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I'm really, reeeeeally fucking confused by all this.


So, this has gone from being a small PSN game to a huge release and one that is scoring extremely highly in reviews? What the fuck?


Now I don't know what to do. Really tempted to get this, but don't know if it's worth waiting. Feels a bit lame waiting for it to drop in price when it seems like the people behind it have put tons of effort into this.

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Put just shy of 2 hours into this last night, 75 panel puzzles completed so far which I don't think is too bad going. The time did seem to fly by while playing it so not sure whether that's a good sign or not but can't wait to be finished up at work and be back playing.


Really enjoying it so far. It's very relaxing, and doesn't hold your hand at all. You're free from the get go more or less to go wherever you please and try your hand at anything you come across. Obviously, there'll be panels you can't complete until you've completed others (some of them are sequences of panels in a row or are sequenced together through tethers that need to be completed and activated) but there's always another puzzle just around the corner to keep you going.


So far, I've only had 1 or 2 moments where I was racking my brain but taking a step back and clearing my mind allowed the solution to rear its head quickly. And some of the puzzles so far have been rather clever. There's a set of ones involving trees and panels that show the basic shapes of trees that made me think "What the hell am I doing here?" But when you take a second to think and look at what you have in front of you, it becomes clear. It's the same with one that has you clearing dual line panels while looking out at the sea, really nicely done that. Have stumbled across a few others as well that do similar things, requiring you to take stock and perspective of what you've got, so very much looking forward to seeing how those pan out and what else they throw out.


The setting, aesthetics and sound design really help in that respect to help clear your mind in between puzzles or when you take a step back. It's a very good looking game, love how colourful it all is and it just generally looks really nice, one nicest looking games I've played so far on the PS4. There isn't much in the way of music so it might seem a little odd at first but then again, you could always throw on something on Spotify while playing.


So yeah, currently loving it. Well worth the price tag for me anyway as I'm a big fan of puzzle games and it's scratching that itch that I've had since finishing up The Talos Principle at the tail end of last year.

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Put in another couple of hours last night a took my panel completion to 147 and now have 3 lasers activated.


Quickly picked up in the Desert area and after a little bit of fiddling about, figured out how I was to go about solving things there and got through that section quickly. But progress was a bit slower later on as some of the puzzles I was coming up against were really tricky, especially in the Bunker area. Spent god knows how long on just 2 puzzles, one right after the other, and was really racking my brain to figure out how to solve them as they required you to section off coloured squares such that only one colour was in each section.


Still I managed those ones and have to say that generally, I really liked what was done with the puzzles in the Bunker. Some nice little ideas that are very simple on paper but still tricky to solve when you get down to it.


Moved on to the Swamp/Marsh area and have been stumbling around failing with the tetris block panels but have since had a tip that should hopefully make it easier when I go to solve the panels there.


Have also managed to find 2 of the projector reel videos which were an interesting watch but still none to the wiser as to what's happening story wise in the game. Not found too many audio logs and the ones I have found don't seem to enlighten things. Perhaps it'll become a bit clearer as to why things are the way they are and why the top of the mountain is the way it is as I play more.


Really want to know what the Challenge trophy is though. Doesn't seem to be anyone posting about it round the net from what I can gather so not thinking anyone has solved it yet. It is obviously early days but really interested in see what this supposedly impossible puzzle that less than 1% of people will be able to solve is.

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I spent today searching for hidden puzzles, but I'm starting to get diminishing returns. I don't think I'm ready to invest the time needed to find the rest of them. I'm thinking of heading to the mountain and trying to beat the game tomorrow instead.

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I haven't had a huge amount of time to play this over the weekend but I've now got 7 lasers activated and meet the minimum requirements to go on and take on the end game area in the Mountain. Think I'll hold off for now as I want to go on and unlock the remaining lasers and have already made some small in rows to the one in the Town, although still don't understand the puzzles with the stars on them so need to find the area that has the panels for learning that.


Ended up spending far too long in the Monastery for my own good. Couldn't figure out at first how to do the diamond panels outside and then figured out how to see the solution. Felt really stupid for that as for some reason it didn't cross my mind to try and alter the panel with the tree on it. Regardless, once I figured that out, managed to clear the rest of it swiftly.


I've been told of the requirements to access the area for the Challenge trophy. I will admit to having kept looking at forums around the net to find out how to access it but I've stopped myself there so that I can attempt the challenge myself but from the little general tidbits I've heard, it sounds pretty difficult so thinking that'll be a couple of long nights trying to solve whatever is in there.

