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Rumour: 3D Mario Set To Launch By October


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If Galaxy 2 and 3D Land were rushed, Nintendo can rush more! Both are mind-bendingly brilliant with hidden depths.


I agree with Rummys love for Mario64. Sunshine etc felt more streamlined as if to bring in more players. Either way, a new 3D Mario is a huge deal. Bring it!

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Yeah I didn't enjoy Galaxy 2. It wasn't crap lol, but it didn't grab me anywhere near as much as the first game did.


I'd like to see a move away from the Galaxy / space mechanic and would love to see something a bit more Mushroom Kingdom based. The castle of 64 was obviously brilliant, and I don't see them doing that again - but I'd kinda love them too!


I also do not under any circumstances want to see a Sunshine 2. Which for some reason I'm sensing we might see.

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Only a couple of staff members from Brownie Brown were involved, not really many at all. You're right about staff members being able to move around freely within EAD (though rarely do members swap between Kyoto and Tokyo for obvious geographic reasons) but it seems that one team has been larger than the other at any one given time. They've been hiring quite a bit recently, but I would imagine that this has remained the same (with one large team working on the Wii U Mario, while the others were working on SM3DL and later Flipnote Studio 3D and that Mario AR Photo app)


Don't forget also that SMG2 was also finished for quite a while before it was released, but was held back for strategic purposes (to cover up the Wii release gap and generate a decently large release gap between NSMB Wii and SMG2)


I hope your right. That Kyoto Report site has their head count at 43 people as of the end of last year, the vast majority credited on all 3 Mario games, and Miyamoto said up to 30 people were working on SM3DL at one point and if few of them were BB staff, then it would stand to reason that they are Tokyo staff and so not working on Mario 3D U. These guys are the pinnicle of Nintendo staff, and Koizumi has the chance to take over Miyamoto as the star guy, but they are still only human. I'm just having difficulty reconciling some of these numbers.




Don't get me wrong people, I enjoyed 3D Land, and recommended it another thread today, but when you've seen 90% of the original content after 3hrs, you can't help but feel the game is a little short. Spinning most of the same content out for a second time, with a slight twist, is a classic sign of trying to hide an artificially draw out game - as is dropping 240 blue coins in to one without any form of guide or system for identifying them.


Most games under 10 hours get lambasted for being short and that game was no where near that length regardless of its quality. Quality over quantity of course but the credits were rolling before I'd even gotten fully happy with the controls.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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What I would love to see is a dimension-hopping game. The levels will be more land-based like Super Mario 64 and it can have different "dimensions" you can travel between. These may have slight changes, have different physics or be completely different. They could go crazy with it - perhaps even reference other franchises.

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I probably shouldn't have mentioned 3D Land, as I don't think it felt rushed, personally. All I meant was that I agree with @Ronnie in that 4 months from reveal to release would seem quick.


Personally, I don't think there's ever been a bad Mario game (not the "proper" ones), so I have no worries about this one whatsoever.

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This tends to be Nintendo's strategy more often than not now, so when things are delayed, people don't bitch. Basically, show nothing until development is practically over and it's just in the debug phase


With what evidence is there to consider this is what they're doing more often than not now? I believe you're the one constantly touting that we don't know what happens in Nintendo's development process, no?



I'll agree 3D land was pretty good, but again that lacked what I'd like to see again - the crafted overworld. I erroneously put Mario World in my previous post when meaning 64, but then I realised - even Mario World had a well crafted overworld! So many options, routes, secrets etc. Also, regards of 'cheap' I'd take anything sub £30 for a mario but I do concur, cheap mario is hard to find!


Mario galaxy 2 is simply the greatest game ever created any anyone saying it scrap is a moron :p


So great that I didn't care for it at all! Had it on loan from a mate for a while, didn't jump at me enough really.


What I would love to see is a dimension-hopping game. The levels will be more land-based like Super Mario 64 and it can have different "dimensions" you can travel between. These may have slight changes, have different physics or be completely different. They could go crazy with it - perhaps even reference other franchises.


Now THIS is something I'd like to see! Could easily be done with warp pipes and whatnot - loved the tiny/big aspect in SMB3(and the nod/extension in 64). Mix up the formula, doesn't need to be heavily, but bring in some sort of mechanic or focus that can be crafted around. The castle was that, sure they had to design the worlds/levels themselves, but building them into the castle was just all done so well. It starts you off with paintings being worlds(but not all of them!) - then you find the princess's slide, or you have your 8 stars and you're running toward her painting - OBV gonna save her NO WAIT IT'S BOWSER AHH IM FALLING WHAT IS GOING ON. 10 stars, where's that light coming from? Why are all these ghosts in the courtyard? Then there's the one's with their little touches, tiny big island, wet dry world, tick tock clock, the hidden shifting sands and the moment you find it cos of that little ripple - it's all a stage in itself! It was just so well done. Two other great 64 platformers; BK and DK both had good over'worlds' though I don't think they had as much content. Everything in Galaxy just felt too straightforward really.

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June Game and Wario

July Pikmin 3

August Wii Fit U

September Zelda Wind Waker HD

October Super Mario Universe

November Mario Kart

December Metroid Prime 4


Would people class that as a good year?!


Apart from Wii Fit being... Wii Fit and Metroid Prime 4 being no more than speculation, yes, that sounds quite brilliant. Although the E3 announcements need to include a whole bunch more than that, and there should be a bunch more third party content.



Anyways, I hope Nintendo decide to make a game slightly more like Mario 64 than Mario Galaxy. Don't get me wrong, Galaxy was a great game, but after having played through large portions of both, I can say that I in fact only remember the Mario 64-style levels, like that bee world. In Mario 64 on the other hand, I can remember essentially every level, because you played through them multiple times and properly explored them. In Galaxy, you can't even look around. It's mostly just tight corridors, like Call of Duty.

I know that this is going to be controversial, but I just think that the 3D games should be more core oriented.

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Anyways, I hope Nintendo decide to make a game slightly more like Mario 64 than Mario Galaxy. Don't get me wrong, Galaxy was a great game, but after having played through large portions of both, I can say that I in fact only remember the Mario 64-style levels, like that bee world. In Mario 64 on the other hand, I can remember essentially every level, because you played through them multiple times and properly explored them. In Galaxy, you can't even look around. It's mostly just tight corridors, like Call of Duty.

I know that this is going to be controversial, but I just think that the 3D games should be more core oriented.


Yesssss. This was my biggest gripe with Galaxy, it's linear! It's the 2D formula, left to right! You could play the same stage more than once, but it takes you on different paths with little free exploration. It lost the exploration and craft(apparently my new favourite word) of the SM64 levels.

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