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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: The Official Thread For The Ultimate Game


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Hash. Bloody hell his game is epic... At the monte sword and shield as I heard its a good beginners one, but I may have a bit of a dabble. For example when I was playing yesterday with jbs and blade it was clear it would have been useful if one of us was a bowman or gunner. Is it common to have a few different weapons you alternate, and then I presume that yu have different armours for different weapons... Oh boy...


Haha, yeah people usually have a few different weapons they like, I was switching between lance, sns, hammer and bowgun at the end of Tri myself : D If you're interested in the ranged weapons, do give them a try, but just keep in mind that they require different armours than the blade weapons.

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What weapon are you using dazzy? I suggest going to the MH Wikia weapons page. For example, here we have the gunlance weapon tree. As you can see, the two basic weapons, iron GL and bone GL, branch out into a million different choices, including rarity 9 and 10 weapons. So yeah, do start upgrading, because those same weapons will lead to the end game weapons as well...


With armours, it's really about finding the armour that has the best skills for you. Again, this goes with the weapon you're using. Overall, it seems that all the rare 2-3 armours plus the hunter, alloy and bone from rare 1 have about the same max defense of around 500. So basically you could max any of these sets to get you through low rank. For example, I'm thinking of going either with the Rhenoplos (rare 2) because it has Gunnery for the Gunlance, or Barroth (rare 2) because it has Guard+1. Agnaktor (rare 3) has Guard+1 and Razor Sharp as well, plus Fire Attack +1.


So the first question really is: what weapon are you using?


I feel like such a novice lol, even after having played a good bit of the Wii version i had no idea you could upgrade the starter weapons to such a degree! My mind has just been blown lol

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I'm playing the demo right now as I'm tempted to buy this game, but....

I just don't feel it yet... It feels like hacking and slashing into those big monsters without any idea if I'm doing things right. I just feel helpless and like it hugely depends on luck if the monster dies before I faint...

Swimming feels like a mess too, I really can't "feel" the distance between me and the beasts...


I really want to love this game but yeah... :(

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I'm playing the demo right now as I'm tempted to buy this game, but....

I just don't feel it yet... It feels like hacking and slashing into those big monsters without any idea if I'm doing things right. I just feel helpless and like it hugely depends on luck if the monster dies before I faint...

Swimming feels like a mess too, I really can't "feel" the distance between me and the beasts...


I really want to love this game but yeah... :(


I know what you feel as I didnt like the game at first but it is really hood. The controls I found difficult but you do get used to them.


Im liking playing online the best then going into offline a little bit.

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I'm playing the demo right now as I'm tempted to buy this game, but....

I just don't feel it yet... It feels like hacking and slashing into those big monsters without any idea if I'm doing things right. I just feel helpless and like it hugely depends on luck if the monster dies before I faint...

Swimming feels like a mess too, I really can't "feel" the distance between me and the beasts...


I really want to love this game but yeah... :(


The demo is really one-dimensional, it omits all the resource-gathering, carving, making weapons and armours, upgrading them etc. I mean I thought it was rather boring, because it was just fighting without any goal... o_O

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I'm playing the demo right now as I'm tempted to buy this game, but....

I just don't feel it yet... It feels like hacking and slashing into those big monsters without any idea if I'm doing things right. I just feel helpless and like it hugely depends on luck if the monster dies before I faint...

Swimming feels like a mess too, I really can't "feel" the distance between me and the beasts...


I really want to love this game but yeah... :(


Definetly agree with the others, fighting the monsters is only a small part of the game, gathering resources, harvesting bones and scales from defeated creatures to build new gear, thats what the game is really all about. You can really see your progress as you become stronger and more resilant to monsters that used to be so hard to fight, that to me is what makes the game worth playing.

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I've reached the + missions online and the difficulty just shot up. Me and my mate attempted the Purple Ludroth mission and failed....Yes, HoT failed a quest!


That being the case I spent a good couple of hours just getting some better armour sorted. The armour I'm rocking is quite sturdy and when helping Blade with the normal missions the beasts were doing next to no damage to me.


Purple Ludroth you are next!

