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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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This. I mean, I knew everyone here was getting alternate consoles and saying how they were etc but I was thinking even with my venture afield that I'd still play my WiiU from time to time - but I don't think I can be bothered to stomach it. I was thinking this a day or two ago(having not seen this) about whether I'd adopt another Nintendo console - and the honest answer was probably not. They're just so far behind standard that it's ridiculous - the amazing ease of PS4 is ridiculous compared to the struggles I had with Splatoon. The more annoying thing is it's not even the games/gameplay that's the issue, it's just the general infrastructure of it all. Splatoon is amazing as a game imo - but it's niggles really let it down and they're not particularly 'gameplay' ones imo. I was tempted to make an actual thread to discuss whether people would adopt the next gen Nintendo - but ofc a bit too controversial. It feels really mad to think I can feel like this now, because I honestly didn't think I would(despite many of you actually saying I probably would too :p)


This is what annoys me the most. A lot of their games could be elevated to godlike status had their online setup been like the PS4s. Splatoon, Smash, Mario Kart, all would have been far better experiences had you been able to send messages, organise games and talk to people on your friends list. Without these things, I played the games a few times online and then shelved them. It's just too much hassle.


I think a lot of people on here who have now jumped ship may not return to Nintendo due to having a taste of what the other consoles offer. If happened with a few last gen and it's happened with even more this gen.

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I still use my Wii U but, like H-o-T, this year I've been using it mainly for eShop and Virtual Console (which I've really enjoyed, actually!) In terms of retail software, I genuinely don't think Nintendo ever had their priorities right. It may seem surprising that not a huge amount of Wii U owners are buying Splatoon or Mario Maker, but I think it's easy to see those two games as more important than they are. By now we should have had Metroid and Zelda - the latter of which at least would have performed much better.

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Man the 3DS number is actually way lower than I thought it was. It's at the end of its lifespan but I was under the impression it was selling better.


The Wii U number is depressing, but what's even weirder is that Splatoon and Mario Maker have sold about 4.5 million combined. Using a best case scenario, if Wii U owners only purchased either Splatoon OR Mario Maker, that's less than 50% of owners purchasing the biggest games of the year on the console. Of course, it's pretty likely that most people who purchased Splatoon got Mario Maker and vice versa (which makes that worse), but it does make you wonder how active the current Wii U user base is.


Nintendo likely have figures that show how many of the 10 million Wii U owners are actually investing time in their system - it's a shame that we'll never know. I would be very surprised if it was above 5 million.


What's wrong with the numbers? These games aren't out for to long, especially not Mario Maker, which is selling really well and all this before the festive periode. I do think that they have really good chance of achieving at least 4m each, maybe even closer to 5m.


Also, I do think that there are people who aren't interested in some of the games, like I don't really care about Mario Maker and will buy maybe in a year, or two after I get the games a want more and also mostly for my nephews so the can play it.


Maybe I am wrong, but to me it looks like these are really good numbers when it comes to sale of these two games :wtf: .

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Did you ever really believe it would manage GC numbers though? I know a lot of hopefuls were speculating it, but I can't say I recall having the grandest of confidence in it. The problem was...




This. I mean, I knew everyone here was getting alternate consoles and saying how they were etc but I was thinking even with my venture afield that I'd still play my WiiU from time to time - but I don't think I can be bothered to stomach it. I was thinking this a day or two ago(having not seen this) about whether I'd adopt another Nintendo console - and the honest answer was probably not. They're just so far behind standard that it's ridiculous - the amazing ease of PS4 is ridiculous compared to the struggles I had with Splatoon. The more annoying thing is it's not even the games/gameplay that's the issue, it's just the general infrastructure of it all. Splatoon is amazing as a game imo - but it's niggles really let it down and they're not particularly 'gameplay' ones imo. I was tempted to make an actual thread to discuss whether people would adopt the next gen Nintendo - but ofc a bit too controversial. It feels really mad to think I can feel like this now, because I honestly didn't think I would(despite many of you actually saying I probably would too :p)


But surely that's impossible to say. If the problem isn't the games but the infrastructure. Then that's easy to sort, if they fix it and match the others then that huge problem would be eradicated.


If Nintendo release nx without sorting it, they deserve to fail miserably.


On a related note I'm going to try and organise is a splatoon private match night. Stop being a git and get involved.

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But surely that's impossible to say. If the problem isn't the games but the infrastructure. Then that's easy to sort, if they fix it and match the others then that huge problem would be eradicated.



It's not like Nintendo can flick a switch and suddenly they'll have the same capabilities as the others. There's a reason they haven't done it yet and maybe that's down to money, or not having the expertise, or maybe they themselves don't want their online experience to be the same as it is on the other systems.


