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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I would love to see Young link return again and becoming an adult later in the game like Ocarina of time.

I want a deeper story line also from Link his childhood and they have to make it more dramatic, like twilight princes it gave you a feeling that the world is going to end like Majoras mask.

Like majoras mask i loved the mask transformation it made link look invincible.

I think it would be awesome to see more of his childhood and then after thinks go really bad, and he is hounted in his nightmares warned that things are about to happen but no one believes him, and he is being bullied alot. after a huge attack takes place and many of his friends are killed or kidnapped and turned into slaves then link saves them all after that his real journey begins when the sages aprouch him. lol just dreaming...


Maybe fan fiction is more your thing ;)

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There were some interesting points made throughout the video though. The comparison between OOT and Mario 64 is something i've never actually clicked on to before and I actually agree with what was said.


Having played Mario 64 very recently I know exactly what he was talking about. You could just go around tat world and nab whatever stars you wanted, without being told where to go and what to do. OOT on the other hand wasn't as hand holdy as the newer games in the series but it did still have Navi telling you stuff. At the same time though you have to remember that this was a huge open 3D world and Nintendo must have thought to do this so players don't get too lost and make the game more accessible. Which leads to my next point.

Although I think it is also largely due to the fact Ocarina of Time has a strong narrative. Mario 64 has no story whatsoever so you can have that freedom, likewise with the original Legend of Zelda, all there is, is an end goal.


Ocaina of Time establishes what it needs to in terms of optional control tutorials and story and then it gives you the freedom of Hyrule Field. Where you go from there is up to you.

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A total lack of day/night cycle was another serious misstep from Skyward Sword, it just provided no variety to the gameplay. Hopefully they'll put it back for Zelda U, maybe with phases of the moon like in Wind Waker, and the puzzling that ensued from that.


And I've said it a million times, BRING BACK THE DEKU LEAF!! The ability to just be able to float anywhere you want was a genius move from Nintendo, similar to the sense of wonder that Mario being able to fly in M64 had IMO.

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I think it would be awesome to see more of his childhood and then after thinks go really bad, and he is hounted in his nightmares warned that things are about to happen but no one believes him, and he is being bullied alot. after a huge attack takes place and many of his friends are killed or kidnapped and turned into slaves then link saves them all after that his real journey begins when the sages aprouch him. lol just dreaming...


...Kinda sounds Like Ocarina.

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A total lack of day/night cycle was another serious misstep from Skyward Sword, it just provided no variety to the gameplay. Hopefully they'll put it back for Zelda U, maybe with phases of the moon like in Wind Waker, and the puzzling that ensued from that.
The fact you couldn't ride your Loftwing at night was just plain weird!


... although I've just realised that's because they didn't design the land for night time!

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I think the return of some form of notebook will be nice, in conjunction with the time cycle, noting events that happen in the world.


Just like Pikmin, I would like to see smooth and obvious transitions from day to night (misty mornings, Orange sunset evenings). A real time weather system will be cool too.


Or perhaps the storyline taking us through different seasons, akin to the ' seven years later'. Different puzzles being plausible under certain environmental conditions - If its winter, perhaps the desert gets a river and some greenery coming through, yet Zora's Domain becomes frozen.

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but a vast explorable living landscape full of secrets and adventure.


This combined with an LBW approach that mixes up the formula is what's needed to make Zelda great again imo. LttP was full of secrets and character, OoT was, WW was, MM most certainly was - TP and SS not quite so much. SS had some good bits in it, just could have been better really.

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I would love to see the return of the note system on maps, like phantom hourglass, it seems a perfect fit for the gamepad!


As in actual design, I want an open world, not a narrow path. I want lots of memorable charming locations, like the habited islands of the wind waker, or the towns of ocarina of time. This is what I feel TP and SS missed the most.


It also wouldn't hurt to add some more quirkyness to everything. I love games that act like actual games instead of interactive movies.

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This is just a minor gripe, but I don't want Nintendo to have stuff that's too far out of place. The giant plastic bouncy castle in the middle of Lake Hylia in Twilight Princess really ruined the whole area for me.

It's really no more justified than making Ganondorf fly around in an Apache gunship.

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How about a Legend of Zelda where you don't play as Link or some reincarnation of him? I think one of my favourite things about Majora's Mask is that the Triforce and the usual story of the Master Sword, Zelda and the gods etc is absent. They could do all that and with a character who isn't Link as well. It could even be that you end up saving Link through the story, and dat TWIST? There is nothing special about you. You are a rags to riches coolbro.


Make the world Shadow of the Colossus kind of beautiful/epic and throw in some Journey style artistic direction. Have the main character die or some shit at the end to maximise drama and cut off the chance of a sequel. I can see it now...

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Sheikah said:
How about a Legend of Zelda where you don't play as Link or some reincarnation of him? I think one of my favourite things about Majora's Mask is that the Triforce and the usual story of the Master Sword, Zelda and the gods etc is absent. They could do all that and with a character who isn't Link as well. It could even be that you end up saving Link through the story, and dat TWIST? There is nothing special about you. You are a rags to riches coolbro.


I posted ages a thought I'd had about a Zelda game where you’d still play as Link, but not as you know him...


The character you'd play would be a Gerudo male, born into the world after Ganondorf's demise. As tribute to the Legendary Hero the Gerudo name this new male Link.

As the lone Gerudo male you must undergo coming of age trials to prove you've the right to lead the Gerudo... and so the adventure begins.

From there a greater story would unfold and you'd take up the mantle of the Hero to vanquish the threat at hand.


Given that you'd be playing as a Gerudo you could change up the style of play of the character. Make him more power/magic based, have him wield Gerudo weaponry etc.

There's plenty they could play about with.