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I finished the game last night and wasn't even going to play it today, but then I thought I'd use a guide to find the rest of the hidden puzzles to get it over with, because how long could that take?


... And then I read about how to access the hidden area inside the mountain and now I'm not sure when I'll finally be done with the game.



I only have about forty puzzles left, but I hear some of the last ones are very difficult. I'm hoping I'll be able to solve them on my own, to keep my no-guide streak for the regular puzzles going until the end.


I defy anyone to find all of the environmental puzzles without help, though. :p


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Nearing the end of this myself, just got the last little bit to do at the bottom of the Mountain after I ploughed through and activated the last remaining lasers. Some of the puzzles in the Mountain have been really difficult so far, spent ages on I think it’s the second floor with the multi-coloured panels and the one that you repeat in sequence. That did my head in, andon top of that there was the whole sorting the floor pattern out as well which was similarly difficult. But figured it out in the end after about an hour and now right at the end.


Decided to have a look at the challenge area before heading off to finish the game, which I now regret as I could have easily gone on and completed it, loaded up my previous save and then done the challenge and have had an easier time of things but no, I had to go and try and be a smart arse :heh:


The challenge itself isn’t too hard. It’s only made difficult by having to complete it within a set time, dictated by a piece of music that plays, and having randomised puzzles at each of the 14 panels (so anyone hoping to use a guide to clear it is out of luck). Have spent hours at it so far and have the basics down for it as there are elements that are consistent throughout that make it easier to steadily make progress with repeated runs. I'll post some general tips in the tag below but if you want to go in and figure it out for yourself, don't look.


You can basically separate it into 4 areas: the starting area with the turntable which has 4 puzzles, the cavern which has 6, the maze which has 2, and the final room which has a further 2 pillar puzzles.


Even though they are randomly generated through each try, the general architecture of them remains the same. For the first area, the first 2 puzzles will be simple maze ones where you get to the end with the 3rd being a separate the white from black box panel. The 4th one for this area is the one you need to pay attention to as it tells you the locations of the panels you'll need to clear in the maze in section three and the path you input is the one you'll have to walk, so draw it down for later.


The second section has 4 panels that activate in a random order around the column ahead of you as you walk in. The puzzles take the form of 1 maze panel and the remaining 3 being star puzzles, 1 with black dots and the other 2 with the tetris pieces. After you've done these, when you head up the stairs, there are 2 arrays of 3 panels, the first set black/white boxes and the second set white/blue/green. Only 1 panel from each is solvable.


The second section is where you can lose the most time, I've found anyway. If you're struggling with a particular panel, fail it, complete the previous one again and you'll get a new puzzle on the failed panel and hopefully it's one that's a bit easier. If you're still struggling on a second go, I'd say leave it and restart the challenge as it's hard to make up that time again.


The third section is the maze so simply follow the path you input in the 4th panel earlier, stopping to complete the 2 panels that were marked on that puzzle. These are the triangle puzzles so relatively straight forward but if you've lost a bit of time in the cavern, it can be a bit fiddly.


The final section is simply 2 pillar puzzles, with dual lines. Take a second to look at the pillar beforehand otherwise you'll end up doing what I did and wasting an opportunity to clear it and complete the challenge.


And that's it really. Not as difficult as it's made it. Just a matter of getting the timing right and solving the array panels quickly.



One tip for the challenge that I'll put here is that if you press the Options button to pause the game, it cancels the challenge and you'll have to start again.


Was absolutely gutted last night though as I was on the last puzzle and ran out of time, made a few too many mistakes on the second to last panel and that was that run :( Trying to do it without using the Rest Mode tactic which was hard at first but once you get the basic principles about how each section works, then you don't really need it. Bodes well though and hopefully I'll finally clear it later today.


Have you had a go at the challenge yet, @Magnus? It's worth a go and if you've managed with as many puzzles as you have, you should be able to master it a bit quicker than me. Only done about 450 puzzles myself.

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Have you had a go at the challenge yet, @Magnus? It's worth a go and if you've managed with as many puzzles as you have, you should be able to master it a bit quicker than me. Only done about 450 puzzles myself.

Well, I'm only at 480-ish regular puzzles, so I'm not that far ahead. :heh:


I haven't even found the challenge yet. I'm just going to keep beating puzzles and see where that leads. I'll have to make sure to get the platinum after all this work, though!

