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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Strictly talking about the tutorial area :

Strong aliasing

Worse sharpness

Serious framerate drops

Visual issues with cutscenes and when getting out of the inventory

Too many actions (using a power+rotating the camera = "framerate death")

5 sec loading time when you get back to the Home menu

He installed every patch available

The plateau on Switch is bad framerate related and it gets better after, but in the plateau it's nowhere near what the Wii U version is


Dat Nintendo polish. YES, I HAD TO :p


Does sound rough, though...really not what I expected from Nintendo. Will wait for @Hero\-of\-Time's impressions before talking about this more.

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Dat Nintendo polish. YES, I HAD TO :p


Does sound rough, though...really not what I expected from Nintendo. Will wait for @Hero\-of\-Time's impressions before talking about this more.


There were many issues with framerates on Twilight Princess HD, as well. Granted, Tantalus ported it and it was mainly when you played it on off screen play, but it was still an issue that cropped up throughout the game.


It sounds like this game is really pushing the Wii U to the limit.

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As expected. I was hoping for Nintendo to adjust the game/graphics to the point where it runs smoother than what is being reported, though.


I'm not sure if those giving the impressions have had an update/day 1 patch installed. I imagine there will be one for the game and that may help with the issues the game is having. I'm hoping, anyway...


To be fair, while I notice these kind of issues in games, they have to be pretty bad to stop my enjoyment. Just as long as there is no screen tearing. I really can't stand that. :nono:

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I'd dare say you're only really going to notice the differences if you're getting/playing both versions. May just be me though - but I don't particularly consciously notice all these little differences in framerates etc - a bit of weak graphics don't bother me it's only if it's causing a slowdown that I find noticeable really.


On another note - those familiar with Amazon should I get any hopes up of possibly getting this game BEFORE Friday, or is it likely to be a Friday delivery? I'm both hyped and lazy at the same time right now - but I think having it in my bedroom over living room should hopefully make a big difference.

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I'd dare say you're only really going to notice the differences if you're getting/playing both versions. May just be me though - but I don't particularly consciously notice all these little differences in framerates etc - a bit of weak graphics don't bother me it's only if it's causing a slowdown that I find noticeable really.


On another note - those familiar with Amazon should I get any hopes up of possibly getting this game BEFORE Friday, or is it likely to be a Friday delivery? I'm both hyped and lazy at the same time right now - but I think having it in my bedroom over living room should hopefully make a big difference.

No, you'll probably get it on release. I've got a preorder there too.


If it makes you feel better, given Nintendo are launching this on March 3rd, you'd be surprised if people ordering from Nintendo themselves will get it early either. They don't want people breaking street date.

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I'm not sure if those giving the impressions have had an update/day 1 patch installed. I imagine there will be one for the game and that may help with the issues the game is having. I'm hoping, anyway...


To be fair, while I notice these kind of issues in games, they have to be pretty bad to stop my enjoyment. Just as long as there is no screen tearing. I really can't stand that. :nono:


You not playing the switch version?


Dat Nintendo polish. YES, I HAD TO :p


Does sound rough, though...really not what I expected from Nintendo. Will wait for @Hero\-of\-Time's impressions before talking about this more.


Haven't seen you on here for a while, maybe because of all the great impressions; but now you've smelled blood you're back!


I'm (semi) joking of course.


This doesn't sound great, but I'd rather this push the Wii U and struggle and perform well on Switch rather than compromise the switch version.

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And this attitude is exactly why I always think about whether to post in these boards.


If you want to know: I'm glad that BotW is getting so many great impressions. I was worried that the game wouldn't be as great as it seems to be but now I'm really happy and I can't wait to eventually play it.


The fact that the WiiU version appears to be suffering from several issues is not something I expect from Nintendo. That is what I posted and that is what H-o-T and I have been talking about.


But sure, if it makes you feel good: I only come here when there's bad news.


Stupid Nintendo. I'm (semi) joking of course.

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I'd dare say you're only really going to notice the differences if you're getting/playing both versions. May just be me though - but I don't particularly consciously notice all these little differences in framerates etc - a bit of weak graphics don't bother me it's only if it's causing a slowdown that I find noticeable really.


