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Me and my new bike. Not sure what name I'm going to give it yet. I love it to death. It's amazing.


When I picked it up the guy told me it had never been ridden. It had been used for a photo shoot with a page 3 model and then hung as a decoration in a night club.


It's in amazing condition and has a wicked history to it, one which I am certain to add to. I can't stress how much I love it.


...and I'm not looking too bad in the photos either...apart from the hair....and the gimp expression. :heh:

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(Edit....oooh nice gloves and headphones)


Haha! Thanks! :D


Where the hell are you riding? Pretty nice scenery for a bike ride.


I'm only riding a Raleigh Chopper Mk 3. Only the coolest bike ever made...except maybe the Mk 2.


But this one was in a page 3 shoot so I win. :heh:


Wait...did you steal my gloves?


I bought pink and yellow ones about two months ago. As you can see, mine actually fit. :wink:

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Me and my new bike. Not sure what name I'm going to give it yet. I love it to death. It's amazing.

Call it Arnie. Then you can get to the Chopper with greatness everytime.


Failing that, just call it Chopper. Not only is the name already on the thing, you can use the phrase in a totally innocent way.


I've dubbed my bike "Demon". Mainly because it's on the frame, but I do think I would've called it that anyway. Because it's red and I was part of Demon TV when I got it, etc etc.

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Call it Arnie. Then you can get to the Chopper with greatness everytime.


Failing that, just call it Chopper. Not only is the name already on the thing, you can use the phrase in a totally innocent way.


I've dubbed my bike "Demon". Mainly because it's on the frame, but I do think I would've called it that anyway. Because it's red and I was part of Demon TV when I got it, etc etc.


There is a lot of logic to calling it Chopper. It's definitely on the table.


I think I'm leaning towards 'Jo' because Jo Hicks is the page 3 model who had the shoot with it. :heh:


...or maybe 'Chopper Hicks'. I like the sound of that.


I'll have you know I told Daft about those gloves. Therefore it's my gloves he's stolen. But don't worry, I have an unnatural love of criminals.


Yeah, Paj was my inspiration for the gloves. Good thing too since they're damn cool. I constantly get comments about how everyone loves them. :smile:

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You should ship her off (not because Letty needs to be gotten rid of, but for the pure amusingness. She can pop up at her destination and scare them. Brownie points if she shouts "suprise motherfucker!").


Fun story. I made a girl at work sit in a box once (no idea why...boredom?) and she fell out of it. I mocked her repeatedly all week and got her to do it again and she fell out again. Funtimes.

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