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And I'm finished!


I just have that one environmental puzzle that takes an hour to solve left, but that'll have to wait until tomorrow.


I solved all 523 regular puzzles on my own and used a guide for a third of the environmental puzzles, which is just as well or I'd still be playing this game a year from now.


This only took me about ten tries or so - not sure why you're struggling so much, Ganepark? :p


(Actually, I think I just got lucky.)


I didn't realize that the point of that one puzzle was to guide you through the maze. That's really obvious in retrospect. I also got really stuck on an unsolvable puzzle the first time around, before I realized what the twist was.


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Finished and Platinumed as well! :bouncy::yay:


Switched on my PS4 yesterday afternoon after work and within half an hour, the Challenge was solved and the last bit of the Mountain were complete.


This only took me about ten tries or so - not sure why you're struggling so much, Ganepark? :p


(Actually, I think I just got lucky.)


I didn't realize that the point of that one puzzle was to guide you through the maze. That's really obvious in retrospect. I also got really stuck on an unsolvable puzzle the first time around, before I realized what the twist was.


Haha, the funny thing is, once I loaded up the game, I nearly did it on my first attempt and then I nailed it the second time round. Either I'd learned from my mistakes or I got lucky with the patterns that came up, probably a bit of both but ended up having plenty of time to spare at the end for the last puzzle.


You know, once I finished it I thought to myself "Why'd it take so damn long?" It really wasn't too hard when you think about it. It's just the timed aspect to it and the randomness of the panel patterns that make it hard but even then, once you know the general rules for each section, it's pretty easy.


It was the arrays with the unsolvable panels that always seemed to get me and eat up my time. I think I restarted there more than I actually ran out of time in the amount of attempts at the challenge. Particularly, the second one with the 3 colours. Not sure why, think I was thinking too far ahead about getting through the maze as quickly as possible.


I didn't initially make the connection between the 4th puzzle and the maze until 2 or 3 attempts later. Once I realised that certain bits blocked your movement like they did on that puzzle, it clicked and became more about running to the puzzles and not spending too much time on them as the triangle ones can be fiddly, and if you make a mistake you have to exit the maze and redo the last panel so it's better restarting.



I've still got plenty to do from the sounds of it. Roughly 40 odd puzzles left and a whole load of environmental puzzles to complete. I'll probably tackle these at a later date, especially the latter of these as there are some that I can see but haven't quite found the right spot to get them from.


Really good game though. Thought the whole panel thing would get boring quickly but the variety and nuisances that are brought in really do keep it fresh with some clever ideas and ensure that it is soberingly difficult at times. And love how everything around you is there for a reason. The lake at the village especially was a really nice touch with what it does.


Well worth the price of admission if you ask me. As I said, will take a break before I come back to finish the remaining puzzles because every time I look at the tiles in the kitchen or bathroom at home, all I can see are more of those panel puzzles so think I'm all puzzles out for now :laughing:

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Well worth the price of admission if you ask me. As I said, will take a break before I come back to finish the remaining puzzles because every time I look at the tiles in the kitchen or bathroom at home, all I can see are more of those panel puzzles so think I'm all puzzles out for now :laughing:

Jonathan Blow knows that feeling too, based on the secret ending. :p



Didn't you play Braid?


This was never going to be less than spectacular.

Didn't he play Braid? It's never been released on a Nintendo console and it's not available on the PS4. So... probably not? I'm like 70% sure.

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Didn't you play Braid?


This was never going to be less than spectacular.


Jonathan Blow knows that feeling too, based on the secret ending. :p




Didn't he play Braid? It's never been released on a Nintendo console and it's not available on the PS4. So... probably not? I'm like 70% sure.


The Magnus is correct. I was #TeamWii and #TeamNintendo4lyf previous gen, so I've never played Braid.


If it isn't on the PS4 or a Nintendo console, then I haven't played it. :red:

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200 puzzles done and I've looked at a guide once, for the final red structure in the Marsh (which incidentally was probably the most straightforward part of that area). It definitely diminished the sense of accomplishment though, which is pretty much everything in a game like this. Really felt like I hadn't earned firing up that laser. Vague hints like the above are fine though :-)


Well, if it helps, you're not trying to reach the green room - you're trying to get onto the roof.


There's actually another puzzle in the bunker with the exact same layout, so you've probably already solved this puzzle. :p


I've searched for this 5x4 lift puzzle elsewhere in the bunker but can't find it. Any (vague) clue pls?

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