On another note - those familiar with Amazon should I get any hopes up of possibly getting this game BEFORE Friday, or is it likely to be a Friday delivery? I'm both hyped and lazy at the same time right now - but I think having it in my bedroom over living room should hopefully make a big difference.


I use Amazon for everything game related. Have prime as well and no nothing ever arrives before release date.

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No, you'll probably get it on release. I've got a preorder there too.


If it makes you feel better, given Nintendo are launching this on March 3rd, you'd be surprised if people ordering from Nintendo themselves will get it early either. They don't want people breaking street date.


Tbh that's fair enough as it'll come in at my parents' anyhow and I'm pretty busy but was curious - but was hoping I could sneak in a starter sesh on maybe Thursday eve! May take a full- or half-day or two off work for it next week though, just settle in for a proper heavy day or so on it. I'm weirdly both excited and indifferent for/to the game at the same time. Feeling like it's definitely going to be a bit different once I get my hands on it - plus it helps not having too high expectations so far that it may very well pleasantly surprise me!

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Dat Nintendo polish. YES, I HAD TO :p


Does sound rough, though...really not what I expected from Nintendo. Will wait for @Hero\-of\-Time's impressions before talking about this more.


Don't most open world games suffer from noticeable to severe frame rate issues? IIRC Grand Theft Auto and Witcher 3 had very noticeable moments.

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Indeed but, as Drahkon said, Nintendo are known for their polish and people expect better from them when their games aren't up to scratch.


Seems a little unfair. All games should be judged in the same way regardless of developer. This is not excusing the poor performance issues but Nintendo have less experience in creating open world games when compared to the likes or Rockstar.


God, this game looks great.


That's better.

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Seems a little unfair. All games should be judged in the same way regardless of developer. This is not excusing the poor performance issues but Nintendo have less experience in creating open world games when compared to the likes or Rockstar.


Life ain't fair.


Fans, myself included, have often spoke about that certain Nintendo quality and polish in their games. They have a high standard, so things like this are far more noticeable when they pops up in their own games. It doesn't make them bad games by any stretch but it shows a certain lack of polish from them.

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I use Amazon for everything game related. Have prime as well and no nothing ever arrives before release date.


All my hardware pre orders have been through amazon, nothing has ever arrived early but on the other hand nothing has ever arrived late either. (Kiss of death I'm guaranteed to have a delay on my Switch now). Also if you change address or payment details you can lose your preorder position apparently, so check before hand if you need to alter anything.

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Haven't seen you on here for a while, maybe because of all the great impressions; but now you've smelled blood you're back!


I'm (semi) joking of course.



Just seen this - 'joking' doesn't cut it and yellow infraction issued. Less of this sort of thing please, everyone.


Edit: for those who miss the issue - stop making arguments about people personally. I realise the line between commenting on someone's opinions and commenting on them as people is a thin one but I also think most of us here are old enough to know where it roughly is and I'm getting tired of seeing it and being ignored every time I ask for it to cease. It does little to nothing to foster a good community or relations with each other and the last few posts illustrate how it isn't beneficial to threads or discussions either.

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I cancelled my Switch yesterday. Pop in the Other Switch thread to see why.


Not going to be back home till mid march... so I'll be interested to hear how you get on with the game. I'm thinking of getting the Wii U version as I won't be getting the switch at launch.

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Not going to be back home till mid march... so I'll be interested to hear how you get on with the game. I'm thinking of getting the Wii U version as I won't be getting the switch at launch.


Yeah, i'll happily post my thoughts on how the game is and performs in here. @lostmario is also buying it on the Wii U and no doubt will give his thoughts as well.

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I cancelled my Switch yesterday. Pop in the Other Switch thread to see why.


Crazy talk!! Thought you'd be excited by new hardware and even playing Zelda on it, irrespective there not much available.


Anyways. Zelda. I really can't wait for this, not a huge open world game fan, but hopefully this is as incredible as everyone is saying. Slightly worried that my switch will be here Thursday and Zelda won't, then the agony of Friday morning waiting.

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