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Gentlemen's Mafia III - The Court of Miracles


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Just to point out one more thing and then I'll shut up, I totally understand why you wouldn't want to give away certain things. For example, it might draw suspicion onto you if you are town. But, the alternative is that you need to gain trust and I don't really see any reason to trust certain people yet.


@Magnus Peterson, you also mentioned a note earlier. Is that a note only one person can see? Also, just mentioning you because Sprout forgot to. :D

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Of course, you don't. But maybe I see fit to keep my info under wraps for now, knowing it might benefit in the longer run? You'd actually be suprised with how much I've said in the thread so far, plus on relevant discussions I've quite freely said more than most others(that I haven't targetted x person and y person, or that my role isn't related to my forum name, or the fact I have no ties to other people in my role...I think I even said something else; but I won't re-draw attention to that now ;)). I understand the issues of the trust etc, but you also have to consider there has only been two nights so far - in a normal game would you expect so much from everyone so soon?


But how's about this. How's about I tell you what I do, it leads to me dying, and you lose a valuble asset? I mean, I could be mafia bluffing - or that could genuinely be the case. Of course now, from highlighting how reluctant I've been to actually say enough about my character - I might have anyway become a mafia target and you'll never get any useful info I might have garnered in the two nights so far. Luckily I don't gather info really(success or fail), and anything relevant is hopefully in the thread, but yeah. Just consider if I turn up dead in the morning tomorrow @Fierce_LiNk, that that might just be on your head now.


(all of a sudden i feel like the last gents all over again...)

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Look at Sprout's post above. See, we've now got something extra to look at that we didn't have before. It allows us to start crossing off who we think is town and who could potentially be mafia. Plus, it gives us an indication of who might need investigating, protecting, etc.


So, I don't really like it being referred to as "finding out for no reason" because there is a reason to it. To win the game.


It may feel like myself and Animal are looking hard at information or people, but only because a lot of people haven't been incredibly forthcoming. We've had 2 townies dead, quite a bit of vague information which needs clarifying and some people just aren't saying anything at all. If the mafia kill again tonight, that will now be 3 townies. Will people stay just as silent then?


Sprout's post? Isn't that about Magnus Peterson, not Rummy? =\

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I would like to see some more information coming out on people before i make my mind up what to do, provisionally if the day hasn't ended by 6pm i'll put a vote down. I've said all i need to say at the moment, i have nothing else to hide on my role. I've said it all, and i'm not mafia btw.

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I make no illusions that I am a dastardly gent, with many a trick up my sleeve


Faffy discussions, bring me darkness sooner so that I may work my magic!


The feigning of ignorance I see before me, or mere honesty and bad luck? Tis but for us to decide.


I say, to thee Cube, (I believe it is you whoeth asked), I believe that me-est was roleblocked, or possibly my target was protected/has built in protection in the form of reflective sheeting!


You're a pro despite your hiatus so I like to hear from you early sir, who did you target last night? That you may not revoke your word later on in the game? I expect an answer, and know you'll see this, or you jump very high to my list of suspicions.


Cube-y doo-bee-do-bob. Cube-Cubey doo-bee-do-bee-de-bop yeah magic.


If you need some help, I could provide you some assistants.

It'd be beautiful.


As said, I'll trust you, as I know that I, too, am a master of illusions.


Two others have donned the Marcamillian mask I now possess,

Their whereabouts now I could not guess,

I suspect that Alphonse has returned from whence he fled,

Dear Angus McNeil is surely dead.

Ahh, then we may not be so unalike.


Your insistence to talk in rhymes and riddles however makes me wonder...is it an illusion we might have seen before? Or was that beyond the realm of gentlemen, a tactic from a world of poorer folk than ourselves?



Here you go @Fierce_LiNk, I'll give you a full reveal and see where that gets everyone. Since you insist. I hate playing a game when people insist on being so dense.


I am the magician, Gavin Isaacs, previously chairdriver in other games. I've been constantly referencing magic for my later reveal, but I'll do it now instead.


As for what I do, I protect people from negative things by hiding them with my illusions, so well fucking done to the geniuses insisting I give you my information. No, I didn't have to do a role reveal; but if my following theories are right - my targets risk more harm than good.