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One day I will be able to get some decent armour rather than going out in my leathers


I do have to say the thing that is hilarious is when you think you are safe to sharpen your sword. You press the button and it starts the animation only for the massive beast to come charging at you and then knowing that there is NOWT you can so to stop the animation and avoid the attack.


Also I seem to panick and press the wrong button. Now theres a time and place to have a BBQ. In the middle of a massive fight is not one of those times nor the place.

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I had a fantastic session last night with @lostmario, my mate and my nephew.


We blitzed through the remaining HR2 missions for my nephew and got to his urgent quest, which is Double Trouble. We had our first laughing fit of the night on this missions.


The mission is in the Deserted Island map and we quickly rushed Rathian at her starting area, which is area 3. We managed to get her trapped in the little tunnel area and with it being so low everytime she tried to fly/hover we just brought her back down to land. Rathlos showed up to help her but did more harm than good as he kept firing fireballs that her hitting his missus. With that not working he charged into the tunnel but because Rathian was constantly decked on the floor she was blocking the tunnel entrance. Rathlos just had to sit and watch as we killed his wife. :D


With that done we were going to start the HR3 missions but lostmario finally arrived and we finished his HR2 quest and urgent off.


We fought the Crimson Qurupeco, which looks quite cool by the way, and things were going really well. It was in need of some backup so he did his standard beacon move but nothing showed up. I tell I lie, a kelbi seemed to show up out of nowhere. e all started laughing as this Qurupeco had summoned a mighty kelbi to help him in battle. Just as we wiped away the tears of laughter freaking Jho burst into the scene!

The kelbi was a decoy!!! :laughing:



The best laughing fit of the night was when he fought Plessy. We were quite wary of him as we used to fight him on the original MH so we handled him with care. We gave him quite the beating and looked knakered and out of stamina. He jumped up on land and then had some random fit on the floor at one point. We then noticed his fin was down. We put a trap down and waiting for him to step in it for capture but with him being out of stamina he just stood there. We didn't want to hit him as he may have sod off back into the sea. So there we were all standing looking at this Ples who was just standing there staring back.


He finally walked into the trap only for the capture not to work! Now, on the original game Ples was ready to be caught if the fin went down. Clearly they had changed the game and Ples was just trolling us. We had now wasted a good few mins of Ples just standing there knackered which cost us dearly. He took a fair bit of time to bring down but we got him in the end.


Another funny moment, for everyone except me, was when we were fighting Pink Rathian and a stupid little cat stole my only trap. I shouted everyone to get after him but only lost responded for my cry for help. I think the others were too busy laughing as the little cat scampered away with my goods. :(


Everyone seemed to have got a got haul of items last night as well. I managed to get a couple of Wyvern Stones and a Rathian Plate, others got a few rubies and plates as well.


It's experiences such as these which help make MH the game that it is! Man, I love.


*has breakfast and fires up Wii U*

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Everyone seemed to have got a got haul of items last night as well. I managed to get a couple of Wyvern Stones and a Rathian Plate, others got a few rubies and plates as well.


Brilliant night of hunting. Its always fun discovering new monsters & their attacks.


I somehow managed to get 2 Rathian Plates last night... yes.. 2.


I think I went 100+ hours on Tri before I got 1.


Also I seem to panick and press the wrong button. Now theres a time and place to have a BBQ. In the middle of a massive fight is not one of those times nor the place.


That was priceless.


I backed off to get some health and saw you in the corner of my screen having a BBQ with Uragaan right behind you... I knew he'd have you.

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Jaggi Mask GET! YAY! :yay:



Hang on


How'd you get that? Did I miss an event quest?





Ah well I been playing on the 3DS version while at my sisters house (still there) and going through the Single player pretty well in the free time I've had.


Up to 3 star quests now.


Also you seem to be able to get elemental type weapon MUCH eariler now on this than on Tri on Wii.


I remember on Tri the "fastest" way to get an elemental weapon early was the Quropeco Chopper Sword & Shield (Fire weapon...VERY HANDY for the "early" part of the story mode and on Tri for the first few tiers of quests), but that required some items that could only be gotten from combining and 1 item, Pale Extract from a Gigginox which (while still early) could only be found as a freehunt in a G. Baggi hunt (and usually you needed help online to get it).