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I always thought that it would be cool to have Ganondorf appear and starts ransacking Hyrule. You play a young adult in green clothing, and Zelda pays you to go on a quest to get the items you need for the Master Sword so you can save Hyrule.


You do all that, put your hands on the Master Sword and pull....only it rejects you.


You're not actually the hero, as you're just some guy in it for the money. Zelda comes up with a backup plan: to summon the Gods and ask them for help. She's still paying for you, so you go along with it. The Gods reveal their plan of flooding Hyrule, so you help people evacuate to the hills, including taking Zelda's daughter to a small group of traders, while Zelda goes to stall Ganondorf.


Through helping others like this, this "Link" decided that he can actually be a hero, so instead of staying in a safe area, he goes to help Zelda. Together, they do enough damage to Ganondorf to stop him from stopping the Gods' plans, and Hyrule gets flooded, killing "Link" and Zelda.

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Or what about some Golden Sun/SoTC style twist where you actually find out that defeating the dungeon bosses has actually inadvertently been fucking up shit rather than helping. All for some mega twist ending where you still swing a win and turn it around at the end.


Basically, there are tons of weird angles they could take this. Any would be better than the same gods/Triforce/Ganondorf/save Zelda stuff.

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I posted ages a thought I'd had about a Zelda game where yôud still play as Link but not as you knew him...


The character you'd play would be a Gerudo male, born into the world after Ganondorf's demise. As tribute to the Legendary Hero the Gerudo name this new male Link.

As the lone Gerudo make you must undergo coming of age trials to prove you've the right to lead the Gerudo... and so the adventure begins. From there a greater story would unfold and you'd take up the mantle of the Hero to vanquish the threat at hand.


Given that you'd be playing as a Gerudo you could change up the style of play of the character. Make him more power/magic based, have him world dual ladies as the Gerudo do in OoT. There's plenty they could play about with.


I think Japanese people won't make Link a brown skinned, tall, muscular young man... Especially looking at the design of the Gerudo - a stereotype for Arabs - Gerudo will always be the 'enemy'.


No Obama 'ready for change' nonsense in japan. ;)


Random Question: Can a Zelda be 'Zelda' without dungeons?

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Or what about some Golden Sun/SoTC style twist where you actually find out that defeating the dungeon bosses has actually inadvertently been fucking up shit rather than helping. All for some mega twist ending where you still swing a win and turn it around at the end.


Basically, there are tons of weird angles they could take this. Any would be better than the same gods/Triforce/Ganondorf/save Zelda stuff.


Isn't that the plot in Ocarina of Time? Ganondorf wants the triforce, but must open the gate of time? And Links attempts to stop him is in fact what fundamentaly gives Ganondorf the power he desires.



I'm thinking it could be neat if Link could have companions, kind of like in Mass Effect. A Gerudo, a Shiekah, a Hylian soldier etc, all with different abilities and stories?

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Isn't that the plot in Ocarina of Time? Ganondorf wants the triforce, but must open the gate of time? And Links attempts to stop him is in fact what fundamentaly gives Ganondorf the power he desires.



I'm thinking it could be neat if Link could have companions, kind of like in Mass Effect. A Gerudo, a Shiekah, a Hylian soldier etc, all with different abilities and stories?


True, forgot about that, although it did result in him also being able to defeat Ganny and let you spend the remaining 75% of the game kicking A. Although the ageing twist was cool, so the more unusual elements/takes they can do the better, I think. Majora's Termina was another unusual and brilliant angle.

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Those IGN videos are great. The games journalists involved all seem to "get" it. Yes, they have different opinions, but they all make good points, and there really did seem to be a consensus in that "2D vs. 3D" video - not actually about 2D vs. 3D, but which ones are the great entries, and what Zelda is really about.


Regarding direct sequels, I think it's best to do them on the same console, eg. OOT and MM. That way you can have another game quite quickly that genuinely feels like the one before - something that's very welcome when you have a game as magical as OOT. Maybe they should have done a Wind Waker 2 straight away on GameCube? Who knows? The only thing for sure is that the DS games didn't live up to it.

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They have a second chance now on Wii U with the Wind Waker HD engine I guess! Personally I'd love to see it again :) and it would help them get another Zelda out to help the Wii U sooner than otherwise.


But aren't those 'Toon Link' DS titles 'Wind Waker 2'?


Im all for a hyped up OOT/MM engine akin to Link in SC2... a middle ground. TP is many cases was so realistic it was bland. Case in point those 'great fairies' that lacked the imagination and shock as they appeared in OOT and MM... Just looked like a Lord of the Rings hack.


Speaking of engines, that Wii U demo is also about, so its anyones guess.

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But aren't those 'Toon Link' DS titles 'Wind Waker 2'?


Probably, but I hope not. :heh:


Im all for a hyped up OOT/MM engine akin to Link in SC2... a middle ground. TP is many cases was so realistic it was bland. Case in point those 'great fairies' that lacked the imagination and shock as they appeared in OOT and MM... Just looked like a Lord of the Rings hack.


One art style everyone seems to like is that of OOT 3D. It's actually more colourful than the original (but no one seems to mind), and the character model of Link is perfect. Also, that bonus DLC for the Wii U Sonic game uses an updated OOT style. Everyone always seems to go back to the OOT style.

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I think of all the games OOT has the least interesting art style, it's kind of generic/ standard fantasy? I don't mean it's bad, it's very well made, but in terms of visual design I find Twillight Princess, Wind Waker and Skyward sword much better looking :)

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Probably, but I hope not. :heh:





Aren't they set like directly after Wind Waker, though? With the same art style... I'd say yes they are, BUT...with the Wii U re-release, one should not give up hope of a direct sequel in the Wind Waker fashion on the Wii U.

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