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I would like to know what exactly people want from the Wii U, because its not very clear to me; droughts, less third party support than the Playstation etc have been a common thing for like 10 years or more.


I feel a lot of people have, more than anything, just outgrown Nintendo and have grown more attached to other offerings - thats very natural - but the constant stabs at the Wii U, whilst glorifying the PS4 is questionable.

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Oi!!! It was actually. Hero. I agreed. More strongly admittedly.


Oi!!! Back at ya.


I never once mentioned the PS4 or One, just stated that the a Wii U could clean house due to all the delays of other games. You guys started the comparisons off!


Batman delayed to next year. Quantum Break delayed to next year. The Order delayed to next year. I'll tell you what, if Nintendo do get the likes of Bayonetta, Hyrule Warriors, Smash, X and Yoshi out for the rest of the year then they could clean house due to the lack of opposition. :D


*passes buck back to dazzy*

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I would like to know what exactly people want from the Wii U, because its not very clear to me; droughts, less third party support than the Playstation etc have been a common thing for like 10 years or more.


I feel a lot of people have, more than anything, just outgrown Nintendo and have grown more attached to other offerings - thats very natural - but the constant stabs at the Wii U, whilst glorifying the PS4 is questionable.


Games wise the console is fantastic, I just want certain aspects of the console to be in line with what the others off, specifically online stuff.


I want to be able to chat to people, send messages and get notifications of messages being sent to me. Everything else about the console I'm fine with.


These are pretty simple features but for some reason Nintendo just don't want you to contact people in a simple and efficient manner.

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I would like to know what exactly people want from the Wii U, because its not very clear to me; droughts, less third party support than the Playstation etc have been a common thing for like 10 years or more.


I feel a lot of people have, more than anything, just outgrown Nintendo and have grown more attached to other offerings - thats very natural - but the constant stabs at the Wii U, whilst glorifying the PS4 is questionable.


I want Nintendo to be up to par with online; voice-chat, game options, invites, proper lobbies etc. not this half-arsed backwards attempt that they're just about managing at the moment. I also want them to have proper accounts and purchases attached to the accounts and not to the console specifically.


The only good I see in Nintendo at the moment is in the core gameplay in their games.

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First off, shame on the people who thank this guy. His arguments are some of the worst this forum has ever seen.


... sure it's £80 less than £460. How am I making it look expensive. The PS4 is £349 at retail so I've already quoted that as much cheaper plus I have not factored in the cost of a move at £24.99 and subscription charges going forward.


Actually, you did factor in the PS Plus charges. Full price Plus charges, too.


I know I can play more than two games, but my point was these are the only two games I want to play that are not on Wii U (although having now checked TW is not out on PS4 either yet)

It truly is pathetic how you constantly try and argue how great the PS4 is. I was actually having a dig at Nintendo because they have failed to get FIFA and TW onto Wii U and you take this as a slant against PS4 because I am saying I might have to buy one because of Nintendo's failings. Take your blinkers off.


No, your 'rant' was about how expensive the PS4 will be for you. The entertaining part of your endless tirades is how unnecessarily blinkered you are in your gaming selection. There is literally no reason why you would only have two games to play unless you are so dedicated to one company's output that you hardly play anything else.


Case in point, you waxed lyrical about the many third party Wii U games you managed to pick up cheap. Those exact same kind of games are on systems like the PS3 and 360 already.


I ALSO previously told you that you could pick up a PS3 for your FIFA needs. FREE and GOOD online, dirt cheap console, and tons of totally awesome games available. Yet you focus on a PS4 to do a cost breakdown? OK.


And can we once and for all stop this nonsense of "free games" with PS Plus. They are not free they are £40 per year. I would rather have the choice of what old games I buy on the cheap, not be told you have to pay this and we'll tell you what games you can have.


If you just want to play online then you will pay the cost, and the games will come for no extra price. You can say you're paying for everything, but whatever way you look at it, you'll be getting games and you might enjoy them. That's the only point I was making. Plus it's incredible value.

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Agree with the above comments; the online interface is incredibly poor. I played Halo 3 regularly back in 2008 and it was much, much better than the Wii U online experience. That said once the games are running they are great.


I'd also like to see the VC sorted...Give me Gamecube titles for £9.99 please!


@Clownferret, may I suggest not bothering to reply to Sheikah's above response, because you've dug yourself into a massive hole. If you can't make a point or transmit your thoughts well or articulately, you're going to get called up on it. So let's stop this in this thread, please.

Edited by Goron_3
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Games wise the console is fantastic, I just want certain aspects of the console to be in line with what the others off, specifically online stuff.


I want to be able to chat to people, send messages and get notifications of messages being sent to me. Everything else about the console I'm fine with.


