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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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One of the most important things I think they should bring back from Majora's Mask and Wind Waker is NPC routines/Day & Night cycles. It doesn't have to be 3-day like MM; it can be 1-day like WW, but the principle is very important in making the game world feel vibrant.


For example, imagine a postman has a daily routine, and you can follow him and see who he delivers to. So many sidequests could be based off of that. Maybe he delivers to a businessman, for example, who collects rare items.


I've always liked the idea of sneaking into a mansion, the owner of which possesses an unusual statue - it looks like a figure with a sword in his forehead...




Or how about a ferry that travels between two continents each day? There could be a quest where you have to follow a merchant and see what he gets up to.


Zelda is not just high fantasy like Lord of the Rings. Part of the charm of the best games was that it felt like there was a whole world going on, whether you were there or not.

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A new and clever artistic style is the last thing Zelda needs.


To be honest, with 3rd parties giving Nintendo the shaft, the new Zelda needs to be quite serious in tone. More like The Witcher, Demon Souls or Elder Scrolls than Wind Waker. And I agree with Cube: NPC's should have voice acting.


As I've said before, Nintendo need to focus on making it BETTER, rather than DIFFERENT.

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Just a random question... how would NPC's pronounce your game's character name if you go for something other than Link?


I'm hoping them spending time revisiting Wind Waker has inspired them to create something similar. I don't mean in terms of visuals, but more in terms of the overworld and charm. I don't mind if the visuals are cute or gritty, or if the tone is fun or serious, they just need to improve the framework and gameplay. Little things like what Grazza mentions above for example.

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Just a random question... how would NPC's pronounce your game's character name if you go for something other than Link?


They just wouldn't say your name :p And I don't mean a gap where it should be, I mean they would avoid using your name in the dialogue. The same way they always get around that issue in games with voice acting and an option to set your own name. Persona springs to mind, but there are plenty of them.


Even when being mentioned to a third party, a character will typically just say "he" instead, whilst the subtitle might still say your name for your benefit.


Edit: That said, I'm personally not interested in a Zelda game having voice acting anyway. It doesn't fit the tone of Zelda at all, IMO. There are plenty of modern Adventure/RPG standards I'd like to see in the Zelda world, like huge sprawling, living overworlds, but I see no reason to bring voice acting into it.

Edited by Shorty
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Just a random question... how would NPC's pronounce your game's character name if you go for something other than Link?


They wouldn't. They would just use nicknames, like plenty of other games where you name your character.


There would be some charm lost, but a lot more gained. It's now easier to use the name in parts of the landscape (so you could have the name appear on some objects or signs), so that's one way they could still include the choice of name.

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A new and clever artistic style is the last thing Zelda needs.


To be honest, with 3rd parties giving Nintendo the shaft, the new Zelda needs to be quite serious in tone. More like The Witcher, Demon Souls or Elder Scrolls than Wind Waker. And I agree with Cube: NPC's should have voice acting.


As I've said before, Nintendo need to focus on making it BETTER, rather than DIFFERENT.


I want the next Zelda to be realistic, like the Wii U demo version. I am nervous about E3, I fear they're going to go with a cartoony style. It's quicker, cheaper and easier to develop and produce than a realistic style Zelda. We'll see and it's only speculation but I wouldn't be surprised if this happens, in fact that's my prediction. I loathe that it's going to be another Skyward Sword. :shakehead They didn't commit to Skyward Sword fully as it was at the end of the Wii and required buying an extra, namely motionplus. Given how bad Wii U is doing they might do the same again.

Edited by Wii
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A new and clever artistic style is the last thing Zelda needs.


To be honest, with 3rd parties giving Nintendo the shaft, the new Zelda needs to be quite serious in tone. More like The Witcher, Demon Souls or Elder Scrolls than Wind Waker. And I agree with Cube: NPC's should have voice acting.


As I've said before, Nintendo need to focus on making it BETTER, rather than DIFFERENT.

Surely if they are going to sell consoles they need to make Zelda different, otherwise what reason is there for them to pick a Wii U up when they can just spend £40-£50 on any one of the games you've mentioned?


