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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


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Completed this today, a week after starting it. 18 hours of absolute joy!


My first Zelda was OOT, so I never felt particularly nostalgic for LTTP, but got a lot of general Zelda nostalgia from playing this, while it also felt fresh.


Only complaint is game length and ease of it really. Can't believe its inky taken a week and 18 hours, un heard of! I understand why, it's portable and they don't want people to get bogged down or lose interest, but this was a glorious chance to have an absolute epic on 3DS which I don't think they took. And also I waltzed through every dungeon which was surprising, however I look forward to starting a hero mode run in a few months, that should provide a sterner test!


Overall though a cracking game, classic Zelda! Loved the few Majora's Mask references too, I don't want to see that re make next, I want a full sequel to it like this one!

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I didn't get the boots until just before the last dungeon. I too knew they must have been somewhere and thought I'd need them to catch the Kakariko thief! Seems like it's ended up being a common misconception. It was made worse by the fact I had no-one to ask for help when I played it :p

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The one problem I had with the game was that you had to buy items, or rent them, as opposed to finding them in dungeons. I appreciate that it was as flexible as possible, tackling dungeons in whatever order you felt, but it didnt make it feel as rewarding overall. When you're as bad at Zelda games as I am, you die a lot, so most of my time playing until i completed it was rupee hunting.


Apart from that, great game, fantastic story, and brilliant item mechanics. :)

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Agree that it's what makes the game good, but at the same time the nostalgia pretty much forced my brain into also thinking I'd need the boots to catch the thief, similar to in ALTTP. Took me ages to figure out how to catch him.


Hehehe, I was thinking exactly the same! I guess it's a bit difficult being undefined - but once you know you know I guess? In some ways it's a secret like any other, and I like secrets.


The one problem I had with the game was that you had to buy items, or rent them, as opposed to finding them in dungeons. I appreciate that it was as flexible as possible, tackling dungeons in whatever order you felt, but it didnt make it feel as rewarding overall. When you're as bad at Zelda games as I am, you die a lot, so most of my time playing until i completed it was rupee hunting.


Apart from that, great game, fantastic story, and brilliant item mechanics. :)


There was a slightly hollow feeling finishing a dungeon and not getting anything other than the rescue...almost like what was the point doing it? It was nice having items in some, but generally didn't feel all that fulfilling because they didn't make much difference to the surroundings. Understandably so, but it'd have been nice if rescuing certain people unlocked certain things(maybe you can upgrade your sword until you've found Gully, get a special potion once you find Irene etc).

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I like what Nintendo's done on the whole but I think if you got some item, even a non-essential one like an Ether medallion-like item, that would have been good. Similar to the item you get in the Desert Palace. It gives you a nice reward while exploring the dungeon. The whole point of this new system was I presume to let you enter dungeons in any order, that's already been achieved with the rental system. Nothing to stop them also giving you something non essential once inside. (It may happen more often than in the Desert Palace, I wouldn't know I'm going anticlockwise and still have 4 to go. )


A slight nitpick, I think they could have done a painting cutscene every time you rescue a sage. Seems a bit of a hollow, rushed victory as it currently stands.


I do like the way mini boss battles end with a musical flourish of sorts. Nice touch. Epic-ups the battles a tad.


Quick question how many master ores are there in the game? I only ask because I didn't get any in the desert palace. Are they not in every dungeon?

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But isn't that what makes in beautiful? Who were we asking for help 20 years ago when we were playing LttP?


(assuming you didn't straight away open up that little hint booklet that said not to open it straight away :p)


It was definitely fun that way! Was mainly just commenting how everyone has assumed that you need the boots to catch the thief!


And there's a hint booklet? I got a digital copy so none of that for me!!!

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It was definitely fun that way! Was mainly just commenting how everyone has assumed that you need the boots to catch the thief!


And there's a hint booklet? I got a digital copy so none of that for me!!!


Ahhh nah, LttP came with a little sticker sealed hint booklet in addition to the instructions etc - and told you not to open it unless in case of emergency or something! Being me curiosity(and lack of game) beat me straight away and I did :p It's a funny comparison now though, what you'd do then if you didn't know compared to now - we're quite spoiled!

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finished the game last night with 0 deaths and over 30k rupees


Simply one of the greatest Zelda games i've ever played, it took the nostalgic feelings of the greatest 2d zelda and the quality,charm and down almost perfection and not just replicated these, it took that greatness and enhanced it!


The story was just enough, it wasn't bogged down with needless fetch quests or revisiting of areas, it didn't randomly have large empty areas or use gimmicky control systems.