These are pretty simple features but for some reason Nintendo just don't want you to contact people in a simple and efficient manner.


I want Nintendo to be up to par with online; voice-chat, game options, invites, proper lobbies etc. not this half-arsed backwards attempt that they're just about managing at the moment. I also want them to have proper accounts and purchases attached to the accounts and not to the console specifically.


The only good I see in Nintendo at the moment is in the core gameplay in their games.


I see these things as being easy to update/add - its all already there.

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I see these things as being easy to update/add - its all already there.


And that's the issue. Why haven't they done it yet? You have the Vita, a handheld device, that does all of this yet here we are with a home console that doesn't do any of it.


I honestly don't see it changing at all. Mario Kart was the first big test to see whether they have learned anything from the past or from what the other two are doing and it's failed in that regard.


Take a look a Steel Diver: Sub Wars. You can't join up with friends with that or chat properly. Wii Sports Club is the same. No friend lobbies and no chat. Mario Kart. Ditto. Smash Bros will very likely follow the trend.


These examples just highlight how little they care about the online experience of their games. All you seem to get is the bare minimum and when you do get done decent modes ( Mario Golf 3DS ) all the basic stuff like chat, lobbies etc are still pushed aside. It's so frustrating.

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First off, shame on the people who thank this guy. His arguments are some of the worst this forum has ever seen.




Actually, you did factor in the PS Plus charges. Full price Plus charges, too.




No, your 'rant' was about how expensive the PS4 will be for you. The entertaining part of your endless tirades is how unnecessarily blinkered you are in your gaming selection. There is literally no reason why you would only have two games to play unless you are so dedicated to one company's output that you hardly play anything else.


Case in point, you waxed lyrical about the many third party Wii U games you managed to pick up cheap. Those exact same kind of games are on systems like the PS3 and 360 already.


I ALSO previously told you that you could pick up a PS3 for your FIFA needs. FREE and GOOD online, dirt cheap console, and tons of totally awesome games available. Yet you focus on a PS4 to do a cost breakdown? OK.




If you just want to play online then you will pay the cost, and the games will come for no extra price. You can say you're paying for everything, but whatever way you look at it, you'll be getting games and you might enjoy them. That's the only point I was making. Plus it's incredible value.


How absolutely dare you. Shame on me? That's an absolutely disgraceful thing to say to any other members of this forum who agree and support some one else's point.


What's the key word in there? Forum. @Clownferret is entitled to his opinion as much as I'm entitled to thank it and this forum would be a better place without comments like that from you.

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How absolutely dare you. Shame on me? That's an absolutely disgraceful thing to say to any other members of this forum who agree and support some one else's point.


Ha! That response sure was unexpected.


I don't get the problem. If I thanked a post that was flagrantly ridiculous, I would be ashamed. And you are not, for some reason? Ok.

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Ha! That response sure was unexpected.


I don't get the problem. If I thanked a post that was flagrantly ridiculous, I would be ashamed. And you are not, for some reason? Ok.

Just because it seems ridiculous to you does not necessarily mean the post was ridiculous. Please don't project your own views and treat them as gospel. Accept that other people have differing opinions to you and stop slating others for their opinions, even if you disagree with them.

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And that's the issue. Why haven't they done it yet? You have the Vita, a handheld device, that does all of this yet here we are with a home console that doesn't do any of it.


I honestly don't see it changing at all. Mario Kart was the first big test to see whether they have learned anything from the past or from what the other two are doing and it's failed in that regard.


Take a look a Steel Diver: Sub Wars. You can't join up with friends with that or chat properly. Wii Sports Club is the same. No friend lobbies and no chat. Mario Kart. Ditto. Smash Bros will very likely follow the trend.


These examples just highlight how little they care about the online experience of their games. All you seem to get is the bare minimum and when you do get done decent modes ( Mario Golf 3DS ) all the basic stuff like chat, lobbies etc are still pushed aside. It's so frustrating.


Thats fair enough - But the Hero of Time I knew would never turn his back on Nintendo! (talking about Link :heh: ) :awesome:

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Just because it seems ridiculous to you does not necessarily mean the post was ridiculous. Please don't project your own views and treat them as gospel. Accept that other people have differing opinions to you and stop slating others for their opinions, even if you disagree with them.


It was ridiculous, for all the reasons I gave. He is also looking to buy the most/join most expensive console available when he doesn't even like the games on it, when he could have bought a PS3 with free online (which I suggested it to him).


You can't really help these people. They're impervious to reason.

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It was ridiculous, for all the reasons I gave. He is also looking to buy the most/join most expensive console available when he doesn't even like the games on it, when he could have bought a PS3 with free online (which I suggested it to him).


You can't really help these people. They're impervious to reason.

