this not been thought of already. Get on Dragons Den mate. The mind boggles at what they could do with all the Nintendo franchises rolled into one massive LEGO adventure.

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It would be guaranteed to make HUGE sums of money and could even be a system seller to some. As a result, the LEGO set issue isn't really a problem.


Tbh, I've always wanted a multiplayer Nintendo platform game where you played as famous Nintendo characters. Think NSMB but with Mario, Link, Samus etc and their various abilities. That right there will sell systems more than NSMB ever could!

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It would be guaranteed to make HUGE sums of money and could even be a system seller to some. As a result, the LEGO set issue isn't really a problem.


Tbh, I've always wanted a multiplayer Nintendo platform game where you played as famous Nintendo characters. Think NSMB but with Mario, Link, Samus etc and their various abilities. That right there will sell systems more than NSMB ever could!

I agree, I'd kill for it. It'd be awesome.

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Why does it have to be LEGO Nintendo? Nintendo could make it by themselves and they could call it Nintendo Lan.......oh right. No but if it was done, they'd have to allow all the characters to speak. That right there would cause infinite arguments. Imagine LEGO City Undercover as a mute title. It just wouldn't have been the same.


I second that proposal for Treasure to work on Starfox. They are shmup Gods.

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Just have it as a meta joke and it will all be fine (everything's better when you're meta).


Have whoever the evil villain is (Kaz Hirai?) steal the voices of certain worlds within the Nintendo universe, so they all get together to get them back. Would explain why someone like Link can't talk, but Mario does.

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Why does it have to be LEGO Nintendo? Nintendo could make it by themselves and they could call it Nintendo Lan.......oh right. No but if it was done, they'd have to allow all the characters to speak. That right there would cause infinite arguments. Imagine LEGO City Undercover as a mute title. It just wouldn't have been the same.


I second that proposal for Treasure to work on Starfox. They are shmup Gods.

There have been more LEGO games without voice overs than there have with, the LEGO games went without them for ages.


Also the story in SSBB Subspace Emissary doesn't have voice overs.

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There have been more LEGO games without voice overs than there have with, the LEGO games went without them for ages.


Also the story in SSBB Subspace Emissary doesn't have voice overs.


I'm just saying LEGO City Undercover would have been the lesser without voice acting. It adds far more than it detracts. Many titles started out mute due to hardware limitations. Should they remain like that forever because they were created back in the early 80's when it wasn't possible? That's it, they're set in stone? Times change, Nintendo should be realising this. I'm mainly talking about Link but it applies to every franchise.


Subspace Emissary story could have been good with voice acting, I didn't miss it but it could have enhanced it. That DK ad with Brian Blessed, it would be funny if that was DK's voice.

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I'm just saying LEGO City Undercover would have been the lesser without voice acting. It adds far more than it detracts. Many titles started out mute due to hardware limitations. Should they remain like that forever because they were created back in the early 80's when it wasn't possible? That's it, they're set in stone? Times change, Nintendo should be realising this. I'm mainly talking about Link but it applies to every franchise.

Ok I didn't say any of this.


Just pointing out that LEGO games were known for being great without voices too.


Times change, so what?... doesn't mean they slap Gromit with a voice in Wallace and Gromit does it. No. He's the most beloved character and his expressions are why.

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What if the Nintendo all stars game concept isn't a Lego one, but is Nintendo's NFC game they have planned for reveal at E3.


Yeah, that's what I suggested in the NFC thread. It would do silly numbers if promoted correctly.


What sort of game would that be?... the Skylanders/Disney Infinity style Nintendo game we've been kicking the idea around of?


Yup. One can dream.

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