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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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Skyward Sword and Mario 3D Land released on the same day. They've just reversed it this time (Mario is console, Zelda is handheld).


Haha, yeah I remember going into GameStop to pick up my Skyward Sword preorder when I was handed it the staff were looking at me a little confused then said "are you not forgetting something", looking at the 3D Land display behind me..... "nope" and just walked out :D


(I had already convinced my sister to get it for me as an Xmas gift)

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Haha, yeah I remember going into GameStop to pick up my Skyward Sword preorder when I was handed it the staff were looking at me a little confused then said "are you not forgetting something", looking at the 3D Land display behind me..... "nope" and just walked out :D


(I had already convinced my sister to get it for me as an Xmas gift)


Bit odd thing for them to say, why would they assume you wanted 3D Land??

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Bit odd thing for them to say, why would they assume you wanted 3D Land??


They know me and know I usually buy most Nintendo releases without fail.


They were of course right that I did want 3D Land but as I said I had already gotten my sister to get it for me

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So having been distracted by Pokemon for a short time, I booted this back up again today to make some further progress!


And now, I'm finding myself despairing a little bit. Being pretty close to the end, and having loved what I've played so far, I was really hoping to end the game on a hugely positive note as it's been so good to play through.

And then I began the fuckin TRIFORCE SHARD FIASCO.


Way to ruin the game! I mean, it's all well and good searching for charts - then paying Tingle (the robbin twat) a load of rupees to decipher them - then finding the damn shards... Only, it's not quite that simple! First shard I go for, I need some form of deeds into a house. Fair enough, I'll go get em. But no. I have to round some kids up, then talk to her, then do something else, then talk to her again with some jewel she likes, only for the greedy bitch to want 20 of them! Well, I've only got 9 love... soooo. Where am I going to find another 11 of these things from? I mean seriously, this sucks. It's this kind of thing that usually defeats me, and I know it's ridiculous as I'm so close to the end, but come on - 20 jewel pendants? It's not as if they're easy to find, or you can just obtain a large number of them at one time. I've spent close to 25 hours on this game, and done a lot of exploration. Not as much as I could, and clearly should have done, but I almost feel like it's a bit of an impossible task. Unless someone knows a way to get them easily?!


Frustrating. Maybe if I go and get the others (providing they don't require such ridiculous steps in order to do so), it will spur me on for that last one.

That's the only thing stopping me from throwing the towel in right now!

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So having been distracted by Pokemon for a short time, I booted this back up again today to make some further progress!


And now, I'm finding myself despairing a little bit. Being pretty close to the end, and having loved what I've played so far, I was really hoping to end the game on a hugely positive note as it's been so good to play through.

And then I began the fuckin TRIFORCE SHARD FIASCO.


Way to ruin the game! I mean, it's all well and good searching for charts - then paying Tingle (the robbin twat) a load of rupees to decipher them - then finding the damn shards... Only, it's not quite that simple! First shard I go for, I need some form of deeds into a house. Fair enough, I'll go get em. But no. I have to round some kids up, then talk to her, then do something else, then talk to her again with some jewel she likes, only for the greedy bitch to want 20 of them! Well, I've only got 9 love... soooo. Where am I going to find another 11 of these things from? I mean seriously, this sucks. It's this kind of thing that usually defeats me, and I know it's ridiculous as I'm so close to the end, but come on - 20 jewel pendants? It's not as if they're easy to find, or you can just obtain a large number of them at one time. I've spent close to 25 hours on this game, and done a lot of exploration. Not as much as I could, and clearly should have done, but I almost feel like it's a bit of an impossible task. Unless someone knows a way to get them easily?!


Frustrating. Maybe if I go and get the others (providing they don't require such ridiculous steps in order to do so), it will spur me on for that last one.

That's the only thing stopping me from throwing the towel in right now!


You could have started that from the moment you land on Windfall Island, did you not talk to her before at all?


You can steal items using the grappling hook, you just need to find places where there are a lot of them. Or sail around and go to the platforms they always have 2 or more enemies you can steal them from.


The only other one that I remember is the 50 floor cave but once you've done all that your practically done.

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You could have started that from the moment you land on Windfall Island, did you not talk to her before at all?


You can steal items using the grappling hook, you just need to find places where there are a lot of them. Or sail around and go to the platforms they always have 2 or more enemies you can steal them from.


The only other one that I remember is the 50 floor cave but once you've done all that your practically done.


