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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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The vast majority are coming to Wii U, too. Indies are saying that Nintendo are a pleasure to work with. Nintendo are apparently announcing a full line-up of currently in development indie titles at Gamescom or GDC.


I think as this generation ends, the Wii U could be known as the indie machine.


Yes they are saying this and it is great to see, but you have to ask yourself why Curve hasn't released a game on a Nintendo console since Fluidity/Hydroventure/whatever else name it went by, or why Broken Rules isn't releasing Secrets Of Raetikon on Wii U when the assets already exist?


Nintendo appear to be working hard at getting indies on board, and that's great, but the fact so few studios release more than one or two titles suggests, to me at least, at present there's not a good ROI.

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Did you even look at this? The CODs and Fifas of the world may get more press and have bigger advertising budgets, and even do good numbers, but if you look at the amount of games coming out (i.e. Fifa is one game amongst a dozen other sport titles) it is foolish to say that "the majority of games are [bland generic shooters]". Its a bit of a waste of time saying "if Nintendo went third party x would happen" because a) its unlikely to happen and b) we're taking it on the presumption that the market would stay the same when in reality there would be numerous shifts and changes.


Personally I feel that the PS4's recording option (and probably the One's, but I don't know as much about it) has its finger on the zeitgeist much more than anything the GamePad currently does (although it does have untapped potential that would help, but we'll have to see if that gets used). We live in an increasingly social-driven arena (Twitter, FB, Instagram, Vine etc etc) where people are sharing everything they do. You (collective) may not like it, but it is the way that the web has shifted over the years. Now home gamers have an easy way to do it themselves in a similar way PC gamers have done for years. In essence this is what Miiverse does, and does well, but with the added layer of video content that is not only shareable, but easy to do so (ie it is recorded for you, and you can decide after the fact to upload it).


And the One is trying to change the way we interact with games via the Kinect. Yes it existed on the 360, but it seems it was more of a trial run/beta product that has been refined for the One.


You say that the other consoles aren't bringing anything new while the Wii U is, but you seem to be overlooking a lot of what is on offer. Yes, the GamePad has touch controls, motion controls and a camera but so do the other consoles to varying degrees (PS4 doesn't have a pack-in camera but it does exist). The Miiverse is a nice little social network-like tool that allow you to talk about what you're doing, share pictures etc. So do the other consoles (not exactly the same obviously, but a similar concept). I'm curious what exactly you think the Wii U is offering that is new, that the other's aren't?

While those features are nice, they don't really affect gaming. That's why I buy a console, for the games. Not to spam people with videos or posts or expand social media.


Yes they are saying this and it is great to see, but you have to ask yourself why Curve hasn't released a game on a Nintendo console since Fluidity/Hydroventure/whatever else name it went by, or why Broken Rules isn't releasing Secrets Of Raetikon on Wii U when the assets already exist?


Nintendo appear to be working hard at getting indies on board, and that's great, but the fact so few studios release more than one or two titles suggests, to me at least, at present there's not a good ROI.

You'd have to ask those developers. Besides, Nintendo's indie friendly stance is relatively new

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So they aren't an important factor when you're talking about how the industry consists of a 'vast amount of FPS and TPS games'...but they are important when they could effect the status quo of the Wii U?

Pretty much :p


Seriously though, I never said they weren't a factor in the first bit. In fact, I said the opposite. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth.

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While those features are nice, they don't really affect gaming. That's why I buy a console, for the games. Not to spam people with videos or posts or expand social media.


And what about the Wii U does affect gaming then? The games I've played so far are nice, but not exactly new in any sense of the word.



You'd have to ask those developers. Besides, Nintendo's indie friendly stance is relatively new


Their indie-friendly stance isn't relatively new, they've been trying since the launch of the Wii Ware service in 2009 (as it was at the Wii Ware 'launch event' that I interviewed Broken Rules).

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And what about the Wii U does affect gaming then? The games I've played so far are nice, but not exactly new in any sense of the word.





Their indie-friendly stance isn't relatively new, they've been trying since the launch of the Wii Ware service in 2009 (as it was at the Wii Ware 'launch event' that I interviewed Broken Rules).

WiiWare was a joke. There were ridiculous limits in place for both file size, and caps until the developer actually got any of the money.


