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The suckiest thing is that I want to attend those meetings, but can't for obvious reasons. Only too late did I realise I was in London on vacation the exact week the last meeting took place! >.<'


I feel your pain buddy - problem with n-europe is that it doesn't really seem to be n-europe at all, more n-uk. With mainland Europe being so large I imagine that meet-ups are usually very hard to arrange. Didn't someone try to arrange something to take place in the Netherlands over the summer, if I recall correctly? Was it a success?

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Well you know what tomorrow is....CUNT Club.


We are going to Quasar (poor mans Laser Quest) and then an arcade. :heh::yay:


oh yeah, can't beat a good bit of novelty n-europe mentioning on video.


While i'm here I may as well show off me in a suit, this was from my Grad Ball which was nearly 2 years ago now :(




and yeah I do look like I work for Ill Gnosh in Hollyoaks :D

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