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Wii U General Discussion


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At least we have Wii U Sports. :indeed:



Thank god for indies! Or modern gaming really would be in a sorry state.


Show me one indie that's making games similar to PES, PGA Tour or Batman Arkham Knight for the Wii U?


And another thing. Modern gaming? A lot of the indies are making NES/SNES level games.

Edited by Wii
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It was brilliant and that was despite them running the games on an old PS2 engine. They could have done so much with the Wii U.


FIFA 13 is the only football game on the Wii U and you're right it's not the best, it was a lazy effort by EA.


There's other sports games too like the obligatory Madden game.


Yeah, I was happy with what they were doing with the old engines and thought the jump up to WiiU would obviously mean the games would benefit. I never once thought that the games wouldn't appear. To me, that was unthinkable. Every games console gets FIFA, for example...(not talking about past SEGA systems here)


There's a massive hole on the WiiU for sports games but I wonder if the audience is there anyway. If the next FIFA appeared, I still wouldn't buy it as I could buy a better version of it elsewhere. I've been seriously impressed with the content of FIFA15 and will admit that I had previously underestimated the improvements and constant updates to it that EA provide.

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Needs more of this diverse range of genres and styles...




I often find that the modern AAA industry plays it too safe, and produces games more uninspired than in previous generations, and even I think you're joking with this post. Most of these games aren't even in the same genre!


And you haven't exactly refuted what Clownferret was saying, either. You don't defend the things you like as much as you attack things that weren't even in the conversation.

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I can't believe how derailed this thread has become in the space of an hour, just because the PS4 once again got brought up for no apparent reason. I was enjoying the platformer discussion and comeback online to see this mess.


Honestly, this place and members can be a joke at times.

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Yeah what on earth @Ronnie, that is one if the worst examples of something I've ever seen! It argues against your point far more than does anything to prove it.

Yeah, couldn't have put it better myself. So wrong on so many levels. If his argument is again about colour and he's including future titles and purely going by the boxes, that's a poor way to go about it as it excludes games like Persona 5, Kingdom Hearts and FFXV, as well as games without boxes like No Man's Sky.

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Speaking of platformers, is anyone going to chip in with the Kickstarter for Project Ukulele when it launches?


I know we have a thread elsewhere for it but I feel that it would be the perfect fit for the Wii U for obvious reasons but I am really surprised that Nintendo hasn't stepped in to offer financial backing themselves, it would be such a good move to get a developer with that amount of potential talent on-board. : peace:

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This conversation is all that is wrong with the PS4... shooters, 3rd person action games and more shooters! Oh and every game releasing broken or buggy.

Man, you just don't realise how ignorant you come across to everyone on this forum, do you? You haven't played these games and don't know anything about them.


The way you try to compare these titles is pretty funny considering we've all played the games you're talking about and know the generalisations are so off.


You're so blinkered in your views, seemingly incapable of broadening your horizons and seeing where people might be coming from. Really poor form.

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Speaking of platformers, is anyone going to chip in with the Kickstarter for Project Ukulele when it launches?


I know we have a thread elsewhere for it but I feel that it would be the perfect fit for the Wii U for obvious reasons but I am really surprised that Nintendo hasn't stepped in to offer financial backing themselves, it would be such a good move to get a developer with that amount of potential talent on-board. : peace:


Now I've seen in-engine screenshots I'm very likely to back it. I won't get my hopes up about a Wii U version though until I see the Kickstarter. I'd be happy with a PC version.

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Now I've seen in-engine screenshots I'm very likely to back it. I won't get my hopes up about a Wii U version though until I see the Kickstarter. I'd be happy with a PC version.

Well they talked about amiibo support, so it's almost certainly going to be on Wii U at least :)

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Speaking of platformers, is anyone going to chip in with the Kickstarter for Project Ukulele when it launches?


I know we have a thread elsewhere for it but I feel that it would be the perfect fit for the Wii U for obvious reasons but I am really surprised that Nintendo hasn't stepped in to offer financial backing themselves, it would be such a good move to get a developer with that amount of potential talent on-board. : peace:


Who's it from?

