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Animal Crossing: New Leaf: Friend Codes and Meetups thread!


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@Ville Got an a error as you left, the apple dissapeared :(


Did you close the gate early? I went to the shopping district, then came back and entered the railroad station while you came out. Then it froze and nothing was saved.


Anyway, if you're still on, my gate is open.

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Did you close the gate early? I went to the shopping district, then came back and entered the railroad station while you came out. Then it froze and nothing was saved.


Anyway, if you're still on, my gate is open.


I left them open, they closed when the error poped up. Im still on

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Got an error code trying to visit Ville's place, but managed to visit another friends place earlier today. It's either because of where i am which is causing the error, but by moving i had no problems.


@Nintendo Fan, i didn't get the error when he left and i kept my shiny apple. Cheers again, soon will have an orchard of apples.

























So far, I have added all you guys and gals to my 3DS list. I hope you can add me back under:




I have peaches in my town, and will happily come visit and trade stuff! I hope to add the rest of the people once I can get around to it. You would make my day by adding me back.


Thank you!


Have returned the favor, hope to visit soon.

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Added you @Annedroid.


Anyway, I think it's the same problem as with Monster Hunter, people can't seem to be able to enter my town. Oh well, guess I have to stick to harassing you guys then, at least that works.


Thus far I have visited Aneres and Nintendo fan, and met Jimbob there too. My native fruit is le äppfel, and I've got one peach from a trade now.


I am Mayor D3thl0rd of Scourgio Town, and I approve of this message.

Edited by Ville
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Tried connecting to other people today and got error 018 0512, which is a router firewall issue. Made some changes so will have to test tomorrow, but it's tricky getting both the Wii U and 3DS to work. Never had this issue with Mario Kart 7.

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@R3ap3rG added you today.


BTW, my colleague in Taiwan, a Taiwanese English teacher is now a massive Nintendo Fan (thanks to me) :D

He just loves AC, but has only me as a friend :sad:

He would be ever so happy if you could add his FC to yours, and I'll pass yours on.


His FC is : 0834 - 0533 - 5678. He'll appear as 'tu' and his town is Jentutu, he has cherries as his native fruit.


Thanks in advance for helping a friend

Edited by londragon
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So far, I have added all you guys and gals to my 3DS list. I hope you can add me back under:




I have peaches in my town, and will happily come visit and trade stuff! I hope to add the rest of the people once I can get around to it. You would make my day by adding me back.


Thank you!




@RedShell - 3780-9005-3112 -

@Rummy - 0705-2844-8568 -

@Tales -

@Ville -

@welsh_gamer -






Please feel free to add me anyone else i will be playing this lots :)


3DS FRIEND CODE3093 7054 2044


yeah just got started, set up my town


Friend code: 4554-1195-1795

Town: Gotham (so imaginative ;) )

Fruit: Oranges


Ok, many have added back already (good people), but you guise are still left:


@Cube - 5198-2395-9664

@dazzybee - 0516-7253-4308

@flameboy - 4227-1148-7188

@Grazza - 0774-4233-0253

@Haden - 3781-0054-7888

@Hamishmash - 1246-8706-1531

@Happenstance - 2079-6601-4955

@Katie - 4167-4501-1400

@Nintendo Fan - 4596-9442-3587






(Also, @Rummy the list is missing Aneres11 and martinist.)


Town name: Portbelo

Mayor Calv

Fruit: Apples (Big juicy red ones)

3DS Friend Code: 2191-7625-1977


Fudge it indeed, past-Fused King, fudge it indeed.


Just ordered it, and I must say, I kind of like the soft and gently, yet tight grip the Animal Crossing: New Leaf developers have on my balls. Those Japanese hands really do the trick.


So, I've added everyone below me here, and I was surprised that I didn't had some of you (yesteryeargames & Ville).


I will have to wait a while before I get my copy, but I got it very cheap so it's okay. I'm looking forward to visiting you guys' towns in the future:D












Oh, and ADD MII!!!!!!


FUSED KING - 3523-2023-2902


And I added you all lovely people!

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Tried connecting to other people today and got error 018 0512, which is a router firewall issue. Made some changes so will have to test tomorrow, but it's tricky getting both the Wii U and 3DS to work. Never had this issue with Mario Kart 7.


I think ive got the right chris but didnt you have massive problems playing MH online?

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