I'm not very optimistic about Nintendo addressing their issues, so I will 100% not be buying their system at launch. It's one of those things where you're probably better off waiting 6 months after launch and seeing how things play out, seeing if the same mistakes are being made over again.

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But surely that's impossible to say. If the problem isn't the games but the infrastructure. Then that's easy to sort, if they fix it and match the others then that huge problem would be eradicated.


If Nintendo release nx without sorting it, they deserve to fail miserably.


On a related note I'm going to try and organise is a splatoon private match night. Stop being a git and get involved.


Well yeah, that's my point. IF they fix it. But it's a problem that currently exists and we have to deal with; plus as Flink says it isn't just a simple step to suddenly fix either.


As for Splatoon, I a.) can't due to working but b.) why would I? 'Being a git' aside - if I can have the ease of system and social gaming on PS4 compared to the time it takes organising/skyping/communicating on WiiU but only an hour to spend on one or the other, why pick the one that frustrates me more? Even the quality of service seems worse - I've experienced far more network issues on Splatoon in all the hours I put into it than I could really say I have so far on PS4.


But this comes back to my original point of the frustration - all those hours I put into Splatoon. It's a great game, I love/d it and played it ALOT, but the systems around it just aren't cutting it for me now I've gotten used to something else. It will make me, and quite very probably others, think twice before buying products offering the less preferable experience.

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Sony has announced the latest PS4 sales/shipments...


As of September 30th, Sony have shipped 29.3 million units


That's an insane number for a console that has only been out for two years and had no official price cut ( the price cut arrived this month so doesn't factor into these numbers ).


This is a console that was geared towards gamers, marketed towards gamers and comes just as a games machine, without any gimmicks.


With Black Friday/Christmas looming and the Battlefront bundle+Star Wars hype about to hit, things could get even crazier before the end of the year. :D


In Nintendo news...


Nintendo and DeNA Stocks Plummit More Than 10% After Investor Briefing, Lose $2.48 Billion in Market Cap


Nintendo just held its latest investor briefing, announcing to the public that its first mobile title will be delayed to March of next year. In response, Nintendo’s stock has plummeted more than 10%, while DeNA stock lost 17% of its value, the most of any Japanese company in the day. Considering Nintendo’s market share (amount of money invested in the company in total) is about 3 trillion yen right now, this is a loss of about 300 billion yen, or $2.48 billion.



Investors clearly weren't happy with the mobile gaming delay.

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Halo 5 is off to a rough start here in the UK. While it has topped the charts for the week, it has the lowest launch day sales out of a mainline entry in the series so far.



[Week 46, 2004] HALO 2 (MICROSOFT) - 260,000

[Week 39, 2007] HALO 3 (MICROSOFT) - 370,000

[Week 09, 2009] HALO WARS (MICROSOFT) - 65,000

[Week 39, 2009] HALO 3: ODST (MICROSOFT) - 212,000

[Week 37, 2010] HALO: REACH (MICROSOFT) - 390,000


[Week 45, 2012] HALO 4 (MICROSOFT) - 336,000


[Week 44, 2015] HALO 5: GUARDIANS (MICROSOFT) - 150,000


Titanfall wasn't that far behind it when it launched over a year ago and that was a new IP and had a smaller install base to work with. Destiny also did around the same numbers last year.


I think a mixture of other shooters offering something different, the mess that was the MCC and franchise fatigue have caused this. Has the Halo bubble finally burst for MS? It will be interesting to see what sales it has done in the US.

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What was the mess with the MCC?


Tbh I'd put it down(possibly biased) to the general success of the PS4 - I know a few people who jumped ship from Xbox to PS, which I guess actually includes myself too. I definitely know more PS4 owners than XBone owners off the top of my head(even from before I had a PS4). What's the LTD comparisons between the two, if anyone knows?

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What was the mess with the MCC?


Tbh I'd put it down(possibly biased) to the general success of the PS4 - I know a few people who jumped ship from Xbox to PS, which I guess actually includes myself too. I definitely know more PS4 owners than XBone owners off the top of my head(even from before I had a PS4). What's the LTD comparisons between the two, if anyone knows?


The game was completely broken at launch and for many months after. The online wouldn't work properly, achievements were glitched and many glitches popped up during campaign mode. Even now, after MANY patches, the game still isn't right for a lot of players.


The PS4 has shipped just shy of 30 million and the One is kicking around 16 million. The poor Wii U is just over 10.5 million.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Halo 5 is off to a rough start here in the UK. While it has topped the charts for the week, it has the lowest launch day sales out of a mainline entry in the series so far.




