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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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You appear not to learn. He didn't really do the dick thing, he gave you a chance and you didn't take it - what else is he supposed to do with it? You can't sit on everything and hope to get by.


With her more open reveal, I'm inclined to trust Eenuh. DuD...well I'm not so sure yet, but we shall see. I think the Diageo lynch is a solid lead, and I think we need to be lynching more than not tbh.


Rummy, you're categorically wrong on this one. And you're in no position to teach me given you have played like garbage this game and even lowered the tone to a personal level with Flink. So no thanks.


The point is, my role had already been worked out by Flink who didn't see the need to so obviously broadcast it (although he did state it more subtly). DuD then comes along next day having clearly not read Flink's comment and exclaims my role in such a way to suggest he clearly thinks he has just deduced something new.


The idea of Mafia is not to do what you did - reveal everything for the sake of it. What you did was stupid. If I want to play subtle, I will. Don't try lecture me about it.

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I'm a bit concerned why we're not also looking into the lynching of a townie that took place on the previous day. What happened there? Did we go off on a bad hunch, bad information or was it mis-direction? To tell you the truth, I was expecting more of an inquiry about this today.


I doff proclaim it was an extremely weak lynch. Barely any information, and Tales clearly didn't seem to care too mucheth.


Claiming redirector is curious....that is as much as I'd say but.....whatevseth.

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@Eenuh, what happened to you at night-time?


Hmm? Nothing as far as I know.

Only on night 1 was I approached by a man who told me I wouldn't learn anything from my target. Don't know if anything else has happened to me, at least I haven't been told about it.

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I doff proclaim it was an extremely weak lynch. Barely any information, and Tales clearly didn't seem to care too mucheth.


Claiming redirector is curious....that is as much as I'd say but.....whatevseth.


Mis-direction, not re-direction. As in, maybe one or two people were putting forth information that would implicate a townie to benefit the mafia. So, the mafia did well, or the town did badly based on bad/the wrong information.

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My point Sheikah is you always have an air of thinking yourself superior to everyone else when your not (which can be seen in your response to Rummy). Yes it was obvious, but I thought i'd make sure every knew just to bring you down a peg or two :)


I instigated yesterday's lynch based on Tales claiming to have sent no target twice and having been roleblocked the other night, then when asked for more info he gave nothing and said he hadn't read any of the first 23 pages.. how would a townie scum find if he's not reading the thread?

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Rummy, you're categorically wrong on this one. And you're in no position to teach me given you have played like garbage this game and even lowered the tone to a personal level with Flink. So no thanks.


The point is, my role had already been worked out by Flink who didn't see the need to so obviously broadcast it (although he did state it more subtly). DuD then comes along next day having clearly not read Flink's comment and exclaims my role in such a way to suggest he clearly thinks he has just deduced something new.


The idea of Mafia is not to do what you did - reveal everything for the sake of it. What you did was stupid. If I want to play subtle, I will. Don't try lecture me about it.


You're right, I can't teach you - because you refuse to learn. You remember that game, where I, as a townie, led and got you lynched? You know why it was? Exactly because of what DuD's talking about. You're repeating the same thing here, it's why DuD has to out you - you're given opportunity to reveal at least something, and choose not to. You'll disagree, because you're like that, but it's exactly the same. 'The idea of mafia' is laughable - playing to a formula or set game is the worst thing to do, I don't play for optimization, I play for fun. I play for the game. I'll do whatever I want however I want, and I'll still do better than you will...as I totally have done so far in all the games that have come before.


As for getting personal with Flink - I'm not exactly sure where I got personal enough to take it out of the game(for example this here is much more personal with you, as it's beyond this game) - but sure whatever. As said many a time by many a man, the game is the game.


I'm a bit concerned why we're not also looking into the lynching of a townie that took place on the previous day. What happened there? Did we go off on a bad hunch, bad information or was it mis-direction? To tell you the truth, I was expecting more of an inquiry about this today.


Because there's too many of us in this game for it to mean enough. I have a feeling there was actually very few mafia on that lynch, laying off to wait for an enquiry such as this - just to claim 'oh but I didn't lynch the townie!'. Most of my main suspects were not even on that lynch, but my suspicions are fairly baseless in terms of evidence.


Jon DeDeDe, Marcamillian and Smeagol targeted Eenuh.


Unless me, you, Dedede and Eenuh are all in cahoots; this is something to at least exonerate her.


(p.s Sheikah my post was typed before DuD's post just now, but all points stand. I won't derail this game further with future discussion of my play vs your play - but feel free to make some inflammatory arguments against me)

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Hahaha. 'I'll always be better than you'. What a petulant child.


My point Sheikah is you always have an air of thinking yourself superior to everyone else when your not (which can be seen in your response to Rummy). Yes it was obvious, but I thought i'd make sure every knew just to bring you down a peg or two :)


I instigated yesterday's lynch based on Tales claiming to have sent no target twice and having been roleblocked the other night, then when asked for more info he gave nothing and said he hadn't read any of the first 23 pages.. how would a townie scum find if he's not reading the thread?