The Nintendo charm, a beautiful art style you can't find elsewhere, something unique and different... this is the attraction. There is no way Nintendo are going to offer visuals better than The Witcher 3, a hardcore online experience better than Dark Souls, or an RPG experience and overworld equal to that of Skyrim!


They need to do what they do well.


For me, I'd love to see a Wind Waker/Skyward Sword sequel in terms of art style, but a vast explorable living landscape full of secrets and adventure.


One of the most important things I think they should bring back from Majora's Mask and Wind Waker is NPC routines/Day & Night cycles. It doesn't have to be 3-day like MM; it can be 1-day like WW, but the principle is very important in making the game world feel vibrant.


For example, imagine a postman has a daily routine, and you can follow him and see who he delivers to. So many sidequests could be based off of that. Maybe he delivers to a businessman, for example, who collects rare items.


I've always liked the idea of sneaking into a mansion, the owner of which possesses an unusual statue - it looks like a figure with a sword in his forehead...




Or how about a ferry that travels between two continents each day? There could be a quest where you have to follow a merchant and see what he gets up to.


Zelda is not just high fantasy like Lord of the Rings. Part of the charm of the best games was that it felt like there was a whole world going on, whether you were there or not.

I love this :D Classic sneaky Link!!
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Well I guess Assassins Creed 4 is quite a good showcase, but it wasn't built from the ground up on Wii U.

ZombiU shows what a realistic launch game can look like.


We have the Zelda tech demo, but we don't know if that standard can be applied to an entire game.


I'd just love to see Nintendo carrying on from WWHD and see how far they can go with the animated/Pixar style.


Plus we know that makes for a much more timeless game.

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Also by going with a cartoony style they might try to hide Wii U's weaknesses compared to PS4/XBONE.


Is there any realistic looking Nintendo developed game released or in development for Wii U?


I think just going by games like AC3/4, batman etc that graphics aren't an issue.


Ive always wanted a buffed up OOT/MM visual design - the kind we got in Melee. No 'watercolour effect', cel-shading or gritty look... Just neutral, Nintendo hues... If that makes sense.







Edited by King_V
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Agree with the need for better NPCs and that goes hand in hand with the time system. Without the time system in Zelda the NPCs are usually generic and repeating the same action or fixed to one spot. The time system gave NPCs a schedule and a life. You got to know their routine in order to complete their associated sidequests and this made them feel real. You also weren't doing random crap like helping them murder 3 of some random enemy. It was usually something important given it was everyone's last 3 days on Termina. Technically.

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No, no, no, sorry. I mean is there a game developed by Nintendo themselves for Wii U that has realistic graphics? Everything I can think of released or in the pipeline has cartoon styled graphics. They've been playing so much catch-up that maybe they don't have the experience or confidence yet to do realistic graphics.

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No, no, no, sorry. I mean is there a game developed by Nintendo themselves for Wii U that has realistic graphics? Everything I can think of released or in the pipeline has cartoon styled graphics. They've been playing so much catch-up that maybe they don't have the experience or confidence yet to do realistic graphics.


But we know they can, and the technology shouldn't be an issue.

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No, no, no, sorry. I mean is there a game developed by Nintendo themselves for Wii U that has realistic graphics? Everything I can think of released or in the pipeline has cartoon styled graphics. They've been playing so much catch-up that maybe they don't have the experience or confidence yet to do realistic graphics.
You know there isn't! :indeed:


But Monolith is doing X and Retro maybe Metroid or something else.

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They just wouldn't say your name :p And I don't mean a gap where it should be, I mean they would avoid using your name in the dialogue. The same way they always get around that issue in games with voice acting and an option to set your own name. Persona springs to mind, but there are plenty of them.


Even when being mentioned to a third party, a character will typically just say "he" instead, whilst the subtitle might still say your name for your benefit.


Edit: That said, I'm personally not interested in a Zelda game having voice acting anyway. It doesn't fit the tone of Zelda at all, IMO. There are plenty of modern Adventure/RPG standards I'd like to see in the Zelda world, like huge sprawling, living overworlds, but I see no reason to bring voice acting into it.


You can't have a Zelda game without one of the NPC's saying "Link? That's a funny name" - But I agree with you that voice acting doesn't really fit with Zelda, I'd be fine with them leaving it out again.



