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Rumour: 3D Mario Set To Launch By October


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Nintendo is internally lining up a string of high profile releases for the second half of 2013 as part of a major new bid to recover from Wii U's stuttering start.


Following a strong launch, Wii U sales have fallen sharply Discussions with retail chains at executive level paint Nintendo's 2013 release strategy as extensive, with the headline draw being a new 3D Mario game released on Wii U by October.


Internal discussions have helped restore retailers' faith in the console, which has been hit by errors since launch. Global Wii U sales have fallen two million units short of Nintendo's original forecast.


The firm's current focus on 3DS, coupled with the relatively hushed PR and promotional campaign for the Wii U in the first half of 2013, had left some retailers questioning the platform holder's commitment to its new console.


However, one person close to the matter has said Nintendo's executive circle was not comfortable fully promoting Wii U until the release of the system's spring update. In January, Nintendo said two updates would arrive before the summer is over.


The first update, which launched in April (details), appears to have halved waiting times on various system loading screens.


The underpinning theory is that word-of-mouth discussion about Wii U has not been particularly positive so far, with many users complaining about system performance. However, it is hoped that the recent firmware patch (along with an apparent second one releasing this summer) will improve the user experience and help stimulate positive responses.


Now with many of the Wii U's launch issues behind it, CVG understands Nintendo is preparing a significant global Wii U marketing campaign.


Nintendo will overhaul Wii U issues with second system update Further to this, it was claimed by one source that Nintendo is intentionally holding back the release of some games - from Pikmin 3 to The Wonderful 101 and Wii Fit U - in order to bolster the second-half release list. However, a second source familiar with Nintendo's plans had denied the company is intentionally delaying game releases.


In April, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said the corporation initially intended to release "a few" Wii U games in the first half of 2013, but they were delayed because the company underestimated the development resources required to complete them on time.


A number of blockbuster Wii U games will be released from summer until the end of the year, one of which is a new 3D Mario title. Although CVG is not yet able to confirm what the others will be, a new Mario Kart will debut in playable form at E3.


The marketing campaign will commence at the Los Angeles event (although some claim sooner), where the 3D Mario game will also be playable on the show floor. The title will be released before October, pending development delays.


Shelly Pearce, the PR director at Nintendo UK, told CVG: "From July onwards we will launch a succession of Wii U titles and we will promote these extensively until the end of the year. Marketing activity will include TV, print, online and PR as well as comprehensive experiential and social media campaigns".


She added: "We have a strong line up planned for Wii U in the second half of 2013 including the likes of Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Wii U.


"We are looking forward to launching these in the UK and for the opportunity to showcase the full potential of Wii U."


Let the onslaught of titles commence! :D


I wonder, if starting from June, we will see an exclusive game very month till the end of the year?

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We were expecting this though really weren't we?... they said they'd have these two out by Christmas, and Mario in October with Mario Kart a month later seems the way to go, and when compared to previous launches.


Plus they'll need them to go against the new console.

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June Game and Wario

July Pikmin 3

August Wii Fit U

September Zelda Wind Waker HD

October Super Mario Universe

November Mario Kart

December Metroid Prime 4


Would people class that as a good year?!


Indeed, sounds promising indeed

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If it isn't a 3D mario with more of the openness and craft of the Super Mario 64 world, then I probably won't get it til it's cheap. I understand Galaxy was good, and apparently Galaxy 2 was too, but since Mario World/64(and sunshine a bit) I don't feel like we've had a well crafted/well done over'world' for 3D marios. In 64 the world was almost a stage in itself, with secrets to discover and things to do - I felt that Galaxy lacked that a lot. Whilst it DOES exist just to get you through the game and you know that, 64 still felt as if the castle was something that existed without you, a challenge that was another obstacle to overcome in your journey to find and rescue the princess!

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Bring it on.

Also, good luck waiting for it to be cheap Rummy. Mario games never go cheap. :D

That goes for Nintendo titles in general. The vast majority of Nintendo titles: Mario, Zelda, Pokémon etc. never lower in price. Hell, I saw PokéPark Wii still on sale for £42 the other week

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If it isn't a 3D mario with more of the openness and craft of the Super Mario 64 world, then I probably won't get it til it's cheap. I understand Galaxy was good, and apparently Galaxy 2 was too, but since Mario World(and sunshine a bit) I don't feel like we've had a well crafted/well done over'world' for 3D marios. In 64 the world was almost a stage in itself, with secrets to discover and things to do - I felt that Galaxy lacked that a lot. Whilst it DOES exist just to get you through the game and you know that, 64 still felt as if the castle was something that existed without you, a challenge that was another obstacle to overcome in your journey to find and rescue the princess!


Given the probably rushed release of this 3D Mario, I suspect a hub world like the one in Galaxy 2 is most likely. In other words a half arsed one with a cheap level select.

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Given the probably rushed release of this 3D Mario, I suspect a hub world like the one in Galaxy 2 is most likely. In other words a half arsed one with a cheap level select.

With what evidence is there to consider this a rushed release?

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Bring it on.

Also, good luck waiting for it to be cheap Rummy. Mario games never go cheap. :D


Depends on how cheap he wants it - I paid £23 for 3D Land less than 2 months after its release. Tesco had a deal on where they were selling 3D Land and MK7 for £20 each not too long after release too - I almost picked up MK7 but ended up passing.


NSMBU has been down to £30, and even cheaper with discount codes on top.


The question is: how cheap does it have to be?



Nintendo games don't seem to be quite as immune to discounting as they used to be.

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With what evidence is there to consider this a rushed release?


I suppose it's just that (assuming this is shown in June, as planned, then released in October), that wouldn't be in line with how Nintendo normally does things - although it does remind me of Super Mario 3D Land. Only 4 months from reveal to retail is a bit strange, considering Pikmin 3 will be 13+ months - not that I'm complaining.

