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What a stupid article.


1. Announcing NX (which could very well be a new handheld) was only done to assure people that they weren't giving up on dedicated console gaming.


2. Zelda isn't going to do a Twilight Princess and be a launch title for the NX. The timing is all wrong.


3. Has the guy ever heard of E3 ffs? It's in two months. Why would they announce new Wii U games now? The Nintendo Direct was packed full of content, nothing ground-breaking but there was loads there.


Ignorant rubbish from that online gaming colossus "Venture Beat".

  Ronnie said:

3. Has the guy ever heard of E3 ffs? It's in two months. Why would they announce new Wii U games now? The Nintendo Direct was packed full of content, nothing ground-breaking but there was loads there.


I don't agree with the article and think its reaching pretty far to make some of its points, but Nintendo have announced games long before E3 in the past. We were told about Mario Kart and Mario 3D world in January 2013, a good six months ahead of E3 that year.


And I don't think the Wii U Zelda getting a NX port/version is that out of the question.

  Helmsly said:
I don't agree with the article and think its reaching pretty far to make some of its points, but Nintendo have announced games long before E3 in the past. We were told about Mario Kart and Mario 3D world in January 2013, a good six months ahead of E3 that year.


Exactly, six months before E3, very different to just two. And that was only to appease fans who were about to have barely any game to play till Pikmin that summer. Whereas this Direct they had Splatoon, Yoshi, MK8 DLC and Mario Maker to talk about.

  dazzybee said:
At this moment in time, I genuinely believe the ps4 is one of the worst consoles I've ever owned.


You were warned not to get one by myself and others on here, as it didn't seem to really fit your gaming needs. But did you listen? Nope.

  Hero-of-Time said:
You were warned not to get one by myself and others on here, as it didn't seem to really fit your gaming needs. But did you listen? Nope.


That above warning is what i'm going to give many on here in regards to the next Nintendo home console :)


For the record I do love my Wii U. The single player experiences on that console are amazing. Fuck the haters.


I also enjoy having a PS4 too - all those remasters. I didn't own them before so they are great for me.


I just like gaming :D

  Blade said:
That above warning is what i'm going to give many on here in regards to the next Nintendo home console :)


Don't worry, Nintendo warned us enough :p

Posted (edited)
Let the rumors of the new Call of Duty on Wii U begin again


Every year, we go through a bunch of posts discussing whether or not the new Call of Duty game will come to Nintendo's latest systems. This year we're seeing that happen all over again. I'll present you with the evidence and let you decide for yourself what it means.


So here's what the Call of Duty page looked like last year...




Now Call of Duty: Black Ops III is being teased, and this is how the page looks...






As you can see, the page has been updated with info for the Nintendo Network ID. Why add that content this year if there's no plans for the new CoD to come our way?


I'd like to think this is a very positive sign, but we've been down this road before. We'll keep tabs on any other rumors out there and be sure to share the most convincing ones with you. Thanks to all that sent this in.










Fingers crossed that this happens.


  Serebii said:
That's the most idiotic thing I've read in a long time.


There's nothing idiotic about it. It's all possible and plausible. Want to take that bet Serebii I proposed a while back?

Edited by Wii
Automerged Doublepost
  Wii said:


I was saying to lostmario last night that I wonder if the newly teased Black Ops III would make it to the Wii U, due to Treyarch having no issues with developing on Nintendo platforms. Hopefully they just say if its coming straight away, rather than leaving fans guessing if it's happening or not.

  Wii said:


There's nothing idiotic about it. It's all possible and plausible. Want to take that bet Serebii I proposed a while back?


I don't do bets, but that is still an inaccurate article. They didn't announce the NX to distract from the Wii U. They announced the CODENAME for a device, which is probably a handheld (at first), to stop people thinking they're going totally mobile. The third point is ridiculous, as well, since we are so close to E3

  MadDog said:
But there's more than just remasters. They're great for people who didn't have a PS3.


Drive club, Bloodborne, infamous, the order, killzone is a decent list, and there's loads I've missed. Not to mention that the PS4 versions of multiplat games are always the best to buy.


But that doesn't make it a good console, if people wanted to do that they could just buy a ps3 and this games, and more, and cheaper. When people look back and think how great the last of us was, or the uncharted trilogy etc they'll think of the ps3 not ps4.


As for that list, I can't believe you put kill list on it. Infamous was good. But the rest don't excite me in anyway at all, the order a little.


  Hero-of-Time said:
You were warned not to get one by myself and others on here, as it didn't seem to really fit your gaming needs. But did you listen? Nope.


But I knew what I was buying in to, I still wanted it for fifa and alien. I just thought Batman was going to be sooner, and uncharted. And I expected more games I haven't played that I'd want to play. I expected it to be far better. Plenty of time to go, but currently I genuinely think it's the weakest console I've owned. At least I knew the jaguar didn't have anything on it :)

  dazzybee said:
But I knew what I was buying in to, I still wanted it for fifa and alien. I just thought Batman was going to be sooner, and uncharted. And I expected more games I haven't played that I'd want to play. I expected it to be far better. Plenty of time to go, but currently I genuinely think it's the weakest console I've owned. At least I knew the jaguar didn't have anything on it :)


Why did you not just go for the XBox One if you thought it was the better of the two? I mean most of the games are the same across both formats and the exclusives excite you more on that console than on the PS4.

  Hero-of-Time said:
Why did you not just go for the XBox One if you thought it was the better of the two? I mean most of the games are the same across both formats and the exclusives excite you more on that console than on the PS4.


