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Watch Dogs (Nov 21st)


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I think we can give Bandai Namco a break. They've done three recent collaborations with Nintendo (four if you count the Nintendo stuff in Tekken Tag Tournament 2): Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U and Pokken (which will likely come to the Wii U).


I don't think Namco should be given a break. Barring TTT2, Nintendo are paying Namco to collaborate on their first party games and I'm sure paying them for Pac-man's inclusion in Smash which is free promotion for their mascot. Nintendo have helped out Namco massively with loads of collaborations, e.g Starfox Assault, arcade hardware but Namco haven't given us much in return from their own releases of their franchises. I'd love another Tales game. What happened with Graces last gen was a disgrace. What about Soul Calibur 2 HD? Again nothing.

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Now, now - Bamco are definitely not as bad as many other third parties. They already gave us the Wii U's best third party game - and we even got all the DLC! Also, they're at least releasing a decent number of Wii U games (over half a dozen just this year, I think, though I guess not all of them are too amazing...)


Combined with their collaboration efforts, they're definitely one of the Wii U's best third parties, I'd say.


Ubisoft, on the other hand... well, let's just say there's a reason I haven't bought a Ubisoft game since 2011.

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Namco, whilst they haven't released masses on the U this year (to my knowledge) they have at least made an effort with the console. Tekken Tag 2 being a particular highlight.


The same has to be said for Ubisoft, who, for a third-party on a constantly wavering console, have stayed strong up until now. I'd say their only mistake on Wii U was Rayman, which should have definitely been released in the February as promised.


As for Watch Dogs, this is nothing but them sticking to their word now, I honestly can't believe they're going ahead with it. I can't see them selling many at all. Id wager that this will be in even lower numbers than Need For Speed. It'll certainly pose as a pain in the ass to collectors in 15 years time who have a pop at getting every Wii U title :p


There's this random horse riding game on Wii that's worth a fair bit for the simple fact there are hardly any copies of it.

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I shouldn't have to though third party's should treat us with respect aswell and I hate Xbox One and PS4 you have to pay to play online


Third parties treat me with a lot of respect as a PS4 owner! :)


I will only own a Wii U this generation too. I honestly don't understand how people have the time to own two (or more consoles). I still have games in their factory seals on my Wii U (and a couple still sealed for my Wii).


When you factor in work, time with friends, girlfriend, gym, other hobbies, shopping etc I don't have time to be spending 200 hours a month on games.


I do however have a quality PC for work, so if there is the odd game I fancy I can always pick it up on the PC - where it will be cheaper, look better and be free to play online!


My PS4 has replaced my Wii U. I hardly play it now with no games on the horizon that I plan on buying.


Same with @kav82 & @Blade, I bet they hardly touch their Wii U now.


Its not a case of having time to play two consoles, we've bought PS4s to replace the Wii U due to the lack of games.


I'm putting in the same number of hours as I was when I had games to play on my Wii U.


Sorry for the off topic posts.

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Watch Dogs Dedsec and Vigilante Editions not planned for Wii U


Ubisoft prepared a few special releases for Watch Dogs in Europe, including the Dedsec and Vigilante Editions. These were originally thought to be coming to Wii U, but UK retailer GAME has now indicated otherwise.


“It is with great disappointment that we can confirm that unfortunately on this occasion Ubisoft will not be producing either the Dedsec or Vigilante editions on Wii U,” GAME said in a recent email sent out to consumers. Those who pre-ordered either of the two versions are now being switched to the GAME-exclusive Special Edition.


For those wondering, the Special Edition seems to feature a bit of exclusive digital content. It includes the “Breakthrough” mission pack as well as the “Vehicle Expert” pack. These sound like DLC items to me (unless I’m missing/misunderstanding something), which makes things a bit confusing given how, just yesterday, Ubisoft confirmed that there are no plans to bring Watch Dogs’ downloadable content to Wii U.




Stick a fork in it already. It's beyond farcical at this stage.

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That probably wasn't a surprise to anyone ever, yeah.



...I imagine that somewhere, in an alternate universe, people will still be holding on to the hope that Ubisoft will suddenly announce that "we're not gonna release DLC for the Wii U version... because we've already added all the DLC to the game!!!!"


But knowing Ubisoft that probably won't happen no matter how many alternate universes you went through.


I'm really glad I couldn't care less about this game. :P

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Third parties treat me with a lot of respect as a PS4 owner! :)




My PS4 has replaced my Wii U. I hardly play it now with no games on the horizon that I plan on buying.


Same with @kav82 & @Blade, I bet they hardly touch their Wii U now.


Its not a case of having time to play two consoles, we've bought PS4s to replace the Wii U due to the lack of games.


I'm putting in the same number of hours as I was when I had games to play on my Wii U.