I protects roleblocks and redirects essentially, no kills. On N1 I protected Cube, and was told that someone tried to interfere with him and I succeeded. The person I see this as being is ReZourceman(you'll note my question to him to ascertain his target early on). By association of The Peeps supposedly doing the same thing and protecting ReZ, and by most their unnoticed exchange of the beginning of the day - I feel they're both mafia. I said earlier it was baseless, it was not. My target last night was Marcamillian - I was informed of nothing so assume I was successful but also that nobody tried anything foul on him.


RE: that exchange - To me, the following was so paper thin mafia I'm suprised no one else suspected it. Peeps didn't even mention ReZ but he responded in the tide of posts. Why would The Peeps come out as a protector so quickly, so early, on the opening of Day 2? Why would the protected confirm it so quickly? I highly suspect the both of them of being mafia; they have been rather quiet relative to most - and I stand by my standard that silence is the tactic of the mafia.


My target last night was ReZourceman, I trust nothing foul befell you?


Nayeth dear chum....unless you count ATTEMPTED MURDER as foul?!



....I squeal but in jest, no foul attempt became upon me at all this night. Nor do I believe I was roleblocked, however I did not reach my target as they had disappeared before I reached them - a most defensive response to an individual I am and was already rather suspicious of. I will expand.




Yeah even that. Think about what you're asking for.

This was admittedly a convuluted link of me, but I was referring to the fact you've been constantly asking for protection.


So anyway, there you have it. That's my info, that's what I have. It could easily be wrong, and The Peeps and ReZ are both top players who will argue their way around it, however they're on my list as being at least two of the mafia. As for the rest, I suspect Diageo, maybe Yvonne, maybe even Fierce Link himself. DuD was quite quick to vote for me. Tbh, this list ain't worth shit.



However, given I *know* he tried to do something dastardly to Cube on N1 - I'll place my Vote:ReZourceman. I wanted to sit on this all a bit longer, but I can't stand the stupidity of everyone. Except The Peeps, that is - he got it, but that's what's worried me into revealing.


If everyone had that mindset, nothing would get revealed and we would find out nothing. Slowly, we'd all get killed by mafia and we'd be lynching none of them because we had no info to go on.


Fuck it, someone else can ask the questions. I'm bored.


W'll see about this later now won't we. It's day fucking 2, of a huge game - a few town deaths to allow more night info gathering is nothing bad. Good luck doing it without protection for your roleblocks and re-directs, though.


No, I get told my power at the start of each night.


You may realise now why I asked you this, too. It could be random, it could be pooled from others, or it could be related to who targetted you previously, given that I vanish stuff.

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You may realise now why I asked you this, too. It could be random, it could be pooled from others, or it could be related to who targetted you previously, given that I vanish stuff.


It's possible, I'm not sure. If it is some kind of pattern or from existing roles, I haven't been told.

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Of course you didn't. Care to explain the comments, though?


It was no more than a standard 'I am posting so people see me as active'. I revealed information I did not need to (my target) and I wanted confirmation in the thread that I don't do anything nefarious.


I know very well that it looked like I was claiming protector, but who in their right mind would do that so early in the game :wink:


Dannyboy's instant questioning of me at that point made me very suspicious of him. It was easy to make the leap to me being a protector and he seemed to want me to out myself as one. Fortunately I am not a protector.

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@Rummy, nobody even forced you to do so though. Pressured, yes, but you didn't exactly have votes like a gun to your head, mate. But since you did a reveal, it's only fair that somebody else gets pushed in the firing line so here's my full reveal and I expect to most likely die tonight.


I am Irving Stevenson or better known as "The Animal". All animals, including deadly ones, are my friends, peers and enemies. Just like my dad and grandad, I'm a criminal according to the Poms. Each night, I can target a player and find out who targeted them.


Full reveal so Rummy, don't fret so damn much, brah! :p


This is how I know four people (well, five but I didn't think to include myself) targeted Flink. Also, the reason why I kept it to the ones Flink knew were because I wanted to see if Jimbob would lie about targeting Flink but that plan went kind of pear-shaped.


I still think that something happened to Jimbob or Jimbob is lying, I can't make up my mind of which. However, the top of my suspicions list after @ReZourceman is @Zell and @Sheikah at the moment.