Titanfall wasn't that far behind it when it launched over a year ago and that was a new IP and had a smaller install base to work with. Destiny also did around the same numbers last year.


I think a mixture of other shooters offering something different, the mess that was the MCC and franchise fatigue have caused this. Has the Halo bubble finally burst for MS? It will be interesting to see what sales it has done in the US.


Apparently those figures aren't including download version of the games, which might bump it up somewhat as it that sort of game (certainly among my friends at least, they all wanted it pre downloaded and ready to go at midnight!) though by how much, I'm not sure!


MS have just announced the "game and hardware" made them $400 Million, the biggest launch of a Halo yet. Tacking on the hardware figure sounds abit odd to me, so I imagine it may have fallen short of what they hoped for!

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Apparently those figures aren't including download version of the games, which might bump it up somewhat as it that sort of game (certainly among my friends at least, they all wanted it pre downloaded and ready to go at midnight!) though by how much, I'm not sure!


MS have just announced the "game and hardware" made them $400 Million, the biggest launch of a Halo yet. Tacking on the hardware figure sounds abit odd to me, so I imagine it may have fallen short of what they hoped for!


Yeah, adding the hardware as part of the total isn't that encouraging. They've also not said how many copies were actually sold.


Still have my copy waiting to be played. I think I've reached @Happenstance levels of hate for the One now. :D

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Yeah, adding the hardware as part of the total isn't that encouraging. They've also not said how many copies were actually sold.


Still have my copy waiting to be played. I think I've reached @Happenstance levels of hate for the One now. :D


Haha! I'm still thinking we should all chip in for the postage and packaging and organise a console swap between @Happenstance and @dazzybee ;)


Are you regretting double dipping then? I'm still very happy with mine, plenty to play and going back through the MCC at the moment. Looking forward to the new UI and BC in the next few weeks. Plus I'll pick up Guardians when it's down in price in a few months, £30 will likely be my biting point :)

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Are you regretting double dipping then? I'm still very happy with mine, plenty to play and going back through the MCC at the moment. Looking forward to the new UI and BC in the next few weeks. Plus I'll pick up Guardians when it's down in price in a few months, £30 will likely be my biting point :)


Kinda. I'm gonna see how the new UI works out but I will probably get rid of it when I've finished Halo.


Interesting, why do you hate it so much?


The whole thing is very clunky and slow. Voice chat often has an echo for no apparent reason. Installs take an absolute age, something that Phil Spencer admits is a big issue for them. It also doesn't have SKY player for some strange reason, despite the 360 and PS4 having it.


Having a One before a PS4 wasn't that bad because I didn't know any different but once I got a PS4 I find it hard going back to the One.


Another issue is most my mates are now on the PS4. Last gen 360 was the place to be but this gen PS4 is where the regular gaming nights are to be had. My nephew bought one for Gears but sold it last month for all the reasons I stated. He's a MASSIVE Gears fan, and a hell of a player on it, but he just couldn't put up with the console after playing on the PS4 for so long.

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Well this month's NPD (US) results are... interesting to say the least!


Stolen from GAF...


Halo5 935k with bundles included

Assassin's Creed Syndicate 391k


XB1 303k

PS4 275k

Wii U 65k


Halo 5 bombed compared to past mainline titles in the series (sales are 1/3 of what Halo 3 did) and failed to sell hardware in a meaningful way.

The bundle price was really high though so they were really going for those hardcore fans to make money and well...not too many of them.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is an other bomb compared to past mainline titles. This was expected although maybe not to this extent. Ubi dig their grave, they are paying for their sins with Unity, wild annualization leading to franchise fatigue but I might add that they did a bad job at marketing the game, because it's a really good title, similarly to Black Flag but in all their demos they made it look like an unambitious downgrade compared to Unity.

About Sony, they might be pleased that they have weathered through the Halo storm so nicely but they certainly aren't that they are down yoy in a price cut month. Sales are disappointing. We don't know how the PS4 would have sold in October without the price cut (200k?) but right now the question is if they have pushed their sales in November with the Star Wars and COD bundles or if the price cut was really ineffective and they needed something more aggressive. We won't find out this until November...which of course will be...interesting :D



Halo 5 : 1 week of tracking (includes bundles but not digital)

Halo 3 : 2 weeks of tracking

others : 3 weeks of tracking


Keep in mind that the drop in UK for Halo 5 was around 80% for week 2.


That is a catastrophic result for Halo 5 and Assassin's Creed Syndicate! An almost 70% drop from Halo 4 and a 50%+ drop from Unity! Wow! Ubisoft must be sweating bullets, especially with the Vivendi sharks circling them!