Sorry for the off topic posts.


I think in many more instances, its just people growing out of Nintendo.


People diss Nintendo for their output rate - which is really no worse than most - and then list a slew of games that haven't been released (Fzero, Starfox etc) as if to affirm their still into Nintendo, when in reality the games Nintendo have released are already of a high quality enough to arouse the typical Nintendo gamer.


Though I do see there are not many amount of games on Wii U - it never was a numbers game. The N64 and GC both had low numbers of titles compared with Playstation. For me theres enough there, as like Zechs pointed out, theres just no enough time living as a coupled grown up - and by a previous thread I made, most aren't great for time either.


People keep talking about the 'horizon', but in this moment in time, I would say all three consoles have about the same number of high quality titles. And a heaving release schedule doesn't mean much unless you're really going to buy all or most, which usually isn't the case... or if it is, its put on the backlog tray still factory sealed.

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Well, that sucks. The confusing part is, they say there will be no DLC yet i can see 2 pieces of DLC right there. I doubt we will see high sales, most people who wanted to play this will have done so already on other formats.


The DLC would have been on-disc on all the other versions.

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One thing that pisses me off with this thread is that Ubisoft have at least given Wii U owners the game.


Had the cancelled it, they would have been called out. They are releasing it and they are getting called out.


I feel like buying this day one (even though I was never hyped for it) just to fly in the face of the nay sayers!

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One thing that pisses me off with this thread is that Ubisoft have at least given Wii U owners the game.


Had the cancelled it, they would have been called out. They are releasing it and they are getting called out.


I agree with that.

But you have to admit, Ubisoft are being extraordinarily lazy with it. Bare minimum effort is being put in, and I'll bet that Ubisoft complain about how the WiiU is to blame when it inevitably flops.

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One thing that pisses me off with this thread is that Ubisoft have at least given Wii U owners the game.


Had the cancelled it, they would have been called out. They are releasing it and they are getting called out.


I feel like buying this day one (even though I was never hyped for it) just to fly in the face of the nay sayers!


The fact they haven't even released one screen shot or video of the wii u version tells you everything. Ubisoft don't care.

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I think in many more instances, its just people growing out of Nintendo.


People diss Nintendo for their output rate - which is really no worse than most - and then list a slew of games that haven't been released (Fzero, Starfox etc) as if to affirm their still into Nintendo, when in reality the games Nintendo have released are already of a high quality enough to arouse the typical Nintendo gamer.


For me the issue isn't the output so much, rather the presence of variety. The other systems are getting a much greater output due to the support from a wider and more diverse developer/publisher base. Nintendo's own output doesn't annoy me, it's lack of support elsewhere when they promised otherwise. To their credit Ubisoft did make a lot of effort in supporting them with ZombiU(some will say a better output on the wii u platform than any of Nintendo's own).


Though I do see there are not many amount of games on Wii U - it never was a numbers game. The N64 and GC both had low numbers of titles compared with Playstation. For me theres enough there, as like Zechs pointed out, theres just no enough time living as a coupled grown up - and by a previous thread I made, most aren't great for time either.


People keep talking about the 'horizon', but in this moment in time, I would say all three consoles have about the same number of high quality titles. And a heaving release schedule doesn't mean much unless you're really going to buy all or most, which usually isn't the case... or if it is, its put on the backlog tray still factory sealed.


A counter would be during the N64/GC era, I had a lot less disposble income to spend on games. Again, Nintendo promised me it wouldn't be like this on the Wii U, and it has been. So whilst I've maybe less time now, I've a much greater oppurtunity for more games(as opposed to too much time playing the same game to death for half a year as a kid). There's also the social balance of communication whilst playing, online interaction etc(ie I can spend that lesser time I have socialising AND gaming at the same time). This is another point I was excited for with WatchDogs was its online - but what'll that even be worth on the WiiU if there's barely anyone else online to play it with?


I agree with that.

But you have to admit, Ubisoft are being extraordinarily lazy with it. Bare minimum effort is being put in, and I'll bet that Ubisoft complain about how the WiiU is to blame when it inevitably flops.


This is my issue, props to them for supporting etc but I can just see them using this as further reason to distance from WiiU. I'm half wishing they have canned it rather than done it so lazily like this.

Edited by Rummy
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I agree with that.

But you have to admit, Ubisoft are being extraordinarily lazy with it. Bare minimum effort is being put in, and I'll bet that Ubisoft complain about how the WiiU is to blame when it inevitably flops.


The fact they haven't even released one screen shot or video of the wii u version tells you everything. Ubisoft don't care.


But they are honouring their word and putting out a game for a small user base. It's still better than no game. The game (the core experience) will be there for Wii U owners.