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I suppose it's just that (assuming this is shown in June, as planned, then released in October), that wouldn't be in line with how Nintendo normally does things - although it does remind me of Super Mario 3D Land. Only 4 months from reveal to retail is a bit strange, considering Pikmin 3 will be 13+ months - not that I'm complaining.


3D Land was first shown in stills at GDC in the March of the same year. And if anything, that kinda proves the point as 3D Land was one of Nintendo's most obviously rushed games in some time.

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For those worried about this game being "rushed", do remember that EAD Tokyo is a two team studio, whose last games came out in 2010 (Super Mario Galaxy 2) and 2011 (SM3DL), so this game has had plenty of development time.


Also, DKCR got the same release treatment. Announced at E3 2010, released at the end of that same year.

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Yeah not entirely true, I've seen Mario etc... drop to £15 as part of the 'Wii Classics' or whatever.


And Zelda games have been even lower as of late. OoT3D often crops up for just £5 and SS has been sub £15 at loads of places. You just have to keep your eyes peeled but if you aren't looking, you'll never see the cheap prices and just assume it never happens when in fact it does.

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For those worried about this game being "rushed", do remember that EAD Tokyo is a two team studio, whose last games came out in 2010 (Super Mario Galaxy 2) and 2011 (SM3DL), so this game has had plenty of development time.


Also, DKCR got the same release treatment. Announced at E3 2010, released at the end of that same year.

This tends to be Nintendo's strategy more often than not now, so when things are delayed, people don't bitch. Basically, show nothing until development is practically over and it's just in the debug phase

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For those worried about this game being "rushed", do remember that EAD Tokyo is a two team studio, whose last games came out in 2010 (Super Mario Galaxy 2) and 2011 (SM3DL), so this game has had plenty of development time.


Also, DKCR got the same release treatment. Announced at E3 2010, released at the end of that same year.


The difference there is that porting duties aside for Trilogy, and they already had Prime 2 running with Wii controls before the system was released, their last full game came out over 3 years before DKCR.


3D Land came out less than 18 months after SMG2 and it felt pretty rushed. What was there was polished but there just wasnt very much of it and I'd hate to see the same thing happen here. I guess the saving grace is that we no longer have to rule out the idea of a machine not having 2 3D Mario titles.

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The difference there is that porting duties aside for Trilogy, and they already had Prime 2 running with Wii controls before the system was released, their last full game came out over 3 years before DKCR.


3D Land came out less than 18 months after SMG2 and it felt pretty rushed. What was there was polished but there just wasnt very much of it and I'd hate to see the same thing happen here. I guess the saving grace is that we no longer have to rule out the idea of a machine not having 2 3D Mario titles.


3D Land wasn't made by the same team as SMG2 and started development before SMG2 was released. It was Mario Kart 7 that was rushed out for the holidays (by Nintendo's own admittance in the Iwata Asks - hence why they needed Retro's help), not SM3DL.

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3D Land wasn't made by the same team as SMG2 and started development before SMG2 was released. It was Mario Kart 7 that was rushed out for the holidays (by Nintendo's own admittance in the Iwata Asks - hence why they needed Retro's help), not SM3DL.


I thought the idea of teams at Nintendo internal studios was just really a matter of Directors and people are free to move around. They might be different teams but lot of the same staff worked on both games such as all the programmers and designers.


3D Land may have started in end 09/early 2010, so before completion of Galaxy 2 but it was only 2 people and wasn't their first action porting Super Mario Galaxy to the 3DS anyway or did I misread that? It's system/tools programmers doing donkey work rather than active development.


How big are the two Toyko teams? Do they have it in them to do that amount of work in such a short time - i.e. two brand new games on 2 systems they've never worked on before. I didn't have them pegged as having that kind of man power. I was under the impression it was two teams but the bulk of the staff are working on a major project whilst the other team hands other, smaller multiple projects and people move around as needed.


Iwata may not have come out and said it like with MK7, but I can't for one second believe that development on 3D Land wasn't rushed to meet a deadline they weren't willing to go beyond. Why did they draft in Brownie Brown for help if they didn't need it?

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I thought the idea of teams at Nintendo internal studios was just really a matter of Directors and people are free to move around. They might be different teams but lot of the same staff worked on both games such as all the programmers and designers.


3D Land may have started in end 09/early 2010, so before completion of Galaxy 2 but it was only 2 people and wasn't their first action porting Super Mario Galaxy to the 3DS anyway or did I misread that? It's system/tools programmers doing donkey work rather than active development.


How big are the two Toyko teams? Do they have it in them to do that amount of work in such a short time - i.e. two brand new games on 2 systems they've never worked on before. I didn't have them pegged as having that kind of man power. I was under the impression it was two teams but the bulk of the staff are working on a major project whilst the other team hands other, smaller multiple projects and people move around as needed.


Iwata may not have come out and said it like with MK7, but I can't for one second believe that development on 3D Land wasn't rushed to meet a deadline they weren't willing to go beyond. Why did they draft in Brownie Brown for help if they didn't need it?


Only a couple of staff members from Brownie Brown were involved, not really many at all. You're right about staff members being able to move around freely within EAD (though rarely do members swap between Kyoto and Tokyo for obvious geographic reasons) but it seems that one team has been larger than the other at any one given time. They've been hiring quite a bit recently, but I would imagine that this has remained the same (with one large team working on the Wii U Mario, while the others were working on SM3DL and later Flipnote Studio 3D and that Mario AR Photo app)


Don't forget also that SMG2 was also finished for quite a while before it was released, but was held back for strategic purposes (to cover up the Wii release gap and generate a decently large release gap between NSMB Wii and SMG2)

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