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Posted (edited)

Welcome to the Nintendo Exp-element Mafia.


@Jon Dedede



@Magnus Peterson








You have all received invites from me Professor Elvin Gadd to take part in my new experiment.


As you look around you will see that you are all fairly big names from the Nintendo Universe.. this is because my reach doesn't really stretch outside of these realms, but anyway, i digress...


You are here because between you, you have certain skill sets which should allow me to establish a superior Element for my next invention.

I don't wish to give too much away in order to avoid tampering with the results, so I'll simply warn you that this isn't like the experiments you may have been used to.

There will be casualties.. sorry did i not mention this in the invite?.. on a sliding scale.

I will make sure you are all awake for the start of each Day, and I will also tell you when you are allowed to rest for the Night.

I will give you Morning and Evening Briefs to keep you all informed with the experiments progress.

If you have any questions regarding your Role in the experiment, please do not hesitate to speak with me Privately.


I have engineered a clean environment for the experiment to take place in, so if you'd all jump aboard my PolterGustBus we'll be there in no time.




Alas my little troopers... We have arrived.








Seeing as it is the first day of the experiment I think it would be beneficial for you to get to know each other a little better.

I have therefore created not 1 but 2 Protective Gaddvests as a reward to whoever are the most and least popular individuals. If you wish to nominate someone for these prizes.. contact me privately. Just remember, if you don't want someone to have one of these vests it may still be worth giving them your nomination.


Before I leave I feel its only fair to inform you that seeing as there are 15 of you, it will take 8 complaints against an individual before I will intervene and remove the problem child from the experiment.


I have nothing more for you, so I will leave you to your own devices until the Night 1 Brief.

You may now discuss the matter of those vests of mine.



Edited by DuD
Rummy spotting my errors
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vote Magnus Peterson because I didn't know it was Tim until like yesterday


OK so I've read the OP properly now, and it looks like there are vests awarded to the "most and least popular". I'm guessing we submit PMs to DuD in the form of "person X should have the vest". The thing is, what to do with the tiebreaker between the people with no reccommendations? There's very likely going to be tiebreakers for the bottom, and maybe even the top. I'm guessing this vest is a 1 time kill protection?


I suspect there may be a tie-break for least popular, but either way i'll RNG it between those in contention so that its as fair as possible.


Nominations need to be PM'd so that only 'the winner', 'the loser' and 'I' will know who gets the protection.


Yes you can :)


Who wants my nomination?


Also for the sake of the game I'm going to let you all know now that my attendance will be spotty for the next week or so while I finish this job and fly home. I've been spending at least one night of every three cooped up at mill NY, surrounded by empty beers and such. I should take a photo, it looks like the hacker's desk from jurassic park.

  Yvonne said:
@DuD can I nominate myself for the vest?


Oh yeah someone should tell Dohnut the game has started :D


No vote for you for asking!


Also am I not mistaken in thinking there are 15 players, yet GM Gadd stated there was only 14?



Also because I found out he was mafia last night Vote:Sheikah

  Rummy said:
No vote for you for asking!


Also am I not mistaken in thinking there are 15 players, yet GM Gadd stated there was only 14?



Also because I found out he was mafia last night Vote:Sheikah


It's true.


Vote: No Lynch


Have you checked your settings to see if there is anything about notifications and the like, Dohnut?


I have a good feeling that this game is gonna be AWESOME.


Vote: No lynch!


Dohnut, maybe you should just check the Playground whenever you log in to N-E? :laughing:


If anyone wants to nominate me for a vest I'd appreciate it :p I am going to nominate someone but it won't be myself.

Posted (edited)

Just to clear up questions so that everyone is aware..

You only need to make one nomination for the vests, and the most popular and least poplar will end up winning them.


Also everyone can nominate, including Mafiosos.


I won't be revealing the winners so as people don't know who is protected.


Day will end at 7pm ish, however if you know your night actions send them in :)

Edited by DuD

But how are we going to decide who to give it to today? We have no info! Someone run a random number thing and we all go for that person?

However, if the mafia know who is being nominated, the protection really is no use, as they'll avoid targeting that person. It's better if the mafia have no idea. Although, we won't know who got the least votes, because the chances are lots of people will get no votes, which means DuD will randomise the recipient of that.

  Mr-Paul said:
But how are we going to decide who to give it to today? We have no info! Someone run a random number thing and we all go for that person?

However, if the mafia know who is being nominated, the protection really is no use, as they'll avoid targeting that person. It's better if the mafia have no idea. Although, we won't know who got the least votes, because the chances are lots of people will get no votes, which means DuD will randomise the recipient of that.


Totes second this. I don't think DuD'll count no votes though, so the tie for least popular will be people voting for themselves(thus hopefully a town - it's an interesting balance). How many mafia do we think there will be? If it's 4, I'd say at least 3 are voting for the vest for most popular - if it's 3 then they probably all will to get a majority on highest. Trying to co-ordinate it publicly is definitely silly, we've no idea that the mafia won't manipulate that too either.

  Mr-Paul said:
But how are we going to decide who to give it to today? We have no info! Someone run a random number thing and we all go for that person?

However, if the mafia know who is being nominated, the protection really is no use, as they'll avoid targeting that person. It's better if the mafia have no idea. Although, we won't know who got the least votes, because the chances are lots of people will get no votes, which means DuD will randomise the recipient of that.