Considering we've had actual finished games never come out (Aliens CM) and big franchises like COD and FIFA cancelled on the system I for one am still grateful Ubisoft have kept to their word and released the game.


Considering the Wii U has only shifted 7 million units and third party games are selling like crap, you have to at least nod your hat to them for not pulling the plug on this one.


So what everyone is saying is this:


Unless a developer gives us a game, makes it superior to all other versions, puts loads of gamepad options in, releases it at the same time and ensures continual support with DLC (despite the small sales) they are basically a bunch of shits and should be called out?


Talk about wanting the moon on a stick. Ubisoft have been good to honour their promise on this one. Give credit where it is due. Considering the way Nintendo have dropped the ball this gen, I think anyone still sticking with the system is doing us a favour!

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Unless a developer gives us a game, makes it superior to all other versions, puts loads of gamepad options in, releases it at the same time and ensures continual support with DLC (despite the small sales) they are basically a bunch of shits and should be called out?


You're being over dramatic now. No-one was expecting this. But after all this delay, don't you think that the WiiU version should be as good as the 360/PS3 version?


Because I don't believe for one second that the WiiU version won't be the worst version of the game.

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But they are honouring their word and putting out a game for a small user base. It's still better than no game. The game (the core experience) will be there for Wii U owners.


Considering we've had actual finished games never come out (Aliens CM) and big franchises like COD and FIFA cancelled on the system I for one am still grateful Ubisoft have kept to their word and released the game.


Considering the Wii U has only shifted 7 million units and third party games are selling like crap, you have to at least nod your hat to them for not pulling the plug on this one.


So what everyone is saying is this:


Unless a developer gives us a game, makes it superior to all other versions, puts loads of gamepad options in, releases it at the same time and ensures continual support with DLC (despite the small sales) they are basically a bunch of shits and should be called out?


Talk about wanting the moon on a stick. Ubisoft have been good to honour their promise on this one. Give credit where it is due. Considering the way Nintendo have dropped the ball this gen, I think anyone still sticking with the system is doing us a favour!


Oh I totally agree with that. Ubisoft deserve no criticism in the sense they actually did try and support the platform just nobody bought the games. You are right they could of cancelled Watch Dogs but at the same time the game was so far into development it was probably more cost effective to just get it out.


My criticism to you ubisoft is limited to Watchdogs only. I feel that releasing a game months later and at no time actually engaging the community to show what the wii u version is actually like is staggering. Even before the delay we still never saw anything off a wii u version. Why was that?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ubisoft Details How the GamePad is Used in Watch Dogs


The team at Ubisoft Bucharest has been focused on recreating the same experience as other platforms but with Wii U advantages.


When Watch Dogs hits Wii U on November 18, the GamePad will be the major unique addition.


"Our focus was in re-creating the same experience as on the other platforms, while taking advantage of what the Wii U has to offer," Ubisoft Bucharest Producer Florin Sanda told us. The Wii U advantage is off-TV play and an interactive map. The latter is useful, according to Sanda, because in Watch Dogs, "exploration is key."


That wasn't the only idea they had, though. Sanda explained that the team prototyped and playtested many other Wii U ideas, but "some of them just didn't work." After many tries, they determined that the interactive map was the best option.


The Wii U version has been primarily developed by a team at Ubisoft Bucharest, and the six-month delay allowed the team to make sure the Wii U version stacked up to the other versions.




GOTY confirmed right there. I hear the sound of stampeding people rushing to get their pre-orders in. One at a time please people. Trust me there'll be plenty of copies available on launch day. :blank:

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GOTY confirmed right there. I hear the sound of stampeding people rushing to get their pre-orders in. One at a time please people. Trust me there'll be plenty of copies available on launch day. :blank:


I can foresee the queues being longer than the Xbox One queues in China.


To be honest, I'm amazed it's even getting a map.

And I really shouldn't be.


I'm more amazed it's actually coming out on the WiiU


How much is the game on other systems, £20? I'll wait for it to be a similar price on Wii U.


Probably won't be long before it hits a bargain bin, i'll give it a month or two.

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I reckon you actually might struggle to get this and then it won't hit the bargain bin too hard - some people are waiting/wanting it for that price, but I just can't imagine it getting much of a big print run to be in excess supply.


I agree, it'll be like NFS: Most Wanted but even more limited. The difference there is it was the definitive version and they tried. Watch Dogs now has been exposed as not worthy of all the hype and why pay more for less than the rest?

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Funnily enough Most Wanted was exactly what I was thinking of when I was considering the point. We also still don't know for sure quite how bad/good WatchDogs might be on WiiU. I'm waiting for that. I can't really afford to spend it, but I'd say I'd go £20-£25 if it isn't too pants.

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