I did speak to her yeah. But at the time it didn't seem like it was going to be worth my time :p - had I have known that it would have been a pretty key part to progressing I'd have maybe done more. But even then, I wouldn't have gone out of my way to find the pendants. I guess there's an advantage for those who've played the original - they know to look for pendants!!


Thanks for advice on how to get more though. :)

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I did speak to her yeah. But at the time it didn't seem like it was going to be worth my time :p - had I have known that it would have been a pretty key part to progressing I'd have maybe done more. But even then, I wouldn't have gone out of my way to find the pendants. I guess there's an advantage for those who've played the original - they know to look for pendants!!


Thanks for advice on how to get more though. :)


There's an easy way to get them. Go back to Dragonroost dungeon and in the first room are two enemies. Use the grappling hook and steal a pendant off each if them and then just exit and come back in. Rise and repeat as needed.


I just finished the game now ( as seen in Miiverse ) and managed to get all the figures and heart pieces. I really pushed myself to get it finished before Sonic arrived so I'm glad I managed to do it in time.


Quality game that has been made even better by the changes that Nintendo made. Mario Sunshine next please. :D

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Did a fair bit yesterday.


Was gonna go straight for the Wind Temple but then found a Tingle Bottle, opened it up... was from @Hero\-of\-Time and it reminded me of a side quest I'd forgotten about.

The Tingle Statues (odd that this game doesn't seem to give you hints bout it... you needed the Tingle Tunner (GBA) on the GC for this side quest, seems they kept it in but didn't add any new hints towards it... but good think you can make the chests appear with Links bombs now instead of teh required Tingle Bombs on the GBA/Tingle Tuner from the GC)


So I went and revisited the first 4 dungeons getting the hidden chests with the Tingle Statues.... then was planning to go do the Wind Temple (and get the final Statue on route) but then decided to go find the last two Great Fairies I was missing. (Mainly the "double magic power" one)


So I think I have all the Great Fairies found?

My Wallet holds 5000 I think, I can carry 99 Arrows and 99 Bombs and I have a large magic meter..... am I missing anything?


With the large magic meter I then remembered the Flight Control Mini Game I could now do...... and it took me AGES to get done :heh:, so annoying finally got it done might have taken like 20mins or something.



Then I finally went and did the Wind Temple and finished it. Made sure to take pics of the Wizard mini boss.... and later randomly decided to take a pic of a Darknut in different armour thinking "just in case".... good thing too, turned out to be a new figure and got the Boss of course. (forgot to post on miiverse)

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So having been distracted by Pokemon for a short time, I booted this back up again today to make some further progress!


And now, I'm finding myself despairing a little bit. Being pretty close to the end, and having loved what I've played so far, I was really hoping to end the game on a hugely positive note as it's been so good to play through.

And then I began the fuckin TRIFORCE SHARD FIASCO.


Way to ruin the game! I mean, it's all well and good searching for charts - then paying Tingle (the robbin twat) a load of rupees to decipher them - then finding the damn shards... Only, it's not quite that simple! First shard I go for, I need some form of deeds into a house. Fair enough, I'll go get em. But no. I have to round some kids up, then talk to her, then do something else, then talk to her again with some jewel she likes, only for the greedy bitch to want 20 of them! Well, I've only got 9 love... soooo. Where am I going to find another 11 of these things from? I mean seriously, this sucks. It's this kind of thing that usually defeats me, and I know it's ridiculous as I'm so close to the end, but come on - 20 jewel pendants? It's not as if they're easy to find, or you can just obtain a large number of them at one time. I've spent close to 25 hours on this game, and done a lot of exploration. Not as much as I could, and clearly should have done, but I almost feel like it's a bit of an impossible task. Unless someone knows a way to get them easily?!


Frustrating. Maybe if I go and get the others (providing they don't require such ridiculous steps in order to do so), it will spur me on for that last one.

That's the only thing stopping me from throwing the towel in right now!



I actualy think the changes made to the Triforce hunt are pretty good so far (not fully jumped into it yet will do that tomorrow)


You only need to find and pay Tingle to dechiper 3 Charts instead of 8 and where the other 5 Charts were on the GC original are now the actual Shards, which cuts the time in half. And if memory serves me the 5 that are now just Shards and not Charts all have some sort of puzzle/mini-dungeon to go with them which is fine when you get the actual Shard.


On the GC it was so annoying to go through something like teh Savage Labryinth to get a Chart that then needed a frak ton of rupees to dechiper and you then needed to go fishing for the Shard.