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It's the Banjo-Kazooie spiritual successor that Playtonic Games are currently working on.


Ah right yeah. Cant see myself backing it to be honest. I've never really had the same love for Rare of old that most Nintendo fans have. A lot of their stuff came at times where I wasnt all that convinced by what they were making. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were when I was mostly PC gaming so I never found them all that great in comparison and Donkey Kong and Banjo were just at a time where I wasnt all that sure on 3D platformers. I still dont particularly like Mario 64 either.

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Well they talked about amiibo support, so it's almost certainly going to be on Wii U at least :)


To be fair, all that was said about Amiibo was that he was a big fan of them and they could be a kickstarter goal, much like the release platforms, depending on what fans want.


Saying that, I still want these guys developing for the Wii U. A lot of their ideas and feelings of the industry go hand in hand with Nintendos own thoughts.


Having the Rare guys back on a Nintendo platform would been a dream come true.

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Show me one indie that's making games similar to PES, PGA Tour or Batman Arkham Knight for the Wii U?


What are you talking about? I never suggested their games are as big as the AAAs. That was my point.


And another thing. Modern gaming? A lot of the indies are making NES/SNES level games.


WTF ? Modern gaming = the gaming industry as it currently stands.


And you haven't exactly refuted what Clownferret was saying, either. You don't defend the things you like as much as you attack things that weren't even in the conversation.


I did, I listed a number of genres the Wii U caters to. And I mean actual variety, not the difference between action shooter, action RPG shooter, first person co-op shooter and cinematic third person shooter with quicktime events.

Edited by Ronnie
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Ah right yeah. Cant see myself backing it to be honest. I've never really had the same love for Rare of old that most Nintendo fans have. A lot of their stuff came at times where I wasnt all that convinced by what they were making. Goldeneye and Perfect Dark were when I was mostly PC gaming so I never found them all that great in comparison and Donkey Kong and Banjo were just at a time where I wasnt all that sure on 3D platformers. I still dont particularly like Mario 64 either.


I'd get that checked out if I were you.

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I can't believe how derailed this thread has become in the space of an hour, just because the PS4 once again got brought up for no apparent reason. I was enjoying the platformer discussion and comeback online to see this mess.


Honestly, this place and members can be a joke at times.


Apologies for derailing this wonderful thread and the usual moaning about everything Nintendo do. Let's get back to the hate. I can't believe you think gaf is as negative as this place, they LOVE Nintendo over there.

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Apologies for derailing this wonderful thread and the usual moaning about everything Nintendo do. Let's get back to the hate. I can't believe you think gaf is as negative as this place, they LOVE Nintendo over there.


No, @Hero\-of\-Time is absolutely right. It was a discussion about platformers before you needlessly brought up the PS4 comparison. To make it even worse for you, you were wrong in your comparisons, too. The title of your image is http://s14.postimg.org/ocq975boh/colour.jpg. Colour...so, you are were basically judging a variety of games based on their boxarts. I would just give up if I were you.

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The thing is @Ronnie, many of us LOVE Nintendo. It's just that it's difficult being positive about them though when they're taking to the industry in a negative manner at the moment.


Critically acclaimed games, trying to innovate with each generation, watertight polish and bug-free titles and a diverse line up of genres. That's to be applauded.


Huge iterative AAA games with budgets in the hundreds of millions that all offer similar (and buggy) experiences, whilst barely making a profit, if at all, on the other hand....

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Yeah, Nintendo are innovating through the roof with such titles as Pikmin 3, NSMB, Zelda, Mario Kart and Smash Brothers. Cutting edge features like seamless voice chat, comprehensive online connectivity and totally new gameplay. Not at all making iterative sequels.


Meanwhile Demon's Souls-esque online meta cooperation/hindrence, perk-based shooter loadouts and hide and seek style Assassin's Creed multiplayer show that every game on the other console is playing out just like it always has.

Edited by Sheikah
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Is it a derail? I've just called out his 'Nintendo are innovating relative to the others' spiel in a topic about the Wii U. If anything, it's back on track!


I'm also not at all hot and bothered about it, it was more amusement really that he'd claim such.

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