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Yes, but it is still all bunched up, so all the smaller things (like these eShop games) are often drowned out by a trailer of a game everyone already knows about.

And that wouldn't happen if they did it via a blog? It's only natural that their big titles will overshadow the smaller ones. That's the industry.

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And that wouldn't happen if they did it via a blog? It's only natural that their big titles will overshadow the smaller ones. That's the industry.


When they can announce two or three new eShop games in a week without any new information on big titles, it wouldn't happen anywhere near as much.

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Thing is, Nintendo has started shunning western "media", and that's why Nintendo Directs were created. Much of the western gaming "media" often misquoted Iwata (which Iwata referenced in a few Investor Meetings), trashed Nintendo based on it and ignored Nintendo events and/or releases. That's why they pushed the Nintendo Directs more.


While they could have had new characters in those games, would they have sold as much?


People, especially in the western community and media at the moment, seem to be of the belief that new IP = god. It has even become a buzzword in presentations & conferences. However, the fact is that a small portion of new IPs actually do well, but people focus on the ones that do as evidence that it's a major thing. Hell, it's the same situation in regards to mobile platforms.


I really don't see oversaturation of characters or anything. That doesn't do much to me, at all, but I guess others can see it. However, it's not like there are 150000 DK or Kirby games every year.


I just find it interesting that people on here were kicking off over those who had these views, yet another Nintendo site have these exact same views.

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When they can announce two or three new eShop games in a week without any new information on big titles, it wouldn't happen anywhere near as much.

It wouldn't have the same effect. Blog posts are crap compared to the excitement that builds in the anticipation of a Nintendo Direct.


Then, with many of these small games, they're available right after the Direct (like Steel Diver's second iteration) and that encourages downloads.


I fail to see the logic in choosing a "blog post" style over the Nintendo Direct + PR for reveal of games. It's a step back.

Edited by Serebii
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It's much more digestible. The updates can be posted to Facebook/Twitter/Google+ and they could easily make a special section on MiiVerse for it, and is very much how people digest their information these days. Watching a long video is something you need to put time aside for, whereas you can read articles as you're checking on media sites.


Heck, in a few months I'll be able to read PlayStation updates on my watch.


Also, there's no reason why they can't do both.

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It's much more digestible. The updates can be posted to Facebook/Twitter/Google+ and they could easily make a special section on MiiVerse for it, and is very much how people digest their information these days. Watching a long video is something you need to put time aside for, whereas you can read articles as you're checking on media sites.


Heck, in a few months I'll be able to read PlayStation updates on my watch.


Also, there's no reason why they can't do both.

They DO do both, just without a blog because blogs are so 2002.


Seriously, they do the Nintendo Direct. They do the social media stuff. There are often Miiverse posts. There are press releases sent. There are videos & trailers posted. The major sites post the announcements. What more could you possibly want?

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I really like the Nintendo Directs. I think Nintendo are quite unique in that approach and it's a lot warmer and friendlier than just a cold press release, a trailer and some screens on IGN.


The Nintendo Directs also seem to generate quite a buzz. I feel the way Nintendo have interacted with their fans through the Directs and Miiverse is actually a big positive.

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I really like the Nintendo Directs. I think Nintendo are quite unique in that approach and it's a lot warmer and friendlier than just a cold press release, a trailer and some screens on IGN.


The Nintendo Directs also seem to generate quite a buzz. I feel the way Nintendo have interacted with their fans through the Directs and Miiverse is actually a big positive.

And, for those who don't like it, they get the PR, screens and videos on IGN etc. too :)

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Seriously, they do the Nintendo Direct. They do the social media stuff. There are often Miiverse posts. There are press releases sent. There are videos & trailers posted. The major sites post the announcements. What more could you possibly want?


I want text. Written words. Social media lends itself for just small amounts of information in a headline, which then links to a post for people who want to know more.


Other media sites are much better for reactions and opinions, but the news should be easily obtainable from the company themselves these days.

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I want text. Written words. Social media lends itself for just small amounts of information in a headline, which then links to a post for people who want to know more.


Other media sites are much better for reactions and opinions, but the news should be easily obtainable from the company themselves these days.

It is? Seriously. While it starts with the Direct, they send out the same style of information that every other bloody company does.

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They DO do both, just without a blog because blogs are so 2002.


Yeah, it's 2014. It's all about the splash pages ;)


Although Nintendo's social media is a joke. Did you see their American one for DKTCF? They seem to think posting pictures with some words on it will just make a meme.

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they send out the same style of information that every other bloody company does.


Except for companies like Sony, Microsoft, Sega and Ubisoft. Even the small company I work for has a (rather dull) blog because it's an important way to connect to your audience (as we were told by someone who if helping our business grow).

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I was listening to this weeks episode of NintendoWorldReport the other day ( you listened to it yet, @Goron_3 )and a listener asked the a question about Nintendo's IPs. The question was pretty much the conversation that you guys were having the other day about Nintendo not creating new IPs. The guys on NWR gave a good explanation in regards to the subject.


They listed a bunch of the new stuff that has been created by them over the last few years and a lot of it seemed to be e-shop stuff. Now, this isn't a big deal but what they did point out was that although there are a bunch of new IPs being created on that platform none of them are stellar games but more time burners.


Another thing they pointed out is that Nintendo only seem to heavily market their big name games, like Mario, Zelda etc. There is no push for the likes of Pushmo, Harmo Knight, Dillion etc. Sure, you get stuff on Nintendo Directs but that is for the audience who already follow Nintendos stuff.


Stuff like The Last Story and Xenoblade weren't really pushed by Nintendo and as we all know the US almost never got Xenoblade. Again two new IPs that were sent out to die, with no marketing for either of them.