As are you. He has his view, he is entitled to it. Other people agree with it. You really have no right to insult and judge them for it.

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Ha! That response sure was unexpected.


I don't get the problem. If I thanked a post that was flagrantly ridiculous, I would be ashamed. And you are not, for some reason? Ok.


If you don't get the problem I suggest you read my post again.


You think it's ridiculous, I happen to agree with him. I've got no problem with that, but to then say I should feel ashamed because I don't agree with you is an absolutely toxic view point.

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Just because it seems ridiculous to you does not necessarily mean the post was ridiculous. Please don't project your own views and treat them as gospel. Accept that other people have differing opinions to you and stop slating others for their opinions, even if you disagree with them.


Tbf Shiekah's post didn't actually do/say anything wrong. It was actually a very well put response in response to some contradictory logic.


Anyway, SIX DAYS TIL E3. Argh so hyped. I've been playing my free copy of The Wind Waker: HD and I absolutely love it. Graphics are great and the sense of exploration is still there after all these years :) At the Forest Haven atm..love it.


Also, to those that have the Pro Controller; what's the battery life like? And is it a comfortable controller to use?

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And that's the issue. Why haven't they done it yet? You have the Vita, a handheld device, that does all of this yet here we are with a home console that doesn't do any of it.


I honestly don't see it changing at all. Mario Kart was the first big test to see whether they have learned anything from the past or from what the other two are doing and it's failed in that regard.


Take a look a Steel Diver: Sub Wars. You can't join up with friends with that or chat properly. Wii Sports Club is the same. No friend lobbies and no chat. Mario Kart. Ditto. Smash Bros will very likely follow the trend.


These examples just highlight how little they care about the online experience of their games. All you seem to get is the bare minimum and when you do get done decent modes ( Mario Golf 3DS ) all the basic stuff like chat, lobbies etc are still pushed aside. It's so frustrating.


Yep its always half assed measures. Remember when they announced the joint wallet for 3DS/Wii U and claimed they had listened to what people said. We didn't ask for that, we asked for a proper accounts system like we see on other devices but they seem to ignore that.


I wish they just looked at what other platforms do and realise there are millions of people who like those things so they must be doing something right.

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@Clownferret, may I suggest not bothering to reply to Sheikah's above response, because you've dug yourself into a massive hole. If you can't make a point or transmit your thoughts well or articulately, you're going to get called up on it. So let's stop this in this thread, please.


I disagree with this non-inclusive comment. Just because some people may not articulate as well as others, or convey their thoughts as accurately, or be keyboard warriors - shouldn't mean they "should not bother to reply".

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Tbf Shiekah's post didn't actually do/say anything wrong. It was actually a very well put response in response to some contradictory logic.


Anyway, SIX DAYS TIL E3. Argh so hyped. I've been playing my free copy of The Wind Waker: HD and I absolutely love it. Graphics are great and the sense of exploration is still there after all these years :) At the Forest Haven atm..love it.


Also, to those that have the Pro Controller; what's the battery life like? And is it a comfortable controller to use?

Pro Controller is comfortable and the battery lasts quite a while :)

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Thats fair enough - But the Hero of Time I knew would never turn his back on Nintendo! (talking about Link :heh: ) :awesome:


I never would. I grew up with a NES controller in hand and have had every Nintendo console since but this doesn't mean I'm blind to what could be if they actually tried to make a go of online. Unfortunately if I want to play Nintendo games the shoddy online is just something I have to put up with.

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Also, to those that have the Pro Controller; what's the battery life like? And is it a comfortable controller to use?


I just got me a Pro Controller and I'm really pleased with it.


It actually felt alien at first to be playing a Nintendo game with a 'normal' controller! :laughing:


But then part of me is saddened by it a little as it makes me wonder what could have been if the game pad wasn't included. Now I've used the Pro Controller a bit, the Game Pad almost feels like a peripheral or 'add on', kinda like a secondary control method.


I mean, I like the game pad a lot don't get me wrong, but the Pro Controller will definitely be my main control method now. :)


As for battery life, I couldn't tell you sorry as I've been playing with it plugged in since I got it! I will fully charge it and let you know, unless someone else knows which I'm sure they do! : peace:

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If you don't get the problem I suggest you read my post again.


You think it's ridiculous, I happen to agree with him. I've got no problem with that, but to then say I should feel ashamed because I don't agree with you is an absolutely toxic view point.


This is a prime example of making a mountain out of a molehill. I'd be willing to bet a good amount of money that not one other person would have taken that particular comment as badly as you. It was also hyperbole. When I say 'shame' I am not issuing commands to people to perform seppuku. Rather, disappointment, as his argument really was not a very good one yet the thanks may convince him otherwise or encourage him to do more of the same.

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