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Nintendo have just announced a Youtube Content Affiliate programme. This will allow for video creators to earn money off of videos with Nintendo content, without the content ID system destroying them


This is soooo true.

Even in my environment, people are all about sales and other bullshit that I just do not care about.

With a backlog of over 50 games with purely NINTENDO systems, I don't give a fuck about all that shit.

Sure, it's interesting to see where the company is heading, but I prefer to live in the now and play my games now and not constantly address that 'The WiiU is dead, bla bla bla'...That shit just doesn't get to me, because I have too much games to play on all my NINTENDO systems, including WiiU.


I just want to play my games!


Thank you. These are my feelings exactly. It is too much on "Nintendo is doomed" "Their sales are rubbish" "They messed with the marketing". For me, it's all about the games and Nintendo's output in the last 24 months has been the best they have ever been.

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Nintendo have just announced a Youtube Content Affiliate programme. This will allow for video creators to earn money off of videos with Nintendo content, without the content ID system destroying them




Thank you. These are my feelings exactly. It is too much on "Nintendo is doomed" "Their sales are rubbish" "They messed with the marketing". For me, it's all about the games and Nintendo's output in the last 24 months has been the best they have ever been.


In your opinion yes, however I can think of many Nintendo titles better than SM3DW, A Link Between Worlds, NSMBU and Nintendo Land. Just a thought.

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This is soooo true.

Even in my environment, people are all about sales and other bullshit that I just do not care about.

With a backlog of over 50 games with purely NINTENDO systems, I don't give a fuck about all that shit.

Sure, it's interesting to see where the company is heading, but I prefer to live in the now and play my games now and not constantly address that 'The WiiU is dead, bla bla bla'...That shit just doesn't get to me, because I have too many games to play on all my NINTENDO systems, including WiiU.


I just want to play my games!


And you can quite easily do that without getting involved any conversation about sales or other bullshit it as you put so what's the problem?

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Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with discussing the sales. Its like saying football fans shouldn't be discussing the stats of a match and just watch the game and leave it at that.


I enjoy everything about the industry and enjoy reading what other people think of the situation regarding a consoles sales and numbers. To say these don't matter is pretty ignorant. If you have a passion about something you want it to succeed. If even one of the 3 console manufactures dropped out of the race then things would be a lot worse off.


I'm pretty sure people wouldn't have an issue talking about sales figures if Nintendo was cleaning house like in the last generation but because they are stumbling this time around people choose to stick their head in the sand.


Yeah, I ain't buying it that people don't care about such things.

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Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with discussing the sales. Its like saying football fans shouldn't be discussing the stats of a match and just watch the game and leave it at that.


I enjoy everything about the industry and enjoy reading what other people think of the situation regarding a consoles sales and numbers. To say these don't matter is pretty ignorant. If you have a passion about something you want it to succeed. If even one of the 3 console manufactures dropped out of the race then things would be a lot worse off.


I'm pretty sure people wouldn't have an issue talking about sales figures if Nintendo was cleaning house like in the last generation but because they are stumbling this time around people choose to stick their head in the sand.


Yeah, I ain't buying it that people don't care about such things.


My thoughts exactly.


I think some people mistakenly think people are just being negative for the sake of it but that’s not true. Nintendo get plenty good press when they release good games that score very high but with that also comes negative news stories when software/hardware doesn’t sell, their financial reports are not great or they make some crazy decisions like no voice chat in MK8.


That’s just the way of the world with any company and for anyone to think people choose to concentrate more on the negative than positive simply cos they have an agenda or something similar is unfair.

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Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with discussing the sales. Its like saying football fans shouldn't be discussing the stats of a match and just watch the game and leave it at that.


I enjoy everything about the industry and enjoy reading what other people think of the situation regarding a consoles sales and numbers. To say these don't matter is pretty ignorant. If you have a passion about something you want it to succeed. If even one of the 3 console manufactures dropped out of the race then things would be a lot worse off.


I'm pretty sure people wouldn't have an issue talking about sales figures if Nintendo was cleaning house like in the last generation but because they are stumbling this time around people choose to stick their head in the sand.


Yeah, I ain't buying it that people don't care about such things.


Hmmm, I don't think it's the same as discussing the stats of a match. It's "closer" to discussing the fees and wages of players and how many shirts are sold each year and tv rights money etc.


But even then I would say even less than that as we don't "support" on team in gaming really like we do football. So I would sales sales are even less relevent than even shirt sales for your football club.