Also, I'm voting for ReZ because he's awfully silent and I remember Chairdriver used to do that and I hated it! People who are silent seem to be more dodgy and most likely, were.

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The spirit of play has died it seems,

With none who care for play;

Rum spilled the beans,


In a scheme where speech is seen by all,

the wise do try,

to be subtle.


Beaten back by those that refuse to yield,

The game of deception sinks away,

Optimal paths to be revealed.


For those men too scared to act,

only move on certainty of plain fact.

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I cared for play! But no one wanted to :( I got bored.


@Rummy, nobody even forced you to do so though. Pressured, yes, but you didn't exactly have votes like a gun to your head, mate.


Ah, but this is my point. If my suspicions are correct - and I say that I protected Cube - ReZ knows it was me who stopped him. He may also know that I know I stopped someone deadly - I didn't wish to risk my life on revealing targets which would give less to the town but more to the mafia. It really is the same theory as the last game, all over again lol.

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I remember that game too, we were partnered! WE HAVE GOOD MEMORIES, DON'T TARNISH THEM! :cry:


But seriously, I didn't get any of the magic stuff. I saw you mention magic but I didn't associate it with you being a protector. It's like me saying "I love animals", ain't nobody gonna think I'm a tracker (well, I'm not EXACTLY a tracker but you get what I mean). Also, Cube could have been targeted by someone else too. I mean, Flink was targeted by five people for fuck sake! There's over 20-odd people in the game and I'm pretty sure there have been players that have been targeted more than once in one night.


Personally, I don't think you'd have had nothing to lose by telling us who you targeted but I can see why you're a little mad.

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I don't what what you're talking about, sprout. Dreams? I know nothing of any dreams.


My PM tells me that I put someone unconscious, on their trip to the target.

Also, the 'note' was not in my PM but written up in the night write-up - pretty much for all to see.


I am beginning to become suspicious of Sprout and Dud.


Once I have re-read the thread, I'll see about voting for Rez.

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Oh, no, that one IS pretty baseless. I just never trust you :p It's a large game too, and so there'll be a large mafia number(of whom we've yet hit none). It's rather interesting you pop up now that I've put suspicions on folks....is it a guilty conscience? An effort to look town? Who knows.


Really, it's the low posters that get me. I ran the count earlier for both my own benefit, but to also see how Peeps and ReZ were tallying up. Silence isn't everything, but their relative silence(Peeps was better, but Peeps is fairly pr0) made me more suspicious. I'm possibly totally wrong, but I'll most likely die too, and then I'll be happy at the end if I pegged two mafia. I didn't want to come out with a reveal, but as I said I get so annoyed at people being too dense when I don't answer a single question, yet have spent the entire day talking, and contributing towards discussions(even with relevant information).


As for the magic @Animal, is wasn't related to my power per se - it's just related to my character. Yes I hide people under illusion, but when I came out with it I wanted to be sure people knew I wasn't bluffing or owt - being a previous character of the games.

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I would like to sayeth that I am saddened to see-eth a potential lynch on what is a half fair YET half shabby reasoning. Protect from negative abilities - I sayeth of thee FAIR.


That I jumped to answer Peepseth of being of innocence! I sayeth NAY!


I have answered truthfully all questions placed upon me, regardless of tag or nay. Sayeth now I also offered my second nights target, I have been most forthcoming and plead you to cease and desist such violent accusations.


OOOOHHHH-eth! One more thing! To be accused of a paper thing mafia tactic is but the most painful thing of all. Twere I mafia, my methods would be-eth more cunning than thas!

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I can't make the choice for the town, but I wanted to sit on it because I know both Peeps and ReZ are top class and will easily refute it this early on. However, I did wonder if I'd die, and came out with it. I leave it only in the hands of all others, and note that suddenly ReZ, Peeps, and Yvonne somewhat are all out of the woodwork with their names mentioned as suspicious. I however never hid in silence, despite easily being able to do so.

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ReZ, my only encounter with you in Mafia was the first Mafia I ever played. You said barely anything and went completely inactive, and you got lynched as a result (we were both Mafia and were still making you target people, which someone found out). I was pretty naffed off by that performance.


I don't know whether your inactivity now is because you're Mafia or that you don't give Mafia games as much time these days, but you're really not doing yourself any favours by being quiet. I know E3 is on at the moment but ca'maaan.

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