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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


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Mines shipped... I have a big dilemma... I'm living in Paris for a bit, and my tele is AWFUL, pretty small, and the most disastrous sound I have ever heard... Do I play DK now with a slightly gimped experience, or wait til I go back on a huge tele and 5.1?!?


Off screen play! I will most likely play most of this on the gamepad!

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Mines shipped... I have a big dilemma... I'm living in Paris for a bit, and my tele is AWFUL, pretty small, and the most disastrous sound I have ever heard... Do I play DK now with a slightly gimped experience, or wait til I go back on a huge tele and 5.1?!?


Wait until you can play it on a big TV...from what I've heard it's a beautiful game and soundtrack is fantastic :)

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Be interested to know what the visuals are like. Maybe gamepad with amazing headphones is the way to go :)


Do all games out put on the gamepad? Do you put headphones into the gamepad or the tele?


Headphones go in the gamepad! If you have good quality ones it really does enhance a game. I played the whole of Resident Evil on the gamepad with the headphones, was great!

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Mines shipped... I have a big dilemma... I'm living in Paris for a bit, and my tele is AWFUL, pretty small, and the most disastrous sound I have ever heard... Do I play DK now with a slightly gimped experience, or wait til I go back on a huge tele and 5.1?!?


Big tele, needs justice.

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My copy is now on the way too. :yay:


Still not massively hyped, but I reckon that's going to be a good thing going into this game, as I'll probably end up enjoying it a lot more than I'm expecting to. ;)

Just hope that the disc drive on my Wii U still works :heh: it hasn't been used in ages! :o

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My copy is now on the way too. :yay:


Still not massively hyped, but I reckon that's going to be a good thing going into this game, as I'll probably end up enjoying it a lot more than I'm expecting to. ;)

Just hope that the disc drive on my Wii U still works :heh: it hasn't been used in ages! :o




I'm not hyped for the game really. I am hyped to listen to the music though. I should have just cancelled my preorder and downloaded the soundtrack. :D


I won't get much time on it anyway, as i'm off to see my brother this weekend. Though I am contemplating putting a holiday in for Friday and then I can sit and play it all day before I set off.

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In rubbish sales shocker - Donkey Kong sells 35k in its first week in Japan and the Wii U only 8k. It doesn't help at all. I knew it was a disastrous business decision based on the anomaly of the wii. The SAME mistake they made with many games for the wii u.


I can't believe a company can misjudge so much so frequently, especially when people who aren't even in the industry predicted the outcome!!!


Fact is, no would buy a console for the wii u (well obviously SOME would, but not many); they'll already have the wii u if they love platformers because of mario and rayman etc Donkey Kong is just ANOTHER one that not even nintendo fans are that excited for.


Metroid would tempt people to the wii u as it's a completely different experience.


But we've chatted that. I guess the predictability of everything makes it more annoying.

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Metroid would tempt people to the wii u as it's a completely different experience.
What are you basing that on though, Dazzy? Because it sure as hell ain't on the sales of past Metroid games. :blank:


Seriously, a Metroid game on Wii U would probably wouldn't even manage half of what DK eventually will.

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What are you basing that on though, Dazzy? Because it sure as hell ain't on the sales of past Metroid games. :blank:


Seriously, a Metroid game on Wii U would probably wouldn't even manage half of what DK eventually will.

Yeah but is that not just looking at it from a software sales perspective?


It's about attach rates.


Personally speaking, a new Retro made Metroid would sell me a Wii U, where as DKCTF would not.


DKCTF is a game I would pick up if I had a Wii U, but not a game I would pick a Wii U up for.


(outside of Japan obviously, as they're not bothered about Metroid, though nor a new DK by the looks of it)

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In rubbish sales shocker - Donkey Kong sells 35k in its first week in Japan and the Wii U only 8k. It doesn't help at all. I knew it was a disastrous business decision based on the anomaly of the wii. The SAME mistake they made with many games for the wii u.


I can't believe a company can misjudge so much so frequently, especially when people who aren't even in the industry predicted the outcome!!!


Fact is, no would buy a console for the wii u (well obviously SOME would, but not many); they'll already have the wii u if they love platformers because of mario and rayman etc Donkey Kong is just ANOTHER one that not even nintendo fans are that excited for.


Metroid would tempt people to the wii u as it's a completely different experience.


You couldn't be more wrong in this case!


The last four Metroid games have sold really poorly in Japan.


Metroid Prime: 100k

Metroid Prime 2: 70k

Metroid Prime 3: 70k

Other M: 130k


Bear in mind the user bases of these consoles compared to the Wii U. 35K in it's first week is pretty good for a Wii U title.


Metroid games are not huge sellers, the best selling in the whole series (Prime) only did 2.82 million units, which for a game with that level of critical acclaim is not great. Sadly, the old argument that great games sell a console is rubbish, if it was the case the GC would have done a lot better and Metroid would be a console seller.

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Yes bad sales for DK in Japan but I think it'll do better in the West. People saying Metroid sales have always been poor, how many of you ever remember seeing any Metroid ads? I once seen a Metroid: Other M ad I think, none for the Primes. That's it. The same for other games like F-Zero GX. Never seen an ad, I don't believe it was advertised. DKCR:TF I'd say will be advertised more than all previous Metroid games and F-Zero GX combined. If you don't advertise how do you expect to sell? Speaking of which I think I won't see any of these ads, I don't watch kids channels.

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What are you basing that on though, Dazzy? Because it sure as hell ain't on the sales of past Metroid games. :blank:


Seriously, a Metroid game on Wii U would probably wouldn't even manage half of what DK eventually will.


And to Zechs


Yeah like Retro said, it's not about sales of the game as such, though this certainly hasn't helped in Japan. It's about having another box ticked for people. I have no doubt Donkey Kong would sell more; but I believe Metroid would bring more people in. With all the platformers out there, the only sense for a donkey kong is sales, but I just don't think that'll come. So why not go with a game that could attack outsiders in more? A game that isn't catered for very well on the wii u? A game which fits into a most western mindset which everyone believes is what nintendo needs to attract the gamer community?!

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And to Zechs


Yeah like Retro said, it's not about sales of the game as such, though this certainly hasn't helped in Japan. It's about having another box ticked for people. I have no doubt Donkey Kong would sell more; but I believe Metroid would bring more people in. With all the platformers out there, the only sense for a donkey kong is sales, but I just don't think that'll come. So why not go with a game that could attack outsiders in more? A game that isn't catered for very well on the wii u? A game which fits into a most western mindset which everyone believes is what nintendo needs to attract the gamer community?!

I get your point, obviously Nintendo doesn't see it that way though.

It has to be the reason why they're so reluctant to revisit certain franchises, Metroid included.

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It is. But I'm pretty sure that's the only perspective Nintendo are interested in right now.


Donkey Kong franchise to date = 53 million

Metroid = 14 million


Seems like a no-brainer.


It's not though, because people can still pick up DK once they've picked up the Wii U for Metroid for example.


Nintendo should be concerned with driving Hardware sales.

New Super Mario Bros has the potential to sell 20+million copies, but if only 3million people own a WiiU, that's all they're going to get.


DK isn't a hardware driver, they should be focusing on putting out a diverse library of games instead, be they new games, or HD remakes.

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