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How Musical Are You?


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A series of tests and questions to determine how "musical" you are, in terms of stuff like perception, emotion and interest. It takes around 25 minutes and is surprisingly well coded.


My results:




Enthusiasm for Music - 43%

Musical Perception - 2%

Emotional Connection - 34%

Social Creativity - 5%

Musical Curiosity - 5%


98% of the "population" have better musical perception than me. I thought I was bad, but not that bad.

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Enthusiasm for Music - 21%

Musical Perception - 18%

Emotional Connection - 5%

Social Creativity - 5%

Musical Curiosity - 19%


LOW for everything!


Scored much better than i expected on the actual music tests (yet still managed overall low).


Bit miffed at only 5% emotional connection! Nawt the case. I think it's cos i answered no to questions like "do certain songs give you a shiver down your spine?". Well no, i don't literally get an actual shiver (do some people?). I still emotionally relate though.

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Are there no songs that stop you dead in your tracks? Songs that cause emotions, but you can't quite fathom what emotions they are?


Stop iiiiit, you're making me feel dead inside!!



Heh, i guess i DO feel... something. But what i feel just doesn't seem as dramatic as other people describe. I'm actually quite jealous because i'd like to feel more intensely over music. I feel quite unemotional generally, compared to most people. And especially compared to the hysterics of most of my female acquaintances.


Oooh, this is like therapy!

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Enthusiasm for Music - 96%

Musical Perception - 99%

Emotional Connection - 82%

Social Creativity - 72%

Musical Curiosity - 71%


Seem pretty good to me. I'm happy with them. I'm especially happy with being better than 99% of the population on Musical Perception. I always thought most people seemed to miss a lot. /snob

Edited by MoogleViper
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Enthusiasm for Music - 99%

Musical Perception - 38%

Emotional Connection - 100%

Social Creativity - 30%

Musical Curiosity - 96%



Pretty much as expected, quite pleased with medium for musical perception as it happens. I am at least aware of my own musical shortcomings, where as I suppose the truly unmusical person might have no idea they weren't that great at recognising a melody or being able to tell if someone is singing in pitch. Low for Social Creativity makes sense thinking about it, I've been in situations before where I've been told to improvise and been hopeless.


I did fairly well on the matching genre and beat tests. Not perfect mind you but a solid enough performance, whereas even when I was taking it I knew I was guessing a lot of the melody ones. You'd never fathom that I was a bassist :heh:


The test basically confirms the impressions I had formed regarding my own level of musicality. Utterly in love with music yet lacking the innate ability to translate it into creative talent, which is pretty frustrating at times. It makes sense given much of my listening process and deciding whether something is good or bad is based on a kind of intangible 'gut feeling' rather than any real critical assessment of what the artist is doing. With this in mind I somehow find the fact the Sonic Youth are one of my utmost favourite bands bizarrely predictable.


Maybe I'd make a good drummer as well as a bassist.


Edited by ipaul
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