The slight changes here I think will make the Triforce Hunt feel a bit more relevent and less like cheap padding... just wish they removed the dechipering of maps totally.... but then again they'd have nothing for poor old Tingle to do then I suppose.




As for the Joy Pendants....ha I didn't remember I needed them to get into the Cabana, I did do the 4 Kids side quest and talk to the teacher, I knew I needed 20 of them but thought maybe it was another Heart Piece and was just hording any Pendants I got.


Went back with 26 of them to the teacher expecting a Heart Piece and got the Deed, haha.... so started part of my Triforce Hunt.



Anyway my high seas adventures today have been fruitful.


Finished the Great Sea Gallery Room



Was missing the normal Fairy figure *facepalm*, never thought to take a pic of those little guys, had to ask for help on Miiverse, haha.


That is all rooms complete execpt the Big Enemy Room, just 2 left there who I expect are part of the Endgame.


I also did the "Decorate Windfall Island" side quest, got the heart piece for that.




Then went in search of the 4 Giant Squid I hadn't yet encountered (had to resort to Gamefaqs :() and picked up 2 more heart pieces, now have 15 hearts and one more piece away from a 16th.



Then as mentioned I went to the Cabana and picked up my first Triforce Shard, then went and picked up the remaining 2 charts I had left (already picked up the one on Birds Peak ages ago).... haven't deciphered them yet.


Then went and got the Ghost Ship Chart for use later (ie: tomorrow)


And then tackled the Savage Labryinth, got to the room with the Triforce Shard and decided to continue on to see if I could reach the very end (how many rooms total in that place?) as I hadn't lost too many hearts and still had 3 fairies and grannies soup.


I never went to the end of it on the GC, stopped after I got the Chart on that one so felt good doing something "new".


Got all the way to the end without needing a fairy :D (did take both drinks of soup though), was expecting a Heart Piece but got something new to me, haha.



The Hero's Mask I think it was called.... apparently will let me see how much HP an enemy has.... not tried it yet




So have 3 Triforce Charts and 2 Shards now. Will tackle the trifrorce hunt fully tomorrow, but as I said I'm at the moment feeling much better about doing this part now than I was on the GC.


I tried to replay the game on the GC twice after first completing it (few months/year gaps between plays), I put up with the slow sailing of it but when I got to he Triforce Hunt both times I just couldn't push myself to finish it, that part just ruined it for me.


But looking on here replacing most of the Chart locations with the actual Shards feels like it could work cause it was mainly the dechipering and then MORE SAILING that really killed the momentum on me in teh GC game.


But here, less charts to dechiper and the Swift Sail...




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I never went to the end of it on the GC, stopped after I got the Chart on that one so felt good doing something "new".


Weird, they changed it. It used to be a Heart Piece (except the Japanese version who got Rupees at the end :p).

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Got told off yesterday for calling my link "Blade". Does anyone else call their character their own name or do you call your file "Link"


Shame on anyone telling you you have to name your character Link! I have played Zelda games since Ocarina of Time in 98 and always call my character Jonathan, makes it feel so much more epic when they call you "Hero of Time".

Only time I used Link was when me and a mate tried to complete Ocarina in a day, and it was two of us! (Did it in 11 hours if anyone is interested...)


So Wind Waker...just going through the motions at the mo, re acquainting myself with it on normal mode, will do hero mode on second play through when I get to play in the blue top and orange bottoms, always enjoyed that bonus far more than I should have!

I keep thinking how lovely it all looks in HD, but then can't help but think "it's not that different" from the GC. Which says more about the art direction on that version if anything. For the amount of stick it took in 2003, the game has stood the test of time remarkably well!

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Did the Triforce Hunt last night.... actually enjoyed it, was over and done with pretty fast.


I already had the 3 Charts and took them to Tingle to translate for me had well over 2000 rupees so had no issues with money.... I think did they reduce Tingles Fee? I thought I remembered on the GC original it got more expensive with each new Chart? Here it was same price (389 I think?) for all 3 which was cheaper than I was expecting/remembering?

Though if I'm remembering wrong, even 389 times 8 Charts on the original is a bit much.


Also got a bit lucky and noticed after translating the charts the locations for the Shards got marked on the IN-Credible Chart too so didn't have to spend time trying to figure out which islands were shown in the zoomed in charts (though the first was obvious :wink:).... it didn't do that on the GC did it? If it did I didn't notice :heh:


So I went fishing for those 3 first which didn't take long thanks to Swift Sail and then went after the 3 remaining Shards I had left (already had 2 from the other night).... actually I think one of the Shards was on an island next to one of the "Translated Chart/Salvage" Shards so was able to get both of those at same time.


