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Tropes Vs Women in Video Games

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  • 5 months later...
God that comic is awful. It shows why a series like this needed to be made in the first place (even if this particular one is problematic in its own rights).


I'm genuinely curious here as, apart from the exaggerated last panel, I don't get what's awful about it?


I'm trying to steer away from this thread as I feel it's far too easy for me to rant about things that clearly have been seen as an issue in gender equality due to the lack of understanding on my part, but I'm stumped as to what the problem is with the comic.

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I'm genuinely curious here as, apart from the exaggerated last panel, I don't get what's awful about it?


Well the art is horrible, for one! :heh: It also misnames Lara Croft, Chell, and what they meant to be "Other M"!


On a more serious note, it's nothing but a discussion between strawmen where the author reflects himself into 4 men, and where reasonable feminist criticisms gets lumped into a couple of straw lines.

Furthermore, it completely fails to address the real issues behind those complaints: that for every strong female character there are 10 sex objects, that certain game developers (writers in general, really) still take macho culture as the default mindset, that they still employ tropes that objectify women (even if indirectly), etc.


Overall, it just shows that the author put next to no true thought in the question before him, but still believed himself fit to answer criticism that must have come from girls who are just being silly and/or unfair. Notice how the girl in the comic doesn't even elaborate on her position, meaning he never bothered to hear or acknowledge more than what the first panel gives us.

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I'm genuinely curious here as, apart from the exaggerated last panel, I don't get what's awful about it?


I'm trying to steer away from this thread as I feel it's far too easy for me to rant about things that clearly have been seen as an issue in gender equality due to the lack of understanding on my part, but I'm stumped as to what the problem is with the comic.


"Oh you silly moaning women, look there are about two dozen female game characters. You should listen to us males and stop moaning!"


There was ~500 games released last year (a straight copy and paste from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_in_video_gaming#Game_releases to Excel to count, so there might be multiple listings of the same game if released at different times on different platforms, or "ultimate edition" kind of things).


That comic strip lists 30 women/series (some don't even get name-checked, which is an issue in itself, they're just known by the franchise and that's a troubling thing). Not all of them had games released last year, but if they had it would still only account for 6%. And that's overlooking the other related issue of diversity of representation. How many of those women are white? How many straight? How many are clichéd "strong women". There was a meme that got overdone on Tumblr a while ago but it has a point about female characters:


Screw writing "strong" women. Write interesting women, write a woman who kicks ass, write a woman who cowers in a corner, write a woman who doesn't need a man, women who cry, women who rant, who who don't take no shit, women who reach for what they want, women who don't care what anybody thinks.


That last all-male panel is hideous in itself. It's the very definition of straight white male privilege.



And that's not aimed at you as I know you were just asking why I took issue with it :)

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I think that massive comic is an edit of the much shorter original. I checked the URL on the bottom panel and found this:




The first comment on the original post is someone linking to the longer edited one posted in this thread. Anger ensues.


I have nothing else of value to add to this discussion.




This one from her is pretty on the money.



Edited by Guy
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