It's still useful as roleblockers and redirectors have a reduced number of people to target, and there are fewer people to protect, increasing protection chance.


Worst case scenario is to not co ordinate the vote whereby the Mafia will most likely gain at least one shirt.


Picking 2 random recipients, if we assume the Mafia make up approximately 25% of the players or thereabouts, means there's a 50% chance that one of the two recipients is Mafia, which is better than a likely 100% above.


Also it's all private - who's to stop other things being done behind the scenes despite what they say in the thread? I say it's best to still leave it, let random people get it; let those roleblockers and redirectors possibly target those with the vests, and then post that they failed(or lie and be caught out). People are most often keen to say how they failed, rather than reveal information about themselves. These reveals tease out other information though. I think D1 is best to be left to its own devices, too much co-ordination too early might give the mafia more wriggle room if they know what did, or did not, occur as planned.


  Sheikah said:
It's still useful as roleblockers and redirectors have a reduced number of people to target, and there are fewer people to protect, increasing protection chance.


Worst case scenario is to not co ordinate the vote whereby the Mafia will most likely gain at least one shirt.


Picking 2 random recipients, if we assume the Mafia make up approximately 25% of the players or thereabouts, means there's a 50% chance that one of the two recipients is Mafia, which is better than a likely 100% above.


And what of the other vest? What of the mafia intentionally doing the counterpoint and voting low to secure that one? We all vote popular for one, it's easier for them to get the less popular?


8 players vote for person A - 50% chance of mafia getting the vest according to you.

7 players left - All vote for themselves to secure a random allocation of the less popular vest?


What if there's mafia in either group who decide to just say one thing here, and do something else in private. We don't find out who's the culprit, and it gives them a way to manipulate things.



Right now, with us all just making our own choices - they can't.


Additionally, who picks these two random people? How do you ensure there's no bias there?

  Rummy said:
Also it's all private - who's to stop other things being done behind the scenes despite what they say in the thread? I say it's best to still leave it, let random people get it; let those roleblockers and redirectors possibly target those with the vests, and then post that they failed(or lie and be caught out). People are most often keen to say how they failed, rather than reveal information about themselves. These reveals tease out other information though. I think D1 is best to be left to its own devices, too much co-ordination too early might give the mafia more wriggle room if they know what did, or did not, occur as planned.




And what of the other vest? What of the mafia intentionally doing the counterpoint and voting low to secure that one? We all vote popular for one, it's easier for them to get the less popular?


8 players vote for person A - 50% chance of mafia getting the vest according to you.

7 players left - All vote for themselves to secure a random allocation of the less popular vest?


What if there's mafia in either group who decide to just say one thing here, and do something else in private. We don't find out who's the culprit, and it gives them a way to manipulate things.



Right now, with us all just making our own choices - they can't.


Additionally, who picks these two random people? How do you ensure there's no bias there?


Ok, I misunderstood the least popular thing (I thought we got to vote who we liked the most and least and most votes for either won). It makes sense that the least popular is someone with no/fewest votes. Can you just confirm that though @DuD.


In which case we should definitely pick a person to vote for, to help win the most popular:


The Mafia are going to combine their votes for a single scummate, let's be honest. If we vote randomly for different people (ie. whoever we feel like), the Mafia are very likely to win the most popular vote as they have a +3 / +4 advantage from the word go.


At least if we randomly pick one target to vote for, there's a 3/4 chance that Mafia won't win the most popular shirt. Sure, you could say I'm a Mafioso who's putting forward a scummate when I offer up a candidate, but the alternative to this approach is that the Mafia probably win this be default anyway.


Least votes is not to be worried about really, there's going to be lots of people without votes to balance that one out. Even if the Mafia counteract what we're doing here and vote for 4 of us, that still leaves a large number of townies without any votes, assuming we all vote the same person to win the most popular shirt.


To confirm..


Anyone who wishes to Nominate, PM me one name.


At the end of the day I will privately tally the votes.


The person with the most votes will win a vest. If people are tied for most votes I will RNG the winner between them.


The person with the least votes will also win a vest. If people are tied for least votes I will RNG the winner between them.


The vests will be awarded to the recipents privately at the end of the day.

The vests will only protect against kills.


I agree with Sheikah, we have to vote for a single person because the mafia will get it by default otherwise. At least this way there is a 75% chance of a townie getting it. You could say it will be manipulated publicly, but it doesn't change the fact that the mafia will grab it by default regardless. We just need a bit of luck for the lowest votes RNG so nothing we can do there.


  Sheikah said:




And with that, I suggest we give the vest to Peeps. (Shock horror he suggested someone, everyone get on his case :p)


Nope, I refuse to go with this majority thing. How do I know you're not mafia trying to manipulate me into giving the vest to a buddy eh? What's to stop us all voting one single person and the selfish mafia voting one person different to secure themselves the lower vote vest? Alternatively, what's to stop renegade mavericks who wish to lie to the town and not go along with the team decision from trying to take it for themselves for their own selfish reasoning?


The answer - nothing. We can try our hardest to reason this back and forth additionally, but it won't go anywhere because it's not a public record. I don't want to give the mafia a chance to manipulate us by playing to a planned move so early on!

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