Well actually you could get a Water SnS earlier but that wasn't much good vs the monster you had access to at the time where Fire is epic, especially when you have your first Lagi fight offline.


Here last Friday evening (saturday morning) while online with Ville I was able to get a Water Switchaxe, based on Ludroth (new SA that wasn't in Tri too :D) Which I made after getting a "Wild Axe" (can't remembr if I bought it or made it?) Which then I realised I already had the right items to upgrade it to a Ludroth Axe.


Then yesterday evening while playing on the 3DS, I was going through the Story Mode I made a Bone Axe which I was soon able to upgrade to an Azuros Axe and spotted that one of the upgrade options was a Pecospander (SA based on Quropeco also a new SA for 3U) which had a Fire Element...and best part it didn't require any "special" items that needed to be made by combining, most all the needed items could be carved from or as a reward from a Peco hunt :D


One Peco hut later and I had my Fire Axe :D


Took it for a spin vs an Azuros in a hunt quest.... DESTORYED IT. Less than 2 mins, the bear tried to run and Cha-Cha ended up getting the final hit with his boomerang :D


I then farmed a bit of Azuros and made a full set of Azuros armour :D



Then I found out you can still go to the "online" Port solo on the 3DS so I took my new Fire axe and Azuros armour to test it on a Lagi as he weak to Fire and my new armour was not weak to Thunder. Turned out a bit harder than I expected (guess the Port Lagi must still be "multiplayer hardened" even on Solo) but still took him down (35mins)


After finishing that quest I then had enough items to make either a Lagi Sword & Shield or Hunting Horn (both had Thunder Element) went for the Horn :D



Still at my sisters house, prolly won't be home till the late evening but should be online when I do get home.

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Btw, have you guys noticed that trading guild cards with others is actually very useful? These people will appear in the solo version of port Tanzia, and you can make them do quests for you for a little money. The rewards are actually quite good, monster parts and all kinds of rare resources! So funny seeing Mokong and you other guys going hunting for me : D


Anyway, you guys were all full last night, so me and dazzybee did a few quests on our own last night. After that, I went to complete the first online urgent; couldn't find a group so just soloed it with Cha-Cha, a pretty handy feature! I also tried the arena quests, and it seems that there is now one quest for solo play, one for 2 players, and one for 4 players. Nice that they upped the variety a bit...tried the solo one, dual blades pretty much just destroyed Lambi : D

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Btw, have you guys noticed that trading guild cards with others is actually very useful? These people will appear in the solo version of port Tanzia, and you can make them do quests for you for a little money. The rewards are actually quite good, monster parts and all kinds of rare resources! So funny seeing Mokong and you other guys going hunting for me : D


Anyway, you guys were all full last night, so me and dazzybee did a few quests on our own last night. After that, I went to complete the first online urgent; couldn't find a group so just soloed it with Cha-Cha, a pretty handy feature! I also tried the arena quests, and it seems that there is now one quest for solo play, one for 2 players, and one for 4 players. Nice that they upped the variety a bit...tried the solo one, dual blades pretty much just destroyed Lambi : D


I had read about it ages ago but totally forgot about the feature, its a really good incentive to be social and hunt with friends and randoms alike. I traded cards last night so ill keep an eye out for the extra quests, thanks for the reminder ^_^


Just bought this, will have a few hours single player and then may venture online, never played monster hunter before so might take a good few hours to wrap my head around things


Youll be fine, there seems to be a good mix of people playing early and late so you should be able to get into a game at most times.

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How'd you get that? Did I miss an event quest?
Nah, no event quest, just got it from questing offline. So yeah, Capcom have obviously changed quite a lot of things from Tri.

Still can't believe they got rid of the good luck skill on Jaggi Mask though. :(

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My first two hours on Monster Hunter:


Well, I've had a lot of reading to do, started out the game in Moggi village and pottered around learning how the game works and doing a few measly village quests. I run into a couple of dinosaurs, down they go, nice and easy. I've opted for sword and shield for starters and upgraded another weapon for some strange reason.