Wii U's GamePad really changes the way games are played. It makes them more intuitive. Off-TV Play is revolutionary. Even having the screen for inventory makes games less clunky and cumbersome. Then, there are the imaginative uses for it.


We're getting off-topic now.

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Pretty much :p


Seriously though, I never said they weren't a factor in the first bit. In fact, I said the opposite. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth.


You've got to be careful how you speak though.


"Without Nintendo everything would be FPSes" - someone else

"This is true" - you

"Other consoles aren't providing good gameplay experiences...the Wii U is a great indie console" - you


By combining those various statements, and through omission, it could easily be read that Wii U = lots of different games, indie paradise, other consoles = FPSes.


Perhaps its not what you meant, but it is easy to take that reading based on what you have said.


WiiWare was a joke. There were ridiculous limits in place for both file size, and caps until the developer actually got any of the money.


Wii U's GamePad really changes the way games are played. It makes them more intuitive. Off-TV Play is revolutionary. Even having the screen for inventory makes games less clunky and cumbersome. Then, there are the imaginative uses for it.


We're getting off-topic now.


Yes Wii Ware was a joke, but it was Nintendo's attempt at indie gaming. You can't just pretend like indie gaming is new to Nintendo because their first attempted failed.


The GamePad can provide new ways to play. So far it feels like a giant gaming pad. And so far, I'd say Off-TV play feels like a gimmick to me. Its nice to have every once in a while, but its not rocked my world.

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Pretty much :p


Seriously though, I never said they weren't a factor in the first bit. In fact, I said the opposite. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth.


Then how are you worried about the industry stagnating?

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[quote name='Ashley;1599195


The GamePad can provide new ways to play. So far it feels like a giant gaming pad. And so far' date=' I'd say Off-TV play feels like a gimmick to me. Its nice to have every once in a while, but its not rocked my world.[/quote']


Its not even like off TV play is new. The PSP has had remote play for years. Nintendo just made it a key feature and did a better job.

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Ubisoft: next-gen pre-orders performing better than current-gen


Pre-orders for next-gen editions of games including Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag are performing better than their current-gen counterparts, according to Ubisoft's European boss.


Speaking to MCV, Corre said the figures reflect a quicker transition to next-generation consoles than the publisher had expected.


This bodes well. I really think this generation is going to get off to a much faster start than a lot of people expect.

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Every month we have a 1-2 of first party releases


July: Pikmin 3 (Japan and Europe)

August: Wonderful 101 (Japan and Europe), Pikmin 3 (North America)

September: Wonderful 101 (North America), Wind Waker HD (Japan)

October: Wind Waker HD (North America, Europe), Wii Fit U (Japan)

November: Wii Party U (Everywhere), Donkey Kong Country (North America, Europe)

December: Wii Fit U (North America, Europe), Super Mario 3D World (Everywhere)

It's not quite so great if you focus on Europe though:


July: Irrelevant.

August: Wonderful 101.

September: Nothing. :indeed:

October: Wind Waker HD. (Enhanced port of a 10 year old game :heh: so nothing again for a lot of people, myself included. :sad:)

November: Wii Party U, Donkey Kong Country. (Not really interested in either of those. :hmm:)

December: Wii Fit U, Super Mario 3D World.


Looks like it's just gonna be W101 for me until December. Hmm... :blank:

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That isn't strictly true as Nintendo Land did re-enter the UK chart right before Pikmin 3 launched (and Chart Track do include hardware bundled copies in with their figures - so it does mean that hardware sales increased. How much it increased by is a total mystery, though I suspect that the number isn't huge considering that it is no longer in the UK top 40; god only knows about the rest of the EU mind you!)


Round that time was the Amazon & ASDA £199 Premium clearance sale. Going back to liger05's suggestion it would be fair to argue that it was those sales and not the advertising or release of Pikmin 3 which bumped the figures.


It's a shame we'll have to wait until mid October but I'm most interested in the September NPD's and seeing how the other new releases and hardware sales fared against GTA V.

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It's not quite so great if you focus on Europe though:


July: Irrelevant.

August: Wonderful 101.

September: Nothing. :indeed:

October: Wind Waker HD. (Enhanced port of a 10 year old game :heh: so nothing again for a lot of people, myself included. :sad:)

November: Wii Party U, Donkey Kong Country. (Not really interested in either of those. :hmm:)

December: Wii Fit U, Super Mario 3D World.


