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Which Nintendo console has given you the most enjoyment?

Which Nintendo console has given you the most enjoyment?  

115 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Nintendo console has given you the most enjoyment?

    • Nintendo Entertainment System
    • Game Boy
    • Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    • Nintendo 64
    • Game Boy Color
    • Game Boy Advance
    • Nintendo GameCube
    • Nintendo DS

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N64, First Nintendo console I bought with my own money, All the ones before that were given as presents.

I picked the 64 mostly because of Zelda OoT, no other game has compaired to the feeling I got when I played that game.


I think I was more excited for the Cube tho because of the impression the 64 left on me.

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Well SNES if you live in America or Japan, Europe got bugger all.


Was the software support bad for the SNES in Europe? If so i can understand why Nintendo tends to struggle there.

In the US, the SNES library was huge and damn near perfect

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It has to be the N64, no contest (though the Revolution looks set to change that).


Definately the N64, because of the endless hours of multiplayer mayhem I enjoyed with my brother mainly but also with my dad and uncle. We'd go to my uncle's house every weekend and play Goldeneye, MarioKart and Mario Tennis. It was so much fun, my uncle has now developed an involuntary Italian outburst any time he's losing at something. He was always Mario when playing MarioKart and one time he got hit by a shell and just came out with an Italian accent (can't remember what he said exactly) and it carried on from there, very funny.


I also spent lots of time with my brother on the N64, we played Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, F-zero X, MarioKart, Mario Tennis, Conker, Lylat Wars, Smash Bros and loads more... Too many to name really. It really was a fantastic machine. Oh yeah, can't forget Legend of Zelda: OoT :D


With the Cube I didn't really get the same experience, the games were good but I just didn't get any that I could play with my family, MarioKart: Double Dash was disappointing... We do play a few games though, monkey ball, mario tennis and mario party but that's about it.


I really hope that when the Revolution comes, the multiplayer experience I felt with the N64 will come with it. I think it will.



Forgot to mention the snes :p that was good too, playing mariokart and super mario world (still the greatest game ever made in my opinion).

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It's hard to pick one. The Nes had so many great titles, yet I was too young to enjoy most of them. The Snes is where I really started enjoying Nintendo Games but I was still too young to enjoy them in a responsible way and a lot of controller tossing and angry swearing was done at the games I died in a lot lol. But then the N64 came along and boy was that awesome. The first time I played Mario and then also Banjo, oh god those were incredible games. And then Zelda OOT which slightly dissapointed me because it felt so rushed and looked blurry and unfinished in a lot of parts but it was still an enjoyable game. Majora's Mask really did it for me though, now that's a Zelda!


I picked the N64, mainly because I discovered most games on it and enjoyed having it while everyone else was playing their dull playstation.

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although i did vote for N64, i think that all of tham are great in their own way, the technology and games evolved as i grew up and each one provided me with a great gaming experience, plus my mood changes and consoles dont have much of a hold on me so i can happily play any of them as long as the games good of course

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Errrm is it just me or is this Poll slightly biased. A lot of people here haven't really experienced all of the systems properly for instance. I'm guessing that a lot of people are voting for the N64 didn't really get a chance to properly try the SNES or NES and many people wouldn't have experienced them in context.


Oh and another thing, post a REASON people. Not much point in having a forum otherwise

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