Anyway, I then got my teeth into a couple of guild quests. Gathering? Pfft ill do a couple of those then go to the big port, fry some bigger fish. I start up the quest: Playing with fire. I fight endlessly with an oversized chicken with a red belly, and I'm dodging, slicing and generally making this guy my bi*ch. it comes down to me using all my herbs, whetstones and I think I've got it on the ropes. I turn around and there is this (unexplained) HUGE dragon which has just shown up and fancies a piece of me. To which I try to run away, but can't because it tears me a new one.


Can anybody explain what just happened?

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My first two hours on Monster Hunter:


Well, I've had a lot of reading to do, started out the game in Moggi village and pottered around learning how the game works and doing a few measly village quests. I run into a couple of dinosaurs, down they go, nice and easy. I've opted for sword and shield for starters and upgraded another weapon for some strange reason.

Anyway, I then got my teeth into a couple of guild quests. Gathering? Pfft ill do a couple of those then go to the big port, fry some bigger fish. I start up the quest: Playing with fire. I fight endlessly with an oversized chicken with a red belly, and I'm dodging, slicing and generally making this guy my bi*ch. it comes down to me using all my herbs, whetstones and I think I've got it on the ropes. I turn around and there is this (unexplained) HUGE dragon which has just shown up and fancies a piece of me. To which I try to run away, but can't because it tears me a new one.


Can anybody explain what just happened?


The oversized chicken mimicked the dragon's call and so the dragon turned up to help. Nice surprise eh?

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Anyone know what to do when your 3DS starts locking up whilst playing the game? Hasnt happend on any other titles but i probably havent played it as long in one sitting as i do with MH.


edit - So some people reckon it might be memory card corruption, anyone backed up a memory card via windows before for 3DS? Anything special i need to do?

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Anyone know what to do when your 3DS starts locking up whilst playing the game? Hasnt happend on any other titles but i probably havent played it as long in one sitting as i do with MH.


edit - So some people reckon it might be memory card corruption, anyone backed up a memory card via windows before for 3DS? Anything special i need to do?


Just copy and paste everything from the root folder.

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My first two hours on Monster Hunter:


Well, I've had a lot of reading to do, started out the game in Moggi village and pottered around learning how the game works and doing a few measly village quests. I run into a couple of dinosaurs, down they go, nice and easy. I've opted for sword and shield for starters and upgraded another weapon for some strange reason.

Anyway, I then got my teeth into a couple of guild quests. Gathering? Pfft ill do a couple of those then go to the big port, fry some bigger fish. I start up the quest: Playing with fire. I fight endlessly with an oversized chicken with a red belly, and I'm dodging, slicing and generally making this guy my bi*ch. it comes down to me using all my herbs, whetstones and I think I've got it on the ropes. I turn around and there is this (unexplained) HUGE dragon which has just shown up and fancies a piece of me. To which I try to run away, but can't because it tears me a new one.


Can anybody explain what just happened?


Haha, it seems that you just got a nice MH welcome. Expect more of that in the future : D


Been online and offline the whole day, results:


-Lagombi ice GL

-Red Rook fire GL

-parts for Lagia thunder GL

-Loc Lac armour for egg quests : D

-Rath poison bow for killing bugs


The GL is quite a curious weapon: I do like using it, but it's also very stiff which makes stuff like cutting tails unnecessarily hard. Seems that the vertical swings and the explosions are more suited to breaking faces, backs, chests, wings etc. Oh well, got the tails cut via doing online quests...


Also tried the Bow briefly, but the aiming is really weird. Feels like it's too sensitive...guess I have to go with Light BG again.

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I had another fantastic session last night, again with my nephew, mate and @S\.C\.G, @Blade and @Kaepora_Gaebora with a couple of quests. Blade was hilarious as usual. We all standing waiting to start the quest until Blade realised he hadn't even picked the quest up from the board. Good start to the night!


Kaepora_Gaebora also had me in stitches when fighting Rathian. Poor bloke didn't have a clue what was going on or when anyone was. We were all carving the beast while he was going in circles looking for what exit to take.:hehe:


This game, man. This game.

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