Saying this, I'm personally in videogame industry sales and business, but I think the issue is when this interest overshadows/overtakes the enjoyment from actually playing the games.

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Hmmm, I don't think it's the same as discussing the stats of a match. It's "closer" to discussing the fees and wages of players and how many shirts are sold each year and tv rights money etc.


But even then I would say even less than that as we don't "support" on team in gaming really like we do football. So I would sales sales are even less relevent than even shirt sales for your football club.


Saying this, I'm personally in videogame industry sales and business, but I think the issue is when this interest overshadows/overtakes the enjoyment from actually playing the games.


I totally agree the games discussion should come first but when there aren't many coming out you can see why the discussions become about the business side of things.

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Of course without games there's no sales and vice versa. People can choose to ignore it if they like but may find one day when they've removed their head from the sand that neither exist.

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I totally agree the games discussion should come first but when there aren't many coming out you can see why the discussions become about the business side of things.


Oh absolutely, and like I said I actually enjoy it. I bet we're all eager to see how mario kart sells for example! And the Wii u because of it!

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Oh absolutely, and like I said I actually enjoy it. I bet we're all eager to see how mario kart sells for example! And the Wii u because of it!


I don't think it'll see a significant increase in sales. I reckon MK8 would see 8 million max by the end of the generation... unless the console gets a dramatic reduction in price.

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I don't think it'll see a significant increase in sales. I reckon MK8 would see 8 million max by the end of the generation... unless the console gets a dramatic reduction in price.


I think MK8 could see a decent increase in hardware sales but once again it won’t last long as there are no games coming after MK8. It will be another drought so any hope of some momentum is dashed early on.

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I think MK8 could see a decent increase in hardware sales but once again it won’t last long as there are no games coming after MK8. It will be another drought so any hope of some momentum is dashed early on.

We shall see in two weeks.

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They must have games ready or almost ready to release. Bayonetta, X, Smash Watch Dogs all these games must be close? They really need to announce a deal with EA or a batch of in-house sports sims, but either way Wii U needs football and golf etc.

I'm not so much fussed about the "drought" as I have loads of games not even out of the wrapper, so don't need games right now, but want to know that I can get my sports fix going forward.

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They must have games ready or almost ready to release. Bayonetta, X, Smash Watch Dogs all these games must be close? They really need to announce a deal with EA or a batch of in-house sports sims, but either way Wii U needs football and golf etc.

I'm not so much fussed about the "drought" as I have loads of games not even out of the wrapper, so don't need games right now, but want to know that I can get my sports fix going forward.

Bayonetta 2 just got rated in Australia, so that'll likely be in the next three months. I can't see Hyrule Warriors being too much later than Japan's release of August, too

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And you can quite easily do that without getting involved any conversation about sales or other bullshit it as you put so what's the problem?


The problem is that some of my friends always start bringing this up...

It's not a thing I'd like to get in an argument about, but they can be genuinly confused when I tell them I am enjoying my WiiU.


On the whole I like speculating and thinking about NINTENDO's problems, but at the end of the day I really do not care that much.

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I'm pretty sure people wouldn't have an issue talking about sales figures if Nintendo was cleaning house like in the last generation but because they are stumbling this time around people choose to stick their head in the sand.


Yeah, I ain't buying it that people don't care about such things.


No, not really - rather not at all. The Wii's phenomenal sales did nothing to change my opinion of it being the console that dampened my gaming spirit. I can't correlate the Wii's high sales to gaming success at all.


Great or poor sales doesn't affect the entertainment value of a console.


Ideally there should be a balance with games and sales talk, but now it just seems every approach to a discussion comes from a sales angle.


I still think the Wii U console is a quality machine and full of so much potential, the games available for a 1.5 year old console is good enough - and the future offerings are going to be classic moments in gaming for us.


Its not about having faith or being a fanboy, but about thinking logically - as opposed to the 'no more third party games' or 'no games after Smash' sort of scaremongering as a result of sales performance.

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I agree the sales of a console don't effect the entertainment value. What I'm saying is sales do matter for the company going forward and as fans of Nintendo people have every right discuss what the sales figures are.


These facts and figures are relevant to a lot of gaming fans, not in terms of the entertainment of the console but more to do with the future of it.


If you don't want to discuss these things then that's fine, simply don't get involved. If you don't want to read about these things then there's an ignore button to be used.


As I said to Dazzy, I agree games come first but when the last notable retail release was the end of Feb, you can see why people choose to discuss the business side of things.

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