Destiny's expansion however has done remarkably well, especially considering that it's highly likely to have stronger digital sales than most titles as the downloadable version is significantly cheaper.


Activision Blizzard's marquee expansion 'Destiny, the Taken King,' successor to the wildly popular 2014 juggernaut 'Destiny,' is an expansion which enjoyed robust physical retail sales in its debut month.


Within the September 2015 U.S. Games Industry NPD Report, the expansion sold 713K unit sales in its debut month. Please note that this figure includes all PlayStation 4 Bundles. Although this is lower than the significant debut of the original 'Destiny,' it has undoubtedly enjoyed a high digital adoption rate that reaches far beyond the 700K sales threshold because the existing owners of the Destiny game are encouraged to upgrade digitally for a lower cost.


In the October 2015 U.S. Games Industry Report that came out on Thursday, Destiny: The Taken King remained Activision Blizzard's best-selling title at U.S. Retail, slightly above the 200K sales threshold. Again, these figures include unit sales for all Bundles.


On the other hand, the original 'Destiny' Software SKU didn't fare nearly as well, selling only a small fraction of 'The Taken King' equivalent.


Seems like Destiny really has eaten up a large chunk of Halo's audience. Bungie really made the right call in leaving the series behind with Microsoft it seems... Also looks like Halo 4 and TMCC did some real damage to the brand...


Interestingly, Yoshi's Wooly World actually outperformed The Uncharted Collection! Considering that YWW hasn't done so great in Europe or Japan, it's a pleasant surprise to see it fare much better in the US :) (the power of Amiibo ;) )


Seemingly it comfortably outperformed DKCTF's first week, going by the discussions going around on GAF. Really surprising, considering the saturation of the 2D platformer genre on Wii U!


Wii U October software sales (in revenue) is up 43% compared to October 2014.


Wii U October hardware sales (in units) are down -5% compared to October 2014.


Hardware is down YoY, but software is up significantly. Really highlights how Nintendo are managing to earn more from a small userbase. Profits over userbase size is clearly their current mantra.




PS4 is down YoY as well. Xbone won this month, but considering that came off the back of the release of their biggest exclusive game of the year, not by as much as you'd think...

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Yeah, I think the days of Halo having significant pulling power are done. The CoD series has taken a portion of the shooter crowd and Destiny has also taken a sizeable portion of them, as well. It doesn't help that the MCC collection was a massive misstep either, leaving the brand somewhat tarnished.


I'm pretty bummed out about the Syndicate sales. It's one of the best Creed games in years, Sadly, the issues with Unity, coupled with the annual releases, have soured a lot of people.


Good to see Wooly World break into the charts. The game deserves some success.

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Just for reference...


Assassin's Creed - 1,357,000

Assassin's Creed 2 - 1,243,000

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - 1,143,000

Assassin's Creed: Revelation - 1,200,000

Assassin's Creed 3 - 2,900,000

No confirmed public numbers for Black Flag, Rogue or Unity


Assassin's Creed Syndicate 391,000


Really shows how bad Syndicate's result is here... Ubisoft are in real trouble if their other pillars can't make up the numbers that their main breadwinner used to bring in. Their burn rate is insane with the sheer army of development staff they throw at their games and they're already starting to make significant losses since the start of this year...


For their sake, they had better hope that The Division, Farcry Primal, Rainbow 6 Siege and the inevitable Watch Dogs 2 end up performing...

Edited by Dcubed
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Really shows how bad Syndicate's result is here... Ubisoft are in real trouble if their other pillars can't make up the numbers that their main breadwinner used to bring in. Their burn rate is insane with the sheer army of development staff they throw at their games and they're already starting to make significant losses since the start of this year...


For their sake, they had better hope that The Division, Farcry Primal, Rainbow 6 Siege and the inevitable Watch Dogs 2 end up performing...


I can't see Rainbow Six bringing in the goods either. There's been very little talk of it and releasing another shooter a few weeks after Battlefront is nuts.


Far Cry Primal is a strange one. They may try and give this a large marketing push in the new year, especially if Rainbow Six does in fact flop.

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I can't see Rainbow Six bringing in the goods either. There's been very little talk of it and releasing another shooter a few weeks after Battlefront is nuts.


Far Cry Primal is a strange one. They may try and give this a large marketing push in the new year, especially if Rainbow Six does in fact flop.


At this point, Far Cry is their biggest franchise now if Syndicate is a anything to go by, so they're sure to give it all they've got.


There's a lot riding on Watch Dogs 2 as well, which will probably come next year. If they were smart they'd give AC the year off and let Watch Dogs 2 take its place for 2016...

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