They also pointed out that Nintendo don't really engage the western press with previews of these new IPs. Again, not pushing them and kind of just letting them sit by the way side.


Lastly, they pointed out that stuff like Jungle Beat and Kirbys Epic Yarn could have easily been other games but because Nintendo have such great characters at their disposal they put them in these games. This can be a good thing but at the same time it can over saturate that character.


I know a lot of these points were made by people in this topic and it was interesting to see NWR share the same opinion.


Yeah, it was a brilliant podcast and I loved that segment.


The Xenoblade thing really was so stupid in hindsight. They have this RPG which has incredible scope and gameplay and it's getting great reviews.


Fans: Is it coming to US?

NoA: Erm.......na. Sorry.


It boggles the mind. If that was Sony they would have pushed it and in such a big way. Like they mentioned in NWR, the way Nintendo treat X will be very revealing.

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Yeah, it's 2014. It's all about the splash pages ;)


Although Nintendo's social media is a joke. Did you see their American one for DKTCF? They seem to think posting pictures with some words on it will just make a meme.


They did the same for 3D World.









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Yeah, it was a brilliant podcast and I loved that segment.


The Xenoblade thing really was so stupid in hindsight. They have this RPG which has incredible scope and gameplay and it's getting great reviews.


Fans: Is it coming to US?

NoA: Erm.......na. Sorry.


It boggles the mind. If that was Sony they would have pushed it and in such a big way. Like they mentioned in NWR, the way Nintendo treat X will be very revealing.


Yeah, quality episode, even if Greg talk a little too much for my liking.


Did you enjoy the VC segment? Again, it's an issue that has been brought up in this thread before with Nintendo favouring their own country and nit thinking more globally. The Wii U is struggling worldwide, so it's not as if they release the VC games in a certain country to help in gain traction there.


Did you laugh at James' reaction to Crystal Bearers. That guy has me in stitches every episode.


More people need to start listening to this podcast.

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More people need to start listening to this podcast.


I've listened to a few of their podcasts, but I found one of the hosts to be pretty annoying which is rather off putting. I fell out of listening to podcasts in general for a while but I've been meaning to give them another listen.

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I've listened to a few of their podcasts, but I found one of the hosts to be pretty annoying which is rather off putting. I fell out of listening to podcasts in general for a while but I've been meaning to give them another listen.


It was probably James. You either love him or hate him. :D

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Yeah, quality episode, even if Greg talk a little too much for my liking.


Did you enjoy the VC segment? Again, it's an issue that has been brought up in this thread before with Nintendo favouring their own country and nit thinking more globally. The Wii U is struggling worldwide, so it's not as if they release the VC games in a certain country to help in gain traction there.


Did you laugh at James' reaction to Crystal Bearers. That guy has me in stitches every episode.


More people need to start listening to this podcast.



It had me in stitches; you can tell it's genuine laughter and that he can't help laughing about things :D


The VC segment was interesting and I agreed with pretty much everything they said.


For reference, me and H-o-T are talking about the Radio Free Nintendo podcast over at Nintendoworldreport.com (I can't seem to post a link as it's not loading for me atm!). But yes, highly recommended.

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I don't mind the memes. At least they are trying something different. :confused:

Fans could always make memes?...which they do and are usually great.

My Body is Ready/Do a Barrell Roll etc.


But it's one of those 'trying too hard' kind of things. Memes crop up because of the power of the Internet. Companies trying to create them as backdoor advertising are the antithesis of what a meme is supposed to be.


Clearly their SM is run by people that don't really know what they're doing. If it's anything like their UK one, it's coming from Nintendo rather than allowing the people who know what they're doing (and who are paid to do it) to do their job.

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Well the two year spacing between 1 & 2 is much more welcomed than the near ten year wait for 3.


To be honest, I think it was just easy for them to make Pikmin 2 so soon after the first as they could use the same engine and it was for exactly the same console. Plus, there was something specific that they needed to address (the original's time limit/game structure). Although the first game has its fans, Pikmin 2 is really "This is how we should have done it".


I can understand them skipping the Wii, as after Pikmin 2, the next thing the series needed was the jump to HD (arguably). All this talk of Pikmin is reminding me of a conversation I had with a Halo fan when I was playing (and enjoying) Pikmin 2:


Halo fan: "What are you playing at the moment?"

Me: "Pikmin 2."

Halo fan: "What's that?"

Me: "Well, you have control of all these little creatures. The yellow ones can't go through water, so you'd send the blue ones across, for example, and they'd build a bridge which would allow the yellow ones to cross."

Halo fan: (baffled) "How is that fun?"

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To be honest, I think it was just easy for them to make Pikmin 2 so soon after the first as they could use the same engine and it was for exactly the same console. Plus, there was something specific that they needed to address (the original's time limit/game structure). Although the first game has its fans, Pikmin 2 is really "This is how we should have done it".


I can understand them skipping the Wii, as after Pikmin 2, the next thing the series needed was the jump to HD (arguably). All this talk of Pikmin is reminding me of a conversation I had with a Halo fan when I was playing (and enjoying) Pikmin 2:


Halo fan: "What are you playing at the moment?"

Me: "Pikmin 2."

Halo fan: "What's that?"

Me: "Well, you have control of all these little creatures. The yellow ones can't go through water, so you'd send the blue ones across, for example, and they'd build a bridge which would allow the yellow ones to cross."

Halo fan: (baffled) "How is that fun?"


Part 2


Me: "Well, because it requires you to think and use strategy. It's also colourful, vibrant and different.

Halo fan: "I like guns and things that go boom".

Me: "What are you playing at the moment?"

Halo fan: "Halo".

Me: "What's that?"

Halo fan: "Well, you go around mindlessly shooting things and is like every other FPS before it.

Me: (baffled) "How is that fun?"

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