What on Earth are you talking about? At what point did I need to be brought down? My role was known by people paying attention to the game. You were either not paying attention or just wanted to out someone's role for the sake of it. I don't know which.


As for air of superiority, Rummy has shown exactly that by proclaiming he will always be better than me. Direct your comments to him.

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Children please! Stop squabbling.


Well Diageo basically confirmed on the last page that he was the one who put a knife to my throat.


Vote: Diageo


More votes please.


Hang on, didn't he say he stopped someone from reaching heroic? @Diageo are you a protector?


If this person who targeted heroic exists then please come forward.

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Diageo is at least partially telling the truth.


Can anyone else confirm parts of his info are correct?


Why would you straight out ask someone that?


He could potentially have the same role as Rummy.

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Second: urgh, obvious now. @Zell if you targeted heroic and he protected heroic then he stopped you with a knife.


I don't think he targeted you Zell, as he couldn't have just made up that he targeted heroic, your target. He would have had to have known you targeted heroic, while also directly targeting you to stop you.


From this it does seem likely he's a protector.

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So far Diageo appears to have been fairly honest about things. What I'm worrying about is his story; it does make sense, but I know from personal experience how easy it is to ever so slightly twist your story to serve your own needs - I still feel iffy about the lack of an invitation.


ReZourceman, I would actually like to hear more about your role. It seems pretty obvious you're Snorwell as it's been confirmed you're a big bear who's the pet of sir Arthur Langley. Now, Langley is most likely good since he worked for the Queen and tried to infiltrate the Court; but where does that leave you? If you link up with him, do you become good as well? Are you good already? Perhaps neutral? Spill the Juda Beans!


It's so obvious that nobody now until us two have started to piece together that Diageo may actually be telling the truth. :p


Well, the rest of us may have simply kept quiet. :heh:

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ReZourceman, I would actually like to hear more about your role. It seems pretty obvious you're Snorwell as it's been confirmed you're a big bear who's the pet of sir Arthur Langley. Now, Langley is most likely good since he worked for the Queen and tried to infiltrate the Court; but where does that leave you? If you link up with him, do you become good as well? Are you good already? Perhaps neutral? Spill the Juda Beans!


I have not linked up with him yet. I don't know if I doth have to target him or the other way around or both, but I've obviously said who I am. I am just a standard roleblocker.

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I know nothing of this knife business. But I am a protector, an outed one now. Better to have an outed protector than a dead one I guess.


I have reason to believe HeroicJanitor is Langley, flavour from targeting him last night would lead me to believe that.

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My my, pots and kettles eh? Pots and kettles...


Yeah, totally. Because I wasn't asking him to confirm it to counter heroic's belief he is some kind of roleblocker/attacker.


Second: LOL what? The quote you lifted from Diageo came after my quote anyway.


Third: oh I see, you're suggesting that someone about to be lynched confirming their role to save themselves can be equated to someone who doesn't want their role blatantly outed


Totally fair comparison.

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Yeah, totally. Because I wasn't asking him to confirm it to counter heroic's belief he is some kind of roleblocker/attacker.


When did I say this?


I have reason to believe HeroicJanitor is Langley, flavour from targeting him last night would lead me to believe that.


Danny already put forward the dog=langley theory ages ago! He was also correct afterwards when he said it could be the hound of the Baskervilles.


Dud giving info to the townies was obviously a good thing to do... Handful of townies will have known it but the mafia always have more information than the town and they need just one of them to figure it out.


@Diageo are you able to protect yourself? Jonnas doesn't usually let people do that. I recall Jayseven punching his face. Also what is your method of protection if not by knife? In case you know.

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When did I say this?




Danny already put forward the dog=langley theory ages ago! He was also correct afterwards when he said it could be the hound of the Baskervilles.


Dud giving info to the townies was obviously a good thing to do... Handful of townies will have known it but the mafia always have more information than the town and they need just one of them to figure it out.


@Diageo are you able to protect yourself? Jonnas doesn't usually let people do that. I recall Jayseven punching his face. Also what is your method of protection if not by knife? In case you know.

He didn't specify if I could or not, but when I tried on the first night the flavour suggested it was useless to try. I however, have not been told about a knife.


If Zell tried to target Flink on the same night I did, then it makes sense that I stopped him and confirms my power. Also, if Zell is trying to lead people into thinking that holding a knife is nefarious, I would like to remind him of what alignment the majority holds.


Danny already put forward the dog=langley theory ages ago! He was also correct afterwards when he said it could be the hound of the Baskervilles.


If you confirm you are Langley, what say you to your character's relationship with the Queen?

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If I am to pick between someone without an invitation and someone who appears to be the Queen, even without my involvement in the matter I would think the choice is clear.


Vote Eenuh


I would also be weary of this invitation business, as the Queen and her team could easily falsify or even hold and invitation already.

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