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Yoshi's Woolly World (June 26th)


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I havent watched any of the videos Wii posted ( don't want to spoil anything ) I did read the article he posted and everything sounds great. A 2D platformer, with plenty to collect, is right up my alley. It's certainly one of my most anticipated titles for the year. I'm well happy it's only a month away! :yay:

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Yeah, plus I think people are more talking about art design and style rather than something technically looking amazing. Big difference for me.


Oh yeah, I'm not just after generic looking tings and I do appreciate the unique art styles of games but it's still the tip of the pyramid for me, I honestly just struggled to put it first when it comes down to my enjoyment. Epic Yarn had a very excellent style and design, and whilst I totally loved that, the rest of the game just wasn't as great for me at the time. Looks always come last for games for myself, I think.


I think visuals are far more focused on with the competition. Everyone goes on about how incredible the big PS4 games (all five of them) (/joke) look, rather than how they play.


With Nintendo the jump to HD probably has something to do with it, not to mention the fact that artistically recent games have been beautiful to look at. The actual gameplay is the same as it's always been in most cases, excellent.


Now here I can kinda see where you're coming from, but I don't know if it's the wealth of choice on the competition where I can pick and choose the ones I like the best(let's take a game I usually call one of my most memorable games of all time - PixelJunk Eden, simplisticly beautiful but more importantly exceptionally unique in its gameplay) or if it's something else but right now - I know Rainbow Curse looks lovely, but it(from a not having played PoV) doesn't seem to be especially new given it feels to me like a re-hash of CanvasCurse/PowerPaintbrush(so much so I keep forgetting its actual name). WoolyWorld, again, looks so beautiful - but will I get the same sort of feeling from the game as I did Epic Yarn? What's it doing different to that, or Yoshi's Story? To Yoshi's Story's credit, it was a beautiful game with some excellent gameplay, and a really weird balance of ease - it was intricate in what they did with the gameplay beneath those visuals. Strip the visuals and a game is still good to play, strip the gameplay and it's little more than just a dumb blonde.


(As I said when you asked about Epic Yarn though - I can definitely identify the pros along with its downsides, and whilst it can be outweighed - it can just personally really not resonate with me if I feel the gameplay just isn't up to the looks, as it were. I'm aware of that shortcoming and will evaluate a game as fairly as I can, though)

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I watched only a couple of the videos posted, after reading the preview, and it looks like a lot of fun :smile: Moto-Yoshi will be awesome.. I love those sorts of stages :love:


My only tiny concerns so far stem around a couple of features that I find myself disliking about the other Yoshi's Island games, namely that Miiverse Stamps are hidden behind random beads, like the red and yellow coins of the past, and walls that you can actually walk behind or into. If there's a visual clue or hint to suggest there's something there, it's fine, but if there's a multitude that seem completely random then that could prove to be a little frustrating :hmm:


As it stands, though, I suspect this may end up being my favourite Yoshi game of all time :eek:

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like the red and yellow coins of the past, and walls that you can actually walk behind or into. If there's a visual clue or hint to suggest there's something there, it's fine, but if there's a multitude that seem completely random then that could prove to be a little frustrating :hmm:


You need to play them(or at least YI1) again and look a little harder ;)


(also even without the hints the idea surely behind coins was to aim to collect ALL of them, but survive missing some if they were gold, if that makes sense)

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You need to play them(or at least YI1) again and look a little harder ;)


(also even without the hints the idea surely behind coins was to aim to collect ALL of them, but survive missing some if they were gold, if that makes sense)


I didn't enjoy the game enough to want to find everything :heh:

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I found the missable collectibles in Yoshi's New Island infuriating. It actually ruined the game for me, especially having to finish a level with a full life bar or not being able to revisit an area to get something you missed.


I really hope the collectibles are better thought out this time.

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I didn't enjoy the game enough to want to find everything :heh:


For that I'm going to find you some screenshots and challenge you to deny the distinctions in front of everyone here :p











^this one is tricky but I can place them if you need ;)




So...anyone else see the obvious or are you just more Nandos??

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I may have been blind to the coins, but I wasn't blind to the game's annoyingness :heh:


Good luck seeing the distinctions on the original GBA screen :grin:


Haha, well each to his own and I've still a great respect for your opinions Nando (though I should admit I'm really limiting my PoV here to just YI1) - one thing I'd give to its' credit and Wii's original comment/concerns+H-o-T's points - you can play YI through easyish as pie - but all those collectibles(plus their rewards) are enticing beyond the main game in a way that's really quite nice. When I look back on my gaming youth, I don't think anything springs to mind collectively as being as hard as 100%ing every single stage in World 5 of Yoshi's Island - and it's an achievement to me to have managed it both back then and even again since.

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If you're playing the GBA version then you're already off to a bad start.


I know :hmm:


Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to play the SNES original. Perhaps I would have appreciated it more back at the time of release, but we'll never know now :heh:


Haha, well each to his own and I've still a great respect for your opinions Nando (though I should admit I'm really limiting my PoV here to just YI1) - one thing I'd give to its' credit and Wii's original comment/concerns+H-o-T's points - you can play YI through easyish as pie - but all those collectibles(plus their rewards) are enticing beyond the main game in a way that's really quite nice. When I look back on my gaming youth, I don't think anything springs to mind collectively as being as hard as 100%ing every single stage in World 5 of Yoshi's Island - and it's an achievement to me to have managed it both back then and even again since.


In fairness, I never actually did play the game on an original GBA screen. I was saying it to try to cover up my genuine lack of knowledge towards the subtle differences in the coins. Mind, a little blown; Face, a little sad :red:


I first played through the GBA version of Yoshi's Island on my DS Lite and once again later through the 3DS' Ambassador scheme. It's definitely not a bad game, but there were plenty of things that I didn't really like about it.


I'm sure I've probably mentioned it on the forum countless times before but there are plenty of platformers where I feel compelled to hunt down every last thing, such as Banjo-Kazooie, almost every Mario game and the recently 100%-cleared Kirby's Epic Yarn :smile:Yoshi's Island was never one of them. While I still haven't picked up ALL puzzle pieces in Donkey Kong Country Returns, or Tropical Freeze, I definitely feel that draw to get back to them. Unfortunately, I can't ever imagine that being true of Yoshi's Island, even if I probably would buy the actual SNES version if the price was right to try it out AGAIN :heh:


For Woolly World, I'm hoping my recent love affair with Epic Yarn helps bring out the fun elements of Yoshi's latest adventure, but there is always going to be that fear that it'll still be TOO Yoshi's Island for me to fully get on with it. The removal of Baby Mario should certainly help with that, though :grin:

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If you're playing the GBA version then you're already off to a bad start.


The GBA version isn't that bad really. It's not quite as good as the original (with a good few special effects being cut/messed up, along with the two player support for the minigames), but it does have its good points; like the button mapping (which I actually think works better than the SNES original) and the 6 bonus levels (which are very well designed and worthy of being included alongside the originals).


Also the music conversion was excellent. One of the best SNES-GBA soundtrack conversions for sure! Very very close! And the reduced vertical resolution is very rarely an issue.

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I'm definitely loving the idea of playing with the Wii Remote and using the tilt functionality to aim eggs :hehe: It's one step closer to the pointer controls that would work so well :heh:


I'm hoping it uses 1 for throwing eggs, though, as I wouldn't fancy the idea of having the press B to do anything while the Wii Remote is on its side!

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Those look awesome. I'd love to see what the rest look like.


I take it it's just the ones at the end that are compatible. Still, good selection including the third party ones, Olimar, Shulk and Dark Pit (no regular Pit?).

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