No, no, no, sorry. I mean is there a game developed by Nintendo themselves for Wii U that has realistic graphics? Everything I can think of released or in the pipeline has cartoon styled graphics. They've been playing so much catch-up that maybe they don't have the experience or confidence yet to do realistic graphics.


And yet Nintendo always get plaudits for their stunning visuals. If you want gritty realistic graphics that will look dated in a few years, go play Xbone or PS4.


Try and forget about the visuals for a second, is there anything you'd like to see in the actual game itself, rather than the presentation?

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Think I'd like to see young Link on the home console next.


They did really well in Skyward Sword with Links personality, but you'd be hard pushed to beat that of WW.

I think Young Link allows for more character growth throughout the game, plus if they're going to give us a grand explorable overworld, tackling and stepping out into that is going to feel so much more of an adventure.


And it also allows for more fun touches like sneaking around spying on people, making animal noises etc... :)

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IGN have a great '2D vs 3D Zelda' 5 man video discussion up at the moment. Marty Sliva makes some great points about Nintendo needing to get back to taking risks in the style of MM and WW, not pandering to a bunch of precious, close-minded fanboys who don't know what they actually want. Ok the second half of that sentence was from me, but still he talks good sense (and I wasn't referring to any of you gents btw).


In terms of the visuals, a lot of love for cartoony Zelda, but Peer makes a fair enough point that to get more people interested in Wii U, they may have to go safe and do like the TP HD reveal. It's a shame that a game needs to be 'compromised' just so that they can sell more hardware though.

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Think I'd like to see young Link on the home console next.


They did really well in Skyward Sword with Links personality, but you'd be hard pushed to beat that of WW.

I think Young Link allows for more character growth throughout the game, plus if they're going to give us a grand explorable overworld, tackling and stepping out into that is going to feel so much more of an adventure.


And it also allows for more fun touches like sneaking around spying on people, making animal noises etc... :)


Reminds me of those first steps of young Link walking onto Hyrule Field for the first time - and the way the camera pans the area....ahhhhhhhhh!


Here you go:



(will watch it in a bit)


Did you see that obnoxious kid playing his 3DS?? loool.

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Here you go:



(will watch it in a bit)


Quality video.


Firstly, I want that American Football Zelda top the dude in the front was wearing.


Secondly the video made me laugh out loud a few times. The Navi impression, when the guy swears and the Fallout comparison were hilarious.


There were some interesting points made throughout the video though. The comparison between OOT and Mario 64 is something i've never actually clicked on to before and I actually agree with what was said.


Having played Mario 64 very recently I know exactly what he was talking about. You could just go around tat world and nab whatever stars you wanted, without being told where to go and what to do. OOT on the other hand wasn't as hand holdy as the newer games in the series but it did still have Navi telling you stuff. At the same time though you have to remember that this was a huge open 3D world and Nintendo must have thought to do this so players don't get too lost and make the game more accessible. Which leads to my next point.


I have always thought that the 2D handheld games should be for the more casual audience and the 3D console games should be for the more hardcore player. I don't care for how they have dumbed down the series on the consoles and I would love for them to return the series to its roots of it being more open, with no help from anyone and just let you get on with it on your own. It may sound a little selfish as it would alienate a lot of players but at the same time you have to look at the praise that games such as Monster Hunter and Dark Souls get for being these very hard, but very rewarding, games.


They mentioned whether they would like a game that visually looked like the tech demo they showed off a few years back. Gaf have also been discussing this recently. Personally I would love the game to have a dark and gritty look to it but at the same time I would be happy with the cartoony visuals as well. The art style used doesn't really bother me, the way the overworld is set and gameplay works is of far more importance to me.

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I would love to see Young link return again and becoming an adult later in the game like Ocarina of time.

I want a deeper story line also from Link his childhood and they have to make it more dramatic, like twilight princes it gave you a feeling that the world is going to end like Majoras mask.

Like majoras mask i loved the mask transformation it made link look invincible.

I think it would be awesome to see more of his childhood and then after thinks go really bad, and he is hounted in his nightmares warned that things are about to happen but no one believes him, and he is being bullied alot. after a huge attack takes place and many of his friends are killed or kidnapped and turned into slaves then link saves them all after that his real journey begins when the sages aprouch him. lol just dreaming...

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