Looks like it's just gonna be W101 for me until December. Hmm... :blank:


I actually quite enjoyed WPU when I played it. If you often have friends around (because obviously there's no way we can play with people across the world...) it may be worth considering.

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I actually quite enjoyed WPU when I played it. If you often have friends around (because obviously there's no way we can play with people across the world...) it may be worth considering.


The original Wii Party was utterly brilliant! One of the Wii's very best multiplayer games and featured some of the cleverest uses of the Wii Remote out of any game released for the console (that hide and seek game was responsible for so many broken things in our household :laughing:)


Oh and Spot the Sneak? Well that was just...



If Wii Party U is even half as good as the original, it'll be a must have party game! :D


I can't believe that Redshell isn't interested in DKC Tropical Freeze though. I can understand someone being disappointed that Retro Studios wasn't working on an original game or that it doesn't seem to utilise the Gamepad in any significant way (I'd count myself amongst both these groups), but not interested in the game itself? Not even with underwater levels? Dixie Kong? Silly woshie swooshie 3D camera angles? MOTHER FUCKING DAVID WISE COMPOSING MUSIC!?



Edited by Dcubed
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Ubisoft: next-gen pre-orders performing better than current-gen


This bodes well. I really think this generation is going to get off to a much faster start than a lot of people expect.


It certainly is interesting - but I wonder if there's a bias to preordering along with a new console? I do think the PS4 is gonna be a suprising takeoff for some.


October: Wind Waker HD. (Enhanced port of a 10 year old game :heh: so nothing again for a lot of people, myself included. :sad:)


Actually thought this earlier, but totally forgot to address it. For me WW-HD is doing very little - I *might* get it for the sake of a big playthrough one weekend with my mates, but at the moment I'm thinking I wouldn't pay more than £25 for it at any point.


I actually quite enjoyed WPU when I played it. If you often have friends around (because obviously there's no way we can play with people across the world...) it may be worth considering.


This is a very good point. How often do we have the oppurtunity to trot out these 'party' titles? Sure, I've had a decent crack with Nintendoland and my mates; but it's not the sort of thing I'd particularly think about buying. We more made the most of it just because it was there.

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Round that time was the Amazon & ASDA £199 Premium clearance sale. Going back to liger05's suggestion it would be fair to argue that it was those sales and not the advertising or release of Pikmin 3 which bumped the figures.


It's a shame we'll have to wait until mid October but I'm most interested in the September NPD's and seeing how the other new releases and hardware sales fared against GTA V.


Yep and since then Nintendoland hasn't been in the top 40. The needle hasn't moved at all.

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So sick of seeing this kind of post from people on here


it was a generalisation, but makes the point. You have focused on the software comment and not the overall post. Sony in particular are very guilty of blatantly copying Nintendo hardware. I can't believe anybody would play bowling, golf or tennis on a controller after using the Wiimote and without Nintendo these new experiences would not exist. My overall point was that we would end up playing the same games, the same way for ever more.

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Indie devs? No thanks. Some people might be satisfied with that but I'm not. Did I buy a home console or a smartphone? I want proper games from established major developers like the next Resident Evil, Tiger Woods, Pro Evo, GTA and MGS. I don't want mickey mouse titles from some 2 bit developer scraping together money from Kickstarter projects. That's not to say there aren't some good indie titles. Maybe that's just me.

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Indie devs? No thanks. Some people might be satisfied with that but I'm not. Did I buy a home console or a smartphone? I want proper games from established major developers like the next Resident Evil, Tiger Woods, Pro Evo, GTA and MGS. I don't want mickey mouse titles from some 2 bit developer scraping together money from Kickstarter projects. That's not to say there aren't some good indie titles. Maybe that's just me.




Indies are providing new approaches, challenges and experiences that some of the bigger established studios aren't doing.

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Indie devs? No thanks. Some people might be satisfied with that but I'm not. Did I buy a home console or a smartphone? I want proper games from established major developers like the next Resident Evil, Tiger Woods, Pro Evo, GTA and MGS. I don't want mickey mouse titles from some 2 bit developer scraping together money from Kickstarter projects. That's not to say there aren't some good indie titles. Maybe that's just me.


This is the dumbest thing ever. I can't even begin to...


...I mean, just one example off the top of my head, Daylight is an indie game. And it looks a whole league better than Resident Evil. Nor does it look like a smartphone game.


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