The only flaw i found (as others have brought up) it renting and buying core items took away some of the reward of dungeons and exploration.

which if i were to change it, i'd keep the renting, and do away with the buying from razio, replacing it with finding an upgraded/unique item within the dungeons, that way you can still tackle dungeons in an order of your choosing, but some of that reward returns


I think i have a new favorite Zelda, although t leaves me with a dilema, i usually cheat on choosing my favorite and decide on the best 2d and 3d zelda, allowing me to choose Alttp and (depending on my mood) MM or WW.....with AlBW its both 2d and 3d.....do i make it crown prince over all, or say have alttp and albw be my two favourites


its kind of the dilemma a rich guy has, drive the lambo or the ferrari today

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which if i were to change it, i'd keep the renting, and do away with the buying from razio, replacing it with finding an upgraded/unique item within the dungeons, that way you can still tackle dungeons in an order of your choosing, but some of that reward returns


Agreed. That's how I would have done it.


Hero mode should have been unlocked from the start since difficulty seems to be the most common complaint. Seems it was only unlocked from the start in Wind Waker HD for people who played it before.

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which if i were to change it, i'd keep the renting, and do away with the buying from razio, replacing it with finding an upgraded/unique item within the dungeons, that way you can still tackle dungeons in an order of your choosing, but some of that reward returns


that's actually how I thought it was gonna be before getting the game :heh:

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When I first got my 3DS I couldn't wait for a new Zelda to be revealed. Just going by Pilotwings Resort, I imagined the sort of 3D worlds I'd be able to explore. Then A Link Between Worlds was announced and, to my surprise, I wasn't very excited. Not only did I have doubts about the visual style, I also feared the "Become a Painting" mechanic was going a bit too far. So blasé was I about this game, I forgot to buy it on release and only picked it up one week later. Not long into playing it, though, I realised something:


The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is staggeringly good.


The first thing I noticed was the amazing presentation and music. Some of the best tunes from the franchise, remixed just enough to be an improvement and recorded at an all-time high quality. Best soundtrack of the series, surely? The second thing I noticed was the flawless control. Link zips about at 60fps in eight directions with the Circle Pad. In the 2D games, at least, Link has never been better to control and the Zelda series has never felt so fluid.


The pacing, too, is amazing. Dungeons are never too long and the puzzles, whilst challenging, never had me stuck long enough to become frustrated. Combat is just as satisfying, with all the bosses showing a great understanding of what has worked well in the series before. The level of challenge, I found, was just right. You had to be careful and attentive, but there wasn't anything too frustrating or unfair. For the entire game, I never got bored and always had a sense of thrill.


Nintendo has listened. It's as though they heard every criticism of the Zelda series and fixed all the ones that they thought were valid. A Link Between Worlds is so non-linear (or at least it seems), it's crazy. You never know where or when you're going to get an upgrade for which weapon or item. It also feels like you're choosing the dungeon order. Whether you really are, I don't know, but Nintendo has successfully reinstated that sense of exploration.


As much as I enjoyed Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, at times they were so unlike the 2D Zelda formula, I wondered if Nintendo had forgotten how to do it. Thankfully, A Link Between Worlds feels entirely like a 2D Zelda. It sits right up alongside Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past as the cream of this category and, in all honesty, I think I like it even more than those two.


If I have one nitpick it's that I think some of the puzzles, and even the main dungeons, could be difficult to understand if not seen in 3D - something that seems a raw deal for those who are playing on 2DS (or just can't see 3D). Overall though, A Link Between Worlds is a stunning game that (to me) never really puts a foot wrong. The fantastic gameplay and spine-tingling, epic story have reminded me of why I love Zelda so much. By far the best game in the series since Wind Waker.



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If I have one nitpick it's that I think some of the puzzles, and even the main dungeons, could be difficult to understand if not seen in 3D - something that seems a raw deal for those who are playing on 2DS (or just can't see 3D).


I'm nearly done and I've done the whole thing in 2D. 3D sucks :laughing:. At no point have I felt the need to switch to 3D to understand things better... just to alleviate that concern :p

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With most games I barely use 3D a huge amount but with this game and 3D Land I kept it on the whole time.


Just finished Turtle Rock, really enjoyed it, quite a head scratcher at times. The bosses are still way too easy though.


As for items in dungeons, to be fair in the Lorule dungeons 3 of the 7 still give you something in a big treasure chest. They may not be inventory items but still very useful and in one case necessary. And the master ore is pretty handy as well so it's not like we come away from these dungeons empty handed.

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When I started I rocked in 3D mode a lot, I've settled into 2D now just because I forgot - but I must say the 3D HAS been fantastic in this game. I'm still two dungeons to go(ice and swamp...which is sorta fire I think?) and taking my time, but still loving it.


Btw @Mr\-Paul - here's a pic of the front of the little booklet LttP came with! I think I can still remember a couple of the tips it listed...


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When I started I rocked in 3D mode a lot, I've settled into 2D now just because I forgot - but I must say the 3D HAS been fantastic in this game. I'm still two dungeons to go(ice and swamp...which is sorta fire I think?) and taking my time, but still loving it.


Btw @Mr\-Paul - here's a pic of the front of the little booklet LttP came with! I think I can still remember a couple of the tips it listed...



I've got ice and dark to go. Swamp/fire is good, bit small but quite devious and epic. I assumed Turtle Rock was top right but it seems not.


Those who have finished it, which is the better/tougher dungeon to end on, dark or ice?

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