Because one of the biggest reasons was fifa and that's about playing with people who have the same console as you. Because ultimately I prefer Sonys exclusives, well, uncharted than anything MS offer, also because I expected more. Still do. I thought about which one into the future and thought, and probably still think, PS4 will end up being better. Currently I'd prefer to play Sunset Overdrive and Killer Instinct over any PS4 exclusive but whatever.


But I keep saying I expected more, I didn't know things were going to be this bad. I couldn't have predicted I'd feel this way.


Good news that COD may be returning to the Wii U, I hope so. And despite the last few COD games being underwhelming, as the original Black Ops is one of my favourite games of last generation, I will defo be getting Black Ops III.

  Ronnie said:
What a stupid article.


1. Announcing NX (which could very well be a new handheld) was only done to assure people that they weren't giving up on dedicated console gaming.


Given the context, mobile only solution would be more likely to take the role the dedicated handheld holds, so the NX is more likely to be the next handheld to my way of thinking!


  Zechs Merquise said:
Good news that COD may be returning to the Wii U, I hope so. And despite the last few COD games being underwhelming, as the original Black Ops is one of my favourite games of last generation, I will defo be getting Black Ops III.


there having been something of a drought on the Wii U with this kind of game, it's a good idea to release it, even if the potential market is small the competition is about 0.. well.. unless you consider splatoon competition :D

maybe that's the real reason there is no voice chat, Nintendo told Activision they'd introduce people to shooters and the basic concepts needed to enjoy them with splatoon, and then they can advance onto CoD with voice chat. ::shrug:

  Pestneb said:
...maybe that's the real reason there is no voice chat, Nintendo told Activision they'd introduce people to shooters and the basic concepts needed to enjoy them with splatoon, and then they can advance onto CoD with voice chat. ::shrug:


But there are already 2 CoD games on the WiiU and they both support full voice-chat.


the new CoD should have fresh advertising coming with it.. and after splatoon who knows, maybe more Wii U owners will see the appeal of a shooter game.


But yes I doubt splatoon ties in much, if at all.


Why is it so unbelievable that Nintendo are winding down on the Wii U?


The console has sold less than 10 mil and will struggle to even reach the 20 mil the GC sold. I don't see how it is not possible that Nintendo are slowly but surely reducing efforts on the Wii U to concentrate on a strong launch for the NX platform.


If anything it would be crazy to pour money and resources into a platform on life support. Why not try to be as cost effective as possible, make a profit on a poorly received and sold platform and then move on from the disaster which the Wii U has been.


Makes perfect sense to me.

  dazzybee said:
Haha, how you knew Batman and uncharted was going toe delayed, and no decent exclusives would be released is amazing :D


You know fine well what I meant.


You were down on the PS4 before you even got one ( hence people telling you to not bother ) and you bought into the idea of getting one for a couple of games that weren't even out yet. It would have been far better to have waited for said games.


As for the disappointing exclusives, I disagree. Infamous, The Order, Drive Club, Killzone, The Last of Us, Bloodborne, have all been met with positive feedback from our members on here. Not to mention the bunch of indie exclusives and 3rd party support.


As was said back when you were deciding to get a PS4 or not, the console just doesn't seem to be for you.

  Hero-of-Time said:
You know fine well what I meant.


You were down on the PS4 before you even got one ( hence people telling you to not bother ) and you bought into the idea of getting one for a couple of games that weren't even out yet. It would have been far better to have waited for said games.


As for the disappointing exclusives, I disagree. Infamous, The Order, Drive Club, Killzone, The Last of Us, Bloodborne, have all been met with positive feedback from our members on here. Not to mention the bunch of indie exclusives and 3rd party support.


As was said back when you were deciding to get a PS4 or not, the console just doesn't seem to be for you.


It just seemed wrong NOT getting another console, I always do, and the PS3 was the perfect compliment to the wii last gen. I just thought the same would happen.


Though i do think my gaming tastes have changed, well, no, actually I've stopped buying every game imaginable and not playing any of them. And decided to just play the games I really want, and it turns out the games I really want to play are nintendo games.


BUT, the PS4 is still worse than I imagined it was even when I was dubious about it. I still love(d) Fifa, and Batman is out soon, but ultimately a huge disappointment.


And I didn't realise Bloodborne was an exclusive actually. It's really not my type of game (though I have Dark Souls so maybe one day I'll realise actually it is), neither is Drive Club. Infamous was good. Kill Zone I thought was awful. The last of us isn't a ps4 exclusive and I'm intrigued by the order, but the reviews put me off. Ultimately though, other than maybe Bloodborne, are any of these games that will define the ps4 when we look back?

  dazzybee said:
And I didn't realise Bloodborne was an exclusive actually. It's really not my type of game (though I have Dark Souls so maybe one day I'll realise actually it is), neither is Drive Club. Infamous was good. Kill Zone I thought was awful. The last of us isn't a ps4 exclusive and I'm intrigued by the order, but the reviews put me off. Ultimately though, other than maybe Bloodborne, are any of these games that will define the ps4 when we look back?


Who knows and quite frankly I don't care how it will look in years to come. All I know is that I have been enjoying the games I have played on it and will continue to do so.


Every time IGN talk about the PS4 it always seems like they're still waiting for one excellent game to come around. I suppose Bloodborne is that game now, if you like that sort of thing. Only took a year and a half.

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