Didn't take too long, enjoyed the little mini dungeons having to fight for the shards and it felt so good after doing that getting the actual Shard then and there and not another Chart like in the original... so glad they changed it. Still would have perfered a new dungeon but this will do as a nice alternative.


Then after getting the completed Triforce of Courage..... wait maybe better spoiler the rest


Went back down under the seas to Hyrule Castle,



Someone is going to PAY for wrecking my house....PAY IN BLOOD



fought the two Mighty Darknuts (got a picture) then was going to go outside when I figured I'd best go back top side and visit a great Fairy. I had full bottles but took some damage in the fight and since I'm playing on Hero Mode figured best go heal before continuing.... had the Mighty Darknut figure made too so just Puppet Ganon left to complete that side quest.


Back down to Hyrule took me a few mins to remember I had to break the barrier with the Master Sword.... for some reason I thought it would fall on it's on when I got close :heh:


Went inside the Tower so and then remembered....damn I have to beat the 4 bosses all over again now :mad:


Did that anyway, made my way up to the next part, did the switch puzzle to let the boat in and open the second portal that leads back topside. Decided to use it to heal back up the few hearts I'd lost, went back down to the Tower and then STUCK.


Couldn't remember what to do next. Thought a door was meant to open in the central room. Went back to the room with the candles, read the stone tablet and for some reason thought the clue about the order of the switchs for the room with the portal also meant I had to defeat the Bosses in the same order to open the way to Ganon.


So yeah, I went back and did all 4 bosses AGAIN in the order indicated for the switches and of course nothing happened :heh:

(I think tiredness was dulling my brain)


Getting frustrated thinking maybe I glitched the game somehow and it is stopping the door from being revealed I jumped into the pit in the candle room expecting to lose a heart thinking "feck it"......and what happens.... that is the path to continue to Ganondorf WTF?


How did I not remember that? I'm pretty sure I didn't have any issue figuring that out on the GC but just couldn't remember it last night.


I was knacked at this stage so decided best save and quit and finish it up tomorrow(or now today I guess) evening. :facepalm:


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I love you. :grin:


I hate you, you filthy, old newb.


Shame on anyone telling you you have to name your character Link! I have played Zelda games since Ocarina of Time in 98 and always call my character Jonathan, makes it feel so much more epic when they call you "Hero of Time".

Only time I used Link was when me and a mate tried to complete Ocarina in a day, and it was two of us! (Did it in 11 hours if anyone is interested...)


I used to name Link 'Link' because it felt like I was playing as the Hero of Time.

Then when I, Beverage, unlocked hero status then I named the Hero that, so I could play as me being the Hero of Time.

Difficult to grasp but there be an meaningful difference.

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And so the Great Sea has been saved from the evil shadow Ganondorf had cast over it. All bow before me, Link, the Hero of Winds!




Yeah just finished of the final section of the game.


The final battle with Ganondorf I have to say was a bit easier than I remembered it being? Don't remember thinking this with teh original but the final fight didn't have the big final feel to it.... only one "phase" (yeah I don't count Puppet Ganon as part of the final battle, it more of a starter course... but even that took me longer than the "main course") and kinda short :heh:


But still enjoyed it :D I'll give more detailed impressions, gonna go sleep in a min :awesome:



One thing slightly annoying me? Is it not possible to complete the Nintendo Gallery figures on the original file? I only have Puppet Ganon left to make, I took a pic of him during the fight but afterwards it wouldn't let me go back, the door was locked? So I just had to push on (or up) to the final showdown.


Is it only possible to get the Puppet Ganon figure made on NewGame+?

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7 heart pieces left and no idea where they are. Just found the Sea Hearts chart so that should make some of them easier to find.


Should have gotten more treasures from the charts earlier since I found a few new charts that would have been useful earlier.

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One of the treasure charts. I think it was the one next to the Boating Course. Also found an Island Heart Chart which I seem to have all of.


Got 1 full heart left or either need 4 more pieces or I missed a heart container from a boss somewhere, gone through most of the treasure charts and I think I got them all. You don't get an extra container from the final Forsaken Forest trip do you?


There's 46 treasure charts in all.




Never mind, found them. 3 where in the last few charts I was missing. The last one was an obvious one just I missed.


Ready for the final battle!

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